Polycom RMX 1000 V1.1.1 User Manual

RMX 1000 V1.1.1 and
SE 200 V3.0.2/CMA
Server V4.0 Integration
User Guide
Copyright © 2008 Polycom, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Catalog No. 3150-16966-001
Version 1.1.1
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Polycom RMX 1000 V1.1.1and SE 200 V3.0.2/CMA V4.0 Integration User Guide
Table of Contents
Introduction·················································································1-1 Manage Device············································································2-1
Add Device ···································································· 2-1 View Device status··························································· 2-3 Edit Device detail ···························································· 2-4 Delete Device·································································· 2-4
Schedule conference·································································· 3-1
Create a template····························································· 3-1 Create a conference ·························································· 3-2
Manage conference···································································· 4-1
Change Layout································································ 4-2 Extend Conference··························································· 4-2 Manage participant ·························································· 4-3
Add participant ···························································· 4-3 Connect/Disconnect Participant······································· 4-5 Remove Participant ······················································· 4-6 Mute/unmute Participant··············································· 4-7
Terminate conference································································· 5-1


SE 200 V3.0.2/CMA V4.0 can be used to manage RMX 1000 V1.1.1 , include
device management, conference scheduling, and conference management.
This guide mainly takes detailed explanation about how SE 200
V3.0.2/CMA V4.0 integrated manages RMX
The specific contents are as follows:
Manage Device
Schedule conference
Manage conference:
Change layout
Extend conference
Add participant
Connect/disconnect participant
Remove participant
Mute/unmute participant
Terminate conference

Manage Device

Add Device

1 Click Device | Admin/Monitor View, See the following drawing:
2 Click Add Device listed in Commands | Device Navigation, there will
pop-up Add New Device page.
Set information as follows:
a. Select Device Type to RMX, b. Set IP Address to a valid IP of RMX 1000 device, c. Set Admin ID to a valid username of the RMX 1000 device, d. Set Password to a valid password of the RMX 1000 device,
See the following drawing:
+ 16 hidden pages