Polycom DOC2091A User Manual

Global Management System
User Guide
Polycom, Inc.
© 2003 Polycom, Inc. All rights reserved.
No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of Polycom, Inc. Under the law, reproducing includes translating into another language or format.
This product includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation (http:// www.apache.org/).
Trademark Information
Polycom®, the Polycom logo design and ViewStation are registered trademarks, Global Management System, PathNavigator, Via Video, iPower, WebCommander and Polycom OneDial are a trademark of Polycom, Inc. in the United States and various other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this manual is accurate. Polycom, Inc. is not responsible for printing or clerical errors. Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
(Rev 05/2004)
P/N: DOC2091A
iiGlobal Management System User’s Guide
Table of Contents
1. Getting Started
What’s New..................................................................................................................2
System Requirements................................................................................................3
Before you Begin........................................................................................................5
Installation Instructions..............................................................................................8
Installation and Conguration Tips.........................................................................17
Logging on.................................................................................................................20
Product Overview......................................................................................................22
2. System Management
System Management Console.................................................................................26
Modifying the System List........................................................................................30
Other System Management Functions ...................................................................35
System Information Window....................................................................................38
Steps to Deploying Global Management System..................................................5
Endpoint setup.......................................................................................................6
Installing Global Management System...................................................................8
Accessing the Global Management System Console..........................................20
Feature summary.................................................................................................22
System Management Overview...........................................................................25
3. Global Directory
Global Directory Console.........................................................................................40
Modifying the Address Book....................................................................................42
New Address Books.............................................................................................42
Modifying Addresses in the Global Directory.........................................................43
New Addresses....................................................................................................44
New Addresses....................................................................................................45
Editing Addresses................................................................................................47
Deleting an Address.............................................................................................49
Importing and Exporting the Global Directory.......................................................50
Information on Importing the Directory.................................................................50
Global Directory Conguration................................................................................51
Global Directory Password...................................................................................52
Adding LDAP and ILS Support.............................................................................53
ViewStation Conguration for the Global Directory..............................................59
iPower Conguration for the Global Directory.......................................................60
ViaVideo Conguration for the Global Directory....................................................61
V-Series Conguration for the Global Directory....................................................62
Global Management System User’s Guide
Table of Contents
4. Software Update
Software Update Console.........................................................................................64
Software Update Conguration...............................................................................71
5. Provisioning
Provisioning Console...............................................................................................73
6. Account Management
Managing Endpoint Accounts...................................................................................84
Account Conguration.............................................................................................85
How to perform a Software Update......................................................................65
Software Update Log...........................................................................................69
Conguring Your Server for Software Update......................................................71
Provisioning functional buttons............................................................................73
How to schedule Provisioning..............................................................................75
Provisioning Log le.............................................................................................77
Adding a prole....................................................................................................79
Add Prole Window..............................................................................................80
Endpoint Administration Setup.............................................................................82
7. Reports
Call Detail Record......................................................................................................87
Generating a Call Detail Record..........................................................................89
Interpreting the Report.........................................................................................91
Exporting Call Detail Record................................................................................93
Video Network Status Report....................................................................................94
8. System Conguration
System Conguration Overview..............................................................................97
Group Administration...............................................................................................98
User Administration................................................................................................101
Server Preferences..................................................................................................103
Device Specic Conguration............................................................................103
Device Tracing Conguration.............................................................................105
CDR Maintenance Conguration.......................................................................106
CDR Synchronization Conguration..................................................................106
Remote Alert Notication.......................................................................................107
Email Notication...............................................................................................108
SNMP Conguration...........................................................................................111
Connecting ViewStations to the LAN .................................................................114
Enabling Global Management System on the iPower........................................115
Modem Installation for SoundStation VTX 1000 Device Support.......................116
System Information Window - ViewStation.........................................................117
Global Management System User’s Guide
Table of Contents
System Information Window - V-Series..............................................................124
System Information Window - ViaVideo.............................................................129
System Information Window - VTX 1000.............................................................141
System Information Window - PathNavigator.....................................................142
System Information Window - MGC...................................................................143
System Information Window - Web Commander ..............................................144
System Information Window - Other Device.....................................................145
System Information Window - Video endpoints................................................146
System Information Window - MGC...................................................................147
ISDN Information................................................................................................148
ViewStation Admin Setup Menu.........................................................................153
V-Series Admin Setup Menu..............................................................................165
iPower Admin Setup Menu.................................................................................180
SNMP MIB..........................................................................................................199
Communication Service Ports used for Polycom Management Software..........202
Running Global Management System...............................................................205
System Management.........................................................................................207
Global Directory..................................................................................................209
Software Update................................................................................................209
Account Validation..............................................................................................210
Global Management System User’s Guide

