Polaris Quattro Owner's Manual

Works with Polaris Booster Pump
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original instructions
To avoid risk of potentially serious injury:
Do not handle the Polaris cleaner while it is operating, except when checking the wheel RPM.
Always remove the Polaris cleaner before swimmers enter the pool.
USE OF A POLARIS QUATTRO IN A VINYL LINER POOL Certain vinyl liner patterns are particularly susceptible to rapid surface wear or pattern removal caused by
objects coming into contact with the vinyl surface, including pool brushes, pool toys, oats, fountains, chlorine
dispensers, and automatic pool cleaners. Some vinyl liner patterns can be seriously scratched or abraded simply by rubbing the surface with a pool brush. Ink from the pattern can also rub off during the installation
process or when it comes into contact with objects in the pool. Zodiac Pool Systems LLC and its afliates and
subsidiaries are not responsible for, and the Limited Warranty does not cover, pattern removal, abrasion or markings on vinyl liners.
Before You Start: Important Information
Before installing the Polaris
New plumbing lines should be flushed out before installing the cleaner.
The cleaner should not be used to remove plaster dust in new pools.
Except when checking the wheel RPM, do not handle the cleaner while it is operating.
Always remove the cleaner before swimmers enter the pool.
Disconnect the cleaner from the pool wall when cleaning or backwashing the pool filter.
Always remove the cleaner from the pool before chemical shock treatments.
After cleaning or backwashing, let the filtration system run for at least five minutes before re-connecting the cleaner.
cleaner, make sure the pool filter is clean.
For customer service or support:
Zodiac Pool Systems LLC
2620 Commerce Way, Vista, CA 92081
1.800.822.7933 | polarispool.com
Zodiac Pool Care Europe
Boulevard de la Romanerie -BP 90023 49180 St. Barthelemy d’Anjou cedex FRANCE zodiac-poolcare.fr
Zodiac Pool Systems Canada, Inc.
2-3365 Mainway, Burlington, ON L7M 1A6
1.800.822.7933 | ZodiacPoolSystems.ca
Zodiac Group Australia PTY, Ltd.
219 Woodpark Rd. Smithfield NSW, 2164 1300 763 021 | Zodiac.com.au
Included in the Box
Installed in cleaner
a - Cleaner Body
b - Filter Canister - All-Purpose Debris
c - Filter Canister - Fine Debris
d - Hose Assembly
e - In-Line Filter Assembly f - Quick Disconnect
f1 - Pressure Relief Valve
g - Universal Wall Fitting (UWF®)
h - Retrictor Disks (Blue and Red)
i - Hose Nuts
j - Feed Hose Connector
k - Hose Floats
l - Hose Swivels
in bag
Read the complete owner’s manual before you begin installation.
Prepare the Pool
1. Turn on the filtration pump, allow to prime.
2. Turn on the booster pump and flush plumbing lines for five minutes.
3. Turn off both pumps.
Install the Universal Wall Fitting
The UWF installs on pools with a dedicated cleaner return line and a threaded 1-1/2” female pipe fitting.
1. Remove the Universal Wall Fitting (UWF) (g) from the Quick Disconnect (f).
2. Thread the UWF (g) with Blue Restrictor Disk (h) in place, into the dedicated cleaner return line.
3. Attach the Quick Disconnect (f) and hose to the UWF (g). Turn clockwise then pull away to secure.
Cleaner return line
Buse de refoulement de la piscine
línea de retorno para el limpiador
dedicated cleaner
return line
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