Porsche bike rs, Porsche bike, Porsche bike rx Assembly Instructions Manual

Assembly instructions for the Porsche Bike RX, the Porsche Bike RS and the Porsche Bike
Porsche Driver’s Selection
Porsche Bike RX
Porsche Bikes
Porsche Bike RS Porsche Bike
4 5
Brakes 33
Checking you r brakes 34 Brake chafing 35
Derailleur 36
Derailleur 36 Changing gea rs 37 Checking an d adjusting the derail leur 38 Gear hubs 41 Adjusting gea r hubs 41 Inside beari ng and cranks 41 Chain 42 Bike belt drive 43
Wheels an d tyres 46
Mounting the wh eels 48
Flat tyr es 49
Removing ty res 51 Mounting the t yre 51 Mounting the wh eel 52
Introduction 06 Import ant notes on the fr ame 12
Important n otes on carbon as a work m aterial 12
Every tim e before you use you r bike 14
Quick relea ses or quick release a xles 14 Wheels and t yres 15 Brakes 15 Peda ls 16 Handlebars , stem and suspension f ork 16 Seat height an d position 17 Checking the bolted connections 17 Biking on pub lic roads 17
What to che ck after a crash 20
Wheels and t yres 20 Handlebars and front fork 21 Derailleur 21 Further steps 22
Further important instructions for your Porsc he Bike 23 Handling the quick releases or quick re lease axles 24
Securely mou nting the wheels and seat post 24
Proper use 27 Legal requirements regulating the use on pu blic roads 28
Mounting the ref lectors 28
Notes on saf e use on public roa ds 31
Tips for using p ublic roads 31
Notes on of f-road cycling 32
Headset 5 3
Adjusting Ahe ad-set headsets 54
Suspens ion fork 55
Positioning th e DT Swiss XMM Fork 55 Positioning th e SR Suntour NCX D-Lo Fork 55 Negative spri ng travel 55 When riding 56 Special ‘Lock Out’ function 56 Damping adju stment [ DT Swiss XM M Fork only
Adjusti ng the bike to the us er 57
Adjusting the se at height 57 Adjusting the ha ndlebars and stem 61 Stem 61 Handlebars 63 Brake and shif ter grips 63
Transporting gear/children 64 Transport ing the bike by car 6 5 Transport ing the bike by air 67 Proper clothing 68
Bike helmets 68 Earphones 68 Glasses 68
Additional information 68 Inspections 69 Care inst ructions 70
Additional ca re instructions for ca rbon 71
Theft protection 72 Storing yo ur bike 73 Warrant y terms 74
Terms of the manufact urer’s warranty 74 Settlement of warranty claims 74 Exclusion of wa rranty claims 75
Warrant y, wear, brake pads 76
Warra nty 76 Wear 76 Brake pads 76
Questions on a ssembly, adjustments an d use
Porsche Bi kes contact and s ervices 77 Maintenance and service plan 78 Recommended tightening torques 80
Screw tightenin g torques [ general ] 83
Component manufacturer websites 84
6 7
also obser ve the legal regulatio ns of your country when using you r bike off-road. We would also like to remind you to treat t he environment with c are and only travel on pave d paths and roads.
Your bike should only b e used in accordanc e with the ‘Proper Use’ se ction of this manual, inc luding the guidance o n overloading the bike. T he warranty detailed at p. 72 wil l not cover claims resul ting from overloading th e bike.
Familiarise yo urself with the techn ical terms which are used throug hout this owner’s manual a nd which appear on the ove rview page for your b ike.
Please note that th is owner’s manual does not explain how to assemble t he bike from the individ ual parts or prepare a par tially-assembled bike so that it is road worthy.
Store this owner’s ma nual in a safe place so tha t you can properl y perform all func tional checks at any tim e.
Parents should e xplain the contents of th e instructions to children, who m ay not understand the ow ner’s manual.
Dear customer,
Congratulati ons on your purchase of th e new Porsche Drive r’s Selection bike. It is a high- end product.
