6 7
also obser ve the legal regulatio ns of your country
when using you r bike off-road. We would also like
to remind you to treat t he environment with c are and
only travel on pave d paths and roads.
Your bike should only b e used in accordanc e with
the ‘Proper Use’ se ction of this manual, inc luding
the guidance o n overloading the bike. T he warranty
detailed at p. 72 wil l not cover claims resul ting from
overloading th e bike.
Familiarise yo urself with the techn ical terms which
are used throug hout this owner’s manual a nd which
appear on the ove rview page for your b ike.
Please note that th is owner’s manual does not explain
how to assemble t he bike from the individ ual parts or
prepare a par tially-assembled bike so that it is road
Store this owner’s ma nual in a safe place so tha t you
can properl y perform all func tional checks at any tim e.
Parents should e xplain the contents of th e instructions
to children, who m ay not understand the ow ner’s
Dear customer,
Congratulati ons on your purchase of th e new
Porsche Drive r’s Selection bike. It is a high- end product.
This owner’s manu al provides informati on on the safe
use and proper m aintenance of your Pors che Bike.
Please take tim e to carefully read throu gh the owner’s
manual before y our first trip. It will ad vise you of the
risks and haz ards associated wit h improper use of the
It is not possibl e to describe all nece ssary work on
your bike in detai l in this manual. For this r eason, we
would like to ask you to u se the enclosed docu ments
or visit the web sites of our component manufacturers.
Proper care an d maintenance are impo rtant for your
bike; they are esse ntial for proper func tioning and
optimal performance.
This owner’s manu al cannot train you in the s kills of
a bike mechanic. Fu rthermore, some of th e work steps
require spec ial tools. The followin g therefore applies:
Please consu lt the bike specialis t of your choice or the
Porsche Bike hotl ine for information on m aintenance
or repair work.
Because our b ikes undergo continu ous development,
the shape, spec ification, configu ration and engineer ing
of your bike may not be a s illustrated or descr ibed in
this manual. Par ts on the bike are someti mes optional
or vary depe nding on legal requi rements or on the
country in wh ich the bike is sold. Shou ld your bike be
fitted with an y parts which are not d escribed in this
manual, the Pors che Centre who sold the bike to
will be glad to prov ide information conc erning
operation and care of such parts. Be cause of different
legal requir ements in individua l countries, the
parts on
your bike may vary s lightly from that desc ribed
in this
manual. Porsch e shall not be liable for a ny errors or
omission wit hin this manual.
The Porsche Bi ke is a virtually 100 % pre-assembl ed
bike. Nonethele ss, we recommend that y ou check all
functions bef ore riding the bike.
Always use suit able protective clothin g such as a
helmet, gloves a nd glasses.
When using pub lic roads, please chec k the regulations
in your countr y and adapt your bike to meet these
requirement s. Please observe th e traffic regulatio ns
that apply for ro ad traffic and ride w ith care so as not
to endanger you rself or other road use rs. You should
Introduction Safety notes in the owner’s manual
The following t ypes of safety notes a re used in this
owner’s manual.
Severe inju ry or death. Fai lure to observe safet y
notes in the catego ry ‘Danger’ may resu lt in severe
injury or de ath.
There is a ri sk of damage to pro perty. Failure to
observe safe ty notes in the categor y ‘Please Note’
may result in da mage to the bike.
Risk of inju ry or death. Fail ure to observe safet y
notes in the catego ry ‘Warning’ may resu lt in severe
injury or de ath.
Additional in formation, tips and notes a re marked
with the word ‘Infor mation’. Please carefully re ad
and observe t he information provid ed.
Risk of mode rate or minor in jury. Failure to
observe safe ty notes in the categor y ‘Caution’ may
result in mode rate or minor injury.
This owner’s manua l complies with the follow ing
– EN 14764, 14765, 14766, 14872
– CPSC 16 CFR 1512
– AS/NZS 1927
– BS 6102, part 1
– JIS D 9301
– GB 3565
– ISO 4210, ISO 8098
We at Porsche wis h you an enjoyable ri ding experience
with your new bike.