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This chapter provides an overview of the Polycom® Distributed Media Application™ (RealPresence DMA®)
7000 system. It includes these topics:
● Introduction to the Polycom RealPresence DMA System
● Polycom Solution Support
● Working in the Polycom RealPresence DMA System
● Open Source Software
Introduction to the Polycom RealPresence DMA
The Polycom RealPresence DMA system is a highly reliable and scalable video collaboration infrastructure
solution based on the Polycom
● The Polycom RealPresence DMA System’s Primary Functions
● The Polycom RealPresence DMA System’s Three Configurations
● System Capabilities and Constraints
● System Port Usage
Proxias™ application server. The following topics introduce you to the
The Polycom RealPresence DMA System’s Primary Functions
The primary functions of the Polycom RealPresence DMA system are described briefly below.
Conference Manager
The Polycom RealPresence DMA system’s Conference Manager facilitates multipoint video conferencing.
A multipoint video conference is one in which multiple endpoints are connected, with all participants able to
see and hear each other. The endpoints connect to a media server (Multipoint Control Unit, or MCU), which
processes the audio and video from each and sends the conference audio and video streams back to them.
Traditionally, such multipoint conferences had to be scheduled in advance, reserving ports on a specific
MCU, in order to ensure the availability of resources. Conference Manager makes this unnecessary.
Conference Manager uses advanced routing policies to distribute voice and video calls among multiple
MCUs, creating a single virtual resource pool. This greatly simplifies multipoint video conferencing resource
management and uses MCU resources more efficiently.
Polycom, Inc. 15
Polycom® RealPresence DMA®7000 System Overview
The Polycom RealPresence DMA system integrates with your Microsoft® Active Directory®, automating the
task of provisioning users with virtual meeting rooms (VMRs), which are available for use at any time for
multipoint video conferencing. Combined with its advanced resource management, this makes
reservationless (ad hoc) video conferencing on a large scale feasible and efficient, reducing or eliminating
the need for conference scheduling.
The Polycom RealPresence DMA system’s ability to handle multiple MCUs as a single resource pool makes
multipoint conferencing services highly scalable. You can add MCUs on the fly without impacting end users
and without requiring re-provisioning. The RealPresence DMA system can span a conference across two
or more MCUs (called cascading), enabling the conference to contain more participants than any single
MCU can accommodate.
The Conference Manager continually monitors the resources used and available on each MCU and
intelligently distributes conferences among them. If an MCU fails, loses its connection to the system, or is
taken out of service, the Polycom RealPresence DMA system distributes new conferences to the remaining
MCUs. Every conference on the failed MCU is restarted on another MCU (provided there is space
available). The consequences for existing calls in those conferences depend on whether they’re H.323 or
● H.323 participants are not automatically reconnected to the conference. In order to rejoin the
conference, dial-in participants simply need to redial the same number they used for their initial
dial-in. Dial-out participants will need to be dialed out to again; the RealPresence DMA system
doesn’t automatically redial out to them.
● SIP participants are automatically reconnected to the conference on the new MCU. This includes
both dial-in and dial-out SIP participants. No new dial-out is needed because the RealPresence DMA
system maintains the SIP call leg to the participant and only has to re-establish the SIP call leg from
the RealPresence DMA system to the MCU.
Call Server
The Polycom RealPresence DMA system’s Call Server provides the following functionality:
● H.323 gatekeeper
● SIP registrar and proxy server
● H.323 <—> SIP transition gateway
● Dial plan and prefix services
● Device authentication
● Bandwidth management
The Call Server can also be integrated with a Juniper Networks Service Resource Controller (SRC) to
provide bandwidth and QoS assurance services.
RealPresence® Platform API
The Polycom RealPresence DMA system optionally allows an API client application, developed by you or a
third party, to access the Polycom RealPresence
API access is licensed separately. It provides programmatic access to the Polycom RealPresence DMA
system for the following:
● Provisioning
● Conference control and monitoring
● Call control and dial-out
Platform Application Programming Interface (API). This
Polycom, Inc. 16
Polycom® RealPresence DMA®7000 System Overview
● Billing and usage data retrieval
● Resource availability queries
The API uses XML encoding over HTTPS transport and adheres to a Representational State Transfer
(REST) architecture.
