Polycom READIVOICE User Manual

Release Notes
Polycom, the Polycom logo, Voyant, and ReadiVoice are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc. Any other trademarks appearing in this document are the property of their respective owners.
The information in this document is the sole intellectual property of Polycom, Inc., and may not be copied, transcribed, distributed, or used for any other purpose without prior written permission from Polycom, Inc.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Catalog No. 3725-70002-009G2
Proprietary and Confidential
The information contained herein is the sole intellectual property of Polycom, Inc. No distribution, reproduction or unauthorized use of these materials is permitted without the express written consent of Polycom, Inc. Information contained herein is subject to change without notice and does not represent commitment of any type on the part of Polycom, Inc. Polycom and are registered trademarks of Polycom, Inc.
While reasonable effort was made to ensure that the information in this document was complete and accurate at the time of printing, Polycom, Inc., cannot assume responsibility for any errors. Changes and/or corrections to the information contained in this document may be incorporated into future issues.
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Table of Contents
Introduction................................................................................................................................ 5
2 What’s New in ReadiVoice v2.56.0..........................................................................................5
2.1 Windows Operator Production Availability............................................................ 5
2.2 Multiple Subscriber Access Numbers .......................................................................6
3 Other Enhancements and Changes in ReadiVoice v2.56.0...................................................7
3.1 Moderator API Changes.............................................................................................. 7
3.2 CAPI Changes............................................................................................................... 8
3.3 Configuration and Implementation Changes...........................................................9
3.4 SNMP changes............................................................................................................ 10
3.5 Database Changes ...................................................................................................... 10
3.6 PSPI Changes .............................................................................................................. 10
3.7 InnoVox Changes....................................................................................................... 10
3.8 Routing Interface Changes........................................................................................ 10
4 ReadiVoice v2.55.0................................................................................................................... 11
4.1 Conferencing API (CAPI).......................................................................................... 11
4.2 Multi-language Prompts ........................................................................................... 12
4.3 Blast Dial Enhancement............................................................................................. 13
4.4 External ID B Field .....................................................................................................15
4.5 HP OpenView MIB Access .......................................................................................15
5 Other Enhancements and Changes in ReadiVoice v2.55.0.................................................15
5.1 Moderator Branding .................................................................................................. 15
5.2 Moderator API Changes............................................................................................ 16
5.3 Configuration and Implementation Changes.........................................................18
5.4 Database Changes ...................................................................................................... 18
5.5 CDR Changes.............................................................................................................. 19
5.6 PSPI Changes .............................................................................................................. 20
5.7 InnoVox Changes....................................................................................................... 20
5.8 Routing Interface Changes........................................................................................ 20
6 ReadiVoice v2.53.1................................................................................................................... 21
6.1 Database Changes ...................................................................................................... 21
6.2 CDR Changes.............................................................................................................. 21
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6.3 Routing Interface Changes........................................................................................ 21
7 ReadiVoice v2.53.0................................................................................................................... 22
7.1 Larger System Configurations.................................................................................. 22
7.2 Intelligent Network Call Routing Interfaces ..........................................................23
8 Other Enhancements and Changes in ReadiVoice v2.53.0.................................................24
8.1 Automatic Gain Control............................................................................................ 24
9 Upgrading to ReadiVoice v2.56.0..........................................................................................24
10 Software Versions.................................................................................................................... 25
11 Known Limitations..................................................................................................................26
11.1 ReadiVoice v2.56.0 ..................................................................................................... 26
11.2 Innovox v4.21.0........................................................................................................... 27
11.3 ReadiVoice v2.53.1 ..................................................................................................... 27
11.4 InnoVox v4.13.0 ..........................................................................................................29
11.5 ReadiVoice v2.50.4 ..................................................................................................... 29
12 Resolved Issues ........................................................................................................................ 29
12.1 ReadiVoice v2.56.0 ..................................................................................................... 29
12.2 Innovox v4.21.0........................................................................................................... 42
12.3 ReadiVoice v2.53.1 ..................................................................................................... 45
12.4 InnoVox v4.13.0 ..........................................................................................................48
12.5 Resolved in ReadiVoice v2.53.0................................................................................ 48
12.6 Resolved in InnoVox v4.12.0.....................................................................................49
12.7 Resolved in ReadiVoice v2.52.0................................................................................ 50
12.8 Resolved in InnoVox v4.10.0.....................................................................................53
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1 Introduction

