Before you begin1-4
Operating the scanner1-11
2 Software Installation
Installing the CS-600 PtP and related software2-2
Installing the Microscan Utility 2-5
Installing OmniPage Direct2-8
Installing Print to Press Software2-8
Using PolaSharp4-4
Using other Photoshop filters and tools4-9
Exporting the CMYK file4-10
Thumbnail preview images4-14
Creating a For Position Only (FPO) image4-14
Selecting the ink standard4-14
Selecting the paper4-15
Selecting the press4-16
Customizing press settings4-17
Using setups4-20
Creating the separation file4-23
Appendix A: Dot GainA-1
Appendix B: Polaroid FilmB-1
Appendix C: Color TransformationC-1
License AgreementsL-1
This section provides information on installing the hardware
for your scanner. An outline is provided on the following
page to guide you through the various stages of hardware
1 Hardware installation
To do thisSee the section
1 Go through preliminariesBefore you begin
• Unpack the scanner
• Check requirements
• Check voltage
2 Install the scannerInstallation
• Release the carriage
• Set up cabling
• Check the SCSI ID
3 Operate the scannerOperating the scanner
• Perform power-on test
• Positioning a document
• Scanning a thick document
• Using scanner accessories
4 Perform other tasksMiscellaneous
• To return the scanner
• Lock the carriage
• Replace the scanning lamp
Checklist forThis is a quick rundown of things you need to do and look
hardware installationout for to install your hardware properly.
• Unpack your scanner and read the Packing List first to deter-
mine if you have everything you need. If not, call Polaroid
Technical Assistance. See section below.
• Check system requirements and scanner voltage. See page 1-5.
• As the first step to installation, release the carriage lock. See
page 1-6.
• After unlocking the carriage, set up cabling. Depending on
your installation, you may or may not need terminators. See
pages 1-7 to 1-9.
• Check the scanner’s SCSI ID. If it needs to be changed, set the
ID according to procedures outlined on pages 1-9 to 1-10.
• To operate the scanner, turn on the power button at the back
of the unit. The POWER and READY indicators on the front
should light up and stay on solidly. If they don’t stop blinking, there may be a hardware problem with your scanner. At
this time, the fluorescent lamp inside the scanner should be on
as well. See page 1-11.
• For information on how to position a document for scanning
and the use of scanner accessories, see pages. 1-12 to 1-13.
• If you need to return the scanner for whatever reason, lock
the scanner carriage, then follow scanner-return procedures.
See pages 1-14 to 1-15. If the scanner lamp needs to be
replaced, see page 1-16.
Technical assistance
Call toll-free within the U.S.A.: 1-800-225-1618, Monday
through Friday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Eastern time). Or, write to
the Polaroid Resource Center, 201 Burlington Road, Bedford,
MA 01730. In Canada, call toll-free: 1-800-268-6970.
Outside North America, please contact the Polaroid office
nearest you.
Hardware installation1-3
Before You Begin
• Unpack the scanner
• Check requirements
• Check the voltage
Unpacking the scannerRemove the scanner from the box, and save the box and
packing materials in case you need to ship the scanner again.
Upon opening the scanner box, you will see a Packing List
that lists both hardware and software components of your
scanner package, as well as the part numbers for those components.
If any component is missing, call Polaroid Technical
Assistance (see page 1-3) and provide information on the
missing component and part number. Keep the Packing List
for your reference in case you need to order a component in
the future.
If you need to return the scanner for any repairs, the
scanner must be packed in the original box in which it came.
Otherwise, Polaroid will not be responsible for any damage
that may be sustained during shipping to or from Polaroid.
You may be charged for a new box.
Requirements• Macintosh II series, Centris, Quadra, or Power Macintosh
• System 7.0 or later
• SCSI system cable
• 12MB RAM (16MB minimum and 24MB recommended on
Power Macintosh)
• 40MB hard disk (200MB recommended); at least 20MB free
• Color monitor; color display card; laser printer (recommended)
VoltageThe voltage of the scanner is indicated at the back of the scan-
ner near the power switch.
