On factory default the device does not belong to any Z-Wave network. The device needs to join an
existing wireless network to communicate with the devices of this network. This process is
called Inclusion. Devices can also leave a network. This process is called Exclusion. The primary
controller of the Z-Wave network initiates both processes. This controller will be turned into exclusion
respective inclusion mode. Please refer to your primary controllers manual on how to turn your
controller into inclusion or exclusion mode. Only if the primary controller is in inclusion or exclusion
mode, this device can join or leave the network. Leaving the network - i.e. being excluded - sets the
device back to factory default.
If the device already belongs to a network, follow the exclusion process before including it in your
network. Otherwise inclusion of this device will fail. If the controller being included was a primary
controller, it has to be reset first.
Pressing the button 'Inclusion Button' for one second includes the device. If the button is pressed for at
least 2 seconds the inclusion will be done without the (Security Command Class). A single click on the
button will exclude the device.
In case smoke is detected by the smoke detector the device will sound and the wireless module will
issue a Z-Wave alarm command to the main controller and other associated devices. The wireless
module will also report a low (wireless module) battery warning and a tamper alarm on and off when
the mains device is place on or removed from the mounting base. Please note that the battery level of
the main detector is not reported since this battery can’t be replaced anyway. The end-of-life indicator
serves the same purpose.
Note: All communication of the wireless module is performed with application level security if the
device was included securely and all communication partners support secure communication as well.
In case a non-secure device is associated for switching on smoke alarm, the smoke detector will
detect this and change its communication style with this very device to non-secure. This process
happens one time and will take about 20 seconds. This delay will happen on first communication only.
The siren can be used for other alarm indication. For this reason the device will be shown at graphical
user interface as a simple on/off switch. Turning on this switch start the siren, turning it off will stop the
noise. The generic siren alarm has a different acoustic pattern than the permanent sound caused by
smoke. The configuration parameters 1 and 2 define the sequence of the sound.
Factory reset
To do a factory reset press the button on the bottom of the device for at least 10 seconds. This
procedure should only be used when the primary controller is inoperable.
Firmware Update
Once the firmware update process has started double click the Z-Wave button to confirm firmware
update process.
Alarm Messages
The device will issue the following (unsolicited) alarm messages:
- Smoke Detected (this message will also be issued when the Test button is pressed
- Low Battery Alarm (when the battery of the wireless modules goes low)
- Tamper Detected (on, when the smoke detector head is removed from the base; off, when
the detector head is mounted to the base)
- End of Life (issued, when the Detector Main Head has reached its end of life after 10+ years.)