Porsche 911 Targa User Handbook Manual

The new 911 Targa
By Design
Iconic style
The 911 Targa concept The 911 Targa evolution The 911 Targa revolution
911 Targa 4 and 911 Targa 4S
Authentic style
Drive Chassis Safety Environment
Sense of style
Assured style
Personalisation Tyre identification Panorama
True to style
Summary Technical data Index
8 9
33 40
78 86 98
101 102 104
iconic style
The 911 Targa concept
Like every good st ory, this one is about
a dream. The drea m of re-inventing
a legendary spo rts car concept and
enhancing it w ith technology that w ill
make it fit for th e future.
This dream has bee n occupying our
thoughts for a l ong time. And like any
great dream, it has s tayed with us every
single day – wit h our engineers, our
designers and a lso with many Po rsche
enthusiast s. And that’s a good thing,
because any thing is possible when you
truly belie ve in something and are read y
to give your all to a chieve it.
That dream has no w become reality.
We have succeeded in u niting the
iconic design o f the 911 Targa with an
innovativ e, fully automatic roof sy stem.
What began as a ple dge in 1965 is
now honoured in the form of the
911 Targa with the perfection o f a
timeless con cept. And the car is set
to become a classi c once again. The
style- defining classic of tom orrow.
Imagine meeting a childhood sweetheart again. And discovering they are now even more attractive.
Perfecting the 911 Targa concept.
10 13Iconic style | The 911 Targa evolution
Over the course of a lifetime, we ga ther
a lot of memories, some of which p lay
out in our minds like films. Wi th emotion
in stereo and Technicolor images of
forms and role models which have l eft
a lasting impression on us.
One of these films features t he
It begins in 1965 in Zuffen-
hausen – where else? It was here that
the original Targa with roll-ov er bars
and removable folding roof – Porsche’s
ingenious solution to Amer ican safety
regulations – was created. Deri ved
from the
Coupé, the
Targa was
developed in response to increasing
demand for an open-top vers ion of the
which could also offer the sa me
levels of comfort and safet y as a
closed-top model.
The Targa name alone is the stuff of
legends. It originates from the f amous
endurance race held in Sicily, th e Targa
Florio. The course was notorious for
its tight bends which the com paratively
compact Porsche race cars of the 60s
were able to use to their advant age,
Never restrain the yearnings of time travel.
The 911 Targa evolution.
chalking up a number of victo ries
in the process. ‘Targa’ means ‘shield ’
in Italian and thus the name a lso
became symbolic of the ‘protective
shield’ provided by the inn ovative
safety concept of the
The most distinctive, style-defining
feature of the Targa is its aluminiu m bar
with three fins and ‘targa ’ logo. Over
the years, this design has left a l asting
impression on the car’s drive rs and
In 1975, the silver bar was replaced
with a black one for the ‘G-s eries’
version of the 911 Targa, whilst the
subsequent 964 series saw the l aunch
of the first all-wheel d rive 911 Targa. In
1995, for the fourth generation of th e
911, the Targa got a completely new
roof concept: an electrical ly operated
glass roof with aluminium t rim strips
running along the sides. Even though
this form of the
Targa underwent
further evolutionary development in
subsequent generations, it s stylistic
integrity was maintained, resulting in
an award-winning desig n which conveyed
a feeling of open-top driv ing, even with
the roof closed.
The captivating saga of the 911 Targa
continues, even today. This current
episode features the retur n of the iconic
Targa bar, innovative roof technology,
that very special open-a ir driving
sensation and an exceptiona l level of
comfort. Once again, it is bein g played
out on the road. And the ending? Wel l,
that’s been left open, of cou rse.
1514 Iconic style | The 911 Targa revolution
At Po rsche, design has always been
about much mor e than good looks.
Design has always h ad a function too.
Only this way do y ou become a style
icon in automo bile design – and remain
an influenc e in that field for decades.
