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Page iv - Pointmaker PVI-65 HD/SD-SDI Broadcast Video MarkerBoeckeler Instrum ents, Inc.
Section One: Getting StartedIntroduction
A Professional Marker for HD/SD-SDI
The Pointmaker® PVI-65 HD/SD-SDI Broadcast Vi d eo Mark er by Boeckeler
Instruments, Inc., now makes it possible to utilize the power of video annotation with high definition video, using the Serial Digital Interface standard.
The PVI-65 can generate a key signal. This feature can be used by inputting
video and configuring SDI output #2 to pass the key signal. The key output is
routed to the broadcast switcher. The annotated video from SDI output #1 can
still be displayed on a preview monitor for talent or crew. These configurations
can be set through the Pointmaker menu system.
The HD/SD-SDI outputs can also be used to provide a key signal by inputting
a black reference signal, s etting annotation to white, and routing the signal to a
broadcast switcher.
In addition, it supports up to ten different pointing/marking/controlling devices
(digitizing tablet, touch screen, keyboard, mouse devices, etc.) for interacting
with the displayed images.
This Pointmaker model can handle environments where a number of people
need to mark images during discussions or presentations. By giving each person a controller and having each mark in a unique color, it’s possible to
achieve a smooth coordination of discussion and marking among all participants.
Making Your Point
Marker Multiplicity
The large variety of Pointmaker markers further enhances your ability to
emphasize each point to an audience. To begin with, you can assign a variety
of colors to the markers you create. Marke r options include: varying line thicknesses (with or without drop shadows), text labels in multiple fonts and sizes,
arrows or pointers of dif fering shapes and s izes. None of the markers af fect the
original images in any way. Markers actually exist on a clear layer above the
image called an “overlay”.
The figure below is a breakout of some digitizing tablet template commands,
illustrating some of the marker options. Each item is available at the click of a
Hide / Show
Clear All
MarkersHD/SD-SDI Video Out 2 Settings
Figure 1-2: Breakout of PVI-65 Template Commands
Clear Last
or Erase
Marker Colors
The keyboard controller supports some additional marker types: frames, a
date/time stamp, and straight line drawing. Frames include boxes and circles.
Frames can be sized in advance of a presentation, then used to frame or fill
certain areas of the video image.
Marker Manipulation
One of the most powerful features for presentations using a Pointmaker is the
ability to store up to 25 different marker overlays. They can be created and
saved ahead of time, ready for quick recall during the presentation. For more
Page 4 - Pointmaker PVI-65 HD/SD-SDI Broadcast Video MarkerBoeckeler Instruments, Inc.
Section One: Getting StartedIntroduction
on overlays, see “Basic Marki ng Concepts “ in “Section Five: Using Markers”
on page 61, and “Man i pulating Overlays” on page 79.
As easily as the markers are created, so are they easily erased: either one at a
time until the screen is clear, or all at once.
Ins and Outs
Connection Overview
You can think of the component connections as falling into three groups:
• The video source, which will supply the Pointmaker with the
images you want to mark over.
• The control devices, which allow you to select and manipulate the
markers. They also allow you to assign various display settings
within the Pointmaker.
• The displays, used to view the final output, such as monitors, projectors, big screens, LCD panels, etc.
Page 6 - Pointmaker PVI-65 HD/SD-SDI Broadcast Video MarkerBoeckeler Instruments, Inc.
Section One: Getting StartedFeatures
•HD/SD - SDI Compatibility
up to 1920x1080i, 720p.
•Multiple Controllers
Inputs for up to 10 pointing/marking/controlling devices.
•Two types of marking tools
Freehand drawing tools in six different line options; fine, medium
and bold, with or without a drop shadow.
Pointers, including arrows, dots and cross hairs, which may be
moved or anc hored anywhere on the screen. Arr ows may be preset to
point in one of 8 different angles. Dots and cross hairs may be preselected in a small or large size.
•Four additional marking tools with keyboard connected
Straight line drawing mode allows underscoring, mapping or other-
wise drawing a straight line. Three different line thicknesses are
available: fine, medium and bold, with or without a drop shadow.
Text can be typed on the video image in one of 6 different fonts, each
available in one or more sizes. You can add a text background to further enhance the text on the video image.