Getting Started

Welcome to Polycom® Global Management System™, a client/server software tool designed to enable and support centralized management of your enterprise-wide video communications network.
Global Management System can:
Manage and update a network of Polycom endpoints from your local desktop and
minimize time spent maintaining video conferencing infrastructure.
Obtain a global view of Polycom video endpoints connected to your network.
Perform remote software management for SoundStation VTX 1000.
Proactively and remotely identify when network errors and problems with ISDN lines or IP
connections occur.
About this Guide
The Global Management System User Guide provides detailed information about the product and how to operate it. This manual is designed to be used as a reference tool for Polycom video communications network management.
About the Online Help
An Online Help system has been integrated with Global Management System. The Help contains the same information in the User Guide but offers immediate access when running Global Management System.
Conventions used
NOTE: Points out that the features and functionality or instructions noted are crucial.
Bold Text: Indicates that these are command buttons or terms emphasizing a function
in Global Management System.
AAA > BBB > CCC: Represents a menu or selection tree.
“Items encased by quotes” are referring to when the user highlights an on-screen item with the mouse.
1Chapter 1 Getting StartedGlobal Management System User’s Guide

What’s New

What’s New?
Full support for VSX3000 and V500
Support for VTX 1000 conference phones
VSX Group as the device type has been changed to V-Series. This new device type also
includes VSX3000 and V500.
2Chapter 1 Getting StartedGlobal Management System User’s Guide

System Requirements

Server Requirements
650MHz Intel® Pentium® III or compatible
128MB RAM (256MB recommended for Windows® 2000 Server)
At least 300MB free hard-drive space
One of the following:
Windows 2003 Server Windows 2000 Server or Advanced Server with Service Pack 3
Microsoft Internet Information Services 4.0
Microsoft Active Directory (if using the LDAP directory services option)
Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher with Service Pack 1
Client Console Requirements
Client machines running the Global Management System browser interface must meet the follow­ing requirements:
One of the following:
Windows XP
Windows 2000 (Professional or Server)
Windows 98
Windows NT 4.0 (Workstation or Server)
Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher (IE 6.0 is recommended)
3Chapter 1 Getting StartedGlobal Management System User’s Guide
System Requirements
Endpoint Software Requirements
V-Series Software
All software versions are supported
ViaVideo Software
ViaVideo 5.0 or greater
iPower Software
iPower 5.0 or greater
PathNavigator 1.0 or greater
MGC version 5.0 or greater
WebCommander 4.0 or greater
VTX 1000
VTX Software Release 1.30 or greater
4Chapter 1 Getting StartedGlobal Management System User’s Guide

Before You Begin

Steps to Deploying Global Management System

1. Activate your license. This can be accomplished on the Product Activation page, http://extranet.polycom.com. For more information, refer to the Licensing section in this User Guide. This step must be done prior to Product Activation because the serial number of the product is established at this step.
2. Register your product. Product registration associates you as the user of the product, this is a separate step from Product Activation.
3. Install Global Management System.
This may include installing MSDE, the Polycom Datastore and this version of Global
Management System.
4. Make sure that your endpoints are ready and connected to your local area network. For more information, refer to Endpoint setup on the next page.
5. Log into Global Management System by navigating to http://server IP address/pwx/ admin.asp.
6. Search the network for the video endpoints by selecting the appropriate IP address range. For more information, refer to this section in the System Management section of this User Guide.
7. Register the endpoints to the Global Directory. This can easily be accomplished by setting up a prole in Provisioning and sending the Global Directory information to all of the managed endpoints. Refer to the Global Directory and Provisioning sections of this User Guide for more information.
5Chapter 1 Getting StartedGlobal Management System User’s Guide
Before You Begin

