Point Six OneSix User Manual

Users Guide
OneSix™ Server
Version 2.2
Copyright ©2004, Point Six, Inc.
Point Six, Inc
2333 Alumni Parkway
Suite 305
(859) 266-3606
OneSix Server Help Contentsxi
Overview 1
Quick Start .................................................................................................................................1
Description .................................................................................................................................2
Device List .................................................................................................................................3
Polling ........................................................................................................................................4
Identification ..............................................................................................................................5
What is DDE? ............................................................................................................................5
Using DDE with Microsoft® Excel ...........................................................................................6
Using DDE with Microsoft® Visual Basic ................................................................................6
Data Logging..............................................................................................................................7
OneSix Main Window 8
Main Window.............................................................................................................................8
Setup ..........................................................................................................................................8
Change Port..................................................................................................................8
Add/Delete IP Connection ...........................................................................................9
View IP Connection Status ........................................................................................10
Search and Add Devices ............................................................................................12
ReConfigure Net ........................................................................................................12
View DDE Variables................................................................................................................13
Tools ........................................................................................................................................13
Traffic ........................................................................................................................13
Quit ..........................................................................................................................................13
OneSix Server .INI File Format 14
onesix.ini ..................................................................................................................................14
IP Addesses................................................................................................................16
DIGITAL I/O.............................................................................................................16
TEMPERATURE Setup ............................................................................................17
HUMIDITY ...............................................................................................................18
DIGCOUNTER and Directional Counter ..................................................................19
ALARMTEMP ..........................................................................................................22
iixContents OneSix Server Help
Analog Input ............................................................................................................. 23
Access/Control Reader.............................................................................................. 24
Repeater .................................................................................................................... 24
Dual Discrete Output................................................................................................. 25
Wireless Analog Output ............................................................................................ 25
OneSix INI Backup ................................................................................................................. 27
OneSix Server DDE Variables 28
Using DDE Links .................................................................................................................... 28
Topic Names ........................................................................................................................... 29
Device Item Names ................................................................................................................. 30
Temperature .............................................................................................................. 30
Digital I/O: DIGITALn............................................................................................. 31
Humidity Probe: HUMIDITYn................................................................................. 32
DIGCOUNTER and Directional Counter: DIGCOUNTERn and DIRECTCNTn ... 33
CNTTEMP: CNTTEMPn......................................................................................... 34
FASTCNTTEMP: FASTCNTTEMPn...................................................................... 34
ALARMTEMP: ALARMTEMPn............................................................................. 36
AnalogInput: AIn ...................................................................................................... 37
Access/Control Reader: IDRn ................................................................................... 38
Repeater: REPEATERn ............................................................................................ 40
Dual Discrete Output: OUTPUTDISCn.................................................................... 41
Wireless Analog Output: OutputAnalogn ................................................................. 42
Server Item Names .................................................................................................................. 43
OneSix Server Data Logging 45
Features ................................................................................................................................... 45
File Management ..................................................................................................................... 45
File Format - Data Log ............................................................................................................ 46
File Format - Error Log ........................................................................................................... 47
TCP/IP Receivers 48
Overview of TCP/IP Receivers ............................................................................................... 48
Setting up to use TCP/IP Receivers......................................................................................... 48
Notes ....................................................................................................................................... 48
Using OneSix with Multiple Ports 50
Multiple Ports Overview ......................................................................................................... 50
Multiple Port Details ............................................................................................................... 50
Error Messages 51
Communication Errors ............................................................................................................ 51
No Devices Attached! ............................................................................................... 51
Error In Finding/Initializing Port. ............................................................................. 51
Cannot Open Communication Port; Already In Use. ................................................ 51
Cannot Find Receiver! .............................................................................................. 51
Cannot find and load lowlevel driver!....................................................................... 51
Runtime Errors ........................................................................................................................ 52
Communication Error: CRC16 or Time Out ............................................................. 52
Cannot Find Receiver................................................................................................ 52
OneSix Server Internal Error. ................................................................................... 52
OneSix Server Help Contentsxiii
Corrections 52
Why Use Corrections ...............................................................................................................52
Correction IDs............................................................................................................52
Pre-defined Thermistor ..............................................................................................52
How to use Corrections ............................................................................................................53
Correction.INI file .....................................................................................................53
Predefined Corrections...............................................................................................54
OneSix Server Help Overviewx1
Quick Start
When OneSix is run for the first time it displays this help screen. You may view this
help screen again by selecting "Help" from OneSix's main window.