Or at least you do i f you take sports
car design seriously.
The 911 Targa has followed this maxi m
right from the wo rd go. The roof
construction, for example, took the 1963
911 Coupé to a whole new aest hetic
level and featu red a safety concept that
made open-top driving a viable possibility.
But even in the 1960s, th e crucial
question wa s: what do you do with the
roof? And: whe re do you stow it? Back
the solutio n to this problem was
different f rom today’s. With the new
911 Targa, our solution is a concept
which our engi neers call ‘a fully automa tic
roof system wi th innovative kinema tics’.
Though its description may sound a little
cumbersome, t he roof system itself is
For our designers: a sculpture. For our engineers: a performance.
The 911 Targa revolution.
1716 Iconic style | The 911 Targa revolution
anything b ut. Based on a complex and
extremely robust engineering solution,
the new system a llows the roof to be
opened and close d fully automatical ly in
a mere 20 seconds wh en the vehicle is
stationar y. When opened, the roof is
stowed away elega ntly and neatly behi nd
the rear seats.
The materials u sed for the roof are just as
pioneering as the roof concept itself. Two
flat magnesiu m elements keep the fabr ic
roof taut, maintaining that unmistakable
911 silhouette. The heated rear window
is manufactu red from weight-optim ised
laminated saf ety glass. Together with the
noise-insulating roof liner, it ensures that
road noise is kept to a mi nimum when
the roof is closed.
A wind deflec tor is integrated into the
cowl panel fram e. When the roof is open,
it perceptibl y enhances driving com fort
by protecting aga inst draughts and
reducing wind noise.
The roll- over protection provided b y
the Targa bar meets the m ost stringent
demands in term s of safety and body
rigidity. The d esign is spot on too. It
invokes the class ic shape of the original
Targa, as do styling de tails such as the
side fins, the aluminium bar trim and the
‘targa’ lo go.
The result is an op en-top sports car w ith
the feel and com fort of a 911 Coupé.
Sculpture per haps? Yes, certainly. But a
moving one in eve ry sense of the word.
defining style
911 Targa 4 and 911 Targa 4S
A sports car is d efined by its power. A
Por sche by efficient power. And t he new
911 Targa 4 models by efficient spor ty
power delivere d to the road in style.
A 3.4-litre 6 -cylinder boxer engine w ith
a power output o f 257 kW (350 hp)
accelerates t he new 911 Targa 4 from
0–62 mph in ju st 5.2 seconds.
The new 911 Targa 4S is powered by a
3.8-litre 6 -cylinder boxer engin e with
an output of 294 k W (400 hp). When
combined with the optional Porsche
Doppel kupplung (PDK), this model takes
just 4.6 seconds to reac h the 62 mph
The enhanced Porsche Traction
Manage ment (PTM) ensures t he new
911 Targa 4 models can tackle any ty pe
of weather and a ny type of road surface.
It precisely an d directly regulates the
distribut ion of the drive forces to th e
front and rear a xles (see page 40).
visible indicator of the all-wheel-drive
system is the seamless taillight strip.
Other distinguishing features include
the wider bod y and broad rear tyres –
295 mm on the new 911 Targa 4 and
305 mm on the new 911 Targa 4S.
Some choose to regard t he new
911 Targa 4 models as design objects.
But their performance potential soon
makes it clear tha t they are far too good
to be kept just for sh ow.
For fuel consumpt ion and CO2 emissions, ple ase refer to page 103.
Defining style | 911 Targa 4 and 911 Targa 4S
The longer dreams last, the more intense they become.
The new 911 Targa 4 and new 911 Targa 4S.
The 911 concept follows a clea r design
idiom which in corporates sloping dy namic
roof lines, accen tuated front and rear wi ngs
and round headl ights. Together,
features ensu re that the
is just
unmistaka ble now as it was 50 years ago.
