How to troubleshoot.................... 3
• Black Pictures..................................... 3
• Dark Pictures...................................... 5
• Light pictures...................................... 7
• Yellowish/reddish spots in picture...... 9
• Timer Inoperative................................11
• Flash doesn’t fire................................13
• Camera inoperative............................15
The Bank Program.....................17
1 If the flash doesn’t fire in situations where there is very low light,
the picture may be black (underexposed with no discernible
2 If the film’s dark slide is not removed prior to taking the picture,
light cannot expose the negative.
3 If lens caps are not removed, light can not travel through the lens
to expose the negative.
4 If the flash is set for 3000 (black & white) instead of 80 (color),
light output is reduced and the picture may be dark..
5 If 1 - 4 above did not cause the problem, the camera is defective
and should be returned for repair. The shutter may be faulty (not
1 If the flash is set for 3000 (B & W film) instead of 80 (color film),
the flash will not provide enough light to properly expose the
2 If the flash reflector is tilted upward, not enough light will reach
the subject.
3 If the aperture is too small, not enough light will reach the
negative during exposure. To increase aperture size, lower the
f-stop number.
4 If the flash does not fire, the ambient room lighting will be
insufficient for proper exposure.
5 If 1 - 4 above did not cause the problem, the camera is probably
defective and should be returned for repair.