This owner’s manu al provides informati on on the safe use and proper m aintenance of your Pors che Bike. Please take tim e to carefully read throu gh the owner’s manual before y our first trip. It will ad vise you of the risks and haz ards associated wit h improper use of the product.
It is not possibl e to describe all nece ssary work on your bike in detai l in this manual. For this r eason, we would like to ask you to u se the enclosed docu ments or visit the web sites of our component manufacturers. Proper care an d maintenance are impo rtant for your bike; they are esse ntial for proper func tioning and optimal performance.
This owner’s manu al cannot train you in the s kills of a bike mechanic. Fu rthermore, some of th e work steps require spec ial tools. The followin g therefore applies: Please consu lt the bike specialis t of your choice or the Porsche Bike hotl ine for information on m aintenance or repair work.
Because our b ikes undergo continu ous development, the shape, spec ification, configu ration and engineer ing of your bike may not be a s illustrated or descr ibed in this manual. Par ts on the bike are someti mes optional or vary depe nding on legal requi rements or on the country in wh ich the bike is sold. Shou ld your bike be fitted with an y parts which are not d escribed in this manual, the Pors che Centre who sold the bike to
will be glad to prov ide information conc erning
correct operation and care of such parts. Be cause of different legal requir ements in individua l countries, the
parts on
your bike may vary s lightly from that desc ribed
in this manual. Porsch e shall not be liable for a ny errors or omission wit hin this manual.
The Porsche Bi ke is a virtually 100 % pre-assembl ed bike. Nonethele ss, we recommend that y ou check all functions bef ore riding the bike.
Always use suit able protective clothin g such as a helmet, gloves a nd glasses.
When using pub lic roads, please chec k the regulations in your countr y and adapt your bike to meet these requirement s. Please observe th e traffic regulatio ns that apply for ro ad traffic and ride w ith care so as not to endanger you rself or other road use rs. You should
Introduction Safety notes in the owner’s manual
The following t ypes of safety notes a re used in this owner’s manual.
Severe inju ry or death. Fai lure to observe safet y
notes in the catego ry ‘Danger’ may resu lt in severe injury or de ath.
There is a ri sk of damage to pro perty. Failure to observe safe ty notes in the categor y ‘Please Note’ may result in da mage to the bike.
Risk of inju ry or death. Fail ure to observe safet y notes in the catego ry ‘Warning’ may resu lt in severe injury or de ath.
Additional in formation, tips and notes a re marked with the word ‘Infor mation’. Please carefully re ad and observe t he information provid ed.
Risk of mode rate or minor in jury. Failure to observe safe ty notes in the categor y ‘Caution’ may result in mode rate or minor injury.
This owner’s manua l complies with the follow ing standards:
– EN 14764, 14765, 14766, 14872 – CPSC 16 CFR 1512 – AS/NZS 1927 – BS 6102, part 1 – JIS D 9301 – GB 3565 – ISO 4210, ISO 8098
We at Porsche wis h you an enjoyable ri ding experience with your new bike.
16 1
8 9
In Detail: The Porsche Bike RX/RS
1 Brake lever 2 Shifter le ver 3 Brake calliper [ rea r
4 Brake disc [ rea r
] 5 Rear quick r elease 6 Pedal crank 7 Brake calliper [ fro n t
8 Brake disc [ fro n t
] 9 Bike RX susp ension fork/Bike R S rigid fork 10 Rear f ork 11 Rims 12 Ty res 13 Seat 14 Se at post 15 Sea t quick release 16 Stem 17 Handle bars 18 Headset 19 Front wh eel quick release 20 Chain rings 21 Derailleur 22 Chain 23 Rear derailleur 24 Sprocket 25 Pedals 26 Inside bea ring 27 Seat tube 28 Top tube 29 Seat stay 30 Chainstays 31 Downpipe 32 Steerer tube 33 Dropouts
10 11
In Detail: The Porsche Bike
1 Brake lever 2 Shifter le ver 3
Brake callipe r [ rear ]
Brake disc [ rear ] 5 Nut 6 Pedal crank 7
Brake callipe r [ front ] 8
Brake disc [ front ] 9 Suspension fork 10 Rear f ork 11 Rims 12 Ty res 13 Seat 14 Se at post 15 Sea t quick release 16 Stem 17 Handle bars 18 Headset 19 Front wh eel quick release 20
Front pulley [ front ] 21 Belt 22 Pulley [ rea r
] 23 Pedals 24 Gear h ub 25 Side/center kickstand 26 Eccentric i nside bearing 27 Seat tube 28 Top tube 29 Seat stay 30 Chainstays 31 Downpipe 32 Steerer tube 33 Dropouts
12 13
Avoid exposing th e carbon componen ts to extreme heat such as su nlight inside a vehicl e. Do not have your frame or fr ont forks repainted or po wder coated as this produce s excessive temperatu res, which may damage or des troy the components.