OneSix is designed to gather data from sensors. OneSix makes available the data it
receives from each sensor through a DDE link.
The main OneSix™ Server window will show the total number of devices in the
startup list and how many of those that are online. The offline devices will be shown
in the list box at the bottom of the window.
OneSix™ can be a stand-alone data logger. When data logging is enabled, OneSix™
will store collected data in an ASCII file at a programmable interval. See section
"OneSix Server Data Logging".
This Help and all other Help topics may be accessed from the main window by
selecting Help or pressing F1.
Plug the receiver into your serial port
Start OneSix.
If necessary, tell OneSix what kind of Receiver you are using and what COM port it is attached to.
When the "Add Wireless Device" screen appears, press the service mode button on your transmitter to transmit a packet that OneSix can see.
When a device appears in the window, you may click to select it and then press the 'Edit' button to change its label name and transmit time.
Press OK to add these sensors to the OneSix list and for OneSix to start acquiring data.
2xOverview OneSix Server Help
If there is not an
file or if [Server]NumberDevices=0 and when OneSix™ starts, it will automatically prompt for devices on the network and add them to its list of devices to poll.
OneSix™ is a data acquisition Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) server that acquires data from devices and passes this data using DDE to a client application. OneSix waits for the device to transmit and then processes the transmission.
Any Windows® application that can use DDE can obtain this data from the OneSix™ Server. Examples of such applications include Microsoft® Excel, Wonderware® Intouch, National Instruments® LookOut and general development applications like Microsoft® Visual Basic and Borland® Delphi.
OneSix™ can be a stand-alone data logger. When data logging is enabled, OneSix™ will also store collected data in an ASCII file at a programmable interval. Another program such as a spreadsheet or a database manager can import the data. See section "OneSix Server Data Logging".
OneSix Server can receive transmissions from wireless devices such as the wireless temperature transmitter. Other devices include the wireless humidity sensor and wireless analog input. OneSix uses a wireless receiver such as the Point Repeater, Point Hostor PointView Receiver to receive transmissions from wireless sensors. OneSix can also use multiple TCP/IP Receivers (Point Managers in Pass-Thru mode) to receive data through TCP/IP connection.
On a wired network, OneSix repeatedly polls the devices on the network. On a wireless network, OneSix waits for a transmission from the devices on the network.
When setting up a wireless network, OneSix passively waits for transmissions instead of actively polling for devices. This can make the acquisition of sensors take a longer time than for a wired network as OneSix must wait for the device to transmit. You can speed up this process by pressing the service button on the device so that it transmits while you are in the "Add Sensors" screen.
Each device has an entry in the device's INI file section. Each device has a
attribute. When running OneSix with a Point Repeater, the Repeater ID is stored in the "repeateraddress" entry. The value in the "repeateraddress" indicates which Point Repeater sent the sensor information With all other wireless receivers, the "repeateraddress" is set to 0. OneSix must wait for a transmission. Therefore, OneSix uses
to estimate how frequently a transmission should come from a device. It also uses a multiples of this time to determine if a device is offline. This multiples is configurable by the user.
If you are using a TCP/IP Receiver, please see the section TCP/IP Receivers for more information on how to use this product.
Setup Described
OneSix will display the Setup screen when it starts for the first time. The setup screen is the method by which OneSix acquires wireless devices. The default on the setup screen is to accept only packets that are sent in service mode from the device (the packet is sent by pressing the service button on the device.) To change this default, uncheck the "Service Mode Only" checkbox. OneSix will then display all the packets it receives. When OneSix receives a packet from a device new to it, it names the device following the naming conventions detailed below, and it displays the device's name and serial number in the window.
OneSix Server Help Overviewx3
You have several options after the device has been displayed. The "Clear New" button will clear all the devices that have just been received. The "Delete" button will delete a single device. Click on a device to select it and click on "Delete" to delete it. To edit a device click on the device to select it and click on "Edit" to edit the device. There is also a "Stop" button. If you click that button, OneSix will stop listing devices in the window. When you click on the "Stop" button it becomes a "Receive" button. If you click on that, OneSix will start receiving packets and listing devices again.