To browse the RealPresence Platform API reference documentation, in your web browser’s address field,
type in the following URL (replacing <dma_hostname> with the hostname or IP address of your
RealPresence DMA system):
Note: Asynchronous API communication
The API communicates asynchronously. Clients subscribing to event notifications via the API must be
prepared to receive notifications out of order.
A Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager system can integrate with the RealPresence DMA system via
the API. No separate license is needed in order for the RealPresence Resource Manager system to use the
API. It provides the full programmatic access to the RealPresence DMA system described above and
enables users of the RealPresence Resource Manager scheduling interface to:
● Schedule conferences using the RealPresence DMA system’s MCU resources.
● Set up Anytime conferences. Anytime conferences are referred to as preset dial-out conferences in
the RealPresence DMA system (see Edit Conference Room Dialog Box on page 317)
Note: Integration with a Resource Management System
Integrating the Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager system with the RealPresence DMA
system via the API is separate and distinct from integrating the RealPresence DMA system with a
Polycom CMA or RealPresence Resource Manager system.
•The former enables RealPresence Resource Manager users to obtain information from and use
functionality of the RealPresence DMA system that would otherwise be accessible only in the
RealPresence DMA system’s management interface.
•The latter enables the RealPresence DMA system to retrieve site topology and user-to-device
associations from the CMA or RealPresence Resource Manager system.
For convenience, however, when you integrate your RealPresence Resource Manager system to the
RealPresence DMA system, the RealPresence DMA system automatically integrates itself back to the
RealPresence Resource Manager system so that the RealPresence DMA system will have the site
topology and user-to-device information that the RealPresence Resource Manager system expects it
to have.
SVC Conferencing Support
This version of the Polycom RealPresence DMA system supports the Annex G extension of the H.264
standard, known as H.264 Scalable Video Coding (SVC), for both point-to-point and multipoint (VMR) calls.
SVC is sometimes referred to as layered media because the video streams consist of a base layer that
encodes the lowest available quality representation plus one or more enhancement layers that each provide
an additional quality improvement. SVC supports three dimensions of scalability: temporal (frames per
second), spatial (resolution and aspect ratio), and quality (signal-to-noise ratio).
The video stream to a device can be tailored to fit the bandwidth available and device capabilities by
adjusting the number of enhancement layers sent to the device.
Polycom, Inc. 17
Polycom® RealPresence DMA®7000 System Overview
For multipoint conferencing, the MCU doesn't have to do processing-intensive mixing and transcoding to
optimize the experience for each device. Instead, it simply passes the video stream from each device to
each device, including the enhancement layers that provide the best quality the device can support.
Polycom’s SVC solution focuses on the temporal and spatial dimensions. It offers a number of advantages
over standard AVC conferencing, including:
● Improved video quality at lower bandwidths
● Improved audio and video error resiliency (good audio quality with more than 50% packet loss, good
video quality with more than 25% packet loss)
● Lower end-to-end latency (typically less than half that of AVC)
● More efficient use of bandwidth
● Lower infrastructure cost and operational expenses
● Easier to provision, control, and monitor
● Better security (end-to-end encryption)
Polycom’s SVC solution is supported by the Polycom RealPresence Platform and Environments, including
the latest generation of Polycom MCUs and RealPresence room, personal, desktop, and mobile endpoints.
Existing RMX MCUs with MPMx cards can be made SVC-capable with a software upgrade, and doing so
triples their HD multipoint conferencing capacity.
RealPresence Collaboration Server 800s MCUs support mixed-mode (SVC+AVC) conferences. Both SVC
and AVC endpoints can join the conference, and each gets the appropriate experience: SVC endpoints get
SVC mode and get a video stream for each AVC participant; AVC endpoints get a single Continuous
Presence (CP) video stream of the participants (both AVC and SVC) supplied by the MCU.
When the Polycom RealPresence DMA system selects an MCU that doesn’t support SVC for a conference
configured for mixed mode, it starts the conference as an AVC-only conference (all SVC-capable endpoints
also support AVC). But if the MCU supports SVC but not mixed mode (RMX 7.8), the conference fails to
Refer to your RealPresence Collaboration Server or RMX documentation for important information about
the MCU’s implementation of SVC conferencing and its configuration, limitations, and constraints.