sensitive to pre ssure when using cla mps [ e.g. seat and deraille ur clamp ]. Always use a torqu e wrench and observe t he specified tighte ning torques [
see ‘Recommended tighte ning torques’, p. 80 ].
Keep the carbo n contact surface s free of grease. Use special c arbon fitting lub ricant [ available at bike specialist s hops ]. Never clamp th e carbon frame into an assembly r ack or roof rack when tra nsporting it. Only use the sad dle support for thi s providing it is not made of carbon.
Import ant notes on carb on as a work materia l
Please note that th e work materials, car bon and aluminium, re act differently wh en damaged. Unlike aluminium, ca rbon does not exhibi t dents or other deformation w hen overloaded [ typical signs of damaged aluminium ]. Damages to car bon most often occur on the inside [ splitting ]. After a crash, it is imperativ e that the frame or the fro nt forks are inspected by a bi ke specialist of your ch oice or at an authorized Por sche dealership fo llowing coordinati on with the Porsch e Bike hotline and to replac e them in the event of dam age to the carbon struct ure. If damaged, a ca rbon component may s uddenly fail.
In the event of a fib re fracture, please be c areful when handling the m aterial, the fine carb on fibres pose a risk of injur y.
Carbon compo nents may never be worked back into shape if dama ged. Instead immediate ly replace the damaged component.
Damages to the pa int should be repaire d immediately to prevent the mater ial from absorbing m oisture as this may negativ ely influence the ma terial propertie s.
Please keep in m ind that the material is p articularly
Important notes on the frame
Damage to th e frame due to exce ss stress, accidents or crashes.
A damaged fra me may
suddenly fai l and cause a crash. Con tact the Porsche Bike hotl ine if the Porsche fra me is damaged and after an ac cident or crash.
Material fatigue of carbon components. Heavily stressed car bon components suc h as the handlebars, stem and seat pos t are subject to materia l fatigue just like other co mponents made of meta l work materials. Rep lace the carbon com ponents according to the specific ations in the maintena nce and service schedule [ see page 78
Use of damag ed carbon comp onents. If carbo n frames, forks o r other carbon compo nents produce cracking sou nds or if white cracks, in dents, dents or discolorat ion can be seen, they may n o longer be used. Damage d carbon component s can suddenly fail and cause a cra sh. Immediately repla ce any damaged carbon components.
Porsche Bike fr ames are hand made fro m high-end aluminium al loys or carbon and can handle loads typical for t heir intended use [ see ‘Proper use’, p. 27 ].
14 15
Every time before you use your bike
Please ensure t hat you only use the bike as de scribed in the chapter ‘Prop er use’. Please take note of the intended use as i ndicated in this chapter a nd the maxi­mum overall weig ht of your bike.
It is importa nt that you inspect your b ike each time before usin g it to ensure that it is functi oning properly. As a minim um you should complete the fol lowing checks:
Quick release
Please check the quick releases o r quick release ax le [
Bike RX ] on the front whe el axle, the rear whe el axle
and on the seat po st.
Check to make sure t he wheels are secure ly mounted and that the seat c annot be twisted.
Wheels and tyres
Check that the t yres and wheels are i n good condi­tion. Check the t yre pressure with a pr essure gauge. The air press ure may drop if the bike is not u sed for prolonged pe riods or as the result o f transport.