Endpoint setup

Make sure the unit is connected to the LAN and is turned on. V-Series will auto detect LAN prop­erties and provide guidance in setting up this feature.
ViewStation Support
For Global Management System to fully support management and monitoring of the ViewStation, You will need to:
Connect ViewStations to the LAN
Install Global Management System software on a computer that meets the minimum
system requirements
Update the ViewStations software to at least version 6.0
You must update ViewStations software to at least Version 6.0, otherwise, Global Management System cannot provide the system status information for ViewStations that are not yet updated.
For instructions on connecting your ViewStations to your LAN please refer to page 114.
ViaVideo Support
Install the latest ViaVideo software version. Updating the ViaVideo software cannot be done through Global Management System Software Update feature. This must be done manually from each PC unit.
Make sure the PC is connected to the LAN.
For iPower Support:
Install the latest iPower software version. Updating the iPower software cannot be done through the Global Management System Software Update feature. This must be done manually for each iPower unit. Please refer to page 115 for instructions on enabling Global Management System support on iPower.
For SoundStation VTX 1000 Support:
Upgrade SoundStation VTX 1000 Software to release 1.30 or later.
If a SoundStation VTX 1000 has code that is down-rev to version 1.30 (1.29 or earlier), the phone must be manually updated to version 1.30 through the SoundStation VTX 1000 user interface (see Administrator’s Guide) before the Global Management System can provide remote software support.
6Chapter 1 Getting StartedGlobal Management System User’s Guide
Before You Begin
Install at least 1 Rapidport multi-port modem on the Global Management System Server.
Upon installation of the modem with the installation CD provided, be sure that the very latest modem drivers are installed by downloaded them from -
Install the software on a computer that meets the minimum system requirements ;
SoundStation VTX 1000 support is provided in Global Management System software releases 6.10 and later.
7Chapter 1 Getting StartedGlobal Management System User’s Guide