Voltage is preset depending on your area, ranging from 100V
to 120V (U.S. and Canada), or 100V to 240V (Europe and
other parts).
In the unlikely event that you receive a scanner with a voltage
setting different from the voltage level used in your area, call
Polaroid Technical Assistance (see page 1-3) for information
about how to return the scanner. Scanners marked with 100V
to 120V will not operate with 220-volt power in Europe or
South America.
Hardware installation1-5
AC 100-120V–
AC 100-120V–
• Release the scanner carriage
• Connect your scanner and computer
• Check the SCSI ID
Releasing the carriageYour scanner has a locking screw at the bottom to protect the
scanner carriage mechanism during shipping. Before you can
operate the scanner, you need to disengage the locking screw.
To unlock the scanner:
1 With the scanner turned off, turn the scanner on its side to see
the locking screw at the bottom.
2 Using a screwdriver, turn the locking screw counterclockwise
to unlock it. When unlocked successfully, the screw will push
out a little, becoming nearly even with the bottom of the
You can check the lock’s status by pushing on the screw cap.
If the screw springs back, the scanner is ready for scanning.
CablingThe following scenarios are provided to show how to connect
your scanner to the computer and the other components you
may have in your system.
turn screw
Polaroid scanners are not internally terminated. Always
use short cables 2-3 feet long for connection; longer cables
can cause SCSI-related problems.
Case 1
Connecting the scanner to a Macintosh. There are no other
SCSI peripherals.
Case 2
Connecting the scanner to a non-Polaroid SCSI peripheral
(like a CD-ROM drive, tape drive, optical disk drive). The
non-Polaroid SCSI peripheral has two 50-pin Centronics
ports. In this case, you will need a SCSI peripheral cable
(see Note on the next page).
Hardware installation1-7
SCSI cable
SCSI cableCentronics port
SCSI peripheral
Case 3
Similar to case 2, but the non-Polaroid SCSI peripheral has a
50-pin port and a 25-pin port. In this case, you can use the
cable provided with the scanner, but you will need a terminator.
SCSI peripheral cables and terminators are not included
with your Polaroid scanner but can be obtained from any computer reseller. For your SCSI peripheral cable, use cables no
longer than 4 feet; longer cables may cause SCSI-related problems. The use of terminators is explained more fully in the next
Using terminators.
Using terminatorsDepending on your system, you may need to use a cable termi-
nator on your installation. A terminator is a piece of electrical
equipment installed at the end of a SCSI chain linking your
computer with a SCSI device. The terminator ensures that the
electrical impulses going through the path are properly routed
and absorbed.
When to use a terminator
Polaroid scanners are not internally terminated, and Polaroid
does not provide a terminator in its scanner package. You may
or may not need a terminator, but because of varying SCSI standards, there is no way to predict with absolute certainty
whether or not you need one.
If you get odd symptoms after hooking up your Macintosh and
scanner, or if your Mac refuses to boot up properly after you
installed the scanner, this may indicate that you need a termina-
tor (or a shorter cable). In this case, obtain a terminator from
a computer reseller, and use it as part of your installation.
On the other hand, if you are hooking up your Macintosh to
a daisy chain with two or more SCSI devices (such as a scanner and a CD-ROM drive), you will definitely need a terminator, and the terminator should then be on the last SCSI device
on your daisy chain. There should never be more than two
terminators on your system (one is usually inside the hard
disk of your computer, and one should be outside on the last
SCSI device).
To install a terminator if you’re hooking up a Macintosh, a
scanner, and a SCSI peripheral, refer to the diagram in Case 2
on page 1-7.
The SCSI IDA SCSI ID is a number assigned to each SCSI device in your
daisy chain to differentiate the devices from one another.
The SCSI ID for Polaroid scanners is set at default to 6. You
won’t need to change the SCSI ID on your scanner unless
another SCSI device on your system (such as a tape drive or
CD-ROM drive) is using the same number.
