Polycom SoundStructure Device Firmware, SOUND STRUCTURE, SoundStructure Studio Software User Manual

Polycom SoundStructure Release Notes
Copyright © 2008-2010 Polycom Inc. Page 1
Release Notes
and SoundStructure Studio Software
October 29, 2010
Polycom Inc.
3553 North First Street, San Jose, CA, USA
This document is the property of Polycom, Inc. Any duplication, reproduction, or transmission of this
document, or any of its contents, to unauthorized parties without prior written permission of Polycom, is
Polycom SoundStructure Release Notes
Copyright © 2008-2010 Polycom Inc. Page 2
Table of Contents
1. SOUNDSTRUCTURE STUDIO 1.4.1 RELEASE NOTES .................................................... 4
2. SOUNDSTRUCTURE FIRMWARE 1.3.3 RELEASE NOTES ............................................ 4
3. SOUNDSTRUCTURE STUDIO 1.4.0 RELEASE NOTES .................................................... 5
4. SOUNDSTRUCTURE FIRMWARE 1.3.2 RELEASE NOTES ............................................ 6
5. SOUNDSTRUCTURE FIRMWARE 1.3.1 RELEASE NOTES ............................................ 7
6. SOUNDSTRUCTURE STUDIO 1.3.0 RELEASE NOTES .................................................... 7
7. SOUNDSTRUCTURE FIRMWARE 1.3.0 RELEASE NOTES ............................................ 9
8. SOUNDSTRUCTURE FIRMWARE 1.2.5 RELEASE NOTES .......................................... 13
9. SOUNDSTRUCTURE FIRMWARE 1.2.4 RELEASE NOTES .......................................... 13
10. SOUNDSTRUCTURE STUDIO 1.2.1 RELEASE NOTES .............................................. 15
11. SOUNDSTRUCTURE FIRMWARE 1.2.3 RELEASE NOTES ...................................... 18
12. SOUNDSTRUCTURE FIRMWARE 1.2.2 RELEASE NOTES ...................................... 18
13. SOUNDSTRUCTURE FIRMWARE 1.2.1 RELEASE NOTES ...................................... 19
14. SOUNDSTRUCTURE STUDIO 1.2.0 RELEASE NOTES .............................................. 21
15. SOUNDSTRUCTURE FIRMWARE 1.2.0 RELEASE NOTES ...................................... 23
16. SOUNDSTRUCTURE FIRMWARE 1.1.5 RELEASE NOTES ...................................... 25
17. SOUNDSTRUCTURE FIRMWARE 1.1.4 RELEASE NOTES ...................................... 25
18. SOUNDSTRUCTURE FIRMWARE 1.1.3 RELEASE NOTES ...................................... 25
19. SOUNDSTRUCTURE STUDIO 1.1.2 RELEASE NOTES .............................................. 26
20. SOUNDSTRUCTURE FIRMWARE 1.1.2 RELEASE NOTES ...................................... 26
20.1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND FEATURE LIMITATIONS.................................................... 27
21. SOUNDSTRUCTURE STUDIO 1.1.1 RELEASE NOTES .............................................. 27
22. SOUNDSTRUCTURE FIRMWARE 1.1.1 RELEASE NOTES ...................................... 28
22.1.1 phone_connect parameter not saved in full presets ................................................... 28
23. SOUNDSTRUCTURE FIRMWARE 1.1.0 RELEASE NOTES ...................................... 29
23.1.1 HDX Microphone Arrays ........................................................................................... 29
23.1.2 SoundStructure SR12 .................................................................................................. 30
23.1.3 API Command Examples ............................................................................................ 30
24. SOUNDSTRUCTURE STUDIO 1.1.0 RELEASE NOTES .............................................. 33
24.1.1 Offline Operation and Power-on Preset .................................................................... 33
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24.1.2 Limiter on telephony output signals by default .......................................................... 33
24.1.3 Filter Decay is enabled by default ............................................................................. 33
24.1.4 Partial Presets ............................................................................................................ 33
24.1.5 Offline Device Equipment Changes ........................................................................... 33
24.1.6 SoundStructure SR12 .................................................................................................. 34
24.1.7 Polycom HDX Digital Microphone Array ................................................................. 34
25. SOUNDSTRUCTURE STUDIO 1.0.1 RELEASE NOTES .............................................. 37
26. SOUNDSTRUCTURE STUDIO 1.0.0 RELEASE NOTES .............................................. 37
27. SOUNDSTRUCTURE FIRMWARE 1.0.0 RELEASE NOTES ...................................... 37
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1. SoundStructure Studio 1.4.1 Release Notes
October 29, 2010
SoundStructure Studio version 1.4.1 is a maintenance release that improves the usability
of the SoundStructure Studio user interface and resolves a number of issues including
unexpected program closures under various circumstances.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the Add/Edit Event dialog box did not show all buttons on
Chinese language PC’s.
