Polaris Automatic Gate Operators 500 Single, 700 Single, 502 Dual, 702 Dual User Manual

User Manual 500 & 700 Single
500/502 & 700/702 Dual
Warning: Before installing your Polaris Automatic Gate operator (som etim e s also referred to as the “Product”), read this entire Installation Manual for information about Product safety matters and proper use of the Product. Only use the Product for the purpose of operating a driveway gate.
Polaris 700/702
Polaris 500/502
Document revision: 1.1
Table of Contents
Gate Operator Class Categories ........................................................................... 4
Warnings and Precautions .................................................................................... 5
Installing The Polaris Operator(s)
......... 8
Pull-to-Open Gate Operat or Mounting
... 9
Push-to-O pen Gate Operator Mounting............................................................... 11
Post Mount Brackets
Circuit Board Diagram
Board Layout Des c ription ...................................................................................
Di p Sw i tc h e s ........................................................................................................
Wiring Operator
................................................................................................... 18
Pull-to-Open L im it S e tting ................................................................................... 22
Push-to-Op e n Li m i t Se ttin g ................................................................................. 24
Primary/Secondary Gate Movement .................................................................... 26
Obstruction Sensitivity Set Up
............ 27
Auto Close Timer ................................................................................................. 28
Transmitter/Receiver ................................................................
Accessory Hook Up Diagram .............................................................................. 30
Exit Wand Hook Up Diagram ............................................................................... 33
Photo Eyes Hook Up Diagram ............................................................................. 34
Emergency Disconnect .......................................................................................
Technical Specifications ..................................................................................... 37
Parts List and Illustrations .................................................................................. 38
Troubleshooting/Maintenance .............................................................................
List of Accessories .............................................................................................. 42
Warranty .............................................................................................................. 43
Polaris Automatic Gate Operators 8617 Paseo Alameda NE Albuquerque, NM 87113 Phone: 877-313-8902 Fax: 800-830-3952 Email: ask@polarisgate.com Web: ww w.p olarisgate.com
WARNING OF RISKS, PURCHASER’S RESPONSIBILITIES, AND ASSUMPTION OF CE RT A IN R ISK S : The directio ns for installation and use of the Product must be followed carefully. It is imp ossible to eliminate all risks inherently associated with use of the Product. The effectiveness of the Polaris Automati c Gate Operator depend s on pro
per installation and the manner of use or application, all of which are beyond the control of Polaris Professional Products or the seller. All such risks are assumed by the purchaser, and by the purchaser’s installation and use of the Product.
The Polaris Automatic Gate Operator is for use on driveway gates only. The Product meets or exceeds the requirements of UL 325, the standard that regulates gate operator safety, as established and m ade effective March 14, 2003, by Underw riters Laboratories, Inc.
Gate Op erato r Class C ategories
Ga te o pe ra to r CLA S S C AT EGOR I E S * The Polaris Autom ati c Gate Operator is intended for use with vehicular swing gates. The
operator can be used in Class I and Class II applications. Residential V ehicular G ate Opener–Class I: A vehi cular gate opener (or system) intended
for use in a home of one-to-four single family dwelling, or a garage or parking area associated therewith.
Light Commercial/General Access Vehicular Gate Opener Class II: A vehicular gate opener (or system) intended for use in a commercial location or building such as a multifamily housing unit (five or less single family units), hotel, garages, retail store or other building servicin g the general public.
Industrial/Limited Access Vehicular Gate Opener–Class III: A vehicular ga te opener (or system) intended for use in an industrial location or building such as a factory or loading dock area or other locations not intended to service the general public.
Restricted Access Vehicular Gate Opener–C l a ss IV: A vehicular g ate opener (or system) intended for use in a guarded industrial location or building such as an airport security area or other restricted access locations not servicing the general public, in which unauthori zed access is prevented via supervision by security personnel.