To set the SCSI ID number:
1 Locate the SCSI ID selector, which is on the back panel.
2 To change the SCSI ID, press the push-button selector. See
Notes on SCSI numbers for numbers that can be used.
Hardware installation1-9
SCSI ID selector
Notes on SCSI ID numbers
• Each SCSI device must have a unique SCSI ID number.
• Valid SCSI ID numbers are 0 to 6. Do not use SCSI ID #7,
which is used to carry a self-test for the scanner and make the
carriage move back and forth. SCSI ID #8 and #9 are also not
• The Macintosh internal hard disk usually occupies SCSI ID
#0 or #1, but it can be set to any number.
SCSI conflicts
Conflicts between your scanner and other SCSI hardware
devices in your system can happen, owing to the varying SCSI
standards that are used for SCSI peripherals today.
If you are having SCSI conflicts:
• Change the order of your SCSI devices in the daisy chain.
Because of the varying SCSI standards in use for SCSI peripherals, some SCSI conflicts may be resolved by moving the
scanner and other SCSI peripherals to different positions in
the chain.
• Check the SCSI ID number of your SCSI devices. Make sure
that no two devices have the same ID. The SCSI check feature
in the CS-600 PtP scanning software can tell you what the IDs
are of the devices in your SCSI chain.
• Use a shorter cable (4 feet or shorter) for each segment of the
chain. The use of longer-than-authorized cables accounts for
more than 50% of SCSI-related problems.
• Make sure that none of the middle SCSI devices are terminat-
ed, and make sure that only the last SCSI device is terminated.
• Always terminate the last device in your SCSI chain with an
external terminator and not an internal terminator.
Operating the scanner
• Performing the power-on self-test
• Positioning a document
• Scanning thick documents
• Notes on using the TMA and ADF scanner accessories
Performing the The power-on test is a quick self-checking mechanism that the
power-on testscanner carries out after you turn it on.
This is what happens after the scanner is turned on:
1 POWER indicator on the front panel of the scanner lights up.
2 READY indicator beside the POWER indicator flashes briefly.
After a 30-second warm-up period, the scanner carries out a
self-test, with the scanner carriage moving back and forth
about a half-inch. If no problems are detected, the READY
indicator stays lit.
If there are problems with the POWER and READY
indicators, see the Troubleshooting section in the Appendix.
3 The fluorescent lamp inside the scanner should be on too by
this time. The lamp should never go off while the scanner is
If the scanner lamp doesn’t come on, starts to flicker,
or gets dim, see the section Replacing the scanner lamp at the
end of this chapter.
Positioning 1 Lift the scanner cover.
a document
Place the document face down on the scanner glass. The top
left corner of the document (when the document is held
upright for normal reading) should be at the "0,0" position
on the ruler guides running alongside the scanner glass.
Hardware installation1-11
Scanning thick1 Lift the scanner cover high enough so that there is
documentsenough room to place the document on the scanner glass.
2 Lower the scanner cover. You are now ready to start scanning.
Using scanner Your scanner is a powerful imaging device, but there are
accessoriesscanner accessories available that can enhance your scanning
• The Transparent Media Adapter (TMA) doubles the power of
your scanner as it allows you to scan transparencies. TMAs
have their own source of lighting, which is crucial to scanning
transparencies as it prevents images from being exposed to too
much lighting and getting washed out as a result.
Although 35-mm slides and filmstrips are not recommended
due to their small size and lack of resolution, you can use the
TMA to scan slides ranging from 35-mm slides and filmstrips
to transparencies as large as 8"x10".
lift scanner cover
lay thick document
on the scanner
Transparent Media Adapter
attached to the scanner
• Returning your scanner
• Locking the carriage
• Replacing the scanner lamp
• Returning your scanner
Your Polaroid scanner has been built to exacting standards.
