product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies or organizations. The information in this document is believed to be accurate.
7000 Family, ACOSTM, Advanced Communications EngineTM, and Atlas Communication Engines, Inc., are trademarks of Polycom, Inc. All other brand or
No responsibility is assumed for errors or omissions. Verilink Corporation reserves the right to make changes without notice.
The Verilink NetEn gine Family IA D User Guide c ontains the information
you need t o ins ta ll, co nnect and c onf igure each Verilink Net Engine IA D in
a custom er’s premis es.
AudienceThis guide is intended for network engineers and other professionals in the
telecomm unications industry wh o are engaged in the install at ion,
conf iguration, management and support of telephone and com puter
networks , net w ork access products, and re lat ed equipm ent.
ContentsThe guide contains th e f ollowing cha pt ers and appendixes:
This preface describes the audience, how this guide is organized,
safeguards you should always observe, how to contact Verilink for support
and other business , an d w arranty and regulatory notices.
Chapt er 1, Introduction on page 1, introduces the features of each IAD in
the NetEngine IAD 6000 and 700 0 f am ilies, inclu ding the hardw are,
indi c ators and po rts.
Chapt er 2, Quick Start Guide on page 9, describes th e process of getting
an IAD up a nd running in a ty pic al customer premises . T his c hapter is
helpful if you’re new to Verilink IADs , bec ause it lists each step, beginning
with unpack ing the IAD. It also provide s inf ormation about loggin g on,
using the menu interfa ce, s ett i ng the IP addre ss, b asic configuration tasks
and restarting the IAD. On c e y ou’ve read th is ch apter, you’ll be wellprepared to us e the remain ing referen ce c hapters.
Chapt er 3, Administration on page 23, provides inf ormation ab out IAD
security, configuring Simple Net w ork Manage ment Proto c ol (SNMP),
upgrading ACOS, system utilities and other topics.
Chapt er 4, WAN Configuration on page 51, details how to c onfigure the
NetEngi ne IAD for phys ic al connect ion to the netw ork —T1/E1 and xDSL,
Frame Relay and ATM, and TDM Voice for channelized T1 circuits.
Chapt er 5, Router Configuration on page 103 de s c ribes the steps to
configure the IAD as a router, including setting IP addresses, static routes,
configuring RIP, DNS Client, DHCP Client and other router settings.
Chapt er 6, Bridge Configuration on page 129, provides deta ils about
setting up the IAD as a bridge, i nc l uding setting bridging globally or by
port, setting the aging timer, and enabling Spanning Tree support.
NetEngine IAD User Guide
Chapt er 7, Voice Pa th Conf ig ur at ion on page 139, describes how to set up
voice por ts f or use in various DSLAM and voice gat eway env ironments.
Chapter 8, Firewall Configuration on p age 169, provides information about
setting up the IAD to perform IP filtering.
Chapt er 9, DHCP Server Configuration on page 171, walks y ou t hrough
the steps req uired to conf igure the Dynamic Host Configura tio n Protocol
(DHCP) server and client.
Chapt er 10, Multicas t Configuration on page 181, describes the steps to
configur e t he I AD t o perform N et w ork Address Translation (NAT).
Chapter 11, NAT Configuration on page 189, describes the steps required
to configure the IAD to perform Net w ork Address Translation (NAT).
Chapt er 12, IAD Reports on page 201, descri bes each repo rt yo u c an run.
Chapter 13, Command Line Interface on page 243, describes how to enter
and exit CLI m ode, and ho w to us e each command in the co m m and line
interface. You may use thes e c ommands ins t ead of using t he
correspo nding comm ands in the menu interfac e.
Chapt er 14, Troubleshoot ing and Diagnostics on page 259, shows you
how to troubleshoot and diagnose your IAD configuration when abnormal
symptoms occur in the vo ic e or computer network.
Chapt er 15, Verification on page 271, describes the steps you take to
verify norm al operatio n once you’ve installed, connected an d c onfigured
the IAD. It a ls o c ov ers mainte nance and how t o dis play the cu rrent
Appendix A, Menu Map on page 275, provides a graphic view of the IAD
menu inte rf ac e, illustratin g its navigation and organiz ation.