See also:
Introduction to the Polycom RealPresence DMA System on page 15
The Polycom RealPresence DMA System’s Three Configurations
Depending on your organization’s needs, you can deploy the Polycom RealPresence DMA system in one
of the following three configurations.
Two-server Cluster Configuration
The Polycom RealPresence DMA system is designed to be deployed as a pair of co-located redundant
servers that share the same virtual IP address(es). The two-server cluster configuration of the Polycom
RealPresence DMA system has no single point of failure within the system that could cause the service to
become unavailable.
The two servers communicate over the private network connecting them. To determine which one should
host the public virtual IP address, each server uses three criteria:
● Ability to ping its own public physical address
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Polycom® RealPresence DMA®7000 System Overview
● Ability to ping the other server’s public physical address
● Ability to ping the default gateway
In the event of a tie, the server already hosting the public virtual address wins.
Failover to the backup server takes about five seconds in the event of a graceful shutdown and about twenty
seconds in the event of a power loss or other failure. In the event of a single server failure, two things
● All calls that are being routed through the failed server are terminated (including SIP calls, VMR calls,
and routed mode H.323 calls). These users simply need to redial the same number, and they’re
placed back into conference or reconnected to the point-to-point call they were in. The standby server
takes over the virtual signaling address, so existing registrations and new calls are unaffected.
● Direct mode H.323 point-to-point calls are not dropped, but the bandwidth management system loses
track of them. This could result in overuse of the available network bandwidth.
● If the failed server is the active web host for the system management interface, the active user
interface sessions end, the web host address automatically migrates to the remaining server, and it
becomes the active web host. Administrative users can then log back into the system at the same
URL. The system can always be administered via the same address, regardless of which server is
the web host.
The internal databases within each Polycom RealPresence DMA system server are fully replicated to the
other server in the cluster. If a catastrophic failure of one of the database engines occurs, the system
automatically switches itself over to use the database on the other server.
Single-server Configuration
The Polycom RealPresence DMA system is also available in a single-server configuration. This
configuration offers all the advantages of the Polycom RealPresence DMA system except the redundancy
and fault tolerance at a lower price. It can be upgraded to a two-server cluster at any time.
This manual generally assumes a redundant two-server cluster. Where there are significant differences
between the two configurations, those are spelled out.
To provide geographic redundancy and better network traffic management, up to five geographically
distributed Polycom RealPresence DMA system clusters (two-server or single-server) can be integrated into
a supercluster. All five clusters can be Call Servers (function as gatekeeper, SIP proxy, SIP registrar, and
gateway). Up to three can be designated as Conference Managers (manage an MCU resource pool to host
conference rooms).
The superclustered Polycom RealPresence DMA systems can be centrally administered and share a
common data store. Each cluster maintains a local copy of the data store, and changes are replicated to all
the clusters. Most system configuration is supercluster-wide. The exceptions are cluster-specific or
server-specific items like network settings and time settings.
Polycom, Inc. 19
Polycom® RealPresence DMA®7000 System Overview
Note: Clusters vs. Superclusters
Technically, a standalone Polycom RealPresence DMA system (two-server or single-server) is a
supercluster that contains one cluster. All the system configuration and other data that’s shared
across a supercluster is kept in the same data store. At any time, another Polycom RealPresence
DMA system can be integrated with it to create a two-cluster supercluster that shares its data store.
It’s important to understand the difference between two co-located servers forming a single
RealPresence DMA system (cluster) and two geographically distributed RealPresence DMA clusters
(single-server or two-server) joined into a supercluster.
A single two-server RealPresence DMA system (cluster) has the following characteristics:
•A single shared virtual IP address and FQDN, which switches from one server to the other when
necessary to provide local redundancy and fault tolerance.
•A single management interface and set of local settings.
•Ability to manage a single territory, with no territory management backup.
•A single set of Call Server and Conference Manager responsibilities.
A supercluster consisting of two RealPresence DMA clusters (single-server or two-server) has the
following characteristics:
•Separate IP addresses and FQDNs for each cluster.
