[http://www.pololu.com/catalog/product/1325] is a complete
control solution for small and medium-sized robots
running at 6 – 13.5 V. The module is designed around
microcontroller (32 KB flash, 2 KB RAM, and 1 KB
EEPROM) or ATmega1284P (128 KB flash, 16 KB
RAM, and 4 KB EEPROM) running at 20 MHz and
features a full complement of peripheral hardware to
support robotics applications: dual motor drivers
capable of delivering 2 A continuous (6 peak) per
channel, a demultiplexer for easy control of up to eight
servos with a single hardware PWM, a removable 16×2 character LCD with backlight, a user trimmer
potentiometer, a buzzer for simple sounds and music, three user pushbuttons, and two user LEDs. The board also
provides 21 free I/O lines, of which 12 can be used as analog inputs, and two switching buck (step-down) voltage
regulators—one for the 5V bus and one adjustable from 2.5 V to 85% of VIN—each capable of supplying 3 A,
which means there’s plenty of room and power for adding sensors, servos, and other peripherals.
In addition to the user-programmable AVR microcontroller, the Orangutan SVP features an auxiliary
PIC18F14K50 MCU that supports the main processor and serves as an integrated AVR ISP programmer, which
means that no external programmer is required to use the Orangutan SVP. This auxiliary processor provides a
USB connection that allows direct communication with a PC, and its firmware lets it perform several useful
task in parallel with the main microcontroller. For example, the auxiliary processor can read two quadrature
encoders without burdening the main MCU, or those same four inputs could be used as additional analog inputs.
The ATmega324 or ATmega1284 can read data from the auxiliary MCU over SPI. A USB A to mini-B cable
[http://www.pololu.com/catalog/product/1129] is included with the Orangutan SVP.
The Orangutan SVP is compatible with freely available development software for Atmel’s AVR microcontrollers,
including Atmel Studio [http://www.atmel.com/microsite/atmel_studio6/] and the WinAVR [http://winavr.sourceforge.net/]
GCC C/C++ compiler. We provide an extensive set of software libraries [http://www.pololu.com/docs/0J20] that make
it easy to interface with all of the integrated hardware, including the auxiliary microcontroller. Using these
libraries, it takes just a few simple lines of code to write to the LCD, read button presses, drive motors, and
control servos. These libraries come with a number of sample programs that demonstrate how to use the various
components on the Orangutan SVP.
The Orangutan SVP’s USB connection works under Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7,
Windows 8, Linux, and Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) or later. The Orangutan SVP’s USB connection can be used to
program the AVR, communicate directly with the AVR from a computer, or communicate with TTL-level serial
devices from a computer.
In Linux, the three virtual COM ports created by the SVP should appear as devices with names like /dev/ttyACM0,
/dev/ttyACM1, and /dev/ttyACM2 (the numbers depends on how many other ACM devices you have plugged in)
and you can use any terminal program (such as kermit) to send and receive bytes on those ports.
In Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) or later, the three virtual COM ports created by the SVP should appear as devices with
names like /dev/tty.usbmodem00022381, /dev/tty.usbmodem00022383, and /dev/tty.usbmodem00022385 and
you can use any terminal program (such as screen) to send and receive bytes on those ports. The lowest number
found in the device names is the Orangutan SVP’s serial number.
Mac OS X compatibility: we have confirmed that the Orangutan SVP’s USB connection works
on Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) and we can assist with advanced technical issues, but most of our tech
support staff does not use Macs, so basic support for Mac OS X is limited.
Note: You may not need to use the Orangutan SVP’s USB connection. If you have an AVR
ISP programmer, then you can program the AVR on the Orangutan SVP by connecting your
programmer to the 6-pin AVR ISP header located near the SVP’s USB connector. In that case,
the operating system of your computer does not matter as long as it is compatible with your
You can check the Orangutan SVP-324 robot controller page [http://www.pololu.com/catalog/product/1325] or
Orangutan SVP-1284 robot controller page [http://www.pololu.com/catalog/product/1327] for additional information,
including pictures, example code, and application notes. You can also find libraries for interacting with the onboard hardware and an assortment of sample code in the Pololu AVR Library [http://www.pololu.com/docs/0J20].
