Universal Z-Wave Key Pad
SKU: POPE700045
This is a secure Keypad for Europe. To run this device please insert fresh 4 * AAA batteries. Please make sure the internal battery is fully charged.
The device can run in two different modes determined by the way its
Stand-Alone: Include a new device to the keypad using key 1
Network Mode: Be Included into your central controller using key 4
(Central Controller is needed). This is equivalent to activating the
‘Learn‘ mode.The sequence is shown in the image below:
Enter Management mode by removing the back-cover (all LEDs will light
up) - this will only work in factory default! Here is a quick overview of the
commands in management mode:
Include Node: MM-> 1 -> * (turns into Stand alone Mode)
Exclude Node: MM-> 2 -> * (only in Stand alone Mode)
Primary Shift: MM-> 3 -> * (turns into Network Mode)
Include (as inclusion or secondary controller): MM-> 4 -> *(turns into
Network Mode)
Reset: MM-> 5 -> * for 10 seconds (keep * pushed for 10 seconds).
Association Set: MM-> 6 -> * -> Group-Number (2,3) -> *, then wait
for device NIF for 10 seconds
Association Remove: MM-> 7 -> * -> Group-Number (2,3) -> *, then
wait for device NIF for 10 seconds
New User Code: MM-> 8 -> * -> NUMBER -> * -> PIN -> *
Remove User Code: MM-> 9 -> * -> NUMBER -> *
Wakeup: hit RING button
Send Node Information Frame: Double click Bell button
Test the control of an included Door lock (Stand Alone Mode only)
: MM-> * -> 0000 -> *
Firmware OTA: push ring quickly followed by *
After finishing initial setup please set a Master Code (as user code #20)
management mode can only be reached by entering the Master Code, regardless if the device is open or closed. You need to reset the device in this case.
to protect your device. After Master Code (or user code #20) is set the
What is Z-Wave?
Z-Wave is the international wireless protocol for communication in the Smart Home. This device is suited for use in the region mentioned in the Quickstart section.
(For more information about frequency regulations please refer to
Z-Wave ensures a reliable communication by reconfirming every message (two-way communication) and every mains powered node can act as a repeater for
other nodes (meshed network) in case the receiver is not in direct wireless range of the transmitter.
This device and every other certified Z-Wave device can be used together with any other certified Z-Wave device regardless of brand and origin as long as
the frequency coverage overview at Sigma Designs Website ).

both are suited for the same frequency range.
If a device supports secure communication it will communicate with other devices secure as long as this
device provides the same or a higher level of security. Otherwise it will automatically turn into a lower level
of security to maintain backward compatibility.
For more information about Z-Wave technology, devices, white papers etc. please refer to www.z-wave.info.
Product Description
This keypad is a security enabled Z-Wave Plus product. An security enabled Z-Wave controller must be
used to fully utilize this product. The keypad allows securely controlling devices - such as door locks - and
trigger actions in a gateway – such as arm/disarm alarm system– based on the entry of certain key codes. Additionally a bell key allows emulating a doorbell by
operating e.g. a door bell or a light or both.
The device can operate in two different modes. The mode is chosen the way the device is included into a Z-Wave network:
Stand Alone Mode. In this case the keypad acts as the primary network controller and will include other devices such as e.g. a strike lock control or a door
bell. No other central controller is needed. The management of user codes is done using the keypad itself.
Network Mode. The keypad is included as additional device into an exiting network. In Z-Wave terms it will then act as inclusion (secondary) controller. It
will send commands to a central controller and is managed by this controller. In this mode the device can still directly control door locks but it can also be
used to trigger scenes in a central controller.
The device is protected by a tamper switch sending out an alarm message when the enclosure is opened.
Prepare for Installation / Reset
Please read the user manual before installing the product.
In order to include (add) a Z-Wave device to a network it must be in factory default state. Please make sure to reset the device into factory default. You can do
this by performing an Exclusion operation as described below in the manual. Every Z-Wave controller is able to perform this operation however it is recommended
to use the primary controller of the previous network to make sure the very device is excluded properly from this network.
Reset to factory default
This device also allows to be reset without any involvement of a Z-Wave controller. This procedure should only be used when the primary controller is inoperable.
Open The device, hit button 5 for then keep button * pressed for 10 seconds. The red LED will start flashg the last 5 seconds of the waiting time.
Safety Warning for Batteries
The product contains batteries. Please remove the batteries when the device is not used. Do not mix batteries of different charging level or different brands.
The device can be mounted on all flat walls or can also be simply put on a table. Due to the IP rating of 55 it can be used outside the house e.g. to operate the
main door. Unscrew the little screw on the bottom side of the device to open the enclosure. the back side is mounted ot the wall using screws. There is an isolation
foam provided for uneven wall backgrounds
The image above shows the main functions an buttons of the device.
The device has a standard operation mode to ring the bell and to apply key codes to operate a door lock or
generate events in the central controller. All setup and management functions however are performed in a
management mode. The management mode can be entered in two different ways:
When you open the device (remove the backside cover) the management mode is activated if master user
code (20) is not present. Otherwise only entering master user code(20) will activate management mode.
Entering the key code #20 will enter the management mode even when the tamper switch is closed.
preset user code 0-0-0-0 for test purposes (only active when enclosure opened and no
other user codes present). This code is a valid user code resulting in a Door Open
Command sent into Association Group 2.
The keypad is powered by 4 standard batteries. two of them always run in parallel
Therefore the device will work if only two batteries are inserted. However the lifetime
will be 50 % only. The device can be powered by an external power supply. Between
the batteries there is a small connector for the external power. Please the Popp power
supply positioned inside the wall box behind the keypad for external power. It is safe to
keep the batteries inserted for fall-back.
In management mode there is a
On factory default the device does not belong to any Z-Wave network. The device needs to be added to an existing wireless network to communicate with the
devices of this network. This process is called Inclusion.
Devices can also be removed from a network. This process is called Exclusion. Both processes are initiated by the primary controller of the Z-Wave network. This
controller is turned into exclusion respective inclusion mode. Inclusion and Exclusion is then performed doing a special manual action right on the device.

Turn into Management Mode, hit button 4 and confirm with * (Star Key)
Turn into Management Mode, hit button 4 and confirm with * (Star Key)
Product Usage
The keypad allows typing in up to 20 different key codes and pressing certain dedicated buttons. Key codes are numbered 1...20 must have minimum 4 and
maximum 10 digits as number between 0 und 9. All key codes are equal except key code #20 that will also activate the management mode. Beside the 10
numerical keys the devices offers a ENTER key (*), an ESCAPE key (#) and a Bell key. Every key entry needs to be confirmed by "*". Sequences can be aborted
using the "#" key.
The bell key will immeditately cause ringing a bell if there is a bell devices included in association group 3. They entry of the key code should be confirmed by "*".
If no "*" is entered the entry will time out and use the key entered so far. This means its possible not to confirm by "*" and wait for the timeout of few seconds.
Stand Alone Mode