Polatrak CP-Gun Operating Manual

CP-Gun™ Diver-held probe
Operation manual
Corrosion testing probes
Twin reference electrodes verify calibration during use
Deepwater Corrosion Services Inc.
2013 Deepwater Corrosion Services Inc. Specications subject to change without notice
10851 Train Court, Houston, TX 77041 USA
Ultra-bright LED displays for limited visibility conditions
On-off switch for season-long battery life
+1 (713) 983 7117
Email: sales@stoprust.com
freshwater/seawater reference electrodes
CP Gun operation manual
Table of contents
1 Overview 5
2. Scope 5
3. Health and safety 5
4. Risk assessments 5
4.1. General hazards 5
4.2. Specic hazards 5
4.3. Environmental hazards 5
5. Reference documents 5
5.1. Drawings 5
5.2. Photos 5
5.3. MSDS documents 5
6. Components 6
6.1. Main body 6
6.2. Reference electrodes 6
6.3. Voltmeter 7
6.4. Bulkhead connector 7
6.5. Lens 7
6.6. Contact tips 7
6.7. On/off power switch 7
6.8. Spare parts and accessories 7
7. Calibration 7
7.1. Bucket calibration check 7
7.2. Underwater online calibration 8
7.3. Measuring potentials 8
7.4. Data interpretation 9
8. Maintenance 10
8.1. Overview 10
8.2. Tip replacement 10
8.3. Electrode element replacement 10
8.4. Battery replacement 11
9. Troubleshooting 12
9.1. Electrode element replacement 12
9.2. Battery replacement 12
10. Appendix 13
2013 Deepwater Corrosion Services Inc. Specications subject to change without notice
10851 Train Court, Houston, TX 77041 USA
Telephone: +1 (713) 983 7117
2 Document 352-MN01-ENG, Rev. D
Email: sales@stoprust.com
CP Gun operation manual
List of tables
Table 1 - Normal cathodic protection ranges for bare carbon steel in seawater 10
Table 2 - Troubleshooting quick guide 13
Table 3 - CP Gun spare parts list 13
List of gures
Figure 1 - Kit components 4
Figure 2 - Probe components 4
Figure 3 - Calibration coupon attachment 8
Figure 4 - Bucket calibration readings 8
Figure 5 – Seacon RMG-3FS wiring diagram 11
Figure 6 – Calibration schematic 14
2013 Deepwater Corrosion Services Inc. Specications subject to change without notice
10851 Train Court, Houston, TX 77041 USA
Telephone: +1 (713) 983 7117
3 Document 352-MN01-ENG, Rev. D
Email: sales@stoprust.com
Figure 1
Kit components
Insulating compound
O-ring lubricant
CP Gun operation manual
Transit case
Lens cover
3/16” Allen key
Spare parts storage
Replacement O-rings
Figure 2
Probe components
Contact tip
Nose cone assembly
Electrode harness
Element housing
CP Gun
Spare reference electrode
Pressure housing
On/o switch
Calibration coupon
LED read­out unit
Reference electrodes
2013 Deepwater Corrosion Services Inc. Specications subject to change without notice
10851 Train Court, Houston, TX 77041 USA
Readout lens
Telephone: +1 (713) 983 7117
4 Document 352-MN01-ENG, Rev. D
Email: sales@stoprust.com
lens retaining screws
CP Gun operation manual
1. Overview
The CP Gun is designed for situations where a few contact CP readings are required. This diver-held probe can be stored easily on a tool belt when not needed by the diver. The CP Gun outperforms all other bathycorrometer-type devices on the market in accuracy and convenience. Longer battery life, interchangeable freshwater / seawater electrodes and ultra-bright LED displays (for limited visibility situ­ations) make the CP Gun the most user-friendly diver-held CP probe available. The dual electrodes and readouts allow verication of the reference electrodes even as the diver works.
2. Scope
The purpose of this document is to instruct the user how to use and maintain the CP Gun, including: taking potential readings and replacing the elements and batteries.
3. Health and safety
3.1 General
It is the intention of Deepwater Corrosion that all test and inspection procedures are to be carried out in a safe manner in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act and any other relevant legislation. If required by the client, Deepwater personnel will attend any site safety induction courses before carrying out on-site work.
3.2 MSDS
Where applicable, substances hazardous to health shall be listed and itemized in the form of a register. Health and safety data sheets for all hazardous substances shall be kept in a le for reference. Site personnel shall be issued copies of health and safety data sheets relevant to their work activities.
4. Risk assessments
4.1 General hazards
4.1.1 Site safety - There are various risks associated with working on any site; Regulations re-
quired by the site owner/operator should be observed.
4.1.2 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - Eye protection and disposable rubber gloves should be worn as a minimum of personal protective equipment when maintaining the CP Gun, in addition to any other equipment required by the site operator or deemed necessary by the task.
4.2. Specic hazards
4.2.1 Measuring potentials - The contact tip of the probe is very sharp and can cause serious
damage to the user if not handled with care. It should NEVER be used to remove marine growth or coatings.
4.2.2 Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) is present- Transformers should be turned off BEFORE any person enters the water in that area.
4.3 Environmental hazards
The copper (II) sulphate, deionized gel solution contained within the Cu / CuSO4 reference elec­trodes is potentially hazardous. Observe all federal, state and local regulations when disposing of this substance. Please ensure that proper personal protective equipment (PPE) is worn during disposal. For further information, please refer to the MSDS.
5. Reference documents
5.1 Drawings
5.1.1 Figure 4: Bucket calibration readings
5.1.2 Figure 5: SEA CON® RMG-3FS connector pin diagram
5.1.3 Figure 6: Bucket calibration check with Zn coupon
2013 Deepwater Corrosion Services Inc. Specications subject to change without notice
10851 Train Court, Houston, TX 77041 USA
Telephone: +1 (713) 983 7117
5 Document 352-MN01-ENG, Rev. D
Email: sales@stoprust.com
+ 9 hidden pages