Fixed several issues with the project conversion wizard including
o A conversion of a project for one set of devices to another set of devices with
one or more HDX microphones may have microphone elements removed
from the converted project.
o A conversion of project from a system with a TEL2 card to a system with a
TEL1 card could cause SoundStructure Studio to terminate unexpectedly.
Fixed an issue where it was required to save an online project prior to being able to
execute a preset when the Run button was pressed if virtual channel names or
virtual group names had been changed since the last time the project was saved.
Fixed numerous issues that could cause SoundStructure Studio to close
unexpectedly while using the preset recorder, events editor, channels, and matrix
Fixed an issue where SoundStructure Studio could not create a logic array with
more than 27 pins.
Fixed an issue where SoundStructure Studio could not create default call active and
call inactive presets for an offline project with an HDX codec and analog
Fixed several issues related to automatic event creation including when using push
to talk microphones and Toggle All Mics Mute.
Fixed an issue where odd orders were allowed for Linkwitz-Riley filters. Only even
order filters are now allowed.
2. SoundStructure firmware 1.3.3 Release Notes
October 29, 2010
SoundStructure firmware 1.3.3 is a patch release that fixes several issues as described
In addition to the firmware file, a sha1sum checksum of the firmware file may also be
downloaded to verify the firmware file has been properly downloaded and matches the file
on the web site. The contents of this checksum file are shown below.
0bd08cdee082558877622331ea7b90521fc83048 firmware-1.3.3.bin
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Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where querying the state of an empty virtual channel group (e.g., get
mute “Mics” when “Mics” is a virtual channel group with no members) would cause
an assertion that would turn the master SoundStructure device’s front panel light
yellow and cause the system to stop responding to both API commands and
SoundStructure Studio until the system was rebooted.
Fixed an issue where it was not possible to enable the AMX beacon without causing
the SoundStructure device’s firmware to become unresponsive.
Fixed an issue where log messages were not formatted properly for command
buffer overflow messages.
Fixed several issues with logic arrays including allowing more than 27 pins to be
defined, and properly mapping the event action when large logic arrays are used.
3. SoundStructure Studio 1.4.0 Release Notes
May 24, 2010
SoundStructure Studio 1.4.0 is a major release adding a partial preset recorder capability
and support for the Polycom Headset Interface adapter.
SoundStructure Studio version 1.4.0 is recommended for use with all SoundStructure
designs regardless of the target firmware of SoundStructure devices. There is no
minimum firmware version required to take advantage of the features within
SoundStructure Studio 1.4.0.
New Features
The new features of SoundStructure Studio version 1.4.0 are introduced below. For
detailed information on using the new SoundStructure Studio, see the SoundStructure
Studio 1.4 primer document that is available on the Polycom website.
Preset recorder
SoundStructure Studio 1.4 includes a preset recorder that allows one to create partial
presets simply by starting the recorder and then using SoundStructure Studio’s user
interface to change the project settings. The results can be stored to a new partial preset
or appended to an existing partial preset.
Headset interface adapter support
The Polycom Headset Interface adapter, 2200-33206-001, has been added as an
input/output option within SoundStructure Studio and can be easily added to a project and
with all the SoundStructure Studio settings set appropriately.
Auto Route Option
Added the option to not auto-route signals in the matrix when adding channels and
creating projects. This option will retain its value between SoundStructure Studio
Command line argument
Polycom SoundStructure Release Notes
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Added support for the command line argument, -connect, to automatically connect to a
system when Studio is launched. The connect option can accept an IP address or a serial
Automatically Generated Event Names
Automatically created events names now begin with an underscore, “_”, to differentiate the
automatically created events from user defined events.
Event Copy Button
Added an event copy button on the Events page to simplify creation of new events. An
event can be copied by selecting the event and clicking the event copy button.
Improved wiring report
Wiring report includes physical logic pin connection information.
Bug Fixes
Fixed some UI issues where sorting events could cause the event under the mouse
to have a white background and white font.
Fixed an issue where renaming a stereo channel via the Edit Channels dialog did
not update the wiring page correctly.
Fixed an issue where MAC addresses were not sorted properly in the Connect to
Devices control.
Fixed an issue where if the SoundStation VTX1000 was the only remote audio
source, the SR12 would be selected by default.