These release notes describe the new and enhanced features in the ReadiVoice v2.56.0 software. They also document the important issues resolved in and the known limitations of this release.
Thoroughly review these release notes prior to installing or upgrading this product. A more up-to­date version of these release notes may be available. Please contact your account manager to verify that you have the most recent version.
If you have questions or require more information about this release, please contact Polycom Product Management at 1-888-447-1087, ext. 5003, or 1-303-223-5003, or Polycom Global Services (Customer Support) at 1-800-827-7782 or 1-303-223-5223.

2 What’s New in ReadiVoice v2.56.0

ReadiVoice v2.56.0 is feature release. The following table lists the new features in this release.
Windows Operator Production Availability Windows Operator Link to Provisioning Multiple Subscriber Access Numbers PSPI Call ACM Applications Accessing CDR Data
Note: ReadiVoice v2.56.0 is only available for ReadiVoice PSTN systems. ReadiVoice IP on InnoVox 4000 media servers is
supported with ReadiVoice v2.53.x.
This section describes each new feature in detail. Section 3 describes the enhancements to existing features. Section
The sections below address the new features and functions. Where appropriate, each section includes:
Feature description
Information about provisioning, configuration, and implementation
Voice prompts added or modified
Database, PSPI, and CDR changes
Conferencing API (MAPI, Java and XML) changes
Note: If a feature section doesn’t include a specific subtopic, such as “Voice Prompts,” there are no changes of that type
3 describes other enhancements and changes.
associated with the feature.

2.1 Windows Operator Production Availability

Feature Description

The Windows Operator is made available to all customers in this release. The Windows Operator has all of the functionality of the browser-based Java Operator. However, unlike the Java Operator, the Windows Operator can connect to up to three ReadiVoice servers, so an operator can perform tasks for multiple
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ReadiVoice systems simultaneously. In addition, since it’s a native Windows program, the Windows Operator offers enhanced performance.
Note: ReadiVoice v2.56.0 is expected to be the final release in which the Java Operator is supported.Please contact your
Polycom account manager if you have questions concering the phase out of the Java Operator.

System Requirements

The Windows Operator application requires a PC with:
A 2 GHz or better processor, 512 MB RAM (1 GB recommended), and at least 100 MB free disk space.
Windows 2000 or Windows XP operating system.
Internet Explorer 5.5 or later (needed only for installation and for accessing the ReadiVoice Provisioning
Network connectivity to the ReadiVoice server (CACS) from which to get the application.
Network connectivity to the other ReadiVoice servers, if the operator station will monitor multiple
ReadiVoice systems.

Installation and Configuration

To install the Windows Operator application, you simply click a link to download the self-extracting client and follow the prompts. See the ReadiVoice Windows Operator Guide for complete installation and operation instructions.

Windows Operator Linked to Provisioning

The production release of Windows Operator provides operators with a quick way to change account settings for a subscriber. The Windows Operator GUI now has a link to the Edit Subscriber provisioning page. Subscribers’ names appear as a red link. If required, the operator will be prompted to enter a provisioning username and password. When successful, the system displays the provisioning page for the chosen subscriber. (1-4281834)

2.2 Multiple Subscriber Access Numbers

Feature Description

ReadiVoice v2.56.0 makes it possible to assign a subscriber four or more access number sets at the same time via a new PSPI (Provisioning Stored Procedure Interface) procedure called AddSubAndANString. (1-1XERY/1-6028520) Each access number set consists of an access number, a hidden number, a shared flag identifying the type of access number (private or shared), and a number type (Toll, Toll-free, etc.).
AddSubAndANString is similar to AddSubAndAN_v2550(), but the three sets of access number parameters have been replaced by AccessNumberString, which can contain up to 720 characters. Assuming ten-digit phone numbers, this enables a single stored procedure call to assign up to 27 access numbers to a subscriber. (This string supports a minimum of 10 access numbers.)
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PSPI Requirements