Frames in the shapes of circles or box es may be sized and positioned
to call attention to an area within the frame. Filled frames allo w you
to block out portions of the video image, useful in classroom exams
or in blocking out extraneous visuals.
An active date/time label can be placed on the video image to time
an event.
•The ability to position and anchor a combination of several markers
and drawings on the screen at once.
•Options for clearing lines and pointers from an overlay all at once,
one at a time (beginning with the most recently anchored marker), or
selectively erased.
•Ability to attribute a different color to each marker on the screen. Up
to 7 different colors are available for quick access. The color palette
can be minimized by presetting selections in a palett e menu.
•A drop shadow effect may be selected to further optimize the display
of drawn lines.
•The ability to store up to 25 different marker overlays of Pointmaker
markers so that presentations may be prepared in advance. You can
scroll forward or backward a page at a time or enter an overlay number to quickly display the desired overlay using the keyboard or RS232 commands.
•Keyboard control provides you a quick way to select many of the
menu options without having to go to the menu system. Instead, function keys provide choices for pointer type, background, marker colors, brightness levels, on-screen help, video source selection and
•Pen Proximity feature allows you to determine visibility of the active
pointer as the pen is moved away from the tablet or screen. The
pointer can be made to disappear as the pen is pu lled away, or to
remain on the video image, ready for positioning
•Brightness adjustment gives you the opportunity to set the brightness
of the Pointmaker markers to coincide with the brightness level of the
video signal, so that the ma rkers ar e displayed optimally fo r standard
video or for professional broadcasting.
•On-Screen Help to assist you in quickly setting up your presentations.
Page 8 - Pointmaker PVI-65 HD/SD-SDI Broadcast Video MarkerBoeckeler Instruments, Inc.
Section One: Getting StartedPeripheral Devices
The peripherals for the Pointmaker fall easily into two categories:
We offer a number of control devices for use with the Pointmaker PVI-65.
Some are included with certain models and some are sold separately . This section describes the basic opera tion of the most comm only us ed control lers. The
ones described are RS-232 devices but the PVI-65 also supports USB de vices.
A complete list of commands for these controllers are found in “Quick Reference for Devices“ in the “Appendix” on page A-5.
The Pointmaker Digitizing Tablet, similar to the one diagrammed below,
comes standard with the PVI-65. In general, the tablet is used to draw, position
pointers or make menu selections. The position and movements of the stylus
(also called a pen) are represented on whatever display devices are activated.
Additional ly, most setup commands ca n be activated using the tablet rather
than entering the menu system (See “Menu Basics” on page 25).
Refer back to this section, if needed, for general instructions concerning the
tablet’s operation.
Command Icons
Stylus / Pen
Toggle Switch
Tracking Area
Figure 1-4: Digitizing Tablet Overview
This is the area on the tablet that responds to the stylus. The template is placed here. This area measures 5" x 5" and includes the
Command Area and the Tracking Area.
This is the region within the tablet's Active Area that responds to
the stylus movements. The Tracking Area corresponds to the
Page 10 - Pointmaker PVI-65 HD/SD-SDI Broadcast Video MarkerBoeckeler Instruments, Inc.
Section One: Getting StartedPeripheral Devices
screen area on the monitor or display. Pointmaker users draw and
point with the stylus in the Tracking Area.
This is the top portion of the Active Area where Pointmaker
commands can be activated. The PVI-65 Template has image
icons or wor ds wh ich s tand f or PVI-65 comman ds an d allow you
to easily activate pointers, colors, and numerous other Pointmaker features.
Figure 1-5: Sample Template for PVI-65
When pressed (clicked) on a Menu Strip icon, the Tip Button
activates the function you select. When the Tip B utton is pressed
anywhere on the Tr acking Area and dragged, pointing or drawing takes place.
When clicked, this button anchors the active pointer, if a pointer
is displayed.
The Tip Button is used in combination with the Barrel Button to
access the menu system where you can make selections not
available from the tablet template. The menu is activated by
pressing and holding the barrel button, while pressing the tip of
the stylus into the drawing area for about five seconds. This feature is disabled if the keyboard is connected.
