PortaTree Eliminator Super 2000 User Manual

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Eliminator Competition Software Manual - Firm Ver 4.11
The software that you have is Keyed into the Eliminator Competition so you can only use and work with Results that are produced with the Eliminator Competition you have been assigned. An error message will appear on the screen that says “Results Database is not synchronized to this Program” if you try to access a different database.
Program Paths
The program paths screen wlll be brought up automatically the first time you enter the program at the beginning of the day. It will prompt you to make sure that the paths are set appropriately. This is an important program because this is where you point to all of the files used by the Post Process Program. You can create or copy a Racer.db and Category.db file in this program to any folder on the computer. The paths program will not create any new folders.