In the stored procedure call, each access number requires four parameters, delimited by commas. Each set of four parameters must be delimited by pipes. None of them can be left blank. The layout is as follows:
accessNum1,hiddenNum1,sharedFlag1,numberType1|accessNum2,hiddenNum2,sharedFlag2, numberType2|...
The procedure first adds the subscriber to the database. Then, it parses the string, validates the parameters, and puts them into a temporary table. Then, the procedure adds each access number to the database (if it doesn’t already exist), removes it from the temporary table, and assigns it to the subscriber. Next, the procedure puts the new data into the CacsEventUpdate table. Finally, the CACS updates the call router with the data from the temporary table.
The new files created to support this stored procedure call are AddSubAndANString.sp, IU_AddPhoneNum.sp, and IU_AssignNumToSub.sp. The new table created to support this stored procedure call is PSPIAccNumHolder.
Note: ReadiVoice v2.56.0 is a transition release that supports both the AddSubAndAccNum and AddSubAndANString
stored procedures. ReadiVoice v2.60.0 will support only AddSubAndANString.

3 Other Enhancements and Changes in ReadiVoice v2.56.0

3.1 Moderator API Changes

Note: ReadiVoice v2.56.0 is a transition release that supports the Conferencing API (CAPI), the Java Moderator API (MAPI), the
XML-API, and Application Control Modules (ACM). ReadiVoice v2.60.0 will support only CAPI.
MAPI EVENT Description
ADDED. This event was missing in RV2550 MAPI. It has been added to current release, and it allows the moderator application to join chairperson to participant.
REMOVED. It is a new event introduced in 2550. It causes customer implemented web moderators to fail due to its unexpected occurrences. The event has been filtered out, and is no longer returned to MAPI client application.
ACM_CHAN_ENTER now has a PartType parameter (of type PART_TYPE enum) that tells what type of participant the channel entering ACM is (PT_SUBSCRIBER, PT_PARTICIPANT). This saves ACM developers from having to register for a conference and iterate through the conference's participant list to find participant
type. File: MESSAGE_SENDER.java Method: sendACM_QUERY_APP
Query for ACM data now includes the passed bridge ID parameter in
the query string. The method arguments have not changed.
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MAPI EVENT Description
This fix alters ACM MAPI clients that were receiving
CURRENT_CONF_INFO events: It adds a new XBOOL type and a
new CCI enum value to MAPI. If an ACM application was receiving
CURRENT_CONF_INFO before, its handler should be changed to
receive CURRENT_CONF_INFO2 (a child class of
CURRENT_CONF_INFO). In the handler changing the method:
event) to handleCURRENT_CONF_INFO2
(CURRENT_CONF_INFO2 event) should be all the modification
needed (logic will still be the same as the #2 is a child of the
original). CAPI Changes to address ACM
Billing Code requirements.
New event added has been added to XML API and CAPI:
SET_CONF_USER_DATA, also CONF_INFO now has a new field:
UserData. The functionality has been added to support future
development of ACM applications.
The change form ULONG -> LONG in RV2550 MAPI may have broken some customer's code. Because LONG_TYPE was the base for both LONG and ULONG, Java could not auto cast between these types (UINT as well). The problem has been corrected. ULONG now inherits from LONG instead of the common base class LONG_TYPE. This allows Java to easily cast down the tree from ULONG to LONG to LONG_TYPE.

3.2 CAPI Changes

CAPI EVENT Description
MessageSender interface CastorMessageSender
CAPI Changes to address ACM Billing Code requirements.
ACM_CALL_ENTERED now has a PartType parameter to inform as
to the type of participant a channel is entering ACM.
PLAY_NAME event now has a PartPlayTo parmeter that tells what
participant to play part(s) name(s) to (-1 == subscriber).
New event added: VALIDATE_MODERATOR_LOGIN to check
parameters that could be used in a moderator login and return a
matching subscriber ID in a SUBSCR_ID event, or NACK with a bad
login NACK reason. This should be of particular use to application
login type developers. Note: this is not a session event, no login
required of any type (see REQ_SYSTEM_INFO event for similar
MessageSender interface and CastorMessageSender changed to
add the extra PlayToPartId parameter (due to the limited scope of
usage of CAPI it was decided an interface change would not be
overly taxing to CAPI developers over having multiple playName
sender methods).
SET_CONF_USER_DATA event has been added to XML API and
CAPI. CONF_INFO now has a new field: UserData. The functionality
has been added to support future development of ACM applications.
New event added has been added to XML API and CAPI:
SET_CONF_USER_DATA, also CONF_INFO now has a new field:
UserData. The functionality has been added to support future
development of ACM applications.
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3.3 Configuration and Implementation Changes