Appendix B, Country Codes on page 277, lis ts th e s pecification s fo r each
country c ode suppor te d in the IAD.
Appendix C, NetEngine I AD Spec ifications on page 279, lis ts the
spec ifications for eac h I AD .
Append ix D , Connector Pinouts on page 289, provides int erface pinout
information for each type of port on the 6000 and 7000 family of IADs.
SafeguardsYou sho uld read and understand t he f ollowing prec autions and warning s
before us ing the NetEngine IAD. You should post t hes e precautions in a
clearly visible location near each IAD.
The Saf et y st at us of the SLIC port s on t his pro du ct ar e def ine d as T NV
-2. There fo re, c ables attached to them should not be su bject to over
voltage. To ensure this the y should not leav e t he building in which the
Unit is installed.
Close supervision is necessary when the system is used by or near
children. Do not leave unattended while in use.
Only use electrical extension cords with a current rating equal to that of
the system.
Always disconnect the system from power before cleaning and
servicing and when not in us e.
NetEngine IAD User Guide
Do not spray liquids directly onto the system when cleaning. Always
apply the liquid first to a static free cloth.
Do not immerse the system in any liquid or place any liquids on it.
Do not disassemble this system (except as instructed in the
manufacturer's instructions). To reduce the risk of shock and to
maintain the warranty on the system, a qualified technician must
perform service or repair work.
Avoid using thi s product during an electrical storm. Th ere may be a
remote risk of electric shoc k f rom lightning.
Keep vent ilation ope nings free of any obstructions.
Repair and
Each Verilink NetEngine IA D is wa rranted to be f ree from ma nufacturer’s
defects for th e period of one y ear from the dat e of original purc hase.
To contact Verilink Custom er Service for product inf ormation, repair or
warranty service, please visit our website at http://www Y ou
may also call us:
Sales and M arketing:800-VE R I LI N K (837-4546)
Technical Support
You may al so w rit e t o C us tomer Serv ic e:
Verilink Corporation
127 Jetplex Circle
Madison, Alabama 35758
:800-285-2755 (toll-free)
1-256-327-2255 (international)
ConventionsSome paragraphs dis play a symbol in the margin. These paragraphs
contain i m portant notes or warnings , o r inf ormation th at is sp ec if ic t o one
or more IADs.
Information in this style of paragraph is special information
you should be aware of as you proceed with the task at hand.
Information in this style of paragraph indicates important
personal s af et y inf ormation y ou should heed, or voice
operations t hat may be inte rrupted if you co nt inue.
NetEngine IAD User Guide
This paragraph alerts you to information that is specific to one
or more IADs, listed immediately to the left of the text. Note
that in some cases, the number on the front of the IAD is the
series number (6200, f or ex ample). The note may ref erence
the actual IA D —6200-8—as noted on product tag a ffixe d to
the bottom of th e I AD .
FCC Notice
All NetEn gine produc ts ex c ept t he N E6100-4 ha ve been tested and foun d
to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of
the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to prov ide reason able
protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in
a Commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses and can
radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance
with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely
to cause harmful inte rf erence in which case the u s er w ill be required to
correct the interference at his own expense.
The NE61 00-4 has be en tested and fo und to comp ly w it h th e limits for a
Class B digit al device, pu rs uant to part 15 of the FCC Rules . Th es e limits
are designed to provide reasonable protect ion against h arm f ul
interfere nc e in a resident ial installation . This equipment generat es , us es
and can radiate radio fr equency ene rgy and, if not in- stalled and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not
occur in a partic ular installat ion. If this equipment does c ause harmf ul
interfere nc e t o radio or telev is ion reception, which can be determ ined by
turning th e equipment off and on, the use r is enc ouraged to t ry to co rrect
the interference by one or more of the following m easures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connec t the equipme nt int o an outlet on a ci rcuit different from that to
which the receiver is connected.
Consult th e dealer or an experienc ed radio/TV t ec hnician for help.