•Separate management interfaces and sets of local settings for each cluster.
•Ability for each cluster to manage its own territory, with another cluster able to serve as backup for
that territory.
Different Call Server and Conference Manager responsibilities for each territory and thus each cluster.
System Capabilities and Constraints
The following capabilities and constraints apply to the entire supercluster:
● Number of sites: 500
● Number of subnets: 5000
● Number of clusters in a supercluster: 5 (not counting an integrated Polycom RealPresence Resource
Manager or CMA system)
● Number of MCUs enabled for conference rooms: 64
● Number of territories enabled for conference rooms (Conference Manager enabled): 3
● Number of concurrent VMR calls: 1200 per cluster (Conference Manager), up to 3600 total
● Number of concurrent SIP<->H.323 gateway calls: 500
● Size of Active Directory supported: 1,000,000 users and 1,000,000 groups (up to 10,000 groups may
be imported)
The following capabilities and constraints apply to each cluster in the supercluster:
● Number of registrations: 15000
● Number of contacts registered to a Microsoft Lync 2013 server: 25,000
● Number of concurrent H.323 calls: 5000
● Number of concurrent SIP calls: 5000
● Total number of concurrent calls: 5000
● Number of network usage data points retained: 8,000,000
Polycom, Inc. 20
Polycom® RealPresence DMA®7000 System Overview
● Number of IRQ messages sent per second: 100
● Number of history records retained per cluster:
500,000 registration history
2,000,000 registration signaling history
500,000 call history
12,500,000 call signaling history
200,000 conference history
10,000 CDR export history
System Port Usage
The table below lists the inbound ports that may be open on the Polycom RealPresence DMA system,
depending on signaling and security settings, integrations, and system configuration.
Port Protocol Description
22 TCP SSH. Only available if Linux console access is enabled (see Security
Settings on page 50).
53 TCP/UDP DNS. Only available if the embedded DNS server is enabled (see
Embedded DNS on page 274).
80 TCP HTTP. Redirects to 443 (HTTP access is not allowed). Disabled in
maximum security mode.
123 UDP NTP. Only available if an NTP server is specified (see Time Settings on
page 69).
161 UDP SNMP. Default port; can be changed or disabled (see Configure SNMP on
page 420).
443 TCP HTTPS. Redirects to 8443.
1718 UDP H.323 RAS. Default port; can be changed (see Signaling Settings on
page 72).
1719 UDP H.323 RAS. Default port; can be changed (see Signaling Settings on
page 72).
1720 TCP H.323 H.225 signaling. Default port; can be changed (see Signaling
9090 TCP HTTPS. Upgrade status monitoring (only while upgrade process is
36000-61000 TCP Ephemeral port range.
The table below lists the remote ports to which the Polycom RealPresence DMA system may connect,
depending on signaling and security settings, integrations, and system configuration.
Port Protocol Description
80 TCP HTTP. MCUs, Exchange Web Services (calendaring). Only used if
unencrypted connections are enabled (see Security Settings on page 50).
162 TCP/UDP SNMP notifications (Traps or Informs). Only used if SNMP is enabled and
configured to send notifications (see Configure SNMP on page 420).
389 TCP LDAP. Active Directory integration.
443 TCP HTTPS. MCUs, Exchange Web Services (calendaring).
1718 UDP H.323 RAS. Default port; can be changed (see Signaling Settings on
page 72).
1719 UDP H.323 RAS. Default port; can be changed (see Signaling Settings on
page 72).
1720 TCP H.323 H.225 signaling. Default port; can be changed (see Signaling
Settings on page 72).
3268 TCP Global Catalog. Active Directory integration.
3269 TCP Secure Global Catalog. Active Directory integration.
4449 TCP OpenDJ replication (superclustering).
5060 TCP/UDP Unencrypted SIP. Default port; can be changed or disabled (see Signaling
Settings on page 72).
5061 TCP SIP TLS. Default port; can be changed (see Signaling Settings on
page 72).
8443 TCP HTTPS. Management interface access.
8443TCPHTTPS. Hourly transmission of system usage data to the address
customerusagedatacollection.polycom.com. This data is only sent if the
Automatically Send Usage Data feature is enabled (see Automatically
Send Usage Data on page 85).
