Portal 724 MX724BT User Manual

A side
Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor
Quick Start Guide
Thanks f or bu ying our Up per Arm Bloo d Pressur e Mon itor
Please r ead t his instr uction be fore use th is mo nitor
The impo rta nt Instru ctions sh ould be lea rne d before us e
Struct ure a nd Instru ction】 【Upper Arm B loo d Pressur e Monitor
Power /Fu nction Button
Main un it
Take off the U SB rubber c over, then y ou' ll find the USBin ter face for ch arging
Note: pl eas e make the US B rubber co ver well ke pt.
Displa y
Sys tolic pressure indicator display
Diastolic pressure indicator display
Pulse in dic ator displa y
Battar y sta tus indica tor
Press un it
Pulse symbol
Pulse un it
Blueto oth s tatus indica tor
The impo rta nt Instru ctions sh ould be lea rne d before us e The impo rta nt Instru ctions sh ould be lea rne d before us e】 【 Instru cti on of Symbo l
Under th e tab le of Warnin g and C aution gl yph is main ly to alert th e use r to the prop er and safe u se of this pr odu ct, to preven t dam age cause d by misuse o r harm the us er an d others .
sym bol
Indicates wrong use may cause casualties
Indicates wrong use may cause casualties
Indicates a general prohibition (which d oes no t allow things)
Indicates a general mandatory (that must comply with the thing)
Sym bol Means BF Application
Sym bol Means class II equipment
Electronic Information Products Pollution cont rol Sym bol, indicates safety and environmental
protection use period of the product is 10 years.
Produc t A ppl ication
Suitab le fo r: at least 1 2 years of ag e or older pe opl e
(does no t app ly to newbo rns)
Usage: M eas uring blo od pressu re (systo lic , diastol ic)
and puls e
Positi oni ng the Pres sure Cuff
Positi oni ng the pres sure cuff : “ ”Positi oning the
pressu re cu ff, “ ”S ymbol tow ard t he sho uld er.
The bloo d pre ssure mon itor can be m easured i n eit her
upper ar m, ho wever, sin ce there is a l ittle dif ference i n blood pr ess ure betwe en the left a nd right ar ms, s o be sure to al way s use the sam e arm for mea suremen t.
Approx ima tely 1-2c m from the in side of elb ow to t he
edge of th e cuff
Fastne ss of t he cuff and arm: Th e max gap bet ween the
arm and cu ff are not mo re than one fi nge r width; th ere is no gap be twe en the cuff and arm w hen m ost tight , but comfor tab le cuff is wrappe d aro und the arm .
Place th e blo od pressu re monito r display i n fro nt of your
eyes, th en yo u can see it ea sily.
Proper p ost ure for tak ing a measu rement
Take off your c oat, sweater or thick clothes, bare your upper arm or
Str etch your back Sit on the chair
The best height o f
chair betwee n table is 25-30c m
leave the thin clothes.
Make the centre of the
pre ssure cuff a t the sa me
height as your heart
Take measu rem ents whil e sit in a rela x and quiet
enviro nme nt; befor e taking me asureme nts , take 2 or 3 deep bre ath s and relax t o stabliz e blood pre ssu re; also sit quie tly f or about 4- 5 minutes b efore tak ing
measur eme nts.
When mea sur ing elbow s on the tabl e, palms up .
Using th e sam e arm to meas ure your bl ood press ure a t
the same t ime e very day Please d o not l et the cuff is infla ted l ong-ter m
NoteIn : the f ollowin g situati ons, accu rat e measure ments
cannot b e cor rect. Immedi ate ly after ex ercisin g or taking a b ath ; In cold or hot pla ces ; In a moving v ehicle. Within 1 h our o f smoking o r drinkin g alcohol , coffee and blac k tea . Incorr ect p osture, u nstable m ood durin g the measur eme nt.
Taking, mo vin g body, a rm, or bend fi ngu res durin g the meas ure ment.
Using mo bil e phone or ot her sourc es of
electr oma gnetic ra diation d uring the m eas urement Taking mea sur ement con tinuous ly (betwe en tw o measur eme nts shoul d be space 2- 3 minutes ) Arrhyt hmi a patient s may have a gr eater imp act o n the meas ure ment resu lts
NoteIn : For t he measur ement res ults do not o ver ly rely
on their o wn ju dgment, b e sure to acc ept the doctor 's gu idance.
Operat ion I nstruct ion
Be prepa red a ccordin g to the corr ect metho d des criped
earlie r. Click “ ” bu tto n, the disp layed by de fault wil l sho w the
last use r of th e measure d data afte r whole was o ut. Click: “ ” b utt on, the dis play show s “0 mmHg” ,
follow ed by a n air pump to i nflate the c uff autom aticall y, after th e end o f discour aged infla table exh aus t valve will aut oma tically l adder, in th is proces s, bl ood pressu re an d pulse rat e can be meas ured.
When mea sur ement has b een compl eted, the b loo d
pressu re an d pulse dat a will be dis played on s cre en. Take off the c uff, p ress “ ” butt on fo r 5 seconds , the
monito r wil l be turn off.