Changes or m odifications not expres s ly approved by Verilink co uld void
the user's aut hority to operate this eq uipment.
The NetEngine models below comply with Part 68 of the FCC Rules. On
the bottom of th e base of this equipment is a label that con tain s , a m ong
other info rm at ion, the FCC R egistration N um ber and Ri nger Equiva lence
Number (R EN ) f or the equip m ent. You must , upon reques t , p rov ide this
information to your telephone company.
NOTE: R EN is not re quired for some types of analog or digital fa c ilit ies.
NetEngine IAD User Guide
Before connecting your IAD, you must inform the telephone company of
the following informa tio n.
An FCC co m pliant teleph one cord and m odular plug is provided wit h t his
equipment. This equipment is designed to be connected to the telephone
netw ork or pr emi se s wir i ng us in g a comp at i ble modu l ar ja ck t hat is Part 68
complian t . S ee installation ins t ructions for details. The R EN is us eful to
determine the quantity of devices you may connect to your telephone line
and still have all those devices ring when your telephone number is called.
In most, but not al l are as, th e sum of th e RENs o f a ll d ev ices co nn e cte d to
one line should not exceed five (5). To be certain of the number of devices
you may co nnect to your line, as determ ined by the R EN, you should
contact your local telephone company to determine the maximum REN for
your callin g area.
NOTE: REN is associated with loop-start and ground-start ports. Do not
use fo r E&M or digital ports.
If your tele phone equipment caus es harm to the telephone network, the
Telephone Company may discontinue your service temporarily. If possible,
they will notify you in advance. However, if advance notice is not practical,
you will be n ot if ied as soon as possible. You will be informed of yo ur right
to file a complaint with the FCC.
Your telephone company may mak e changes in its fa ci lit ies , equipmen t,
operations, or procedures that could effect the proper functioning of your
equipment. If they do, y ou will be notif ied in advance to giv e y ou an
opportunity to mainta in uninterrupt ed telepho ne s ervice.
SOC = 6.0NRJ48C04DU9.BN,
If you expe rience trouble with the NE 6100-4 or N E6200-8, pl ease contact
Verilink for informa t ion on obtaining s erv ic e or repairs. T he Telephone
Company may ask that you disconnect this equipment from the network
until the pr oblem has been correct ed or until you a re s ure that the
equipment is not malf unctioning . No user servi ce able parts are co nta ined
in this equipment. This equipment may not be used for coin service
provided by the Telephone Company. Connection to party lines is subject
to state tariffs. Contact the state Public Utilities Commission or Corporation
for information. Do not attempt to repair this equipment yourself.
Industry Canada Notice
“NOTICE: The Industry Canada label identifies certified equipment. This
certification means that the equipment meets telecommunications network
protectiv e, operation al and safety re quirements as prescribed in the
NetEngine IAD User Guide
appropr iat e Terminal Equipm ent Technical R equireme nts document (s ).
The Departm ent does not guarantee t he equipme nt w ill operate to th e
user's satisfaction.
Before installing this equipment, users should ensure that it is permissible
to be conn ec t ed to the facilities of the local t elecomm unications co mpany.
The equipment must also be installed using an acceptable method of
connection. The cu stomer shoul d be aware that c om pliance wit h t he
above co nditions ma y not prevent degradation of se rv ic e in some
situations . R epairs to certifi ed equipment s hould be coo rdinated by a
representative designated by the supplier. Any repairs or alterations made
by the user t o t his equipmen t , or equipment malfunctio ns , ma y giv e t he
telecommunications company cause to request the user to disconnect the
Users sho uld ensure for th eir own protect ion that the e lec t ric al ground
connections of the power utility, telephone lines and internal metallic water
pipe system, if present, are connected together. This precaution may be
particularl y important in rura l areas.
Caution : Us ers sh ould not attempt to make such c onnections the m s elves,
but shoul d c ontact the appropriate elec t r ic ins pection authority, or
electricia n, as appropri ate.”