When you are ready, hit "OK", or "Cancel" to exit.
Edit Device
The Edit screen for a new RF device shows the device's serial number, which the user cannot change, the device's current Label, which can be changed by the user, and the Transmit Rate for the device. The Label cannot be the same as the label used by any current device. The Transmit Rate is in seconds. The default value is 60. OneSix uses the Transmit Rate to determine if a device has gone offline.
The following is a list of the receivers that OneSix can use:
Point View Receiver
Point Host Receiver
Point Integrator Logger –select "Point Host Receiver" from the "Select Communication Port" screen
Point Repeater and Repeater III – select "Point Host Receiver" and set the TZR baud rate to 19,2000.
TCP/IP Receiver (Point Manager in “Pass-Thru” mode)
Device List
OneSix™ Server interfaces to a large number of devices. New devices are continually being created for Wireless network. Check with your distributor for the latest.
The following is a list of devices supported by OneSix™ Server:
Point Sensor Temperature
Point Sensor Temp/Humidity
Point Sensor Analog 5V
Point Sensor Analog 10V
Point Sensor Analog 20mA
Point Probe
Point Sensor Pressure
4xOverview OneSix Server Help
Point Sensor DSCI
Point Sensor IR Counter
Point Sensor Thermistor
Point Sensor Counter Temperature
Point Sensor Fast Counte r Temperature
Point Sensor Alarm Temperature
Point Access/Control Reader
Point Directional Counter
Point Dual Discrete Output
Point Analog Output
The polltime has a slightly different meaning for wireless sensors. OneSix does not actively poll wireless devices. Rather, it waits to receive a packet from the devices. Therefore, the polltime is how often OneSix expects to receive a packet from the wireless devices.
The polltime for a wireless device is configurable during device setup. OneSix will use this time to determine when to mark a device offline. OneSix has a INI file parameter called "Tries" that sets how long a device has to transmit before it is considered offline. For example, if the device has a polltime of 1 minute, and OneSix has "tries" set to 3, then OneSix will consider the device offline if it does not receive a packet from that device in 3 minutes ("tries" times "polltime").
OneSix Server Help Overviewx5
OneSix™ identifies each device with a unique label name. A client application uses this label (a DDE topic) to obtain data from the server.
For both analog and temperature devices, OneSix™ allows the user to define a deadband to control the amount of change that must occur before the server updates a Client with new data. Deadband is useful to control the amount of information that is passed through DDE to the client application. For analog devices, the deadband is entered as the percentage of full scale of Engineering units. For temperature devices, the deadband is entered in degrees C.
Also for both analog and temperature devices, One Six™ provides the means to filter the data with either an Average, Median or combination Median Average filter before either logging data or delivering data through DDE. In the One Six INI file, you specify the filter type and the number of samples to filter.
What is DDE?
Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) is a standard inter-application communication protocol built into the Microsoft® Windows® operating system. It allows Windows® programs that support DDE to exchange data between themselves. By simply specifying an application, topic, and item, a client application can exchange data with a server application. A DDE server is a program that has access to data and can provide that data to other Windows® programs. A DDE client is a program that can obtain data from a server.
To establish a link with a DDE server, there three pieces of information required:
: When you use a Microsoft® Windows® application to obtain data from another Windows® application, you must provide the name of the application you wish to respond to your data requests. Application names are sometimes called service names.
: Available Topics are determined by the Application. The application asking for the data must choose an available topic or data exchange cannot take place. Topics are general classifications with multiple data items.
: After the Application and Topic, the application must provide the specific
Item. The Item determines the data information related to an application topic.
6xOverview OneSix Server Help
Using DDE with Microsoft® Excel
Digital Input Example:
Application Name
is: Temp1
is: input
Example of what you would enter into an Excel® spreadsheet cell to read the temperature OneSix™ Server.
Analog Input Example:
Application Name
is: AI1
is: input
Example of what you would enter into an Excel® spreadsheet cell to read the value of the analog input via OneSix™ Server.