8444 TCP Supercluster communication.
Polycom, Inc. 22
Polycom® RealPresence DMA®7000 System Overview
Port Protocol Description
8989 TCP OpenDJ replication (superclustering).
36000-61000 TCP Ephemeral port range.
Polycom Solution Support
Polycom Implementation and Maintenance services provide support for Polycom solution components only.
Additional services for supported third-party Unified Communications (UC) environments integrated with
Polycom solutions are available from Polycom Global Services and its certified Partners. These additional
services will help customers successfully design, deploy, optimize, and manage Polycom visual
communications within their UC environments.
Professional Services for Microsoft Integration is mandatory for Polycom Conferencing for Microsoft Outlook
and Microsoft Office Communications Server or Lync Server 2010 integrations. For more information,
please visit www.polycom.com/services/professional_services/ or contact your local Polycom
Working in the Polycom RealPresence DMA System
This section includes some general information you should know when working in the Polycom
RealPresence DMA system.
Accessing the Polycom RealPresence DMA System
The Polycom RealPresence DMA system’s management interface is accessed by pointing a compatible
browser equipped with Adobe® Flash® Player to the system’s host name or IP address (a two-server cluster
or an IPv6-only single-server cluster has a virtual host name and IP address, and we strongly recommend
always using the virtual address). Minimum requirements:
● Microsoft Internet Explorer® 7 or newer, or Mozilla Firefox® 3 or newer, or Google Chrome 11 or
● Adobe Flash Player 9.0.124 or newer
● 1280x1024 minimum display resolution (1680x1050 or greater recommended)
Note: Adobe Flash Player considerations
The Polycom RealPresence DMA system’s Flex-based management interface requires Adobe Flash
Player. For stability and security reasons, we recommend always using the latest version of Flash
Even so, be aware that your browser’s Flash plugin may hang or crash from time to time. Your
browser should alert you when this happens and enable you to reload the plugin. In some cases, you
may need to close and restart your browser.
In the Google Chrome browser, use the Adobe Flash plugin, not the built-in Flash support.
Polycom, Inc. 23
Polycom® RealPresence DMA®7000 System Overview
Field Input Requirements
While every effort was made to internationalize the Polycom RealPresence DMA system, not all system
fields accept Unicode entries. If you work in a language other than English, be aware that some fields accept
only ASCII characters.
Settings Dialog Box
The Settings dialog box opens when you click the button to the right of the menus. It displays your
user name and the address of the RealPresence DMA server you’re logged into.
The Settings dialog box lets you change:
● The maximum number of columns in the Dashboard. Note that this is a maximum, not a fixed value.
The panes have a minimum width, and they arrange themselves to best fit your browser window.
Depending on the size of your browser window, there may be fewer columns than the maximum you
select. For instance, at the minimum supported display resolution of 1280x1024, only two columns
can be displayed.
● The text size used in the system interface. Note that larger text sizes will affect how much you can
see in a given window or screen size and may require frequent scrolling.
Polycom RealPresence DMA System User Roles and Their Access
The Polycom RealPresence DMA system has three system user roles (see User Roles Overview on
page 301) that provide access to the management and operations interface and, if available, the separately
licensed RealPresence Platform Application Programming Interface (API). The functions you can perform
and parts of the interface you can access depend on your user role or roles, as shown in the following table.
For information on access privileges to API resources, see the RealPresence DMA system API reference
documentation included with your system at the following URL:
Log Out. Logs you out of the Polycom RealPresence DMA
Help. Opens the online help topic for the page you’re
• • •
• • •
1. Provisioners have view-only access.
2. Must be an enterprise user to see enterprise users. Provisioners can’t add or remove roles or endpoints,
and can’t edit user accounts with explicitly assigned roles (Administrator, Provisioner, or Auditor), but can
manage their conference rooms.
3. Must be an enterprise user to view this report.
4. Administrators can’t delete log archives.
Polycom, Inc. 27
Polycom® RealPresence DMA®7000 System Overview
Open Source Software
License Information
Refer to the Polycom RealPresence DMA 7000 System Offer of Open Source Software for a list of the open
source software packages used in the Polycom RealPresence DMA system, the applicable license for each,
and the internet address where you can find it. To obtain the source code for any of these packages, email
your request to Open.Source@Polycom.com.