“NOTICE: The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) assigned to each
relevant terminal device provides an indication of the maximum number of
terminal s a llow ed to be connected to a te lephone int erf ace. The
termination on an int erf ac e may consi st of any combin at ion of devic es
subject only to the requirement that the sum of the Ringer Equivalence
Number s o f a ll th e devices do es not exceed 5. ”
Underwriters' Laboratories' Statement
These systems are intended to be powered only by the power supply unit
CE Mark
These Net Engine products have be en marked w it h t he C E mark. This
mark indicates compliance with EEC Direc tives 89/336/EEC, 73/2 3/ EEC
All NetEn gine produc ts ex c ept NE6100-4 are Class A products. In a
domestic environment these products may cause radio in t erf erence in
which case the user may be required to take adequate measures
A full copy of the declaration of Conformity can be obtained from Polyspan
Ltd., Whichf ord House, Parkway Cou rt , O xford Busin es s Park South,
Oxford, OX4 2JY, UK
Decla ration of Conformity:
Hereby, Polyspan Ltd. declares that this NetEngine is in compliance with
the essent ial requirem ents and other relevant provisions of Directive
NetEngine IAD User Guide
Hermed erk lærer Polyspan Ltd., at indes t ående NetE ngine er i
overensstemmelse med de grundlæggende krav og de relevante punkter i
dire k t iv 1999/5 / EF.
Hiermit erk lärt Polyspa n Ltd ., dass der Ne tE ngine die gru ndlegenden
Anforderungen und sonstige maßgebliche Bestimmungen der Richtlinie
1999/5/EG erfüllt.
Polyspan L td. va k uuttaa täten, et tä N et Engine on dire k t iiv in 1999/5/EC
keskeisten vaatimusten ja sen muiden tätä koskevien säännösten
Déclaration de co nformité :
Par la présente, Polyspan Ltd. déclare que ce NetEngine est conforme
aux conditions essentielles et à toute autre modalité pertinente de la
Directive 1999/5/CE .
Dichiarazione di conformità:
Con la presente Polyspan Ltd. dichiara che il NetEngine soddisfa i requisiti
essenziali e le altre disp osizioni pert inenti della direttiva 199 9/ 5/ C E.
Verklaring van overeenstemming:
Hierbij ve rk laart Polyspa n Ltd . dat diens NetEngine voldo et aan de
basisvereisten en an dere releva nt e v oorwaard en van EG-rich t lijn 1999/5/
Declaração de Conformidade:
Através da presente, a Polyspan Ltd. de c lara que este N etEngine se
encontra em conformidade com os requisitos essenciais e outras
disposições relevantes da Direc t iv a 1999/5/C E.
Decla ración de conformidad:
Por la presente declaración, Pol yspan Ltd. decla ra que este NetEngine
cumple los requisitos esenciales y otras cláusulas importantes de la
directiva 1999/5/C E.
Polyspan Ltd. förklarar härmed att denna NetEngine överensstämmer med
de väsen tli ga kraven oc h öv riga relevanta s tadg anden i direk t iv 1999/5/
NetEngine IAD User Guide
NetEngine IAD User Guide
1. Introduction
This chapt er introduces Verilink’s NetEngine 6000 and 7000 family
Integrated Access D ev ic es (IAD) and describes th eir hardwa re and
software. You should be aware of the characteristics of each IAD to
properly ins ta ll and configure them for operation in a cus t om er’s pre m is es .
This chapter provides information about these topics:
NetEngine 6000 family features, indicators and connectors (page 2)
NetEngine 7000 family features, indicators and connectors (page 5)
NetEngine IADs are ideal for service providers offering small to medium
busines se s (or business units) a high quali ty v oic e and data serv ic e over
broadband circuits. With up to 16 POTS ports and full LAN support with a
full range of integrated features, each IAD offers toll-quality voice and high
speed Internet access over a single copper pair in one unit.
Each IAD supports any POTS device via its voice subsystem, and any IPbased co m puter syste m (Et hernet printe rs , personal com puters—
Window s, M ac intosh, Unix, Linux, et c . , n et w ork f ile servers and other
network devices) via its LAN subsystem.