Windows Operator

Windows Operator is now the default operator application. (PTR: 1-6143907) The "activate" configuration parameter has been set to 1. The parameter is located in odprocrc.defaults configuration template file. Configuration file change:
[modules] [opupdater] activate = 1 [] []

Conferencing API—Configurable Timeout Value

CAPI sessions now have a configurable timeout value. (PTR: 1-5953477) The parameter is located in odprocrc.defaults configuration template file. The default timeout value is 120 seconds. Configuration file change:
[modules] [csc] timeout = 120 [] []

Conferencing API—Check Script Change

In ReadiVoice v2.55.0, CAPI introduced a new Application user type. To further support this user type, ECR 1-5998401 in ReadiVoice v2.56.0 implements a change to the output of the ReadiVoice “check” script so that the script more accurately reflects the Application sessions and Moderator sessions currently active on the system.
The output of the “check” script identifies the sessions logged into the system, for example:
Operators logged in: 0 Moderators logged in: 0 Applications logged in: 1
Each application that is logged into the system increments the Applications session counter. However, when an application registers for subscriber events, it also becomes a push_moderator. In this case, the application increments both the Moderators session counter and Applications session counter.
So, for every subscriber for which an application registers, the Moderators session counter is incremented. For example, if an application registers for three separate subscriber events, the “check” script shows:
Operators logged in: 0 Moderators logged in: 3 Applications logged in: 1
As the application unregisters for subscriber events, the Moderators session counter adjusts accordingly.
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3.4 SNMP changes

Application Login type was introduced in RV2550. (PTR: 1-5998401) New SNMP variable (sysNumAppsActive) has been added to track the number of logged applications.
New MIB entry:
sysNumAppsActive OBJECT-TYPE
SYNTAX Unsigned32
MAX-ACCESS read-only
STATUS current
"Specifies a number of applications logged into the system"
::= { sysOperatorInfo 6 }
The ReadiVoice SNMP MIB can be found in file: /web/snmp/srconf/mgr/conferencenow.mib

3.5 Database Changes

See section 2.2 Multiple Subscriber Access Numbers (1-1XERY/1-6028520)

3.6 PSPI Changes

From ReadiVoice v2.55.0 to v2.56.0
AddSubAndANString See section 2.2 Multiple Subscriber Access Numbers (1-1XERY/1-6028520)

3.7 InnoVox Changes

There were no major feature additions to this release.

3.8 Routing Interface Changes

SS7_ATT – recompiled against new SS8 library, version 1.4.01
SS7_DMS -– recompiled against new SS8 library, version 1.4.01
SS7_DMS_100 – recompiled against new SS8 library, version 1.4.01
MCI_ROUTING – fixed the ASN.1 component of the MCI routing module to function properly with the
GCC compiler.
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4 ReadiVoice v2.55.0

ReadiVoice v2.55.0 was a feature release. The following table identifies its new features.
Conferencing API Multi-language Prompts Blast Dial with Recorded Subscriber Name New External ID B filed HP OpenView MIB Access
ReadiVoice v2.55.0 is only available for ReadiVoice PSTN systems. ReadiVoice IP on InnoVox 4000 media
servers is supported with ReadiVoice v2.53.x.
In ReadiVoice v2.55.0, the Windows Operator was a beta release for development and testing purposes only.
For that release, the Java Operator was the only operator interface supported for production systems.
This section describes each new feature in detail. Section 3 describes the enhancements to existing features. Section 4 describes other enhancements and changes.

