Electric Strike Lock Control
Quick Start
This device is a Z-Wave actuator. Pressing the “Z-Wave button” 3 times in 1 second (includes) and removes (excludes) the
device from/to the Z-Wave network.
Please refer to the chapters below for detail ed information about all aspects of the product.

You have to install the mechanical
Product Description
An electric strike is an access control device used to lock and release doors. Electric strikes are installed in or on the doorframe
and work in conjunction with mechanical door locks, on the principle of electronically controlling the rotation of the keeper.
Allowing for door opening without manual retraction of the mechanical door lock. This product combines a 16 mm thick strike
lock (that will fit into almost all door formats) with a Z-Wave plus empowered wireless control.
The lock mechanics and the Z-Wave control are operated by a 9V block battery or an external 8-12V AC / 8-24V DC
transformer. The Z-Wave control accepts commands to open or close the strike. Depending on a configuration parameter the
door will be looked automatically after a certain time even if no ‘close’ command was sent. According to t he connected Z-Wave
Gateway all actions of the Strike Lock will be recorded with a time stamp.
The device is a secure Z-Wave Plus device and ca n be used in one wireless Z-Wave network with other certified devices
regardless of origin and brand. It supports secure communication if the central controller supports secure communication as
Installation Guidelines
The Strike-Lock has a IP 20 protection class. Because of that it is not recommended to install the device directly outdoors.
There 4 possible starting situations when you want to install the Strike-Lock:
No existing installation of an electrical door opener:
part first. Depending if there is an
existing electrical transformer or the
door opener will be battery powered
you refer to picture 1 or 2.
The strike lock can be installed:
- next to electrical transformer
- behind the mechanic doorl ock
- between those mentioned parts

Analog Installation
There is already an existing door opener and a swi tch to control the door opener. Normally that is powered by an electrical
transformer. In that system a simple electric circuit exists. Switch and opener – refer to the picture. The electrical circuit can be
realized by two different options.
1. Cable from transformer to switch – cable from switch to lock – cable from cable to transformer
2. Pair of Cable from transformer to switch – pair of cable from transformer to lock
Connecting terminal at the transformer between a cable from the switch and a cable from the lock.
Both kinds of wiring are electrical identic. Both are possible and work properly. The more convenient solution is Version 2.
The Z-Wave Stricke Lock can be installed in all 3 positions depending on the available space. The electrical wiring is identical to
a new installation, but it could be necessary to install an additional cable to the switch or the lock. So that the mod ule is has
electricity – refer to picture 3.
Existing door intercom without door opener
In that case the installation equals a complete new installation of a doorlock. It is only possible that the existing transformer can
be used. The door lock control can be easily connected parallel to the transformer, if the transformer has the right output
Look at picture ½
Existing intercom with door opener
The intercom with one or more participants is normally based on an internal communicationbussystem and a gateway or control
box, which is connected to the actual door ope ner. Here you have many different options for the installation. But for the
installation of the Strike-Lock that is not relevant. You just have to find both wires, which connect the control module with the
door lock mechanism. For that you just have to uninstall the existing doorlock or you refer to the information of the
vendor/installer, who has installed the intercom.