6000 Family IAD
7000 Family IAD
Figure 1–1. NetEngi n e 6000 and 7000 Integra ted Access Devices
NetEngine IAD User Guide
6000 IAD
The data connection through the IAD s upports IEEE 802.10-compliant
brid ging and routing.
When the IAD is configured for routing, it supports Routing Information
Protocol (RIP) version 1, version 2, or static IP routing. The IAD complies
with RFC-1812 when interfacing with Version 4 IP routers.
The WAN subsystem supports the following interfaces:
ATM data transport via xDSL and T1 /E 1 per RFC 14 83 or RFC 236 4
Frame Relay data tran sp ort via xDSL and T1/E1 pe r R F C 1490
Frame Relay data tran sp ort per RFC 1483 with Q.922 frames
The Verilink N et Engineä 6000 IAD fam ily provides a highly
inter ope rabl e, co st-ef fec ti ve voi ce and high -spe ed dat a int egr atio n sol utio n
that is compat ible with industry-leading DSLA M and Voice Gateway
manufact urers. Thes e I ADs prioritize voice packet s a nd dynamically
allo c ate bandwi dth betwe en voice and da ta servic es.
Interoperable with DSLAMs based on Alcatel, Texas Instruments,
MetaLink, and Globespan chip sets. These include Lucent Stinger/
TNT, Nokia Speedlink System, Promatory IMAS, AccessLan
CopperEdge, and Paradyne GranDSLAM DSLAMs, for example.
Seamless voice and high-speed data integration over xDSL or T1/E1
Supports data rates from 144 Kbps to 2.3 Mbps and customer premise
interfaces including POTS, 10/100BaseT Ethernet, BRI
Compatible with WAN proto c ols inc luding ATM and Frame R elay
BRI IAD supports ISDN BRI telephone interface
RJ11 POTS interface with Loop Start or Ground Start
Dynamic and static IP rou ti ng and bridgin g c apabilities
Firewall support via IP f ilt ering
DHCP and NAT to support IP address management
Managem ent capabilities including Telnet, SN M P and TFTP
IADs in the 6000 family are characterized by different WAN interfaces, and
different voi ce c apac it y :
NetEngine 6100 IADs—provides WAN access over AD SL, and
telephone suppor t for 4 or 8 voice por ts (6100-4 and 6108).
NetEngine 6200-8 IAD—provid es W AN access via T1 lines, and
provides 8 voice ports.
NetEngi n e 6200c IAD s— provides WAN access via channelized T1/
E1 lines, a nd provides 4 or 8 voice ports (6 204c and 62 08c).
NetEngine 6300 IADs—provides voice services and high-speed
Internet or corporate connectivity over SDSL, and provides 4 or 8 voice
ports (6300-4 and 6300-8).
NetEngine IAD User Guide
NetEngine 6500 IADs—provides voice services and high-speed
Internet or corporate connectivity over G.SHDSL, and provides 4 or 8
voice por ts (6504 and 6508).
NetEngine 6104i/6504i IADs—provides voice services and high-
speed Internet or corporate conn ec t iv it y ov er ADSL (61 04i) or
G.SHDSL ( 65 04i), plus 4 ISDN Basic Rat e Interface (B R I ) ports for up
to 8 voice extensio ns.
Physical and electric al specifications for eac h I AD are listed in Appendix
C, NetEngin e IA D Specific at ions on page 279.
Front Pa nel Power and Status Indicators
The front panel of the IAD c ontains sever al LEDs. Thes e LEDS pro v ide
general information about the operational status of the IAD.
Figure 1–2. 6000 Family Front Panel Indicators
Table 1–1.6000 Family Front Panel Indicators
POWERIlluminates when the IAD is powered on.
LAN LINKIllum inates when the re is an opera t ional LAN conne c t ion
on the Ethernet port.
LAN ACTFlashes when there is activity on the Ethernet port.
WAN LINKFlashe s as the IA D is estab lis hing a link, and illumin at es
solid when there is a proper connection on the WAN port
and synchronization has been achieved.