Fixed several assertion errors that would cause SoundStructure Studio to close
Fixed an issue where removing a command from a full preset created a partial
preset that would mute the system during execution and unmute when finished
Fixed an issue where after using the project conversion wizard the number of
unused inputs for an SR12 was not calculated correctly.
SoundStructure Studio now allows logic outputs to be used as event sources.
4. SoundStructure firmware 1.3.2 Release Notes
May 24, 2010
SoundStructure firmware 1.3.2 is a patch release that fixes several issues as described
In addition to the firmware file, a sha1sum checksum of the firmware file may also be
downloaded to verify the firmware file has been properly downloaded and matches the file
on the web site. The contents of this checksum file are shown below.
9e8d427e83a322c17e46db006efe18c9c40f7017 firmware-1.3.2.bin
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Bug Fixes
Fixed the following issue with SoundStructure systems that have two or more
SoundStructure devices running version 1.3.0 or 1.3.1 firmware. In some cases
after a large configuration file upload, or in rare cases after a preset execution,
some parameters in the SoundStructure system could still have their default values
(e.g., muted crosspoints or safety muted) even though SoundStructure Studio
displayed the desired settings (e.g., unmuted crosspoints and not safety muted).
Changed the behavior of the loop drop auto-hangup function to auto-hangup even if
there is no phone line plugged into a telephony card.
5. SoundStructure firmware 1.3.1 Release Notes
January 27, 2010
SoundStructure firmware 1.3.1 is a patch release that corrects a difference in how virtual
channel group acknowledgments are generated compared to earlier firmware versions.
In addition to the firmware file, a sha1sum checksum of the firmware file may also be
downloaded to verify the firmware file has been properly downloaded and matches the file
on the web site. The contents of this checksum file are shown below.
bfb1a41d51eb9cf474639fc76c04aff49718be2a firmware-1.3.1.bin
Bug Fix
In version 1.3.0 firmware, acknowledgements from virtual channel group commands are
not sent to secondary control connections. For example, if SoundStructure Studio were
used to mute a virtual channel group, a control system also connected to the
SoundStructure system would receive the proper mute acknowledgment for the individual
channels in the group but would not receive the mute acknowledgment for the group
In addition, if a virtual channel group were used in a preset, or in the action of an Event,
correct command acknowledgments would be generated for the individual channels in the
group, but not for the group name.
This virtual channel group acknowledgment behavior difference could affect the status of a
control touch panel display if the control system is expecting the acknowledgment from the
virtual channel group name.
6. SoundStructure Studio 1.3.0 Release Notes
December 15, 2009
SoundStructure Studio 1.3.0 is a major release adding new Events and logic input/output
functionality to support the SoundStructure 1.3.0 firmware release (See Section 7 for
SoundStructure 1.3.0 firmware details).
It is recommended to use SoundStructure Studio version 1.3.0 for all SoundStructure
project designs regardless of the target firmware of SoundStructure devices.
New Features
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The new features of SoundStructure Studio version 1.3.0 are introduced below. For
detailed information on using the new SoundStructure Studio and firmware 1.3.0 features,
see Chapter 9 in the revision D, or later, SoundStructure Design Guide. The
SoundStructure Design Guide may be found from the help menu in the version 1.3
SoundStructure Studio software.
SoundStructure Studio version 1.3.0 introduces the Events page for creating and editing
events. Events are a very flexible way to cause specified actions to occur based on a
source and a trigger and are used to connect logic input pins to control settings within
SoundStructure such as executing presets based on logic pin changes, or muting
microphones based on a button push. Events are also used to integrate the HDX IR
remote controller with a SoundStructure device, allowing the different key presses to
execute functions within SoundStructure such as taking the PSTN interface offhook,
dialing digits, or muting microphones.
Integrated support for push-to-talk microphones
SoundStructure Studio includes automated support for creating projects with push-to-talk
microphones through the new logic input mode and logic output mode options available on
the edit channels page. It is possible to add up to 128 push-to-talk microphones and their
associated LED indicators at the same time the microphones are added to the project.
Push-to-talk microphones are supported by SoundStructure events and all the events are
created automatically as the microphones are added to the project.
HDX/SoundStructure integration uses Events
The SoundStructure integration with HDX no longer requires the names “Mics” and
“Amplifier” as the integration behavior is implemented with Events that may be customized.
These events are added automatically when an HDX video codec is added to a project.
These events allow bi-directional control between a SoundStructure system and an HDX
video codec system. This allows the SoundStructure system to mute an HDX video codec
and have the mute icon displayed on the video display.
HDX IR remote support added
SoundStructure Studio supports adding an HDX IR remote to a project and automatically
creates the events required to support the different IR key presses.