4.1 Conferencing API (CAPI)

Feature Description

As a transition, ReadiVoice v2.55.0 (and v2.56.0) supports a new Conferencing API (CAPI) along with the current Java MAPI, XML API, and Application Control Mode (ACM) programming interfaces. CAPI extends the functionality of MAPI, XML-API, and ACM interfaces by adding new commands and responses such as CONF_START and CONF_END. ReadiVoice v2.60.0 will support only CAPI.
Notes: We recommend that you first certify and implement your current MAPI or XML-API clients or ACM applications. Then you
can migrate them to CAPI and roll them out in a subsequent release. The ReadiVoice v2.55.0 CAPI user documentation includes detailed CAPI migration and implementation documentation, as well as transition examples.
The Conferencing API was developed so that in the future you can access new functionality without having to support a new API. To extend functionality, CAPI supports a new user type—Application—which is like a super-moderator that can monitor several conferences at once. The CAPI architecture and how it encompasses both the Java MAPI and the XML-API are described in detail in the CAPI Developer’s Guide. In these release notes, we describe just the important new functionality that CAPI enables.
At a high-level:
CAPI encapsulates the server components from the conferencing application, making it easier to write
and maintain CAPI clients
CAPI is XML-based, allowing developers to write clients in a variety of programming languages. Java
utility files and event files are provided, as well.
A conference can have multiple subscriber and participant logins.
Log4j and Apache Common Logging have been used to provide logging functionality.
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CAPI uses XML for all transport. Use of XML allows for better backward-compatibility between different
versions of ReadiVoice.
An ACM event set is provided to allow CAPI clients to interface with external applications.
Asynchronous and synchronous functionality is available. Asynchronous event notifications for
conference and participants allow for instant notification for any change in participant or conference state. Notification that requires that some information be generated and returned is sent asynchronously through a second connection.
At the event level:
CAPI allows third-party applications to register (APP_REGISTER_CONFS_ACTIVITY event) or
unregister (APP_UNREGISTER_CONFS_ACTIVITY event) for conference start and stop notifications. When so registered, third-party applications receive a CONF_STARTED event when a conference has started and CONF_ENDED event when a conference has ended.
CAPI allows third-party applications to retrieve a list of current conferences. In response to a request for
an active conference list, each media server sends a conference list that includes the start time of each conference. The third-party application must be prepared to accept a conference list for each media server in the system.
The BIG_CONF_INFO event now includes:
Two subscriber user fields (User Field A, User Field B) Two billing user fields (Billing User Field A, Billing User Field B) Two External ID fields (External ID and the new External ID B fields)


Existing MAPI clients are compatible with ReadiVoice v2.55.0 with CAPI. However, CAPI clients are not compatible with pre-v2.55.0 versions of ReadiVoice. To implement CAPI, you must upgrade to RV v2.55.0.


The CAPI Developer’s Guide describes how to develop and implement a CAPI client and provides information useful in migrating an existing MAPI or XML API client to CAPI.

4.2 Multi-language Prompts

Feature Description

In ReadiVoice releases previous to v2.55.x, the conferencing system could use the same audio (.wav) files any number of times as required to support ReadiVoice call flows. This design supported system efficiency, but somewhat hindered system flexibility—especially support for multi-language prompts.
In ReadiVoice v2.55.x, almost every unique call for a .wav file calls a unique .wav file. To support this redesign, ReadiVoice engineering created a new prompt naming scheme and replicated those .wav files that are used in multiple call flows into multiple .wav files. In addition, a small number of .wav files were concatenated (joined together) and edited to create new .wav files.
Another issue—multi-digit numbers in different languages have different grammar syntax rules. ReadiVoice v2.55.0 includes application-level changes necessary to meet these language-specific grammar rules.
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Refer to the ReadiVoice Custom Prompt Conversion Guide for more information about the new prompt naming scheme and prompt changes. Refer to the ReadiVoice Administration & Maintenance Guide for a complete list of prompts and a complete call flow reference.


If your ReadiVoice systems use the default ReadiVoice prompt set, the RV v2.55.x system upgrade procedure automatically manages the change from the old scheme to the new scheme. ReadiVoice engineering has provided a tool that you can run to automatically update the default prompt set (i.e. the one located in /rahome/bridge/sound/1) to match the new list of mandatory prompts. The tool will also log any errors it detects including:
A list of missing .wav files. (A wav file is missing if the tool needed that file to create the needed output
A list of the files that need manual modification (rewording, concatenation)
A list of the final output files that were not able to be created due the first two conditions
If your ReadiVoice systems use custom prompt sets, you may have to edit, or possibly re-record, a subset of your custom .wav files before upgrading your systems. The ReadiVoice Custom Prompt Conversion Guide contains the information you need to prepare your custom prompt sets for the upgrade.