Installation Instructions

Installing Global Management System

The software must be installed on a unit which will serve as the server. To install and uninstall this program, you must have administrative privileges for the server onto which Global Manage­ment System will be installed.
Guidelines for Installation
For both the download version and the CD version, click on “setup.exe” and follow the onscreen instructions found in the Polycom Installer.
The Polycom Installer can test your system for compatibility with your Polycom software, and will automatically install any supporting software needed once installation begins (note that the Polycom Installer cannot perform major system updates, such as updating Windows Service Packs or Internet Explorer). It also provides easy access to the Release Notes.
Figure 1.1 Polycom Installer > Home Page
The main window has the following buttons:
Button Name Description
View Installation Instructions
View Release Notes Displays the Release Notes (requires Adobe Acrobat
Test for Minimum Requirements
Setup GMS Begins installation. This performs all the pre-installation
Next Functions identically to the “Install Global Management
Cancel Exits the Polycom Installer.
Displays more detailed installation instructions.
Performs tests to determine if your system meets the minimum software requirements to install Global Management System.
tests before launching the GMS setup utility.
System” button.
8Chapter 1 Getting StartedGlobal Management System User’s Guide
Installation Instructions
Installing the Polycom Datastore
The Polycom Datastore is a data repository for Global Management System. The Polycom Datastore also requires MSDE as its database program. If an older version of MSDE is not installed or found on this machine, Global Management System will prompt to install the supported version located on the install CD.
Figure 1.2 Polycom Installer > MSDE Prompt
You can choose what directory you install MSDE into by browsing into the appropriate directory when that dialog prompt appears. If a reboot is required, the Polycom Installer will automatically be relaunched after the server reboots.
After the initial installation requirements have been met, the Global Management System installer will inform the user that Polycom Datastore is about to be installed. Follow the onscreen instructions which will guide you through the Polycom Datastore installation.
MSDE Login
Global Management System will detect and prompt for a username and password to the MSDE database. If the login information is not known, Global Management System will not install. Enter the login information for MSDE, the default username is “sa” and the password is “mypass”.
TCP port
The Polycom Datastore TCP port is the port used for communications between the Polycom Datastore and Global Management System. The port number should not have conicts with other applications using that port. The default port is 9090.
9Chapter 1 Getting StartedGlobal Management System User’s Guide
Installation Instructions
You may specify a different port if the default port is already in use by another application. If you are certain the selected port is free and yet the Port Test continues to fail, you may force the Polycom Datastore to sue the selected port by clicking “Force Selection of TCP Port”. Be aware that this may cause Global Management System or some other server application to function abnormally.
Figure 1.3 Installation > MSDE Login
The installation will require a serial number and a key code. The key code is the activation number for this version of Global Management System. You can obtain a key code by registering your license information at http://extranet.polycom.com and going to Product Activation.
Figure 1.4 Installation > License Verication
10Chapter 1 Getting StartedGlobal Management System User’s Guide
Installation Instructions
Installing Global Management System
You will be asked to respond to the following.
A. Accept End User License Agreement.
B. Enter Manager URL.
C. Choose Default Web Page
Manager URL
The Manager URL is what the ViewStations use to communicate with Global Management System. In cases where the system has multiple IP addresses, this allows the selection of one particular address for use with Global Management System. In most cases except for systems with multiple IP addresses, the default shown should work.
In some applications, it is preferable to use a host name instead of an IP address. If this is the case, enter the fully qualied domain name for the Manager URL For example, if your Global Management System server host name is “GMSMain” and the domain name is “companyA.com”, then “GMSMain.companyA.com” should be entered as the Manager URL for the installation.
Figure 1.5 Installation > Management URL
Default Web Page
If “Yes” is selected, setup will overwrite the default web page with a web page that points to the Global Management System. When uninstalling, the original default web page will be restored.
If ‘no’ is selected, the original default web page is preserved but users connecting to the Global Management System server will need to type in the complete web address. (E.g. by default, http: //SystemIP/pwx/admin.asp, where SystemIP is the IP address or URL of the Global Management System server).
11Chapter 1 Getting StartedGlobal Management System User’s Guide
Installation Instructions
Figure 1.6 Installation > Default Web Page
Installation Type
Standard installation will install Global Management System on the default drive using the following directory drive:”\Program les\[Polycom folder]”. Custom installation enables you to choose a different drive or directory to install the program les to.
Upgrading from a previous version
Click on setup.exe and follow the onscreen instructions.
Enter the key code provided to you in the email notication sent from Polycom regarding the Global Management System release. If your email is inaccessible, you can look up your key code information by going to Product Activation. If there is no information available, please contact Technical Support.
12Chapter 1 Getting StartedGlobal Management System User’s Guide
Licensing Information