The easiest way to make a DDE Link in an Excel® cell is to use the Clipboard. Click on the DDE Variables menu option in the main menu of OneSix DDE Server. Select the information you want, press the Copy Link button and at Excel select the cell you want the information to be displayed and then click on the Paste button. Excel® will now show the linked data from the OneSix™ Server. See the section "View DDE Variables" for more information.
Using DDE with Microsoft® Visual Basic
To create a link in Visual Basic to bring real time data from OneSix DDE Server into a Visual Basic object, do the following: (The following example is used 'onesix|temp1!input'.)
1) Start the OneSix DDE Server and have it polling a device.
2) Place a Label, PictureBox, or TextBox on a Form.
3) Assign the LinkItem Property with the item name (ex: obj.LinkItem = input)
4) Assign the LinkTopic Property with the application and topic names: LinkTopic=application|topic (ex: obj.LinkTopic = onesix|temp1)
5) Assign the LinkMode Property to 1-Automatic (ex: obj.LinkMode = 1)
The DDE link will be established and real time data should be displaying in the display object.
OneSix Server Help Overviewx7
Visual Basic will save the property settings thus the DDE link settings are saved with executable. Therefore when the form is created, the executable (or Visual Basic) will try to reestablish the DDE Link.
Use the method LinkPoke (with Label, PictureBox or TextBox) to poke DDE information to OneSix Server.
Consult the Visual Basic Help for more information.
Data Logging
OneSix™ Server can log data to an ASCII file at a programmable interval. The default name of the file is ONESIX.LOG.
A client application can control logging through DDE variables. The client can start/stop logging or just log a single record.
For diagnostic purposes, OneSix™ can log errors that have occurred on the wireless network.
For more information see the section OneSix Server Data Logging.
With OneSix™, you can monitor the health of your Wireless network and the devices on it. OneSix™ reports through DDE errors that it encounters while waiting for transmissions. These errors can be noted in an event error log. See the section called "Server Item Names" for more information.
8xOneSix Main Window OneSix Server Help
OneSix Main Window
Main Window
OneSix™ displays the number of devices online and offline. It also lists the devices that are currently offline displaying the name and serial number of the device. If OneSix™ is running with TCP/IP receivers, then for each offline device it will display the node address, name and serial number of the device.
OneSix™ simplifies setup by automatically finding and identifying devices in a network. OneSix™ assumes default initial values. You can easily change these values by editing the ONESIX.INI file with an ASCII text editor. (The installation program for OneSix™ Server created a short cut to the ONESIX.INI file. Double clicking will automatically start WordPad or Notepad.) See the section "OneSix Server .INI File Format".
Change Port
The Change Port submenu allows you to switch to another wireless receiver. When the Change Port submenu is selected, OneSix™ displays the Select Communication Port window. Choose one of the following:
- instructs OneSix™ to search Port Numbers 1 to 4 for the
PointView Receiver.
PointView Receiver
Point Host
TZR Transceiver
– (Point Transceiver) – make sure the TZR baud rate is
set to 19200.
TCP/IP Receiver
– uses a receiver that uses the TCP/IP protocol to receive
sensor packet data. (Point Manager in “pass-thru” mode).
When OK is clicked, OneSix™ tries to initialize the port. For the PointView and TCP/IP Receivers, OneSix confirms that the receiver is present. For the Point Host and TZR Transceiver, OneSix assumes the receiver is present. If OneSix™ fails, OneSix™ displays the OneSix Initializing Error Window allowing you to retry, select another port or exit OneSix™. If OneSix™succeeds, OneSix™starts listening and processing sensor packets.
OneSix Server Help OneSix Main Windowx9
Add/Delete IP Connection
(TCP/IP Receiver only)
OneSix will display the “Add/Delete IP Connection” screen. IP addresses already setup will be displayed. The following is a list of the columns:
– Node number for the IP address. OneSix uses this number to identify this IP connection. OneSix uses this number to update the DDE item “nodaladdress”.
IP Address
– the IP address that is used to address the receiver.
– the port number that is used along with the IP address to address the
– identifies who initiated the connection. Outgoing: OneSix initiated the connection with the receiver. Incoming: the receiver initiated the connection with OneSix.
– initial password used to gain access to the receiver.
– a general description field associated with the IP connection.
The following is list of buttons in the “Add/Delete IP Connection” screen:
– OneSix will try to make a connection to this IP address and report
back success or failure.