Modifying Open Source Code
The Polycom RealPresence DMA system software is not combined with or otherwise linked to any open
source libraries, but the CentOS software is. The LGPL v2.1 license allows you to modify the LGPL code
included with CentOS, recompile the modified code, and re-link it with the CentOS code. Note that although
you’re free to modify the included LGPL modules in any way you wish, we cannot be responsible if the
changes you make impair the system.
To replace an LGPL library with your modified version
1 Obtain the source code for the module you want to modify.
2 Modify the source code and compile it.
3 Go to Admin > Local Cluster > Security Settings, select Allow Linux console access, and click
4 Contact Polycom Global Services for the root password for the Polycom RealPresence DMA server.
5 Use ssh to log into the server as root.
6 Upload the modified software via wget or scp.
7 Find the module you’re replacing and install the new version to that location.
8 Reboot the system.
Polycom, Inc. 28
Polycom® RealPresence DMA® System
Initial Configuration Summary
This chapter describes the configuration tasks required to complete your implementation of a new Polycom®
configuration are complete.
This chapter assumes you’ve completed the server configuration procedure in the Getting Started Guide
(available at support.polycom.com), logged into the Polycom RealPresence DMA system’s management
interface, and verified that the Supercluster Status pane of the Dashboard shows (for a two-server
configuration) two servers in the cluster, with healthy enterprise and private network status for both.
Initial configuration includes the following topics:
Distributed Media Application™ (DMA®) 7000 system once installation and initial network
System configuration
● Add Required DNS Records for the Polycom RealPresence DMA System
● License the Polycom RealPresence DMA System
● Set Up Signaling
● Configure the Call Server and Optionally Create a Supercluster
● Set Up Security
● Set Up MCUs
● Connect to Microsoft Active Directory
● Set Up Conference Templates
Confirming configuration
● Test the System
Each topic describes the task, provides background and overview information for it, and where appropriate,
links to specific step-by-step procedures to follow in order to complete the task.
Note: Optional Configuration Tasks
These topics outline the configuration tasks that are generally required. You may wish to complete
other optional configuration tasks, including:
•Enable cascading of conferences (see About Cascading on page 193).
•Configure calendaring service (see Microsoft Exchange Server Integration on page 175).
Integrate with a Juniper Networks SRC Series Session and Resource Control module to provide
bandwidth assurance services (see Juniper Networks SRC Integration on page 183).
Polycom, Inc. 29
Polycom® RealPresence DMA® System Initial Configuration Summary
Add Required DNS Records for the Polycom
RealPresence DMA System
Note: Consult an Expert
If you’re not familiar with DNS administration, the creation of various kinds of DNS resource records
(A/AAAA,NAPTR, NS, and SRV), your enterprise’s DNS implementation, and tuning for load
balancing (if needed), please consult with someone who is.
Your Polycom RealPresence DMA system must be accessible by its host name(s), not just its IP
address(es), so you (or your DNS administrator) must create A (address) resource records (RRs) for IPv4
and/or AAAA records for IPv6 on your DNS server(s).
A/AAAA records that map each physical host name to the corresponding physical IP address and each
virtual host name to the corresponding virtual IP address are mandatory.
Note: Fully Qualified Domain Names
Depending on local DNS configuration, a host name could be the Polycom RealPresence DMA
system’s fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or a shorter name that DNS can resolve.
For some features, such as Microsoft Exchange Server integration, it’s imperative that the FQDN can
be resolved in DNS, especially by the Exchange server.
The DNS server(s) should also have entries for your Microsoft
the DNS server) and any external gatekeepers or SIP peers.
You may need to create additional DNS records as described below.
Active Directory® server (if different from
Additional DNS Records for SIP Proxy
To support the use of your Polycom RealPresence DMA system as a SIP proxy server and ease future
network administrative burdens, create the following DNS records (for each cluster in a supercluster, if
● Optionally, NAPTR records that describe the transport protocols supported by the SIP proxies at a
domain and identify the preferred protocol. Configure these statically to match the system’s SIP
transport protocol configuration.
Polycom, Inc. 30
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