Just like any piece of electrical equipment, however, your
scanner or the delicate parts in it are subject to wear and tear,
and may malfunction for any number of reasons. If your scanner needs to be serviced or repaired, do the following:
For U.S. users:
• Call Polaroid Technical Assistance (see page 1-3) to get a
Repair Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number.
• Lock the carriage (discussed in the next section)
• Pack the scanner in the original box without any software,
and send the interface cables if applicable. If you have lost the
original box, you will need to buy one from Polaroid for a
nominal fee.
• Send the scanner to Polaroid
Make sure the RMA number is on the address
label and is visible. Packages without an RMA number or
with the wrong RMA number on the outside of the box will
be refused and returned to sender.
For Canadian users:
Call Polaroid Technical Assistance (see page 1-3). You will be
given an RMA number and address to where your scanner
can be sent for repair.
For users in parts other than the U.S. or Canada:
Call your authorized dealer for further instructions.
Hardware installation1-13
Locking the carriageYou need to lock the scanner carriage if you wish to ship back
your scanner for any reason. The carriage must be locked to
prevent the mechanism from moving during shipping and getting damaged in the process.
In addition, you need to pack the scanner in the original box
in which it came. No scanner will be accepted in a packaging
other than the authorized Polaroid packing box. If your box is
lost, call Polaroid Technical Assistance (see page 1-3) to purchase a new one.
Polaroid will not be liable for scanners that are
damaged during transit because the carriage had not been
locked or was not packed in the original or authorized packaging.
Locking the scanner:
1 Turn the scanner off and then back on. The carriage will
move forward a bit and then return to its standby position.
When the carriage stops moving, turn off the scanner. Be sure
that the carriage is in the standby position before you tighten
the locking screw. Otherwise, the carriage won’t be locked
properly and can get damaged during shipping.
2 Turn the scanner on its side and locate the locking screw at
the bottom of the scanner. To lock, turn the locking screw
clockwise one-fourth turn while pushing it in simultaneously.
The screw should stay in and not pop back out.
turn screw
Replacing the If the lamp inside your scanner does not come on or if it
scanner lampbegins to flicker or dim after some time, the lamp may need to
be replaced.
If this is the case, call Polaroid Technical Assistance (see
page 1-3).
Hardware installation1-15
2Software installation
This section covers the installation of the CS-600 Software
scanning software and related software included with your
scanner package.
Depending on your scanner model, application software bundled with your scanner may include Adobe Photoshop, or
Caere OmniPage Direct.
In addition, a utility called Microscan is included with all
scanners for added value. Microscan is a compact application
that allows users to scan in an image without having to open
a large application. Microscan installation procedures are provided in this section.
Installing the CS-600 Software and related software
This section provides information on installing the CS-600
Software Plug-in scanning software, along with related application software.
• If you have Adobe Photoshop included with your scanner and
you plan to use the software, follow the instructions in this
• If you don’t have the above application software with your
scanner, you can use instead the Microscan utility included
with all our scanners.
page 2-5 for Microscan installation procedures.
Step 1
Install the image-editing software (Photoshop). To do this,
insert the first software disk (the disk labeled #1 in the series)
into your computer, and run the installer program. Follow the
screen instructions to install the software, and refer to the
documentation that comes with the software for additional
instructions if needed.
Skip this section and instead see
Step 2
Install the CS-600 scanning software.
1 If you have a Power Mac or Performa Power Mac computer:
Install only the disk labeled as “CS-600 Software for Power
PC”. Do NOT install the other two disks.
2 If you have a non-Power Mac computer:
a Start your computer with the Shift key held down to turn
Extensions off and wait until you see the sign “Welcome
to Macintosh”. See the next section for more details on
installing CS-600 Software.
b Install the Apple Shared Library Manager (ASLM) disk
provided with your scanner package. Note: You must
have system 7.0 or higher on your Macintosh to install
c Install the CS-600 Software for non-Power PC disk. See
the next section for more details.
Installing CS-6001 Insert the CS-600 Software disk into your computer.
Double-click on the disk to open it, then double-click on the
Installer icon to start installation.