Add New
– OneSix displays the “New IP Address” screen. The following
is list of the fields to enter to add a new IP connection:
IP Address
– the IP address that is used to address the receiver
– the port number that is used along with the IP address to address
the receiver.
– a general description field associated with the IP
– initial password used to gain access to the receiver. If the receiver does not have a password set or does not require a password then leave this field blank.
– identifies whether OneSix will initiate the connection or whether the receiver will initiate the connection. Outgoing: OneSix initiates the connection. Incoming: OneSix waits for the receiver to initiate the connection.
– OneSix displays the “Edit” screen showing the selected IP connection. The “Edit” screen has the same fields as the “New IP Address” screen.
– delete the selected IP connection.
10xOneSix Main Window OneSix Server Help
View IP Connection Status
(TCP/IP Receiver only)
OneSix will display the “IP Status” screen. OneSix shows the current state of the all the connections. The following describes the columns:
– Node number for the IP address. OneSix uses this number to identify this IP connection. OneSix uses this number to update the DDE item “nodaladdress”.
IP Address
– the IP address that is used to address the receiver.
– the port number that is used along with the IP address to address the
– identifies who initiated the connection. Outgoing: OneSix initiated the connection with the receiver. Incoming: the receiver initiated the connection with OneSix.
– a general description field associated with the IP connection.
– the current status of the connection. The following is a list of the
possible status messages:
Never Connected – OneSix never attempted or received a connection to
the receiver
IP Connected – OneSix is currently connected to the receiver but has
not logged in.
Connected – OneSix is currently connected to the receiver is waiting to
receive sensor packets.
Disconnected – OneSix was connected but is now disconnected from
the receiver. If the connection was initiated by OneSix, OneSix will continually try to reestablish the connection.
TCP/IP Error – a TCP/IP error was encounter and OneSix is not
connected to the receiver.
No IP Connection – OneSix tried to establish a connection but failed.
Wrong Password – The receiver requires a login password and the
incorrect password was used by OneSix.
OneSix Server Help OneSix Main Windowx11
OneSix can send output packets to output devices. (Normally sensors do not receive packets) Output devices must be setup manually. Some Outputs need to be “trained” to the packets that it will receive for from the Server.
New and Edit
Create or edit an Output object to manage an Output sensor. The following
describe the parameters necessary to set up an Output sensor.
Type – “Dual Discrete Outputs” or “12 bit Analog Output”. Select the type
of Output sensor. Note changeable only for the Edit Output window.
Serial Number – Some Outputs sensors can “learn” a serial number. Others
have the serial number preassigned and must be entered in the field. These sensors have the serial number labeled. For those sensors that must learn their serial number, OneSix creates a default serial number. Press the “Generate New Serial Number” button to generate a new serial number.
Label – name assigned for this Output sensor. The label name is used for
the DDE topic name. This name must be unique. For the Edit Window, the Label field contains a list box. Select the Output to modify from the list. You can also change the label for the current Output.
Node – This field applies only when using the TCP/IP Receiver. The Node
List box contains a list of the TCP/IP Receivers to send the output packet to. For the“Send All” selection, OneSix sends the packet to all the TCP/IP Receivers.
Dual Discrete Outputs
Send when output B is written – If checked, OneSix will only send the
output packet only when the “outputB” item is written to (DDE poke). Output A is first written to and the output B. If unchecked, OneSix will send the output packet when either the “outputA” or “outputB” items are written to (DDE poke). The state of both outputs is sent in the same packet.
12 bit Analog Output
Scale – the scale to apply to the raw reading (12 bits: 0 to 4095).
Offset – the offset to apply to the reading after the scale is applied.
Engeering Value = Scale * raw + Offset.
Units – units label for the analog output.
The Train dialog is used in the processing of training the Output device to output packets (as produced by OneSix). Follow these steps to train an Output device:
1. Select the desired Output from the list of Outputs.
2. Press and hold the button on the Output device (label as “train”).
3. Click the button on the Train window. Repeat until the LED on the
Output device is on.
The Output device is now ready to receive Output packets from OneSix.
12xOneSix Main Window OneSix Server Help
Search and Add Devices
OneSix will display the "Add Sensors" screen. Devices already in the onesix.ini file are displayed in the top portion of the screen. Follow the setup procedure to add more devices.
