10 13Iconic style | The 911 Targa evolution
Over the course of a lifetime, we ga ther
a lot of memories, some of which p lay
out in our minds like films. Wi th emotion
in stereo and Technicolor images of
forms and role models which have l eft
a lasting impression on us.
One of these films features t he
It begins in 1965 in Zuffen-
hausen – where else? It was here that
the original Targa with roll-ov er bars
and removable folding roof – Porsche’s
ingenious solution to Amer ican safety
regulations – was created. Deri ved
from the
Coupé, the
Targa was
developed in response to increasing
demand for an open-top vers ion of the
which could also offer the sa me
levels of comfort and safet y as a
closed-top model.
The Targa name alone is the stuff of
legends. It originates from the f amous
endurance race held in Sicily, th e Targa
Florio. The course was notorious for
its tight bends which the com paratively
compact Porsche race cars of the 60s
were able to use to their advant age,
Never restrain the yearnings of time travel.
The 911 Targa evolution.
chalking up a number of victo ries
in the process. ‘Targa’ means ‘shield ’
in Italian and thus the name a lso
became symbolic of the ‘protective
shield’ provided by the inn ovative
safety concept of the
The most distinctive, style-defining
feature of the Targa is its aluminiu m bar
with three fins and ‘targa ’ logo. Over
the years, this design has left a l asting
impression on the car’s drive rs and
In 1975, the silver bar was replaced
with a black one for the ‘G-s eries’
version of the 911 Targa, whilst the
subsequent 964 series saw the l aunch
of the first all-wheel d rive 911 Targa. In
1995, for the fourth generation of th e
911, the Targa got a completely new
roof concept: an electrical ly operated
glass roof with aluminium t rim strips
running along the sides. Even though
this form of the
Targa underwent
further evolutionary development in
subsequent generations, it s stylistic
integrity was maintained, resulting in
an award-winning desig n which conveyed
a feeling of open-top driv ing, even with
the roof closed.
The captivating saga of the 911 Targa
continues, even today. This current
episode features the retur n of the iconic
Targa bar, innovative roof technology,
that very special open-a ir driving
sensation and an exceptiona l level of
comfort. Once again, it is bein g played
out on the road. And the ending? Wel l,
that’s been left open, of cou rse.