3 When the CS-600 Software logo appears, click on Continue.
In the next window, you will be able to see the latest information and changes to CS-600 Software. Save this text and read
it since it may contain valuable information regarding installation and troubleshooting that is not included in this manual.
Then, press
Continue to move on.
4 Next, you will be asked if you wish to do a custom install or a
full install. Click on Install for full installation.
Click here to
start full
Software installation2-3
5 The next screen asks you to select your Plug-ins folder.
a If you have Photoshop:
• Select the hard disk by double-clicking on it.
• Select the Photoshop folder by double-clicking on it.
• Highlight the Plug-ins folder by clicking on it only once.
There will be a button on the bottom of this dialog box
which now says Install into plug-ins. Click on this button.
The files will be copied for you automatically.
a Go to this location (the Plug-ins folder under Photoshop).
b Click on this button below the dialog box.
6 After all necessary files are copied, a screen will appear
informing you that installation is successful and complete.
Click on the Quit button to exit the install program..
Installing the Microscan utility
Microscan is a compact application that allows users to scan in
an image without having to open a large application. By running Microscan, you can call up a plug-in module of your
choice and start scanning. The images are not displayed but can
be immediately saved in a graphic file format of your choice
Microscan is not intended as a substitute for your image-editing
software but is aimed at users who don’t have applications like
Photoshop and yet still need a program where images can be
saved and exported later to applications. Microscan is helpful
for those wishing to scan a large number of images at one time
without having to view the images. Since the images are not displayed after they’re scanned but are saved as image files, considerable time can be saved by using this handy utility.
To install Microscan:
Step 1
Install the Apple Shared Library Manager (ASLM), which is
provided with your scanner package. You must have system 7.0
or higher on your Macintosh to do this, and the ASLM must be
installed or your scanning software will not work.
1 Restart your computer with the Shift key held down. Keep the
key down until you see the message “Welcome to Macintosh.”
2 Insert the disk marked Apple Shared Library Manager into your
3 Double-click on the disk to open it, then double-click on the
Installer icon to start installation.
Step 2
Install the Microscan utility.
1 Insert the CS-600 Software disk into the drive. The disk is
labeled CS-600 scanner controller for the Macintosh.
2 Double-click on the disk to open it, then double-click on the
Installer icon to start installation.
Software installation2-5
3 When the CS-600 Software logo appears, click on Continue.
In the next window, you will be able to see the latest information and changes to CS-600 Software. Save this text and read
it since it may contain valuable information regarding installation and troubleshooting that is not included in this manual.
Then, press Continue to move on.
4 Next, you will be asked if you wish to do a custom install or a
full install. Click on Custom for a custom installation.
5 Another window will appear asking you to select the module
to be installed. Select Microscan by highlighting it, and click
on Install.
a Select MicroScan.
b Click on this button to start installation.
6 Next, you will be asked which hard disk the software will be
installed in. Select the disk, and click on Install. Microscan
files will start to be copied.
7 After files are copied, click on Quit. Microscan is now
installed in a folder on your hard disk called the Microscan
Step 3
Install CS-600 Software.
1 Insert the CS-600 Software disk into your computer. Double-
click on the disk to open it, then double-click on the Installer
icon to start installation.
2 When the CS-600 Software logo appears, click on Continue.
Next, you will be asked if you wish to do a custom install or a
full install. Click on Install for full installation.
3 The next screen asks you to select your Plug-ins folder.
• Select the hard disk by double-clicking on it.
• Select the Microscan folder by clicking on it only once. There
will be a button on the bottom of this dialog box which now
says Install into Microscan folder. Click on this button. The
files will be copied for you automatically.
4 After files are copied, click on Quit.
Software installation2-7
Installing OmniPage Direct
1 Insert the OmniPage Direct software disk into your comput-
er. Double-click on the disk to open it, then double-click on
the Installer icon and follow the screen instructions to install
the program.
2 At some point during the installation, you will be asked to
choose your scanner driver.