Note: Wh en th e monitor w orking, t he “ ” symbol i s
always fl ash ing.
Emerge ncy s top durin g measure ment
During t he me asureme nt, if the us er feels di sco mfort or other re aso ns need to in terrupt t he measur eme nt, you can hold dow n the “ ” b utton for 5 s econds an d then rele ase it, then t he mo nitor wil l go off a nd au to exhaus t, and also can remo ve th e cuff d irectly.
Instru cti on of turn off auto mat ically fu nction
The moni tor w ith auto tu rn off f unc tion, whe n the monit or will tur n off autom aticall y aft er keep 2 min utes stil l status at the sym bol “ ” fl ashing.
Instru cti on of batte ry status i ndicato r
The moni tor b uilt-in r echarge able lith ium b attery, when the batt ery p ower is les s than the pr eset valu e mon itor, the batt ery s ymbol “ ” wil l be displa yed as “red ”. If t he defaul t sta tic in the bo ot under th e battery s ymb ol is displa yed a s “red”, yo u need to imm ediatel y USB c harging cable an d out put in the bo x for DC 5V 1A mob ile phone charge r is co nnected , and then ch arging ca ble 's small plug int o the m achine' s USB port fo r chargin g, wh en chargi ng th e battery s ymbo is dis played as “ whi te” and “flicke r” wh en the batt ery symbo l to “Alway s” (a bout two hours) , ind icates th at the batt ery is alre ady f ull.
Cautio n: 1. Continu ous charg ing canno t mor e than a
week, si nce o verchar ging may sh orten batter y lif e.
2.If the p rod uct willn ot be used fo r a long time , batter y lif e may be shor tened and r educed perfor man ce, it may ca use the bat tery to malfun cti on or cause a fi re or explo sion. Please r ead the care a nd ma intenan ce
3.Plea se ma ke the USB ru bber cove r well kept.
B side
Blood pr ess ure statu s classifi cation st and ard
Below is W orld Heal th Organi zat ion (WHO) , the Intern ati onal Soci ety of Hype rtensio n blo od pressu re (ISH) de vel oped clas sificati on standa rds .
Max hype rte nsion ( mmHg )
80 85 90 10 0 11 0
-The mos t app ropriat e blood pre ssure
(Target va lue )
-Norma l blo od pressu re
-Norma l hyp ertensi on
-Mild hy per tension
-Moder ate h yperten sion
-Sever e hyp ertensi on
Referr ing t o WHO / ISH blo od pressu re classi fica tion
Hypote nsi on has no cle ar definit ion, gene ral ly think th at
the syst oli c blood pre ssure les s than 100m mHg
(1999 re vis ed)
Lowest h ypo tension
( mmHg )
(13.3k Pa) f or hypote nsion.
Note: Abo ve sy mbol is for r eferenc e only, plea se
be sure to a cce pt the doct or's guid ance.
Tro ublesho oting
The foll owi ng table is a c ommon fau lt and poss ibl e error codes wi ll be d isplaye d in the cour se may enco unt er, as well as ca use s, exclud e the metho d, if they ar e con sistent with the s itu ation in us e can be hand led with re fer ence to the appr opr iate meth od.
Common fault
Pre ss“ ”b utton, the m onitor cannot work
Blood pressure value is
abnormally high or low
Measurement values are differe nt wit h each measurement
Fau lt code
Caution: Please consult the distributor when faced with th e
Causat ion Soluti on
Battery voltage is
low or exhausted
The c uff ha s been wrapped incorrectly
Incorrect position
unstable mood
Wea r too th ick clothes
Infl uence d by env ironm ental f actor s
Note: Blood pressure is dynamic, so the
results of each measurement has some differe nces
Ove r pressure, measurement object measured data exceeds the measurement range
Whe n measuring the detected signal is too
Measurement overtime
Sys tem error
Exc essive movement
(with signal interference, etc.)
Air leakage
Pre ssure error Restart and re-test
above conditions or malfunction can not be exclu ded in th e process of using the monitor.
Charging power
Please read the relative
chapter careful
The c uff is w rapp ed too l oosely or not
wrapped around the upper arm
Check the cuff fo r leaks, then re-test
aft er have a rest
Restart the monitor,
then re-test
Please stay quietly
when measured
Check the cuff is l eak
air or not
Care and M ain tenance
Produc t spe cificati on
Care and M ain tenance
To avoid dam age t o the unit by t he accura cy and secu rit y measur eme nts, plea se observ e the follo win g:
The cuff b alloon co ntainin g hig hly airti ght, use ca ution, do not fol d, pu ll, twist b alloon.
After ea ch us e, please k eep the mon itor and access ori es tidy and p roperly p laced, av oid s trong force to t he un it (such as d ropping t he unit on th e floo r).
Don't pu t the m onitor an d accesso ries in hig h temper atu res, high h umidity, d ust or dire ct sunlig ht enviro nme nt.