Global Management System Licenses are based on the number of subscribed endpoints. Global Management System is a software application that enables the user to enter as many license keys needed to manage endpoints within a video communications network. Each of these license keys will correspond to one of the following predened license packs enabling ‘n’ number of devices: 1, 5, 25, 100, 500, or 3000 seats. These license packs will combine to form the number of endpoints that can register with Global Management System.
Adding more Licenses
In order to increase the number of licenses that are currently supported, the user will have to purchase a new license pack of 1, 5, 25, 100, 500 or 3000. This new license key can be added to the current installation of Global Management System to increase the seat count appropriately.
Demo version
A fully functional demo version of Global Management System is only available for evaluation purposes. Each demo version allows for 3 endpoints to be managed for 90 days. Each demo must also have an demo code entered into Global Management System to be operable. To obtain an demo code, please go to this website: http://extranet.polycom.com and go to the Global Management System downloads area.
The 3-user demo version is not a registered license and cannot be coupled with registered license keys. For example, if a 5-Pack license key was purchased, it cannot be coupled with the 3-user demo to generate 8 registered licenses.
13Chapter 1 Getting StartedGlobal Management System User’s Guide
Licensing Information
Product Activation
Proper licensing is necessary to operate Global Management System. In order to activate Global Management System, all license numbers must be activated and converted into a key code.
First time Installation
1. Launch a web browser and go to this URL, http://extranet.polycom.com and go to Product Activation.
Figure 1.7 Polycom Resource Center > Product Activation page
2. Enter the license number in the “License Number eld” on the label of the packaging. A “First Time Installation” check box will appear. When checked, the serial number will auto­populate in the “Serial Number” Field if this is the rst time registration.
3. Click Generate and copy as it appears the key code for installation. Record the serial number and key code for future use.
** If additional licenses are required, install Global Management System rst with the
key code that was generated when the serial number was established. Then, follow the instructions for Adding additional license seats.
Adding additional license seats
Adding License seats key codes will be referred to as Congurator keys in the historical key code data in the Polycom Resource center Product Activation page. Congurator key codes cannot be used to install Global Management System.
To add license seats, enter each license number and the serial number of the application into the appropriate elds in the Product Activation page in the Polycom Resource center, this can be found on the Conguration > License Authentication page of the Global Management System.
14Chapter 1 Getting StartedGlobal Management System User’s Guide
Licensing Information
Click Generate after entering each license number. When applying the congurator key codes into Global Management system, use the last key code generated because this will contain the cumulative number of seats for this serial number.
Applying the key code in Global Management System
When adding additional licenses and no installation is involved, the key code can be applied by logging into Global Management System and navigating to the Conguration > License Authentication screen.
Upon entering the key, the information for the license capacity should reect the actual number of seats registered.
Figure 1.8 Configuration > License Authentication
15Chapter 1 Getting StartedGlobal Management System User’s Guide
Licensing Information
Premier Service
Global Management System comes with an initial 90-day warranty entitling the customer to maintenance support including software updates (bug xes), as well as software upgrade (new feature) releases. Bug Fixes may come in the form of a new revision of software or just a patch release. Once the initial 90-day period is over, if the customer wishes to continue to receive support, updates and new product releases, purchasing a maintenance contract is the most economical solution. Customers should contact their Polycom Reseller or a Polycom Sales representative for details.
Receiving Key Codes
If your installation is under maintenance, when there is a new release you will receive a notication that contains the key code that will enable you to upgrade to the corresponding release of Global Management System.
16Chapter 1 Getting StartedGlobal Management System User’s Guide
Installation and Conguration Tips
In order to achieve maximum performance and proper operation of Global Management System, the server upon which it is installed must be congured correctly. The following guidelines aids in conguring a Windows 2000 or 2003 server that can provide the best performance and avoid compatibility or operational problems.
The hardware platform hosts the server operating system and the Global Management System must meet the minimum requirements specied in the User’s Manual, page 3. The system must have a minimum of 128 megabytes of RAM, a Pentium III processor running at 650 MHz or higher and at least 300 megabytes of free hard-drive space.
TIP: Make sure your server is up to the task
For best performance (and for supporting ViewStation networks of 50 systems or more), 256 megabytes of RAM or more is required for optimal performance. A processor running at 1 GHz or greater is strongly recommended for best server response.
Operating System
Windows 2000 Server and Windows server 2003 are required to support Global Management System. Global Management System is a server-based application and will not run on desktop operating systems such as Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP.