• If you’re using the CS-600 , select CS-600 Driver.
the instructions are provided here in case you obtained your
copy of OmniPage Direct from retail channels.
3 When installation finishes, go to the Apple menu and select
the Chooser.
• If you are using the CS-600 , select CS-600.
4 To scan, open your word-processing program. Choose New
from the File menu, then go to the Apple menu and choose
OmniPage Direct. Then choose your page options, and click
on the Scan button to start scanning. For more details on
scanning text, see the chapter Sample Scanning.
OmniPage Direct and deselect Auto Intensity. Then click on
the OK button.
OmniPage Direct is not bundled with the CS-600 , but
To increase scanning speeds, click on More Options in
Installing Polaroid Print to Press
1 Insert the Polaroid Print to Press software disk into your
2 Double click on the Print to Press Installer.
3 Follow the on-screen instructions.
The CS-600 PtP scanning software is the program that acts as
a bridge between your scanner and a target application, such
as Adobe Photoshop or MicroFrontier Color It.
In practical terms, this means you use the CS-600 to capture
images placed on your scanner, edit those images, then place
them in your target application. And with its many editing
tools and features, the CS-600 can save you considerable time
from having to do touch-ups in your image-editing software.
This section is a listing of features found in the CS-600 PtP
scanning software.
The reference information is organized in four parts, following the structure of the software which shows the four major
windows. The subjects covered in this section include the following:
• The CS-600 Software Plug-in
• Preview Window
• Settings Window
• Information Window
• Scan Job Window
Here are some of the things you can do with the
CS-600 PtP:
• Select the type of image to be processed and scanned. You can
put one type of image on the scanner and scan that in its original form, or you can scan it in another form altogether. For
example, you can have a color photo and scan it in the same
color mode, or you can scan it in a different image type such
as grayscale or line art.
• While in preview mode, the image can be adjusted through
the image-enhancement tools in the Settings window. These
tools allow you to adjust image features such as brightness,
contrast, and exposure; shadows and highlights; gamma or
midtones (mid-gray levels); hue or saturation; and apply various filters for special effects.
• Clicking on an image-enhancement tool calls up the Advanced
Image Enhancer (AIE) dialog box. While in the AIE dialog
box, you can see thumbnail displays of the image, make
changes and see the effects applied in real time (see “before”
and “after” versions instantly). You can also switch to another tool without leaving the AIE dialog box, as well as switch
among scan jobs if you have multiple scan jobs. The imageenhancement functions are among the most powerful features
of the CS-600.
• Perform a preview or preliminary scan. This is done with the
Preview button in the Preview window, and it allows you to
see a preliminary view of the image before it’s actually
scanned. Previewing an image allows you to do further
enhancements if necessary, and it also lets you select the final
area to be scanned in case you wish to crop the image. When
the image is ready to be scanned, clicking on the Scan button
will activate the scanning process, and the image will then be
delivered to your target application.
• When changes are made to the image, the changes can be easi-
ly verified through the Information window, which displays
changes to RGB values. This information can be helpful for
those working with color values.
• Create multiple scan jobs. A scan job is simply a task that you
designate the scanner to process and scan. For example, one
scan job may be in grayscale and another may be in color.
The two scan jobs can then be manipulated and scanned separately, and you can switch between scan jobs easily while
making changes. The CS-600 Software Plug-in’s ability to
process various scan jobs concurrently adds tremendous flexibility to scanning.
The CS-600 PtP
The CS-600 PtP consists of four major windows: Preview,
Settings, Information, and Scan Job.
The Preview and Settings windows appear automatically after
the CS-600 is started up. The Scan Job and Information windows, however, are hidden, and to see them, go to the View
menu in the Preview window and click on the commands
Show Scan Job window and Show Info window.
a Settings window contains scanning parameters for outputting
the image and includes image-enhancement tools.
b Scan job window provides key functions in processing scans.
c Preview window has commands and tools for controlling the
d Information window provides information on the preview
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