4.3 Blast Dial Enhancement

Feature Description

The Blast Dial feature has been enhanced to allow the system to play a recorded name to the called parties invited to join a conference via Blast Dial. This allows called parties to easily identify who is inviting them to join a conference.

Voice Prompts

This feature required the creation of the two new and unique prompts:
File Default prompt
Silence—This is a prefix prompt that allows you to customize this feature
"… is calling you to join an audio conference. Please press one to join the conference."
You can find these prompts in the call flow illustrated previously.


To implement this feature, a subscriber must be provisioned for the Name Record feature in the Conference Options. When Name Record is on and a subscriber has started a conference and recorded his/her name, the system uses the recorded name to customize the greeting it plays to the called parties.


The feature is only applicable to Blast Dials initiated via the Java and XML APIs. Single-line dial-outs initiated via the API or via DTMF, do not connect point-to-point, so a subscriber joins with .
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Call Flow

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4.4 External ID B Field

Feature Description

ReadiVoice v2.55.0 implements a new External ID B field. This field has been added to the Subscriber database and has many of the properties of the existing External ID field (i.e., it has a maximum length of 30 characters and it is written into CDRs for the subscriber’s conferences). Unlike the existing External ID field, the system does not check the contents of the External ID B field.


The External ID B field can be provisioned using the Provisioning GUI, the "Quick Provisioning" GUI page, and PSPI.

4.5 HP OpenView MIB Access

Feature Description

In ReadiVoice v2.55.0 the ReadiVoice, Informix, and Veritas MIBs are made externally accessible to HP OpenView. No updates or modifications were made to the ReadiVoice core MIB. See the ReadiVoice Administration & Maintenance Guide for information about the ReadiVoice MIB. The Informix and Veritas MIBs are documented by their respective owners.

5 Other Enhancements and Changes in ReadiVoice v2.55.0

5.1 Moderator Branding

If your company brands the ReadiVoice Moderator with your company logo, please note that the default image file size has changed from 37x77 pixels to 35x146 pixels (HxW). See “Customizing and Branding Your ReadiVoice System” in the ReadiVoice Administration & Maintenance Guide for information on updating the default image file.
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5.2 Moderator API Changes

Note: ReadiVoice v2.55.0 and v2.56.0 are transition releases that supported the Conferencing API (CAPI), the Java Moderator
API (MAPI), the XML-API, and Application Control Modules (ACM). ReadiVoice v2.60.0 will support only CAPI.
MAPI EVENT Description
In previous versions of ReadiVoice, each dial-out to subscriber required sending of SET_SECURITY_NUM. There were different problems with this approach; especially with timing and the fact that SET_SECURITY_NUM sending was required otherwise the conference could end up crippled.
To resolve this, a new SET_CONF_SECURITY_NUM event was introduced. It can be sent at any time a conference is running and it's not required.
Guidelines for applications regarding SET_SECURITY_NUM and SET_CONF_SECURITY_NUM:
New applications that don't need to set up any conference security code: No sending of either event is necessary.
New applications that need to set up a conference security code: use SET_CONF_SECURITY_NUM. It can be sent at any time even when no subscriber is in conference.
Legacy applications that don't need to set up any conference security code: Remove all the code sending SET_SECURITY_NUM. Neither SET_SECURITY_NUM nor SET_CONF_SECURITY_NUM need to be sent during dial-outs or at any other time.
Legacy applications that need to set up a conference security code: Replace SET_SECURITY_NUM with SET_CONF_SECURITY_NUM. But make sure that SET_CONF_SECURITY_NUM is sent before the subscriber joins conference otherwise some participants may join conference without entering the conference security code.
Legacy applications that need to set up a conference security code and their source code has not been changed: They will work as before but conferences may run with no conference security code even when a code is specified in SET_SECURITY_NUM. SET_SECURITY_NUM processing usually ignores the sent-in CSC.
A good time to send SET_CONF_SECURITY_NUM is as soon as the conference starts (or before a dial-out to the subscriber is initiated). Otherwise there is no guarantee for blast dial-outs to the subscriber that every single caller entered the conference security code during his call flow. For non-blast dialouts to the subscriber it is enough to send SET_CONF_SECURITY_NUM before JOIN_CONF is sent.
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