*Categories establi shed by Underw ri ters Laboratories for vehicle gate operators Polaris is a high end residential gate operator. Also suited for light commercial
applications. Not advised for continuous duty. GATE OPERATOR CLASS CATEGORIES
FOR YOUR RECORDS Please record the serial numb er (found on the control box cover) and purchase information below. Keep this with your proof of purchase (receipts) in case your product is lost, stolen or requires service. Serial number: _______________________ Purchase date: ____________________
Retailer/store name: __________________ Custom er Servi ce 8:00am to 5:00pm, MST, Monday – Friday Polaris Gate Operators 8617 Paseo Alameda NE Albuquerque, NM 87113 Phone: 877-313-8902 Fax: 800-830-3952
Email: techsupport@polarisgate.com
Warn ings an d Precau tion s
General Safety Information
The Pola ris A uto ma tic Gat e Oper ator is des ign ed to pro vide for sa fe opera tio n. One of th e most imp ort ant safet y feat ure s of the gate oper ator is obs tru ct ion sen sing. Wh e n there is an obst ruc tio n that pre vent s the gate from opening or closing, the gate will imm ed iately re ver s e directio n and re turn to the f ull y open or clo s e d pos ition. W hile in t he proce ss o f return ing to th e fully op en or clo sed posit io n, if the gate senses an additional obstruction the gate will sto p imm e d iat e ly a nd so u nd an a larm. At th is point the gate operator will need to be reset by turning the power switch on the control box OFF for a minimum of ten seco nds. The Polaris gate operator includes an adjustment for setting the sensitivity of the obstruction performance. Refer to page 27 fo
r O bstruction Se nsitiv ity Set Up details. Vehicular gates are large heavy objects. Polaris Automatic gate operators provide a convenient way to open and clo se the ga tes. S ince th e gate syste m an d its com pon ent s exert a high le vel of forc e to open and close the gat e, they can be da nge rou s, cau sin g sever e injur ies or dea th to you and ot her s. Your saf et y and the safe ty of othe rs dep end on th e insta ller of this sys te m to read, und er sta nd, and follow the information and instructions in this manual. The P ola r is Automatic Gate Operator is designed to comply with UL 325, the safety standard covering automatic gate opening systems. UL 325 requires that gate opening systems have provisions for, or be supplied with, at least one independent primary and one independent secondary means of protection again st ent rap me nt. The pr imar y me ans of entr a p me nt pr o te c tion in th e Po la r is A uto m a tic Gat e Op er at or is Typ e A, an in her en t m ean s of entra pm ent pr ote ction. The sec on dar y mean s of entr a p me nt pr o te c tion in th e Po la r is A uto m a tic Gate Operator is Type B1, the provision for the connection of a photo cell or othe r non con tac t senso r
The gate op era tor’ s bui lt-in means of entrapment prote ct ion (T ype A) ma y not be sens itive e nou gh to prevent bodily injury in some circumstances. Secondary means of entrapment protection (Type B1), su ch as a photo cell are su gge ste d for enh anc ed safety.
Safety overview check list:
– To reduc e the ris k of inj ury or death:
U se this oper ator on ly with s win g gate s.
Ne ver let ch ildre n op erat e or play with ga te
Keep the remote control away from children.
Always keep people and objects away from the
The e ntr anc e is for vehic les
only. Pedestrians
mu st use a separate ent ran ce.
Remember that the Polaris Automatic Gate
Operator must only be installed on gate systems meeting the requirements of the application.
Ensur e t ha t you are usin g the c or rect ga t e
operator f or t he typ e
a nd size
of gate, it s
frequenc y of us e a nd the class rating.
Ensure that the gate and gate operator
installation comply with applicable local codes.
Cont act local fire and law enforcement to
arrange emergency access procedures.
Keep people, animals, and property away
from the gate area. Do not let children play in or near the gate area.
Use caution with moving parts to avoid
injuring fingers or hands.
Consider installing contact sensors, or
non-contact sensors to provide additional safety and protection against entrapment.
Never activate the gate operator until you
ensure that the area is clear of people, pets, or other obstructions.
Watch the gate until it stops.
Controls must be far enough from the
gate so that the user is prevented from coming in contact with the gate while operating the controls.
Protection against Entrapment
Important! Study
the figure below
and keep safety foremost at all
Entrapm ent areas for a proper pull-to-open installation Entrapm ent A rea 1
Hing ed edge of the gate and the fence post Entrapm ent A rea 2
Between the gate and the gate post
Entrapm ent A rea 3 The p ath o f th e g ate
Entrapm ent A rea 4 The space betw een the gate in the open position and any object such as a wall, fence, tree, etc.