VOICEIllumin at es w hen there is ac t iv it y on t he voice ports.
When c onnected to a J etst ream Voice Gateway, it
remains lit, and blinks whe n t here is activity.
NetEngine IAD User Guide
Rear Panel Connectors
On the rear panel (Figure 1–3), the IAD contains several connectors. The
type and p os it ion of the WAN and te lephone connectors vary by IAD.
Figure 1–3. Typical 6000 Family Back Panel Connectors
Console (DB-9)
Serial Connector
POTS Telephone Lines
RJ-11 Jacks
Ethernet (RJ-45)
10/100 LAN
WAN Module
RJ-45 or RJ-48C Jack
DC Power Adapter
Connects the IAD to any AC outlet of 90-250 volts via an external, 18 volt
power su pply.
RS-232 Console Port
Connects the IAD to a PC using a straight through 9-pin serial (DB9 RS-
232) cable, for the purpose of using a t erm inal emul at or f or IAD
configur at ion and man agement.
10/100Base-T Ethernet Port
Connects the IAD to the local area network using a CAT-5 straight through
Ethernet ca ble, or direct ly to a PC f or accessing via Telnet (using a cro ssover cabl e, cu s to m er-supplie d).
WAN Interfaces
Depending on the IAD, WAN int erfaces inclu de the follow ing:
T1/E1— us es an RJ48 co nnector for the co nnection.
G.SHDSL—uses an RJ11 connector for the connection.
SDSL—uses an RJ45 connector for the connection.
ADSL—uses an RJ45 connector for the connection.
Telephone Interfaces
6000 fam ily IA D s hav e varying te lephone capac it y. These IADs s upport:
4 or 8 analo g te lephones via R J 11 POTS ports
8 telephone extens ions via 4 BRI ISD N S0 ports.
NetEngine IAD User Guide
7000 IAD
The Verilink N et Engineä 7000 IAD fam ily provides a highly
interoperable, cost-effective broadband so lution for voic e and high-s peed
data integration that is compatible with industry-leading DSLAM and Voice
Gateway manufacturers. These IADs prioritize voice packets and
dynamically allocat e bandwidth be tween voice and data services.
Interoperable with DSLAMs based on Alcatel, Texas Instruments,
MetaLink, and Globespan chip sets. These include Lucent Stinger/
TNT, Nokia Speedlink System, Promatory IMAS, AccessLan
PacketLoop, Accelerated Networks AN-3200, Coppermountain
CopperEdge, and Paradyne GranDSLAM DSLAMs, for example.
Seamless voice and high-speed data integration over xDSL or T1/ITE1
Supports data rates from 144 Kbps to 2.3 Mbps and customer premise
interfaces including POTS, 10/100BaseT Ethernet
Compatible with WAN proto c ols inc luding ATM and Frame R elay
RJ21X PO T S interface w ith Loop Start or Ground Start
Universal Serial Interface supports V.35 and EIA-530
Dynamic and static IP rou ti ng and bridgin g c apabilities
Firewall support via IP f ilt ering
DHCP and NAT to support IP address management
Managem ent capabilities including Telnet, SN M P and TFTP
IADs in the 7000 family are characterized by different WAN interfaces and
different voi ce c apac it y :
NetEngine 7216 IAD—provides WAN access over T1/E1, and
telephone suppor t for 16 voice ports via RJ21X co nnector.
NetEngi n e 7216c IAD —provides WAN access over channelized T1,
and telephone support for 16 voice ports via RJ2 1X connector.
NetEngine 7316 IAD—provides WAN access over SDSL, and
telephone suppor t for 16 voice ports via RJ21X co nnector.
Physical and electric al specifications for eac h I AD are listed in Appendix
C, NetEngin e IA D Specific at ions on page 279.
Front Pa nel Power and Status Indicators
The front panel of the IAD c ontains several LEDs. Th es e LEDs provide
general information about the operational status of the IAD.
NetEngine IAD User Guide
Figure 1–4. 7000 Family IAD Front Panel
Front Panel
NetEngine 7200
Status Indicators
Table 1–2.Front Panel LEDs
POWERIlluminates when the IAD is powered on.