Configurable Peak Hold Meter
SoundStructure Studio supports different options for the Peak Meter including a One
second peak hold, Peak decay, and Infinite hold until the peak is reset.
The new logic page is used for viewing the current status of defined logic input and output
pins, and for changing parameters such as the digital_gpio_hold and digital_gpio_repeat
times and the logic pin names. There is a new Edit Logic interface for defining digital logic
input pins and arrays, digital logic output pins and arrays, and analog logic input pins.
Last run partial preset
Added last run partial preset to the bottom status bar of SoundStructure Studio.
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Windows Vista and Windows 7 Support
Added support for Windows Vista and Windows 7.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where the matrix page would appear much smaller than the overall
screen size when large fonts were used or with certain foreign language versions of
Fixed an issue where SoundStructure devices running 1.1.5 firmware could not be
discovered over RS232 with SoundStructure Studio 1.2.1.
Fixed several file transfer time outs during large configuration setting transfers.
Fixed an issue where if a telephone line had been auto-hungup due to loop drop
detection, then when the phone was taken offhook with SoundStructure Studio, the
last telephone number dialed would be dialed again.
Fixed an issue where some crosspoints were not selectable until a different
crosspoint was selected at which point the first crosspoint could be selected again.
Fixed an issue where selecting two Polycom HDX video codecs for a project would
not fully route the audio between the video codecs.
Fixed an issue where changing the name of a virtual channel group would not
change the original virtual channel group name used in partial presets to the new
Fixed cases where the edit devices wizard would change the wiring of the system
when only the presence of a TEL card was the difference from the designed project
and the target hardware.
Fixed an issue where deleting and rearranging HDX microphones on the wiring
page would cause the microphone green dots indicators on the wiring page to
become unsequenced.
7. SoundStructure firmware 1.3.0 Release Notes
December 15, 2009
SoundStructure firmware 1.3.0 is a major release adding significant new functionality to
SoundStructure systems, numerous performance improvements, and several bug fixes.
In addition to the firmware file, a sha1sum checksum of the firmware file may also be
downloaded to verify the firmware file has been properly downloaded and matches the file
on the web/ftp site. The contents of this checksum file are shown below.
a7d7818ce34028d14973d7a8039a5a5e9ada2e90 firmware-1.3.0.bin
New Features
The new features of SoundStructure firmware version 1.3.0 are introduced below. For
detailed information on using the new SoundStructure Studio and firmware 1.3.0 features,
see Chapter 9 in the revision D, or later, SoundStructure Design Guide. The
SoundStructure Design Guide may be found from the help menu in the version 1.3
SoundStructure Studio software.
Events enable Logic input and output pins and the HDX IR Remote
Polycom SoundStructure Release Notes
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SoundStructure firmware version 1.3.0 introduces the concepts of Events where events
can be used with logic input pins to execute SoundStructure commands including
executing presets or setting the value of logic output pins.
Added new parameters digital_gpio_held, digital_gpio_hold_time, and
digital_gpio_repeat_time to add more options for using the logic input pins.
The HDX IR remote, with the addition of external IR receiver that connects to the
SoundStructure rear panel, may be used to control SoundStructure devices with events.
Key presses on the IR remote can cause events to execute commands on SoundStructure
allowing full control of a SoundStructure telephony interface.
Zero Configuration Network Support
SoundStructure devices running version 1.3 firmware will default to the link-local IP
address of if the SoundStructure is configured for DHCP and there is no
DHCP server available to provide an IP address when the SoundStructure device powers
up. This makes it possible to connect to a computer directly to a SoundStructure device
with either a straight-through or crossover Ethernet cable without either having to set a
static IP address or having a DHCP server available.
10 New Ring Tones
10 new ring tones have been added to the SoundStructure telephony interface. The ring
tones are selected with the new SoundStructure parameter phone_ring_tone. The default
ring tone is the traditional phone ring tone (phone_ring_tone = 1)
Autohangup based on Call Progress Tones
SoundStructure firmware version 1.3 includes the ability to automatically hang up any of
the SoundStructure PSTN phone interfaces based on the call progress tones of busy, fast
busy, and offhook. There is a new SoundStructure parameter,
pstn_auto_hangup_call_prog_en, that enables or disables this functionality. The default
value is disabled.
Serial port broadcast mode
SoundStructure firmware version 1.3 includes a broadcast mode for the serial port that
allows the SoundStructure device to send commands to other devices. The serial port
may be in one of two modes – command or broadcast. The default mode for the serial
port is command mode. Command mode is compatible with third party control systems
such as AMX and Crestron and allows the SoundStructure system to be fully controlled or
configured. Broadcast mode allows the SoundStructure device to send arbitrary
commands from the selected serial port to control other devices. When in broadcast
mode, any data received on the serial port is ignored.