Entrapm ent A rea 5 Pin
ch points between the operator and gate or post
Area 2
Area 1
Area 3
Area 4
Area 5
Gate in open position
Entrapment Alarm
(UL 325; 30.1) In com pliance with UL 325 the Polaris Automatic Gate Operator is designed to stop and reverse direction within two seconds of sensing an obstruction. In additio n, th e P ola ri s A u tom a ti c G ate Operator activates an audible alarm if the unit incurs an obstruction
twice while opening or closing. This alarm sounds for five minutes, or until the operator receives a renewed, intended input from a hardwired control such as the Push Button Con tr ol . At tha t poi n t th e g ate re tu rn s to a fully open or fully closed position.
Turning the power switch on the control box OFF for ten seconds and back ON also deactivates the alarm.
Warning Signs and Labels Required Safety Precautions for Gates
Warning signs alert people of automatic gate operation. They are required when insta lling the Po la ris Automatic Gate Operator. If pedestrian s will be in the area, install a walkthrough gate for their use.
Warning Signs The warning signs must be installed on both s i d es o f th e g a te.
These warning signs and decals must be used. If any were missing wh en the
gate operator was purchased, immediately contact Polaris Automatic Gate Op erators for replacemen ts.
Figure 2 Warning signs (two enclosed) to be installed on each side of the gate (three to fi v e fe et a b ov e th e b otto m of the g ate )
Figure 3
Install warning decals, one on each side of gate operator
INST A LL ING TH E PO L AR IS 500 & 700 S W ING OPER AT O R WARNINGS---------------------
1. Read and follow all instructions.
2. NEVER let children
operate the gate or play with the controls.
3. Keep people and objects away from the gate and its immediate areas, both open and closed.
4. After the limit adjustments are made, all auto reversing controls including the current sensing circuit built into
the Polaris must be checked. They must be working and set to proper sensitivity. Failure to adjust and retest the gate system increases the chance of injury or death.
5. T e st th e sy ste m M ONT H L Y. Ch e ck to ma k e su r e that a ll a uto -reversi ng d evices includin g the current sensing circuit are working and set to the proper sensitivity.
6.Verify that the emergency (manual ) release pin connected to the gate leaf can be easily removed. This check should only be made with the battery disconnected to prevent the gate from moving during the test.
7. Thi s is a VEH IL CL E GAT E ONLY. Ped estri an s must use a sepa rate e ntra nc e.
8. NEVER install any control device on the outside of the Polaris cabinet or in such a way that someone can reach through the gate to activate it.
9. SAV E THE S E IN S TRUC T I ONS! CAUTIONS-----------------------
1. NEVER operate the gate unless you can see it.
2. Do not enter the gate area while the gate is in motion.
3. Do not allow children near the gate and do not allow anyone to ride on the gate.
4. Do not attempt to drive through the gate opening while the gate is in motion. ENTRAPMENT ZONES---------------------
Zone 1- Leading edge of the gate and catch-post Zone 2
- Area between g ate and hinge post. Zone 3- The gate path or "arc of the swing" Zone 4- The area between the gate in its' open position and any obstruction like a fence, building, landscaping feature, etc... Zone 5- Not shown below but similar to zone 1- the point where tw o biparting gate leafs meet when cl osed.
Bushings to be set betw ee n b otto m side of actuator rod ends and mounting bracket
Amazing Gates Post Mount Brackets Pull and Push
with Amazing Gates 3 1/2" Pos ts With the purch ase of a Polaris Opener System, you will receive the Amazing Gates Universal
Pull brackets and gate attach brack et(s). The Am azin g Gates post attachment arm does not require drilling of the post to be installed.
You simply se t it in to the p osi tion and bolt it tight. The correct angle is preset.
3 1/2" Post Push to Open
3 1/2" Post Pull to Open
“AGA recommends using self tapping screws on flat plates as indicated after final setup is compl ete. This will help to secure the univ ersal bracket from shifting”
“AGA recommends using self tapping screws on flat plates as indicated after final setup is compl ete. This will help to secure the univ ersal bracket from shifting”
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