We would be delighted to hear from you about any of your projects and about your experience with the
Orangutan Robot controllers. You can contact us [http://www.pololu.com/contact] directly or post on our forum
[http://forum.pololu.com/]. Tell us what we did well, what we could improve, what you would like to see in the future,
The Orangutan SVP contains a programmable AVR ATmega324PA or ATmega1284P microcontroller connected
to two motor drivers for direct control of two DC motors, a 16×2 character LCD, a buzzer, three user pushbuttons,
two user LEDs, and a demultiplexer for servo control. The AVR is also connected to an auxiliary processor (a
PIC18F14K50) that provides access to the battery voltage, a 10 kilo-ohm user trimmer potentiometer, and four
additional input lines. The auxiliary processor also serves as a programmer for the main processor, meaning that
an external programmer is not required, but you can use one if you want to. The auxiliary processor also allows
for USB communication between the AVR and a personal computer, and acts as a USB-to-serial converter.
Orangutan SVP fully assembled PCB with pins labeled.
These and the rest of the main features of the module are labeled in the picture above and in more detail
orangutan_svp_reference_diagram.pdf?file_id=0J244] (82k pdf). Most of the connection points are also indicated on the
silkscreen on the back side of the PCB, as shown below. The overall unit dimensions are 3.7" × 2.2", and four
0.086" mounting holes, suitable for #2 screws, are located 0.1" from the corners of the board.
Power for the Orangutan SVP should be connected to the positive (+) and ground (GND) terminals near the words
“Power In” on the board. The input voltage (VIN) of the power supply should be 6 – 13.5 V, from which the onboard regulator generates the 5 V supply (VCC) that is used to power the logic.
The Orangutan SVP has one TB6612FNG motor driver for each motor output. Each motor driver can deliver a
continuous 2 A, and can briefly deliver up to 6 A. If you are not taking extra steps to keep the motor driver cool,
such as using a heat sink, exceeding this continuous current rating for too long will cause the motor driver to heat
up and trigger its built-in thermal shutdown.
By default, the motor drivers are powered from VBAT, which refers to the input voltage (VIN) after passing
through reverse protection and the power switch circuit. However, you can disconnect VBAT from the motor
drivers by cutting the labeled traces on the bottom of the board (VBAT-VM1 and VBAT-VM2). This allows you
to connect some other power supply to the motor drivers, such as VADJ (see below). The motor drivers have an
operating range of 4.5 – 13.5 V, so your power supply should be in that range, and should be capable of supplying
all the current that your motors might draw.
USB Power
When connected to a computer, the USB connection provides a 5 V power supply. If an external power supply is
present, the unit will run off of the external supply and not draw any power from USB. If only the USB power is
present, then by default the auxiliary processor will be powered from USB, but the AVR and the VCC power pins
on the board will not be powered. An option is available for powering the entire board from USB. See Section 11
for more information.
The motor drivers are controlled by two of the AVR’s hardware PWM outputs from eight-bit Timer2 for speed
control, along with two digital outputs for direction control. This lets you achieve variable motor speeds using
hardware PWMs rather than processor-intensive software PWMs on the motor control lines. You can control the
motors using the functions in the OrangutanMotors [http://www.pololu.com/docs/0J18/7] section of the Pololu AVR
C/C++ Library.
For each motor, the Orangutan SVP has a current-sensing circuit that produces an output voltage proportional to
the current the motors are using (850 mV/A). The respective outputs of these circuits are labeled CS1 and CS2,
and they are accessible near the center of the board.
User I/O & Power Outputs
Sixteen user I/O lines can be accessed via the four 4×3 0.100" female headers along the lower edger of the board,
as shown below. Each I/O line has associated power and ground connections for easy connections to sensors: the
exterior (bottom) pin is ground, the middle pin is power, and the interior (top) pin is signal and connects directly
to an AVR I/O line.
For each four-pin bank of I/O lines, you can configure which power voltage is supplied to the power (middle)
pins. By default, the power pins are connected to VCC (5 V). You can cut a trace on the bottom of the board
to disconnect them from VCC. This will leave the power pins connected to one through-hole, which can be
connected to a different power source, such as VADJ, which is available elsewhere on the board.