Make sure that both w heels spin freely a nd check the wheels’ radi al run-out. Wheel r un-out may be attributed to de fects in the tyres, the s pokes or hub.
Before using the bike for the first time, ch eck the brakes. First c heck the location of the hand brake lever. In countries w ith right-hand traff ic, Porsche Bikes are
shipped such that the left brake leve r controls the front wheel br ake and the right the rea r wheel brake. In countries w ith left-hand traff ic, Porsche Bikes are shipped such that the right brake lever controls the front bike brake a nd the left brake lever t he rear wheel brake. Determin e the location of the fron t and rear wheel brake lev ers.
Hydraulic disc brakes are very eff ective and it is easy to overestimate how m uch pressure is need ed to activate them. For t his reason, you should te st their effectiven ess on a level, non-slip t rack that is removed from road traff ic. Please read the cha pter ‘Brakes’ on p. 33 carefull y.
Sudden braking. Accidentally appl ying the front wheel brake may c ause a crash. Familia rise yourself with the locati on of the front and rear wh eel brake levers.
Impaire d braking or bra ke failure. Defect ive or broken brakes may c ause serious accid ents. Check the function of th e brakes each time before u sing the bike.
For this reason, yo u should be absolutely s ure to inspect your bi ke each time before using i t.
Loose components. If quick rele ases are not closed securely, compo nents may loosen and ca use a crash. Check to make sure a ll quick releases a re secure and if necessar y, clamp them tight.
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Every time before you use your bike
Please use an M 6 or M8 Allen key, dependin g on the pedal type, to m ount the pedals. Before you screw the pedals into the c rank threading, appl y a small amount of assembly gr ease. When screwing th e pedals into place, please ke ep in mind that the righ t side of the pedal has a rig ht-hand thread [ tightened clockwise ] and the left pe dal side has a left-ha nd thread [ tig h te n counterclockwise ]. The pedals ar e labelled ‘R’ for the
Porsche Bikes a re supplied with dif ferent pedal systems as stand ard. Either flat or cli ck pedals are used.
right pedal a nd ‘L’ for the l eft pedal. Consult t he table ‘Recommend ed tightening torques’ on p. 8 0 or the documentati on of your pedal manufa cturer for the required tightening torques.
Handlebars, stem and suspension fork
You have the option of adju sting the handlebar s, the stem and the susp ension fork to your nee ds. The chapters ‘Susp ension fork’ on p. 55 and ‘Adjust ing the handleba rs and stem’ on p. 61 descr ibe in detail how to make
adjustment s. Read these chapters
carefully so t hat
you are able adju st these compo-
nents correc tly.
Seat heig ht and position
You have the option of adju sting your seat height a nd seat position to your body size or your pref erred position over the b ottom bracket. A detailed d escription is provided in th e Chapter ‘Adjusting the seat h eight’ on p. 57.
Checking the bolted connections
Please lift your bike approximately 10 cm a nd then drop it from this l imited height onto the gr ound. Rattling soun ds indicate loose com ponents. Locate the source of the ra ttling and check the screwed connection s and bearing.
Biking on p ublic roads
If you intend to use pu blic roads, you must equ ip your bike to compl y with the legal requir ements of your country.
Sluggish or impaired steering.
Sluggish or im paired steering may re sult in crashes. Make sure that the s teering is smooth and th at the Bowden cable s do not impair the turni ng angle.
For informatio n on cycling on public roa ds: Please consult the ch apter ‘Legal requirem ents regulating the use on publi c roads’ on p. 28. Please consul t the chapter ‘Notes on s afe use of public roads’ on p. 31. Before using pu blic roads, get informe d on the specific regulations th at apply in your countr y.
Click-in and r elease of click p edals.
A lack of practice or set ting the release mec hanism too tight may cause crashe s. Carefully read thro ugh the enclosed owner’s manual for t he pedals. Set the ped al release mechanism a s described in the en closed owner’s manual. Refer to th e pedal manufactur er’s website [
see page 84 ] for further information. Before you r first trip, familiar ise yourself with the c lick-in and release process of the p edals in a standing po sition.
