Warn ings an d Precau tion s
General Safety Information
The Pola ris A uto ma tic Gat e Oper ator is des ign ed to
pro vide for sa fe opera tio n. One of th e most imp ort ant
safet y feat ure s of the gate oper ator is obs tru ct ion
sen sing. Wh e n there is an obst ruc tio n that pre vent s
the gate from opening or closing, the gate will
imm ed iately re ver s e directio n and re turn to the f ull y
open or clo s e d pos ition. W hile in t he proce ss o f
return ing to th e fully op en or clo sed posit io n, if the
gate senses an additional obstruction the gate will
sto p imm e d iat e ly a nd so u nd an a larm. At th is point
the gate operator will need to be reset by turning the
power switch on the control box OFF for a minimum
of ten seco nds.
The Polaris gate operator includes an adjustment for
setting the sensitivity of the obstruction performance.
Refer to page 27 fo
r O bstruction Se nsitiv ity Set Up
Vehicular gates are large heavy objects. Polaris
Automatic gate operators provide a convenient way
to open and clo se the ga tes. S ince th e gate syste m an d
its com pon ent s exert a high le vel of forc e to open and
close the gat e, they can be da nge rou s, cau sin g sever e
injur ies or dea th to you and ot her s.
Your saf et y and the safe ty of othe rs dep end on th e
insta ller of this sys te m to read, und er sta nd, and
follow the information and instructions in this
The P ola r is Automatic Gate Operator is designed to
comply with UL 325, the safety standard covering
automatic gate opening systems. UL 325 requires that
gate opening systems have provisions for, or be
supplied with, at least one independent primary and
one independent secondary means of protection
again st ent rap me nt. The pr imar y me ans of
entr a p me nt pr o te c tion in th e Po la r is A uto m a tic
Gat e Op er at or is Typ e A, an in her en t m ean s of
entra pm ent pr ote ction. The sec on dar y mean s of
entr a p me nt pr o te c tion in th e Po la r is A uto m a tic Gate
Operator is Type B1, the provision for the connection
of a photo cell or othe r non con tac t senso r
The gate op era tor’ s bui lt-in means of entrapment
prote ct ion (T ype A) ma y not be sens itive e nou gh to
prevent bodily injury in some circumstances.
Secondary means of entrapment protection (Type
B1), su ch as a photo cell are su gge ste d for enh anc ed
Safety overview check list:
– To reduc e the ris k of inj ury or death:
U se this oper ator on ly with s win g gate s.
• Ne ver let ch ildre n op erat e or play with ga te
• Keep the remote control away from children.
• Always keep people and objects away from the
• The e ntr anc e is for vehic les
only. Pedestrians
mu st use a separate ent ran ce.
• Remember that the Polaris Automatic Gate
Operator must only be installed on gate
systems meeting the requirements of the
• Ensur e t ha t you are usin g the c or rect ga t e
operator f or t he typ e
a nd size
of gate, it s
frequenc y of us e a nd the class rating.
• Ensure that the gate and gate operator
installation comply with applicable
local codes.
• Cont act local fire and law enforcement to
arrange emergency access procedures.
• Keep people, animals, and property away
from the gate area. Do not let children
play in or near the gate area.
• Use caution with moving parts to avoid
injuring fingers or hands.
• Consider installing contact sensors, or
non-contact sensors to provide
additional safety and protection against
• Never activate the gate operator until you
ensure that the area is clear of people,
pets, or other obstructions.
• Watch the gate until it stops.
• Controls must be far enough from the
gate so that the user is prevented from
coming in contact with the gate while
operating the controls.