The total current available on the VCC (5 V) line is 3 A, meaning you can power servos and other high-power
peripherals directly from your regulated voltage.
The Orangutan SVP is supplied with a removable 16×2 character LCD with backlight that uses the common
HD44780 parallel interface [http://www.pololu.com/file/download/DMC50448N-AAE-AD.pdf?file_id=0J71] (109k pdf). A
different LCD can be connected with an appropriate cable. The AVR has four I/O lines connected to LCD data
lines DB4 – DB7 (i.e. is configured to use the LCD in 4-bit mode) and three I/O lines connected to the three LCD
control lines RS, R/W, and E. Please note that the LCD data lines are also shared by the user pushbuttons and the
green user LED. You can print to the LCD using the functions in the OrangutanLCD [http://www.pololu.com/docs/
0J18/5] section of the Pololu AVR C/C++ Library.
The LCD’s backlight can be turned off by driving the BACKLIGHT line low. Adjustable dimming of the LCD
can be achieved by connecting the line to a free PWM output.
The AVR’s AREF pin is available next to the backlight pin.
The Orangutan SVP has five total pushbuttons: a power on/off button located on the right side of the bottom
edge of the board, a reset button located on the left side of the top edge of the board, and three user pushbuttons
located along the left edge of the board. Please note that the power button disconnects the external power supply
from the entire board, while the reset button connects directly to the AVR’s RESET pin and does not disconnect
the power supply.
The user pushbuttons, from top to bottom, are on pins PC5, PC3, and PC2. Pressing one of these buttons pulls
the associated I/O pin to ground through a resistor. You can detect button pushes using the functions in the
OrangutanPushbuttons [http://www.pololu.com/docs/0J18/9] section of the Pololu AVR C/C++ Library. The library
takes care of configuring the pins as inputs, enabling the AVR’s internal pull-up resistors, and debouncing
(accounting for the fact that pushbuttons physically bounce when pressed).
The Orangutan SVP comes with a buzzer controlled by pin PD4. If you alternate between driving the buzzer pin
high and low at a given frequency, the buzzer will produce sound at that frequency. You can use the functions in
the OrangutanBuzzer [http://www.pololu.com/docs/0J18/3] section of the Pololu AVR C/C++ Library to play notes in
the background (using hardware PWM) while the rest of your processor performs other tasks.
The Orangutan SVP comes with a 10 kilo-ohm user trimmer potentiometer, located between the USB connector
and the LCD connector. The trimpot is connected to the auxiliary processor, which measures its output voltage
and reports it to the AVR.
You can disconnect the trimpot from the auxiliary processor by cutting the labeled trace between POT and
ADC/SS on the bottom side of the board. This gives you two options for that line: you can use it as a generalpurpose analog input by connecting some other output to it, or you can connect it to one of your AVR’s free I/O
lines and use it as the SPI slave-select line for the auxiliary processor, allowing you to communicate with some
other SPI peripheral.
Programming Connector
The Orangutan SVP has a 6-pin programming connector on the upper left side. This gives you the option of
using an AVR ISP in-system programmer from Atmel or a compatible programmer, such as our Pololu USB AVR
Programmer [http://www.pololu.com/catalog/product/1300] to program the AVR. This is not necessary, though, because
the Orangutan SVP’s auxiliary processor can serve as an AVR ISP programmer for the AVR.
By default, pin 5 of the Programming connector, which is labeled by an asterisk (*), is connected to the AVR’s
RESET line, which is necessary for ISP programming by an external device). However, you can disconnect those
two pins by cutting a labeled trace on the bottom of the circuit board. This gives you the option of using that line
for some other signal.
Auxiliary I/O & Power Outputs
The Orangutan SVP has five auxiliary I/O lines that are connected to the auxiliary processor. Each I/O line has
associated power and ground connections for easy connections to sensors: the exterior (top) pin is ground, the
middle pin is power (VCC), and the interior (bottom) pin is signal and connects directly to an auxiliary processor
I/O line. The TX line is the serial transmit line. It transmits TTL-level serial bytes received from the computer
on the “Pololu Orangutan SVP TTL Serial Port”. The lines A, B, C, and D/RX can be configured to do different
things. They can function as three analog inputs plus a serial receive line, as four analog inputs, or as the inputs
for two quadrature encoders. See the OrangutanSVP [http://www.pololu.com/docs/0J18/13] section of the Pololu AVR
C/C++ Library for more information.
