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Application Briefs by Polycom®
Polycom Video Communications
Collaboration Solutions
Visual Collaboration using Polycom
iPower Video Conferencing Systems

Visual Collaboration using Polycom® iPower™ Video
Conferencing Systems
Polycom People+Content™
Collaboration on meeting content has become as important to video calls as high quality
audio and video technology. This application brief will explore the many ways content is
introduced into a meeting through the use of an iPower visual collaboration system from
What is the Polycom People+Content Collaboration Model?
The People+Content model assumes that meeting information (Content) presented for
collaboration must be handled differently and appropriately for an overall superior and
natural meeting experience. The basic principles for this collaboration model are:
• “What I see, they also see”: ensure meeting attendees always view the same
information displayed locally and remotely
• Content should be shared in high resolution: meeting information is displayed in
its native format so it can been seen clearly by all in the meeting
• People view should still be available while sharing content: never lose sight of
your remote audience while sending content
All sources and displays are classified as either people or content. Using an iPower
system, sources are shown within the
iPower People and Content list (menu on
the left in the picture) . A small thumbnail
that is the “map” that shows available
content sources accompanies each source.
The Polycom People+Content model does
not stop at point- point calls. Using the
Polycom MGC™ line of multipoint
bridges or the integrated multipoint
feature, users can enjoy the same
collaboration experience within a
multipoint call as they do within a pointpoint call. People+Content method is
supported within all Polycom iPower
systems as well as the Polycom
ViewStation ™ FX, EX and VS4000
videoconferencing systems.