LAN LINKIllum inates when the re is an operational LAN conne c t ion
on the Ethernet port.
LAN ACTFlashes when there is activity on the Ethernet port.
WAN LINKFlashe s as the IA D is estab lis hing a link, and illumin at es
solid when there is a proper connection on the DSL WAN
port and synchronization has been achieved.
VOICEIllumin at es w hen there is ac t iv it y on t he voice ports.
When c onnected to a J etst ream Voice Gateway, it
remains lit, and blinks whe n t here is activity.
DCE LIN KIlluminates when there is a link betwe en the IAD and
data comm unications equipment (DCE).
DCE ACTIll um inates or blinks when the re is activity on th e D C E
Rear Panel Connectors
On the rear panel, the IAD contains several conne c to rs . T he WAN
connectors vary by IA D —both are present, but one has a perm anently
attached m eta l sh ield to prevent use.
Figure 1–5. 7000 Family IAD Back Panel
! "# # !$ %&
NetEngine IAD User Guide
AC Power
Connects the IAD to an AC outlet of 108-130 volts via an AC power cord.
10/100Base-T Ethernet Port
Connects the IAD to the local area network using a CAT-5 straight through
Ethernet ca ble, or direct ly to a PC f or accessing via Telnet (using a cro ssover cabl e, cu s to m er-supplie d).
WAN Interfaces
Depending on the IAD, WAN int erfaces inclu de the follow ing:
T1/E1— us es an RJ48 co nnector for the co nnection.
SDSL—uses an RJ45 connector for the connection.
Universal Serial Interface (USI) Port
The USI port is configurable for RS-530 or V.35. When configured as an
RS-530 port, you may use a straight through DB25 serial cable for
connection to your leas ed line DSU/C SU equipment. When co nf igured for
use as V.35, Black Box Co rporation pr ov ides a cable (FA058) fo r
conversion purposes. To convert from RS-530 to RS-449, Black Box
provides a c able EDN57J . By notifying you of th eir availabil ity, Verilink
neither endorses or recommends these pr oducts.
For USI port pinouts when configured as RS-530, V.35 or RS-449, see
Table D–9 on page 291.
RS-232 Console Port
Connec ts the IA D to a PC , us ing a straight t hrough 9-pin se rial (DB9 RS-
232) cable for the purpose of using a t erminal emulator for co nf iguration
and management.
Telephone Interfaces
Each 7000 family IAD suppor ts 16 analog teleph ones via an RJ -11 jack.
NetEngine IAD User Guide
NetEngine IAD User Guide
2. Quick Start Guide
This chapter describes the steps to install, connect, and set the IP address
of the N et Engine IAD . I t introd uc es the menu interface and describes how
to per for m ba si c con fi g ura ti on for co mmon L AN an d WAN envi ron men t s. It
also des c ribes basic operations—resetting th e I AD , and logging off.
In many c as es, all the information you nee d t o ge t an I AD up and running
in a custom er’s premises is contained in this sin gle chap t er.
This chapter contains the following topics:
Unpacking t he IAD (page 10)
Installing th e I AD (page 10)
Connecting via Terminal Emulator (page 11)
Resetting the IAD (page 10)
Powering up the IAD (page 12)
Logging on to the IAD (page 12)
Setting the Ethernet port IP address (page 13)
Connecting via Telnet (page 16)
Basic IAD c onfiguration (page 20)
Connecting the LAN, WAN, USI and Telephones (page 20)
Confirming proper s et up (page 22)
In most insta llat ions, you’ ll proceed thro ugh these to pic s in order. If your
situation varies, complete information on installation, connection,
configur at ion and trou bleshooting is c ontained in the ref erence chapters
following this chapter.
When the IAD prompts y ou f or input, the current va lue is
displayed in parentheses . To conveniently a c c ept the current
value, just press Enter.
NetEngine IAD User Guide
Quick Start Guide10
the IAD
Each IAD is packed and shipped in a durable container. If you haven’t
already done so, open the container and unpack t he IAD. Caref ully
remove the IAD from t he pac k age and packing materia l.