The setup screen is the method by which OneSix acquires wireless devices. The d
efault on the setup screen is to accept only packets that are sent in service mode from the device (the packet is sent by pressing the service button on the device.) To change this default, uncheck the "Service Mode Only" checkbox. OneSix will then display all the packets it receives. When OneSix receives a packet from a new device, it names the device following the naming conventions detailed below, and it displays the device's name and serial number in the window.
You have several options after the device has been displayed. The "Clear New" button will clear all the devices that have just been received. The "Delete" button will delete a single device. Click on a device to select it and click on "Delete" to delete it. To edit a device, click on the device to select it and click on "Edit" to edit the device. There is also a "Stop" button. If you click that button, OneSix will stop listing devices in the window. When you click on the "Stop" button, it becomes a "Receive" button. If you click on that, OneSix will start receiving packets and listing devices again.
When you are ready, hit "OK", or "Cancel" to exit.
Edit Device
The Edit screen for a new RF device shows the device's serial number, which the user cannot change, the device's current Label, which can be changed by the user, and the Transmit Rate for the device. The Label cannot be the same as the label used by any current device. The Transmit Rate is in seconds. The default value is 60. OneSix uses the Transmit Rate to determine if a device has gone offline.
ReConfigure Net
OneSix™ clears device information from the onesix.ini file and shows the "Add Sensors" window.
Use caution here
; all changes that you have made manually to
the device information contained in the onesix.ini file will be deleted and overwritten. OneSix™ does not modify the global configuration parameters
contained in the sections Server and Logging of the onesix.ini file.
OneSix Server Help OneSix Main Windowx13
View DDE Variables
Clicking this menu option shows the most commonly used DDE variables that are online. Clicking the
show all
check box will display all available DDE Variables. By
selecting a variable and clicking the
copy link
button, the link is copied onto the windows clipboard where it can then easily be pasted into another program such as Excel™ or Word™ to automatically create the DDE link. To paste the link in Excel™ or Word™ after it is on the clipboard, select
paste special
from the
menu; at the next window select
paste as link
OneSix displays the Communication Errors window. This window shows the last error that occurred while polling devices.
Tries Count: Number of tries that have occurred before a device is considered offline.
Major Error Count: Number of errors that (after tries) took the device offline.
Last Error Code: Number error code of the last error
Last Error Device: The name of the device that had the last error.
Last Error Time: The time when the last error occurred.
Last Error Message: A description of the last error.
Click the Reset button clear the errors and reset the counts.
The Traffic program is utility to monitor the traffic flow of sensors through the wireless network. Use the utility to monitor the health of the sensors and make adjustments to receivers, repeaters and sensors.
When you select this menu option, OneSix™ terminates.
You select the the Help file's contents or index window or you can display the OneSix™ About window.
14xOneSix Server .ini File Format OneSix Server Help
OneSix Server .INI File Format
The ONESIX.INI file contains the configuration parameters for the server and a list of devices to process. When OneSix™ finds a new device it adds the device to the INI file and assigns default initial parameters. These parameters can be changed by using a text editor. The installation program for OneSix™ Server created short cut to the ONESIX.INI file. Double clicking will automatically start WordPad or Notepad.
The following rules must be kept when editing the INI file.
1) All device label names must be unique.
2) The NumberDevices in the [Server] section must equal the largest device section [Devicen].
3) The must be no missing device sections [Devicen] in the list.
OneSix™ looks at the ini file only at startup or after adding a new device. Changes made to the ini file will not be reflected in OneSix™ until OneSix™ is closed and restarted.
The following is a list of the ONESIX.INI parameters.
- Section name.
- Communication medium (AUTO, Point Host, Point View, TZR
Transceiver etc.).
- Port number.
- Com Address in ASCII HEX when PortNo=5 (Default is 3F8)
(16 bit version only)
–options are: 115,200; 38,400; 19,200; or 1200. The default is 19,200 for PointView Receiver and Point Host. Make sure the value in the ini file matches the value set in the hardware.
- Number of devices to be processed by the server.
- No. of tries during polling before a device is marked offline.
- specifies the starting units of Temperature devices
- specifies the starting units of Pressure devices
- specifies the starting units of Force and Scale devices
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