Server Conguration
Global Management System can be installed on a server that is part of an NT domain or as a standalone server.
Network Conguration: Single Static IP Address
Conguring the server with a static IP address is highly recommended. If the server is congured to obtain an IP address automatically, the IP address issued to it by the DHCP server will not remain the same over a long period of time. If the IP address changes, endpoints congured to send status updates will not be informed of the change.
Network Conguration: Dynamic Address
If your server uses DHCP and its address is likely to change, use a host name as opposed to using IP addresses for the Manager URL. Enter the fully qualied domain name (i.e., host name + domain name) when the Manager URL is requested during the installation process.
TIP: Assign a domain-name to your server
Although not necessary, it is recommended that the server be congured with a domain-name that is resolvable through DNS. Contact your IT department to have a domain-name assigned to your server. When setting up Global Management System, specify this domain name as the address that ViewStations will use to send status updates to.
17Chapter 1 Getting StartedGlobal Management System User’s Guide
Installation and Conguration Tips
The server should not be congured with multiple IP addresses. If the machine is dedicated to hosting Global Management System as is recommended, a single IP address is adequate. Having multiple IP addresses will complicate the Global Management System conguration process.
Service Pack Installation: Windows 2000 Service Pack 3
If you are running Windows 2000 Server, Windows 2000 SP3 is required. This service pack con­tains xes from Microsoft to key elements of the operating system that are necessary to insure the proper operation of Global Management System.
No Service Packs are currently required for Windows Server 2003.
Firewall Port Conguration
Protocol Port Direction
HTTP 80 Bidirectional
FTP 21 Unidirectional to endpoint
For ViaVideo 3603 Bidirectional
For Global Directory 3601 Bidirectional
For Polycom Datastore Default 9090 Bidirectional
These ports must be open for information to go through the rewall. Global Management System uses port 80 and 21 for endpoint management, port 3603 for ViaVideo and port 3601 for Global Directory listing and retrieving.
Internet Explorer 6
Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 or later must be installed on the Global Management System server.
You can download Internet Explorer 6.0 SP1 directly from Microsoft by clicking the following link: http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/download/default.htm.
TIP: Don’t congure a proxy server in Internet Explorer
After installing Internet Explorer on the server, do not enable any proxy server conguration or automatic conguration detection even if your network normally requires it. In order for Global Management System to communicate with endpoints correctly, it must have a direct connection to the unit with no proxy server or rewall. Proxy server congurations in Internet Explorer will affect all applications that use Internet session services.
To insure that Internet Explorer is correctly congured for Global Management System, open a browser window and select Tools | Internet Options from the menu, select the Connections tab, then click the LAN Settings button. Make sure that Automatically detect settings, Use automatic
18Chapter 1 Getting StartedGlobal Management System User’s Guide
Installation and Conguration Tips
conguration script and Use a proxy server are not checked. If any of these settings is enabled, uncheck it, click OK and reboot the server to insure that the new settings take effect.
Internet Information Services
Global Management System is a web-based application built using facilities provided by Micro­soft Internet Information Services (IIS). If you are using Windows 2000, IIS should have been installed by default. If you need to install Internet Information Services, you can through the Add/Remove Program les icon on the Window 2000 Control Panel. IIS 5.0 is available on the Windows 2000 CD.
IIS 6.0 is included on the Windows Server 2003 installation CD, but is not installed by default. To install IIS 6.0 use the “Add or Remove” programs Control Panel. “Internet Information Server” is found in the “Application Server” Component under the “Add\Remove Windows Components” options.
TIP: Don’t change Internet Information Server settings unless it is necessary
Global Management System is designed to operate correctly using a standard installation of Internet Information Services using the default options selected by the IIS setup program. Do not change any web server conguration settings or security settings unless it is necessary. Always test the web server conguration settings before implementation in a production environment.
TIP: Keep the machine in an IT operations facility
The Global Management System server should be located in a secure information services facility rather than in an ofce or location where it could be inadvertently turned off, unplugged or damaged. The Global Management System user-interface is web-based and can be access using a browser from any desktop, therefore, once the server is setup and congured, there is no reason to use it directly. Ideally, the server should be kept in a locking server rack to prevent tampering or being turned off.
TIP: Use a UPS
An uninterruptible power-supply (UPS) is strongly recommended. In order for services such as call-detail recording, Global Directory accessing, account validating and network status monitor­ing to work effectively, the server must be running at all times. Sudden power-loss to the server will often result in hard-drive corruption.
19Chapter 1 Getting StartedGlobal Management System User’s Guide