Servo Demultiplexer
The hardware in the upper-right corner of the Orangutan SVP allows you to control up to 8 servos without
sacrificing a large number of I/O lines or processor cycles. You can control servos using the functions in the
OrangutanServos [http://www.pololu.com/docs/0J18/11] section of the Pololu USB AVR C/C++ library.
The input signal of the demultiplexer is connected to pin PD5 on the AVR. If you are not using PD5 to control
servos, you can use it as a general-purpose digital I/O line or PWM output.
The three output-selection pins of the multiplexer (SA, SB, and SC) are available in the header near the
multiplexer so they can be wired to free I/O lines on the AVR, allowing you to switch between servos. The
output-selection pins have pull-down resistors, so if you have four servos or fewer you can leave some of them
The eight output pins of the multiplexer are available in two 4×3 headers. These lines have current-limiting
resistors on them. Each multiplexer output line has associated power and ground connections for easy connections
to the servos: the exterior (top) pin is ground, the middle pin is power. For each bank of servos, you can configure
which power supply is connected to the power pins, using the provided headers and jumpers. You can power
the servos from VCC, VADJ (see below), or a separate power supply. The fully assembled version ships with a
jumper attached to just the middle pin of each of the two servo power selection banks. In this default orientation,
the jumper supplies no power to the servo power rail.
Orangutan SVP with key integrated hardware labeled.
Adjustable Voltage (VADJ)
In addition to the 5 V regulator that supplies VCC, the Orangutan SVP comes with an adjustable voltage regulator.
Both regulators can supply a current of 3 A. The adjustable voltage regulator draws current from the external
power supply, and produces an output voltage called VADJ. The trimmer potentiometer in the upper right corner
of the board determines VADJ. If you turn the trimpot all the way counter-clockwise, VADJ goes down to about
2.5 V. If you turn it all the way clockwise, VADJ rises to 85% of VIN. The adjustable voltage regulator will be off
when the main power is switched off.
In general, it is advantageous to power servos and other high-power devices from VADJ (instead of VCC),
because if the peripherals draw too much current for the power supply to handle the AVR will not be affected.
• A blue power LED is located next to the power button.
• There are four motor indicator LEDs located near the motor outputs. A green LED lit indicates that the
corresponding motor is being driven “forward” (the voltage on output B is higher than the voltage on A).
A red LED indicates that the corresponding motor is being driven in “reverse” (the voltage on output B is
lower than the voltage on output A).
• A red user LED is located near the AVR I/O banks. The LED is connected to the user I/O line PD1. It will
light if you set PD1 as a low output. Since PD1 is the serial transmit line for UART0 (TXD0), the LED will
flicker whenever serial data is being transmitted from the AVR. The LED can be disconnected from PD1 by
cutting a labeled trace (PD1-LED) on the bottom of the board.
• A green user LED is located between the trimpot and the buzzer. It will light if you set PC4 as a high
output. Note that PC4 is also used as an LCD data line, so you will see the green LED flicker when you
update the LCD.
• Another green LED is located near the USB connector. This LED is controlled by the auxiliary processor
and indicates the status of the USB connection. When the USB is disconnected, or the device is in the USB
Suspend state (because the computer went to sleep), the green LED is off. When you connect the device
to a computer via USB, the green LED will start blinking slowly. The blinking continues until it receives a
particular message from the computer indicating that the drivers are installed correctly. After the programmer
gets this message, the green LED will be on, but it will flicker briefly when there is USB activity.
• Another red LED is located near the header for the auxiliary processor’s TX line. This LED is tied to
the TX line, so it will flicker whenever the auxiliary processor is transmitting TTL-level serial bytes from
the computer. This LED will also blink when the auxiliary processor powers up to indicate bad startup
conditions. Two blinks indicates that a brown-out reset was triggered: the processor’s VDD dropped below
4. Module Pinout and ComponentsPage 12 of 37
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