Vortex Firmware Release Notes
Table of Contents
Upgrade Instructions
Release 2.5.3
New Features
Bug Fixes
Release 2.5.2
Bug Fixes
Release 2.5.1
New Features
Release 2.5.0
New Features
Bug Fixes
Release 2.4.3
New Features
Release 2.4.2
New Features
Bug Fixes
Release 2.4.1
Bug Fixes
Release 2.4.0
New Features
Bug Fixes
Release 2.3.2
Bug Fixes
Release 2.3.1
Bug Fixes
Release 2.3.0
New Features
Bug Fixes
Release 2.2.0
New Features
Bug Fixes
Release 2.1.0
New Features
Bug Fixes
Release 2.0.6
New Features
Release 2.05
Bug Fixes
Release 2.04
Bug Fixes
Release 2.03
Release 2.02
Compatibility Issues
New Features
Release 2.01
Release 2.00
Release 1.21
Bug Fixes
Release 1.20
New Features
Release 1.19
Bug Fixes
Release 1.18

The Vortex firmware provides all of the audio processing functions and system code for the Vortex EF2280 product, the Vortex EF2241
product, the Vortex EF2211 product, the Vortex EF2210 product, and the Vortex EF2201 product.
This version of the Vortex firmware works on EF2280's after hardware revision D. This version of the Vortex firmware will not work on
EF2280's of hardware revision D or earlier (where Revision D is defined as a Vortex unit that has an "ASPI" logo on the front panel of the
unit); those units must use the latest 2.4.x version instead. This version of the firmware works on all hardware revisions of the EF2241,
EF2211, EF2210 and EF2201. Version 2.1.0 was the first release to support the EF2241. Version 2.2.0 was the first release to support the
EF2201. Version 2.3.0 is the first release to support the EF2211 and EF2210.
For more information as to the difference between a Rev. D EF2280 and a Rev. F EF2280, please see the
Vortex Firmware Compatibility
page. If you are reading these notes outside of Conference Composer, this page is only located within the Conference Composer Help
Vortex firmware version 2.5.3 adds telephony support for Malaysia, Israel, and Mexico. It also fixes two bugs, one involving to the
automixer hold and decay times, and the other involving the flash function on the telephony interface.
Conference Composer 2.8.0 is required to support all of the features in this firmware release. Vortex devices with 2.5.3 firmware can still
be used with older versions of Conference Composer as follows. Conference Composer 2.3.x is needed for EF2211 and EF2210 support,
and also has some useful enhancements for use with the other Vortex devices. Conference Composer 2.0.8 or later should be usable with
an EF2280. Conference Composer 2.1.15 or later should be usable with an EF2201. Of course, support for newer features may be missing
if an older version of Conference Composer is used with a newer version of firmware.
Upgrade Instructions
Full upgrade instructions are included in Conference Composer under the Common Operations folder of each Vortex device. However, the
brief instructions below may be sufficient for those already familiar with the Vortex firmware upgrade process.
If you are upgrading firmware older than 2.02, please read the instructions in Common Operations folder of Conference Composer and
follow them. This will ensure that any user settings you have stored in the device will be preserved after the upgrade.
If you have an EF2280 hardware revision F (which should have a Polycom logo on the front panel), you should upload the bootloader
(bootload-2.5.3.efb) and the EF2280 application firmware (ef2280-2.5.3.efb). Technically, the bootloader does not need to be upgraded if
it is version 2.4.0 or later, so you may skip that step if you wish to save some time.
If you have EF2280 hardware revision D (which should have an ASPI logo on the front panel), the 2.5.3 firmware is not supported on that
platform. Instead, you should upload the 2.4.3 EF2280 application firmware (ef2280-aspi.efb).
If you are upgrading an EF2241, EF2211, EF2210, or EF2201, upload both the bootloader (bootload-2.5.3.efb) and either the EF2241
application firmware (ef2241-2.5.3.efb), the EF2211 application firmware (ef2211-2.5.1.efb), the EF2210 application firmware (ef2210-
2.5.3.efb), or the EF2201 application firmware (ef2201-2.5.3.efb). Technically, the bootloader does not need to be upgraded if it is
version 2.4.0 or later, so you may skip that step if you wish to save some time.
Release 2.5.3
February 25, 2005
New Features
Added telephony support for three new countries: Malaysia, Israel, and Mexico. The full list of supported countries and their
corresponding integer codes (for the COUNTRY command) are as follows.
● Unknown (0)
● North America (1)
● Australia (2)
● Europe (3)
● France (4)
● Hong Kong (5)
● Japan (6)
● Singapore (7)
● New Zealand (8)
● United Kingdom (9)

● South Africa (10)
● China (11)
● Korea (12)
● Malaysia (13)
● Israel (14)
● Mexico (15)
This feature only affects Vortex devices that include a telephony interface (EF2241, EF2211, and EF2201).
Bug Fixes
● Limited the automixer hold time and decay time (AMHOLD and AMDECAY) so that their minimum values are 2 ms.
● Fixed issue that caused the FLASH command to not go back offhook when the flash time (FLASHT) was less than approximately
200 ms.
Release 2.5.2
August 26, 2004
Bug Fixes
● Fixed issue with incorrect telephony parameters being set when the country code was set to China or Korea.
Release 2.5.1
March 10, 2004
New Features
● Added telephony support for South Africa, China, and Korea.
● Added support in the EF2241 for the quick install bundle
Release 2.5.0
September 15, 2003
New Features
● Added AGC on line inputs.
❍ Added LAGC command.
❍ Added LAGCMAX command.
❍ Added LAGCMIN command.
❍ Added LAGCRATE command.
❍ Added LAGCLINK command.
● Added Input Gain Faders. The analog input gain sections (GAINI) should be used for calibration only. The addition of faders is
useful for volume control of an input that is already calibrated. They only apply to the mic/line and line inputs and are implemented
in the digital domain.
❍ Added FADERI command.
● Added Gain, Fader, and Mute groups for the mic inputs and line inputs. This consists of adding commands to set the gain, fader
gain, and mute parameters of all the mic inputs or all the line inputs as a group. The intent was to make it easier to configure
Vortex devices when issuing RS-232 commands by hand.