PolyVision a3 CeramicSteel Flow Installation Manual

CeramicSteel Flow
Installation Guide
Americas 2019
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Guidelines for installing your new a3 CeramicSteel Flow system
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Safety Requirements
3 Safety Requirements
4 Handling + Storing of Panels
5 Required Materials + Equipment
6 Key to System Details
7 Standard Extrusions
8 D1 - D4 Systems
12 Installation
18 Warranty
Safety Requirements
a3 CeramicSteel Flow - Wall Mounted Dry Erase Board, Non-Seismic Applications
The building’s Engineer of Record must be consulted to determine if there are any seismic requirements.
Verify Wall Construction
CAUTION! Adequate wall construction is required to support the weight of the board. Minimum wall construction must be capable of supporting weight amounts listed in Table 1 on page 12.
Minimum Required Wall Construction
Drywall with metal studs:
Must be at least 0.6 mm (.02”) thick Metal stud 48.8 mm x 50 mm (1.92” x 1.97”)
Studs on maximum 600 mm (24”) centers
Must be at least 2 x 12,5 mm (.49”) Type X gypsum drywall
35 mm (1.34”) drywall screws on 250 mm (12”) centers
Drywall with wooden studs:
Stud grade SPF, DFL or Hem-Fir 45 mm x 70 mm (1.5” x 3.5”)
Studs on 600 mm (24”) centers
Must be atleast 25 mm (5/8”) thick Type X gypsum drywall for the US or 2 x 12,5 mm (1/2”) for EU
35 mm (#6 x 11/4”) drywall screws on 250 mm (12”) centers
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Handling + Storing of Panels
Required Materials + Equipment
Handling + Storing of Panels
When a3 CeramicSteel panels are shipped, they are protected by craft paper or a self-adhesive transparent polyethylene ilm. Keep panels in the original package until installation.
Handle with care to prevent damage.
Never slide panels o the stack during handling. Panels should always be lifted and moved in a
vertical position.
Never place an a3 panel in a vertical position on the loor. This is to prevent damage to the edges.
Prevent dirt from settling on and between panels to avoid surface damage, scratches or defects.
Follow all safety instructions regarding personal protection when processing the panels.
Protect panel surface against sawdust and sparks (metal particles).
a3 CeramicSteel will chip when cut or drilled with power tools. Hand-cutting can cause chipping up to approx. 2 mm from the edge. When chipping is in excess of 2 mm, please check the state of cutting tools and check that the panel is adequately supported and clamped to prevent it from vibrating.
All cut or drilled sections should be protected against humidity with PVC tape and/or by covering/sealing proiles or sealing washers.
For detailed processing instructions, please refer to the a3 processing instructions.
Keep panels dry and free of debris.
Store panels inside temps 5090 °F (1032 °C).
Any panels stored outside should be protected from inclement weather conditions.
Place panels on hard, lat surfaces that are not subject to standing water.
a3 CeramicSteel panels should be stacked no more than three high.
Panels should never be stored vertically or in such a way that the corners are vulnerable to damage.
If you have a problem, question, or a request, call your local fabricator, your regional sales manager or PolyVision Customer Service. PolyVision’s global customer service team can be contacted on polyvision.com.
Required Materials + Equipment
Electrical Equipment
1. Drill
2. Miter saw
3. Grinder
4. Jigsaw
5. Industrial vacuum cleaner
Hardware Equipment
1. Level (laser level recommended)
2. Aluminum straight guide
3. Chalk line
4. Anchors adapted to wall
For gypsum walls, use #8 plastic wall anchor with #8 x 11/4” (4 mm x 35 mm) self drilling screws.
For stone walls, anchors and screws must be provided by installer per conditions
Recommended anchor spacing is 406 mm (16”) to 610 (24”) on center
5. Shims 1 mm - 2 mm - 3 mm (1/32” - 1/16” - 1/8”)
6. Soft wood block ± 50 mm x 25 mm x 300 mm (2” x 1” x 12”) length or rubber mallet to knock in the coverstrip
7. Glass suction cup lifters (2)
Included Hardware
1. Anchors
2. Screws
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Key to System Details
Standard Extrusions
Key to System Details
The details listed in the image below show placement for panel proiles and how the material can be
installed. IMPORTANT: Proiles must be secured to studs in as many locations as possible and at least 24” o.c. for horizontals and 18” o.c. for verticals.
