The controller also allows triggering scenes in a central controller. Again different modes can be configured to adapt to the various implementations of scenes
in different central controllers in the market.
Control options also include special modes like "all on/off" or always controlling the Z-Wave device in proximity to the fob.
The device supports secure communication when included with enhanced security option and when communicating to a device also supporting enhanced
security option. Otherwise the device will automatically turn into normal communication to maintain backward compatibility.
Prepare for Installation / Reset
Please read the user manual before installing the product.
In order to include (add) a Z-Wave device to a network it must be in factory default state. Please make sure to reset the device into factory default. You can do
this by performing an Exclusion operation as described below in the manual. Every Z-Wave controller is able to perform this operation however it is recommended
to use the primary controller of the previous network to make sure the very device is excluded properly from this network.
Reset to factory default
This device also allows to be reset without any involvement of a Z-Wave controller. This procedure should only be used when the primary controller is inoperable.
Enter management mode by push all four buttons together for one second - green led blinks slowly), then hit button 3 followed by keeping button 4 pushed down
for 10 seconds. The first five seconds the green LED still blinks followed by a long red, shot green sequence. Once LEDs go off, reset was executed.
Safety Warning for Batteries
The product contains batteries. Please remove the batteries when the device is not used. Do not mix batteries of different charging level or different brands.
The device comes ready to use with a battery already installed.
For battery change the device needs to be opened by removing the three little screws on the backside of the device. Use a screwdriver or any other usable device
to gently push out the battery as shown on the picture. During reassembly watch the position of the white rubber and make sure the silver buttons fit exactly into
the nipples of the rubber.
The device can be operated in two different modes: the operation mode and the management mode:
Operation Mode: This is the mode where the device is controlling other devices.
Management Mode: The device is turned into the management mode by pushing all four buttons for one second. A blinking LED indicates the
management mode. In the management mode buttons of the device have different functions. If no further action is performed the device will turn back to the
normal mode after 10 sec. Any management action terminates the management mode as well.
In management mode the following actions can be performed:
Button 1 - Inclusion/Exclusion: Every inclusion or exclusion attempt is confirmed by hitting this button. Single Click is used for standard inclusion and
exclusion, double click is used for network wide inclusion. With this operation the device can be included into a Z-Wave Network from any physical location
in the network. This requires a primary controller supporting network wide inclusion. This mode lasts for 20 seconds and stops automatically. Any button
press stops the mode as well.
Button 2 - Sends Node Information Frame and Wake up Notification. (see explanation below)
Button 3 - Activates the primary controller management menu. The following sub menu items are available:
Button 3 followed by short click of button 1: Start Secure Inclusion
Button 3 followed by short click of button 2: Start Unsecure Inclusion
Button 3 followed by short click of button 3: Start Exclusion
Button 3 followed by short click of button 4: Start Primary Handover
Button 3 followed by pushing button 4 for 5 seconds: Factory Default Reset. After clicking on button 3 keep button 4 pushed for 4 seconds
Button 4 - Enters into Association mode to assign target devices to one of the four associations. Refer to the manuals section about association for more
information how to set and unset association groups.
In factory default mode pushing one of the four buttons for 1 sec will start different inclusion modes:
Button 1: Include KFOB as secondary controller
Button 2: Include KFOB as secondary controller - non secure
Button 3: Include new device into KFOBS network
Button 4: Include new device into KFOBS network - non secure