An incorr ectly adjust ed suspensio n fork may cause an accident. Ensure that your fork is i n the
right positio n and that there is suf ficient air in the fork [ you will f ind instructions on ho w to do this on page 55 ].
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Every time before you use your bike
Non-secured centre/side kickstand. If a centre or side kicksta nd is not secured prope rly,
it may release
while you are ri ding and cause an
accident. En sure that the centre or s ide kickstand is in a f ully retracted position.
Damage du e to fatigue and we ar. Damage due to fatigue and wea r may be indicated, for exam ple, by scratches, be nding and cracks or the i mpairment of functions. C omponents that have excee ded their lifecycle pos e a risk of failure. Chec k the bike for damage due to fati gue and wear on a regul ar basis. Replace the ru bber grips and plugs i f they are damaged or worn. If you fin d any signs of damage or we ar, contact your Por sche Centre or the Porsc he Bike hotline.
Incorre ct or incomplet e setup of the bike.
Incorrect or i ncomplete setup of the bi ke may result in serious acci dents. Do not use the bike b efore working through each of th e points listed in this ch apter. Contact the Pors che Bike hotline with an y questions or if you are unsu re how to set up the bike.
Safety precautions when riding at night or in the dark. If you a re cycling with your ligh ts on at night or
in poor visibi lity conditions, e nsure that your lights comply with th e applicable regul ations in your countr y. Check that your h eadlamp and rear li ght function correctly. Do not cyc le with dirty or da maged reflectors.
Safety pr ecautions in r ain, snow or str ong wind.
Keep in mind that yo ur bike will respond or function differentl y in bad weather or unde r extreme weather conditions. T he effectiveness of brakes is reduced in wet weather, for exampl e. Adjust your speed ac cord­ingly. You may lose control of your bike and fall heavi ly in snow or icy con ditions. Avoid cycling in e xtreme weather conditions.
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What to check after a crash
A crash may nega tively affect the fu nctioning of the bike and result i n damage. It is possibl e that your bike is rendered un usable. For this reaso n, please perform the following ch ecks:
Wheels and tyres
Please check your wheels. They mus t be firmly positione d in the wheel mounts by me ans of the quick releases/qui ck release axles o r screwed connection s and be centred i n the front fork and rear f ork. They must revolve smo othly and without any r unout. Check your tyres for d amage, particula rly to the frame.
Handleb ars and front for k
Check the hand lebars and front for k for any damage and cracks. Che ck to make sure the handle bars and front fork are not twisted against one a nother in the assembly. To do so, hold the f ront tyre between yo ur knees and at tempt to twist the handl ebars.
Please check that your chain is locate d on the front chain rings a nd rear cassette. A cra sh on the rear derailleur s ide may damage it. Attem pt to shift through the gears and m ake sure the shifter or d ropout, which may be bent, does n ot come too close to the rear wheel spokes.
Bent rear derailleur. Contact between the rear derailleur a nd the spokes poses a ri sk of crashing. Do not use a bike wit h a bent rear deraille ur. Contact a bike special ist or the Porsche Bike hot line.
Twisted front derailleur. A twis ted front derailleu r may cause the cha in to slip off the chain w heel. The bike will the refore cease to be prope lled forward. Do not use a bike wit h a twisted front dera illeur.
22 23
Further steps
– Make sure that yo ur seat has not been be nt by
the crash. To do so, compa re the seat alignment against the top tu be.
– Check your bi ke for loose bolted conn ections and
Only use your bi ke again when you have che cked the above points wit hout finding any prob lems. For the rest of your ride, av oid subjecting your bi ke to extreme stress cause d by, for example, braking hard and riding out of saddle. To avoid ri sks, you can make the retur n trip with anothe r suitable mode of tra nsportation. Then inspec t your bike thoroughly ag ain once you have returned ho me. Please contact a bi ke specialist of your choice, you r authorised Porsch e Centre, or the Porsche Bike h otline with any questi ons.