Standard Extrusions
Mid Frame
Base Frame
Top Frame
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D1 - D4 Systems
D1 | Vertical Butt Joint D2 | Panel Head at Ceiling
structural support max 24” o.c. (by others)
type S bugle head screws @ 16” o.c. (by erector)
top frame
gypsum board plug or screw if located over stud
CeramicSteel interior panels
panel dimension panel dimension
factory edges on both panels
interior panels
base frame
structural support max 24” o.c. (by others)
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D3 | Panel Terminator at Wall D4 | Panel Bottom Line
structural support max 24” o.c. (by others)
base rame
type S bugle head screws @ 16” O.C. (by erector)
interior panels
top frame
gypsum board plug or screw if located over stud
interior panels
base frame
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Before starting the installation of a3 CeramicSteel Flow
1. Verify that the required equipment is available and material provided is accurate.
2. Provide adequate protection for inished loor surfaces.
3. If cutouts are required for electrical outlets or switches, refer to the following instructions
Square penetrations for light switches and electrical outlets can be made by irst drilling a pilot hole and then cutting with a jig saw using a metal cutting blade minimum 14 TPI (teeth per inch).
All cutouts should be made with the inish side up, through the protective
Product Weight (kgs/lbs)
Flow 1830 28 kgs/61.7 lbs
Flow 2420 37 kgs/81.5 lbs
polyilm and a layer of common masking tape. Apply masking tape to the entire area. Be sure to apply enough to protect the surface from the baseplate of the saw.
Metal burrs left after cutting can be removed with a ile or ine sand paper.
Step One
1. Start with a leveled line for the bottom proile. A laser level is recommended. Be sure to allow a minimum of 3 mm (1/8”) space between the proile and the wall base molding.
2. Mark and drill the holes in the wall.
3. Attach the base frame using the provided anchors. Refer to Table 2 for proile dimensions.
Step Two
1. Start with a leveled line for the vertical proile (base frame). A laser level is recommended. Be sure to allow a minimum of 3 mm (1/8”) space between the proile and any existing wall.
2. Mark and drill the holes in the wall.
Tab le 1
Vertical Trim Lengths
Product Inch mm
Flow 1830 69- 11/16 1770
Flow 2420 92- 7/8 2360
Step Three
1. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for top and adjacent base frames.
2. Mark and drill the holes in the wall
Tab le 2
Panel Qty Horizontal Proile
1 panel 2 1195 mm (47 1/16”)
2 panel 2 2380 mm (93 11/16”)
3 panel 2 3565 mm (140 5/16”)
4 panel 2 4750 mm (187”)
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Step Four
1. Before installing the irst panel, locate the panel with the logo in the bottom right corner. (Note that the logo is not drawn to size.) This panel will need to be the furthest right panel. This installation guide shows the logo panel as the irst to be installed. Installation lows from right to left.
2. Place the irst panel (with logo) into position and hold the panel into position with a temporary piece of cover trim 8” (200 mm). The panel must it against the vertical end proile and the horizontal bottom proile.
Cut pairs of Snap in Trim Extrusion, 8” (200mm) long with 45 mitre at one end. These can be used to temporarily hold the irst panel until the Vertical Joint Spline is installed and secured.
Step Five
1. Insert the mid frame (H-proile) into the vertical side of the panel opposite from the vertical end proile by sliding the metal extrusion into the groove on the side of the panel.
2. Depending upon the type of wall, either anchor directly through the lat part of the H-proile or predrill the wall for the appropriate type of anchor.
Step Six
1. Repeat step 5 for the remaining panels
2. Place the inal panel into position and hold in place with a temporary piece of cover trim 8” (200 mm).
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Step Seven
1. Place the temporary snap on cover trim pieces on each end of the verticals.
2. Measure and miter cut the top and bottom cover trim (top frame).
3. Place snap on cover trim being sure to install using a piece of soft wood blocking or a rubber mallet in order to avoid damaging the exposed inish. Start the proile aligned with the bottom/top of the panel. Once thenproiles are ixed they will be diicult to remove without damaging.
Step Eight
1. Measure and miter cut the vertical cover trim (top frame).
2. Place snap on cover trims being sure to install using a piece of soft wood blocking or a rubber mallet in order to avoid damaging the exposed inish. Start the proile aligned with the panel. Once the proiles are ixed they will be diicult to remove without damaging.
Step Nine
1. Installation for a3 CeramicSteel Flow is complete.
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