It goes withou t saying that these pri nciples
apply equall y to the new 911 Targa. But
the car has the innovative roof concept
to thank for its i ndividual looks and u nique
engineering features.
The elegantl y
rounded rear screen and
the bar lent th e original Targa a certain
lightness wh ich
has inspired designers
the world of veh icle design,
and indeed beyond.
For the new 911 Targa, our designers
sought – and foun d – a way of directly
expressing both the distinctive individual
style of th e original Targa and the sport y
performance that characterises the sev-
enth generation of the 911. Consequently,
Fashion changes. But style endures.
Exterior design.
it now features a n even flatter silhou ette,
crisp clean line s and an extended wheel -
base for even greate r stability. Above all
else, a revolutionary roof concept
rather than ru nning counter
to the evolved
design idiom of t he
911, blends with i t to
create a harmon ious whole. The result is
a design which is
purposely ti meless and
yet always curre nt.
Defining style | 911 Targa 4 and 911 Targa 4S
In detail: the w ide front track which,
together with t he flat roof line of the 911,
creates a part icularly dynamic fro nt view.
The standard Bi-Xenon headlights feature
round surrounds, thus combining classic
appeal with state-of-the-art engineering.
A profile view rev eals that the new
911 Targa 4 models likewise have the
unmistakable silhouette of the 911.
The aluminium trim of the bar with
characterist ic fins and ‘targa’ logo
provide additional stylistic touches.
At the rear, everyt hing – the styling, th e
appearance, t he effect – is crisp and
precise, thanks t o the clean lines and slim
LED taillight s. They help to accentuate
the horizontal contouring of the rear, an
impression w hich is lent additional
emphasis by the ac tive taillight stri p. The
stainless steel tailpipes are unmistakably
Por sche. A dual-branch de sign is used
for the new 911 Targa 4S. The wide rear
spoiler is exte ndable which reduces
lift in all dr iving situations an d increases
driving stability.
The new 911 Targa 4 is equipped as
standard with 19-inch wheels, the new
Targa 4S with 20-i nch wheels. The large
wheels enhan ce the authoritati ve sporty
presence of the n ew 911 Targa 4 models
even more. The t yres have a large rolling
circumference for improved comfort
and performance.
We’ll conclude with a quote from
Ferdinand Alexander Porsche, the first
designer of the
: ‘A coherently
designed product requires no adornment’.
That says it all re ally.
Defining style | 911 Targa 4 and 911 Targa 4S
The interior o f a
doesn’t follow
a particula r fashion. It follows clear
Principles which also apply to the
Targa 4 models. Here, the
predominantly sporty interior design is
successfull y combined with a classi c
layout and high-quality equipment.
There are no dist ractions, no gadgets;
everyth ing is focused on the driver an d
on driving. Th is is the only way of
creating what y ou could call a sporty
style – you co uld even say it’s the
very art of spo rts car design.
These principles are expressed in
practice by the a scending centre
console. Its sophisticated ergonomic
design utilis es a clear operating logic
for its contro ls, such as those for the
individually adjustable two-zone air
conditioning system or for operating
the roo f.
Sporty. Classic. Elegant. It’s wonderful when all styles unite in harmony.
Interior design.
Defining style | 911 Targa 4 and 911 Targa 4S
The five round i nstruments with rev
in the middle a re timeless, whilst
the instrument cluster, with high-resolution
4.6-inch colo ur screen displaying naviga -
tion instructions or information from,
for example, the adaptive cruise control
function, the all-wheel-drive system or
navigation sys tem, is state-of- the-art.
The materials u sed are both high qualit y
and stylis h. The steering wheel rim , door
closing handles, armrests and sections
of the seats are i n leather. In addition to
the choice of st andard colours – namely
Black, Platin um Grey, Luxor Beige and
Yachting Blue – a wid e range of other
personalisation options are available for
the interior, including two-tone colour
combinations and special colours, along
with materials such as carbon, aluminium
and wood.