Logging on

Accessing the Global Management System Console

To access the Global Management System console user interface from the server or the client, open Internet Explorer and enter the IP address or name of the server that hosts the Global Management System services.
If the option to select a default web page was not selected, you will need to enter the full URL of the Global Management System application:
To access from the server console
Launch Internet Explorer, type the following:
Where server-name is the name or IP address of the Global Management System server.
To access from the client
Launch Internet Explorer, type the following:
If the server does not have a name, you can type in the IP address of the system
20Chapter 1 Getting StartedGlobal Management System User’s Guide
Logging on
Logging on to Global Management System
User name: admin (This is the default user name.) Password: blank as in no characters (Upon initial login, the system will immediately require a change in the password to something containing characters.)
NOTE: The logon for Global Management System is not the same as the logon for the Polycom Datastore.
Figure 1.9 Global Management System Login screen
To learn how to make changes to the user name and password, please refer to page 101.
21Chapter 1 Getting StartedGlobal Management System User’s Guide

Product Overview

The program’s default page is the System Management page. The main navigation on the left hand side of the screen provides easy access to all of the sections of Global Management System.
Figure 1.10 Global Management System product overview
Monitor and Manage
Centralized Directory
Update Endpoint Software
Provision Endpoint proles
Access Online Help
Set SNMP, Remote Alert Notication
Goes Back to System Management
Create Accounts
Call Detail Record, Network Status

Feature summary

System Management
Add, edit and delete systems from the Database. Provides details of video endpoints, PathNavigator, WebCommander and Other Device status Remote Management of Polycom video endpoints
Global Directory
Creates, edits, archives, imports and exports address books LDAP and ILS supports replication of address entries for different Global Directory Servers Automatic registering of video endpoints on the LAN into the Global Directory
Software Update
Polycom video endpoints can be updated immediately or at a scheduled time Provides status of software updates and maintains a log for troubleshooting failed updates
22Chapter 1 Getting StartedGlobal Management System User’s Guide
Product Overview
Feature summary continued
Push new conguration settings to a group of Polycom group video endpoints Create separate proles tailored to different Polycom group video endpoints
Account Management
Set up accounts used to track video calls
Call Detail Record - Details information of ViewStation, V-Series, iPower, and ViaVideo video calls Network Status - Describes statistics of endpoint usage Device Tracing - Diagnose endpoint issues by logging endpoint activity
System Conguration
Group Administration - Group Administration - Add, remove and modify groups and create group permission levels User Administration - Add, remove and modify users and permissions Server Preferences - Congure defaults for Software Update, Provisioning, Email Remote Alerts and Device specic behavior Remote Alert Notication - Set criteria for email alerts and SNMP alerts
SoundStation VTX 1000 features are limited to 1) phone database conguration, 2) software update/upgrade scheduling and status. All other features listed herein which are related to IP endpoint support do not apply to SoundStation VTX 1000 which is soft modem-enabled circuit switched (analog) telephony device.
23Chapter 1 Getting StartedGlobal Management System User’s Guide
23Chapter 1 Getting StartedGlobal Management System User’s Guide
Product Overview
The table below shows which Global Management System features support which devices.
Features ViewStation,
FX and EX, V-Series
System Management
Global Directory
Software Update
Provisioning X No X No No No
Account Management
Reports X X X No X X
Remote Alert Notication
X X X No No No
X No X No No No
X No No No No No
X X X No X X
ViaVideo iPower VTX 1000 MGC
24Chapter 1 Getting StartedGlobal Management System User’s Guide

System Management

System Management Overview

The System Management window provides a list of Polycom endpoints and third party devices connected to the network. Management of your Video Communication network begins here.
Global Management System enables the monitoring and management of video endpoints. Also, monitoring capabilities have been extended to include other Polycom management tools such as the MGC, WebCommander, PathNavigator and third party endpoints.
Figure 2.1 System Management
Device List View Status
of Systems
Modify System List
Send Message and Remote Management
Icon Legend Describes icons used
System Details shown here
25Chapter 2 System ManagementGlobal Management System User’s Guide
+ 190 hidden pages