Pause the command processor
SoundStructure firmware version 1.3 adds a new parameter, sys_pause, that pauses the
system’s command processor for the specified number of milliseconds. This means that
any commands that are sent to SoundStructure from a control system or from
SoundStructure Studio will be queued up and not executed until the sys_pause time has
passed. The parameter sys_pause can be used to add delays in the command processing
system. For example, to create a one second tone burst, a partial preset could be created
Polycom SoundStructure Release Notes
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that unmutes the signal generator to an output, pauses for one second, and then mutes
the signal generator
Signal Activity Meter
SoundStructure firmware version 1.3 includes a signal activity meter. This meter can be
used as a source with the events engine. The threshold for the signal activity is set for all
audio channels at once with the signal_activity_thresh parameter.
Version 30 HDX Microphone Firmware
SoundStructure firmware version 1.3 includes the version 30 firmware for the Polycom
HDX microphones. Version 30 firmware makes more efficient usage of the microphone
resources and reduces the power requirement of the HDX microphones. Updating the
SoundStructure firmware to version 1.3 will automatically cause HDX table and ceiling
microphones that are connected to the SoundStructure device to be updated if there is no
HDX video codec connected to the SoundStructure device over conference link. Current
HDX video codec firmware releases include version 30 firmware.
Support for 40 ft OBAM cables
OBAM has been improved to support 1394b Beta cables with lengths of up to 40ft.
Standard high quality 1394b Beta cables may be used with SoundStructure. A 40ft OBAM
cable is now available from Polycom with part number 2200-43229-001.
Faster Preset Execution
The execution speed of both partial presets and full presets has been significantly
improved. Partial presets may be used more efficiently now for volume control, changing
routing settings, and other simple changes to the system. Full presets execute faster on
SoundStructure systems.
Reduced boot time
SoundStructure systems built from either single devices or large multi-device systems will
finish the boot process in under two minutes.
Static IP address improvements
Static IP addresses of SoundStructure devices now remain with the device regardless of
whether a device has been OBAM linked with other devices or has a configuration file that
doesn’t match the hardware (yellow front panel LED state).
Stereo linking for dynamics and AGC
Stereo virtual channels now have the dynamics and AGC processing of both left and right
channels linked together to ensure the stereo image is not affected by gains applied to the
underlying left and right channels.
Synchronized clink mute state
Using SoundStructure events and the new SoundStructure parameter clink_mute, the clink
mute state can be synchronized across multiple SoundStructure devices that are linked
with OBAM. This ensures that the status LED light on HDX table microphones are
synchronized across multiple SoundStructure devices.
‘online’ RS232 acknowledgment upon power up
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When the SoundStructure device has finished booting, the string “online” will be sent out
the serial port interface to indicate the system has finished booting. This can be used by a
control system that is connected over RS232 as an indicator that it can now send
commands to a SoundStructure system.
New API Commands
The following new parameters were added in the SoundStructure firmware version 1.3. For
detailed information about these new parameters, point your browser to the IP address of
a SoundStructure device that is running version 1.3 firmware.
Command Description
Indicates whether there is an active video call on an
HDX connected to the particular SoundStructure
Can be used to indicate whether there is an active call
(HDX video or SoundStructure PSTN) on a particular
SoundStructure device. When clink_local_call_active is
one or greater on a particular SoundStructure device,
the HDX table microphone LEDs will illuminate green
on that device.
Controls the mute state on the conference link
interfaces for the particular SoundStructure device.
Controls the mute state for any HDX codecs that are
connected to that particular SoundStructure device.
When clink_mute is true for a given SoundStructure
device, HDX table microphones connected to that
SoundStructure device will illuminate red.
Controls the volume level on the conference link
interfaces for the particular SoundStructure devices.
This parameter may be used to map the volume from
the HDX to a fader on SoundStructure.
Specifies that the particular logic input pin has been
held for the digital_gpio_hold_time in the closed
position (digital_gpio_held = 1).
Specifies the amount of time that a logic input pin must
be held before the first digital_gpio_held message is
Specifies the amount of time in milliseconds between
digital_gpio_held messages when a button is
continually held in the closed position (logic input switch
closed = logic input value of 0).
Specifies the IR channel ID that the SoundStructure
and IR remote transceiver use. This allows multiple IR
transmitters and receivers to be used in the same
room. Defaults to 3 which is also the default for the
HDX IR remote.
Selects the incoming telephone ring tone
Enables being able to automatically hangup the phone
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