Defective parts. Parts damage d in an accident may result in fu rther accidents if used further. Do not in any case use a d efective bike or defecti ve parts.
Bent par ts. Do not bend bent pa rts back into their original sha pe. There is an acute ris k of breakage. This partic ularly applies to pa rts essential to safe ty such as the fram e, front fork, handleb ars, stem and seat post. Imme diately replace bent p arts.
What to check after a crash Further important instructions for your Porsche Bike
Deficient technical condition. Deficient technical condition of th e bike may result in damag es and cause a crash o r accident. Only use you r bike if it is in perfect te chnical conditio n.
Porsche only re commends use of ori ginal Porsche spare parts a nd accessories on y our bike. Porsche is unable to acce pt liability for any d amage caused to your bike by use of spa re parts and acces sories which have not be en approved by Porsche.
Use of child seats and child bike trailers.
Porsche Bikes a re not approved for mounti ng child seats or for cycli ng with child bike trail ers. Do not use any child seats o r child bike trailers.
You can find the c urrent versi on of the operati ng instruct ions for your bike at www.porsche.com/bike
Rider’s height. Your auth orised Porsche dea ler will
help you to selec t the right frame size fo r your height. Porsche Bikes a re available in three fr ame sizes. These are sui table for body height s as follows:
Frame size [ S ] for height: 1.60 – 1.70 m Frame size [ M ] for height: 1
– 1.84 m
Frame size [ L ] for height: 1.85 – 1.95 m
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Handling the quick releases or quick release axles
Quick relea ses or quick release a xles [ Bike RX ] on the front and rear w heel and on the seat po st allow you to mount and dism ount wheels easily and adjust the seat height to the hei ght of the cyclist. You should che ck that the quick re leases or quick rele ase axles are fir mly tightened befo re each trip and the whe els and seat post are firml y mounted on the bike.
When closed, th e quick release exer ts the clamping force needed to f ix the components in p lace using an eccentric. The locking nut on the opposite side of the hub sets the cl amp’s pre-stress.
The wheel qui ck releases or quic k release axle leve rs are located on th e front and rear wheel o n the side opposite the de railleur, i.e. on the left-hand s ide when you face the dire ction of travel. When moun ting the wheels, make su re that the quick relea ses are always on this sid e to prevent improper mou nting.
When parkin g your bike, make sure that the p arts clamped with q uick releases are ad equately secured against theft.
Securel y mounting the w heels and seat p ost
Your bike has either o ne-step or two-step qui ck releases o r a quick release ax le. To open the two-step quick releas es, first lift the la rger lever. Then open the second lever. The wo rd ‘Open’ should now be vis ible on the quick rel ease.
Loose components. If quick rele ases or quick release ax les are not secured pro perly, components may become loo se and cause you to crash. C heck to make sure all qui ck releases or quic k release axles are secure and t ighten them if necess ary.
One-step quic k releases have a singl e lever. You only have to open this lev er.
You open the quick rel ease axle [ Bike RX ] by turning the lever in an ant i-clockwise dire ction. To make it easier to hand le, you can raise the lever slightly and move the lever seve ral times.
To close the quick rel ease, move either both an d/or one lever to the loc king position at the s ame time. The lever can b e readily moved over half o f the clamping ran ge. Then, the leverage fo rce must increase sub stantially and can on ly be moved with difficul ty over the remainder o f the clamping range. This way, you can be sure adequate clamping fo rce has been appl ied.
You close the quick re lease axle by turni ng the lever in a clockwise direction. To do so, move the lever se veral times. Then ra ise the lever and turn it to t he required position.
Once closed, th e quick release is pa rallel to the wheel. Make sure that the re is no risk of externa l contact accidentall y opening the lever.
Make sure the qui ck release is secure ly positioned when closed. At tempt to twist it. If it can b e twisted, you will have to incre ase the pre-stress wi th the nut located on the oth er side.
Hot brake dis c. The brake disc may he at up when the brake is appl ied. There is a burn ris k. Avoid coming into contact wit h the brake disc. Let the brake disc cool off befo re using the wheel qui ck releases.
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