When cle ani ng the main u nit, plea se wipe it wi th a so ft, dry clot h, if n ecessar y dampene d with wate r or a neutra l det ergent, t horough ly wrung an d the n wipe, do not put it i nto t he water to w ash or use be nzine, thinne r, gas oline, et c. to wipe.
Don't mo ist en the cuff or don' t was h the cuff with wat er Don't at tem pt to disas semble or r epair the u nit
If the pro duc t is not used f or above 6 mo nth, plea se chargi ng th e battery a nd place it v ery well. E ach 6 month sh oul d check the p ower of the b attery, if t he power is e xha ust, char ging it ver y well in tim e.
Produc t spe cificati on
1.Techni cal speci fica tion
Pro duct Name
Pro duct Model
Method of
Acc uracy
Equipment operation mode
Electrical safety
Device type
Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor
MX- 724BT
Osc illographic system
Digital LED Blood pressure: 20~300 mm Hg(2 .7~4 0 kPa)
Pulse: 40~199/min
Blood pressure: ±3 mmHg0.4kPa) Pulse: ±5% of display reading
Int ermittent operation mode
Sym bol Means BF Application
Sym bol Means class II equipment
Produc t spe cificati on
Pre ssure sensor
Pre ssurization method
Exh aust mode
Auto turn off
Measurement period
Method of charging
Charging time
Wei ght
Arm d imension
Note: Th e above spe cificati ons a re subjec t to change
2.Oper ati on/tran sportat ion/ stor age e nvironm ent
Ope ration Environment
Tra nspo rtat ion and storage environment
Guide of o per ation und er electr omagnet ic en vironme nt
When the m oni tor works w ith other d evices ma y cau se electr oma gnetic in terfere nce, if int erf erence ph enomena occur wh en yo u use them, y ou should c heck the wo rk enviro nme nt to ident ify sourc es of inter fer ence and ta ke the foll owi ng measur es to elimi nate the in ter ference :
Changi ng th e directi on of the int erferen ce de vice
Increa se th e interfe rence bet ween the de vic e and the
monito r Close th e int erferen ce device
Resistive pressure sensor
Automatic pressurized inflation
Automatic pressure release, stepped deflation “ ”sy mbol is flash, the static time can be 2
Fro m press “ ” button to start the measurement to di splay the data needs 45 seconds
built-in 3.7V 800mAh rechargable Li battery
Wit h output DC5V/1A USB Cable for charging
About 2 hours
The m ain unit + cuff +Li ba tter y tota l is app rox: (Ap prox)263g
Main unit: (Approx) 140.5 length x 56.3 width x 33 height (mm)
withou t not ice.
Ope ration temperature : +5~+40, Humidity: 15%~80% RH, Atm ospheric pressure:80~105 kPa, avoid electromagnetic interference, vibratio n, dust, noise and large environment
Temperature: -20~+55, Humidity: 15%~80% RH, No cold agglutination phenomenon, Atm ospheric pressure: 80~105 kPa, avoid high temperatures, high humidity, direct sunlight, dusty, an d caus tici ty gas
con ditions, and may shake, bump environment
change s or mo dificati ons not exp ressly ap pro ved by the party re spo nsible fo r complia nce
could vo id th e user's au thority t o operate t he eq uipment .
This equ ipm ent has bee n tested an d found to co mpl y with the limi ts fo r a Class B dig ital
device , pur suant to pa rt 15 of the FC C Rules. Th ese limit s are desi gne d to provid e
reason abl e protect ion again st harmfu l int erferen ce in a reside nti al instal lation. T his equip ment gene rates, us es and can ra dia te radio fr equency e nergy and , if no t instal led a nd used in ac cordanc e with the in str uctions , may caus e har mful inte rferenc e to radio co mmu nicatio ns. Howeve r, the re is no guar antee tha t interfe ren ce will not occur in a p art icular in stallat ion.
This dev ice c omplies w ith Part 15 o f the FCC Rul es. Operat ion i s subject t o the follo wing two co ndi tions: (1) this d evi ce may not ca use harmf ul interf ere nce (2) this d evi ce must acc ept any int erferen ce re ceived, includ ing i nterfer ence that m ay cause un des ired operat ion .
If this eq uip ment does c ause harm ful inter fer ence to rad io or telev isi on, which c an be deter mined by tu rni ng the equipm ent o ff and o n, the user i s enc ouraged t o try to correc t the i nterfre nce by one or m ore of the fo llo wing measur es:
-Reori ent o r telocat e the recei ving ante nna .
-Incre ase t he separa tio betwe en the equi pme nt and receiv er.
-Conne ct th e equipme nt into an ou tlet on a cir cui t diff erent from tha t to wh ich the rec eiver is co nnected .
-Consu lt th e dealer or a n experie nced radi o/T V technic ian for help .
Portal 7 24, L LC 275 Hart z Way, Su ite 105, Se caucus, N J 07094 U.S .A
Size375X140 mm
Note: Instructions for the folding tail A plane is the B-side of the head