IAD Package Components
Each IAD is s hipped with t he c omponents lis t ed below. As you unpack
them, note their condition and identity, and compare the list to the packing
list in the package.
AC power adapter and cord (6 feet long), or AC power cord
Agency Complian ce inf ormation sheet
Ethernet ca ble (straight th rough), 7 fee t lo ng
WAN cable (var ies by int erface), 7 fee t long
If you note any v is ible damag e, or c om ponents are missing, notify the
shipping company immediately to make a damage claim. Contact the
company fr om w hich the IAD w as purchased (Verilink, or an authorized
distributor) to obtain a Return Material Authorization (RMA) for return of
damaged equipment, or to order missing components.
We suggest you keep the s hipping conta iner and packing
material for future shipping or storage of the unit.
the IAD
After you unpack the IAD, find a suitable location to install the IAD in the
customer’s premises. Ideal locations include computer equipment room, or
a telephone or wiring closet. You can locate the IAD in an equipment rack,
on a table or sh elf , or it m ay be wall-mounted. Install th e I AD in a location
that is generally protec t ed and the IAD will be undi sturbed.
AC Power and Uninterruptible Power Supply
The IAD requires access to AC power (NEMA 15-3R). Make sure the IAD
is located within six feet of an AC power outlet. Locate the nearest power
outlet and plug in the supplied AC power adapter or AC power cord. If
there is an uninterruptib le power supply on premises, plug th e AC power
adapter or c ord into that power sourc e.
Ensure that the power cord conveniently and safely reaches the rear panel
of the IAD where the po w er plug or adap te r jac k is loc ated.
6000 Family
Do not attach t he AC power adapter, or power up th e unit at
this time.
7000 Family
Plug in the power cord, but do not power up the unit
Clearance Requirements
If you install the IAD horizontally, make sure you maintain at least 2 inches
of horizon tal d is tan c e f rom other IADs or other electronic equi pm ent, to
ensure adequate ven t ilat ion and heat dis s ipation. If you ins ta ll th e I AD
NetEngine IAD User Guide
Quick Start Guide11
vertically, ensure at least 3 inches of distance between other IADs or other
6000 fami ly IA D s ma y be stacked on to p of one anothe r,
when mounted horizontally. 7000 family IADs may be rack
Wiring Requir ements
Make sure that the t elephone wiring, LA N and WAN cables reach the I AD
and can be dressed in a manner that is safe for the wiring, does not pull or
creat e lateral stress on the connectors or ports on the rea r of the IAD , and
does not p res ent a trip haz ard to person nel working in t he vicinity of th e
equipment. Do not connect any cables or wiring at this time.
The IAD is configured and managed from eithe r t he c onsole or E th ernet
port. Mos t ne t w ork engineers us e Telnet to access the IAD v ia Et hernet.
After you use a terminal emulator program via the console port to set the
IP addres s , you may con tin ue to use a terminal emulat or via the con s ole
port if you ch oose.
Before you can connect to the IAD via Telnet, make sure the IP address is
set correctly for this network. To do so, follow the steps, each described in
detail below:
After a period of inactivity (three minutes by default), the IAD
automatic ally termin at es c onsole-bas ed and Telnet sessions
to maintain security. T o change this value, see Configuring
the Console Timeout Perio d on page 38.
1. Connec t the IAD to a PC
2. Log in to the IAD
3. Se t the IP addres s
Be sure that the IAD and PC are both powered OFF before
connecting the console cable. If both devices are not turned
off when you connect the cables, you may place the IAD in an
unstable state, and you may need to reset one or both
devices before you can perform configuration tasks.
Connect the IAD to a PC
To connect the IAD to a PC via the console port:
1. Turn off both dev ices and ins ert the male co nnector of a D B9 serial
cable into the console port on the IAD.
2. Insert the female connector of the cable into a serial (COM) port on
your PC.
See RS-232 DB-9 Console Port Pin Assignments on page
289 for console port specifications.
NetEngine IAD User Guide
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