Trends, fashions, tas tes. You can follow
them. You can be ahead o f them. You can
also choose to go your o wn way. With
confidence a nd style.
Defining style | 911 Targa 4 and 911 Targa 4S
authentic style
3332 Authentic style | Drive
For fuel consumpt ion and CO2 emissions, ple ase refer to page 103.
When it comes to a Porsche, it’s not
just good looks t hat matter, but what
lies beneath . The engine has been the
character-defining feature of every 911
1963. And on the new
Targa 4
it’s no diff erent. The 6-cylin der
boxer engine, posit ioned low down at the
of the car, succeeds in un iting two
characteristics that are normally mutually
exclusive – performance and efficiency.
Only by doing so is i t possible to increase
power output whilst simultaneously
reducing fuel consumption and
CO2 emissions.
At the heart of a ll this are intelligent
efficiency-enha ncing measures such as
the auto start/stop function and direct
fuel injection (DFI).
And then there’s the crucial weight
factor. The engines a re of a light-alloy
construction, making them lightweight
and yet struc turally rigid. The resul t
Design. Aesthetics. Style. Even under the bonnet.
is comparatively low fuel consumption
and a long serv ice life.
Both engines ar e also equipped with
VarioCam Plus – a two-in-one engine
concept for adjus ting the intake cam-
shafts and sw itching the lift of t he intake
valves. This res ults in instant accele -
ration, exceptional smooth running
performance and an extraordinary
level of tracti ve power with a compara-
tively low level of fuel consumption.
For fuel consumpt ion and CO2 emissions, ple ase refer to page 103.
The 3.4-litre engine of the 911 Targa 4.
The engine of th e new 911 Targa 4
develops 257 kW (350 hp) at 7,400 rpm
and a maximum t orque of 390 Nm at
5,600 rpm. When combined with the
7-speed manual gearbox, it accelerates
from 0–62 mp h in just 5.2 seconds and
reaches a top spee d of 175 mph.
The 3.8-litre engine of the 911 Targa 4S.
On the S model, th e figures speak for
themselves: t he 3.8-litre boxer engine
develops 294 kW (400 h p) at 7,400 rpm
and a maximum t orque of 440 Nm at
5,600 rpm. When equi pped with the
optional Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK),
the new 911 Targa 4S completes the
0–62 mph spr int in just 4.6 seconds
and can contin ue on to a top speed of
182 mph.
Efficiency technologies.
At Porsche, reducing fuel consumption is
part and parce l of performance. It goes
without saying, therefore, that efficiency
technologies are standard features on
Targa 4 models and form an
integral part of the vehicle concept.
Whenever the c ar comes to a stop, the
auto start/stop function automatically
switches of f the engine – and restar ts it
swiftly a nd smoothly as soon as you
operate the clu tch or, on models with
Porsche Doppelkupplung (PDK), as soon
as you release the b rake.
The thermal management system
regulates the te mperature in the engine
and gearbox through the intelligent
manipulati on of heat flow. The resulti ng
improvement in combustion effi ciency has
a beneficial effect on fuel consumption.
A further fuel-saving feature is electrical
system recuperation. This function
ensures that th e battery is recharged
predominantly by the alternator under
braking conditions.
Direct fuel injection (DFI).
DFI delivers fu el directly into the com bus-
tion chamber with millisecond precision.
The spray and con e angles of the multi-
injectors have b een optimised for
torque, power ou tput, fuel consumptio n,
emissions and efficient combustion.
Exhaust system.
The exhaust sy stem of the 911 models
has been redesign ed – acoustics included.
The stainl ess steel exhaust system
comprises two distinctive and independent
exhaust trac ts. A selectable twin -tube
sports exha ust system featuring di stinc-
tive polished stainless steel tailpipes
is available as an o ption. Activated by
a button, it p roduces an even more
intensive spo rts car sound.
1 Sports exh aust system
Authentic style | Drive
+ 37 hidden pages