Marker and Cursor Movement
Unlike a mouse controller, a tablet allows users to make drawings and place
pointers with absolute positioning. Absolute positioning means that the position of the stylus on the tablet surface corresponds directly to the position of
the pointer on the screen. For e x ample, if you place the s tylus in th e lower-left
corner of the tablet active area, the active pointer will “jump” to the lower-left
corner of the screen.
A complete list of commands for this controller is found in “Quick Reference
for Devices“ in the “Appendix” on page A-5. Marking is describ ed in “Secti on
Five: Using Markers” starting on page 59.
Page 12 - Pointmaker PVI-65 HD/SD-SDI Broadcast Video MarkerBoeckeler Instruments, Inc.
Section One: Getting StartedPeripheral Devices
Keyboard Controller
The Pointmaker KB-30 Keyboard, diagrammed below, comes standard with
all PVI-65 models. It can be used to select, type, position, save and erase
Pointmaker markers, along with changing their appearance. When the keyboard is attached, it becomes the only way to access the menu system.
Refer back to this section, if needed, for general instructions concerning its
Figure 1-6: Pointmaker Keyboard Controller
These keys allow op erators to s elect mark er s and the appearance
of those markers. Marker keys include
Auxiliary functions associated with several of these keys are
activated by pressing CTRL +the marker key. Auxiliary func-
tions are:
Text and number keys on the Pointmaker keyboard controller are
used to create labels or markers. Upper and lower case characters
are available. Each line of type may be freely positioned until it
is anchored (See “Active & Anchored Markers“ in “Section Five: Using Markers” on page 61).
Action keys perform an action other than marking, such as positioning and anchoring a marker, changing the color of a marker,
entering the menu system or Help, moving to another marker
overlay, or erasing a marker. These keys include
Marker and Cursor Movement
The POSITIONING (arrow) keys are the heart of movement when using the
keyboard as a controller. The “active” markers it creates “float” above the
overlay and may be pos itioned v erti cally by press ing the up and do wn k eys , or
horizontally using the right and left keys. Once the marker is where you want
it, it is anchored on the overlay by pressing the DROP [Insert] or ENTER key.
POSITIONING keys are also used for si zing frames b efore they are anchored.
You can also use them to navigate menus.
Page 14 - Pointmaker PVI-65 HD/SD-SDI Broadcast Video MarkerBoeckeler Instruments, Inc.
Section One: Getting StartedPeripheral Devices
A complete list of commands for this controller is found in “Quick Reference
for Devices“ i n the “Appendix” on page A-5. Markin g is des cribe d in “Secti on
Five: Using Markers” starting on page 59.
The touch screen, diagrammed below, is not supplied or sold by Boeckeler
Instruments. Most touch screens on the market are compatible with the Pointmaker PVI-65. It is a very popular and intuitive control device.
Some display devices have integrated touch screens. It’s also likely that you
can attach a touch screen to a d isplay device you currently own. If you wish to
use one with your Pointmaker, check with your dealer or contact Boeckeler
Instruments directly for information regarding compatibility.
In general , the touch screen can be used to draw, position pointers or make
menu selections by touching or dragging your finger on the screen. There are
also four command areas which will activate Pointmaker functions when
Refer back to this section, if needed, for general instructions concerning its
The area on the touch screen where you draw and point using
your finger or other pointer.
The regions on the touch screen that, when tapped, activate a
function. Tapping the upper-left corner changes the color of the
next marker. Tapping the top center of the screen activates the
menu system (disabled if the k eyb oard is attached) . Tapping the
upper-right corner will undo/erase the most recent marker. Tapping the lower-left corner clears the screen of all markers.
Function Areas
Figure 1-7: Touch Screen Controller
Undo /
Page 16 - Pointmaker PVI-65 HD/SD-SDI Broadcast Video MarkerBoeckeler Instruments, Inc.
Section One: Getting StartedPeripheral Devices
Marker and Cursor Movement
When operating the Pointmaker with a touch screen, the pointer will be displayed and anchored any time you tap the screen (unless the pointer is disabled). A pointer can’t be repositioned using the touch screen; however, it can
be cleared or erased from the screen. Drawing takes place when you press a
finger on the Tracking Area of the screen and drag across it. Menu selections
are made by tapping the menu selection you desire.
Calibrating the touch screen enhances the intuitive feel of drawing on the display and should be done upon the first installation and whenever a new touch
screen or monitor is used. (See “Controllers Requiring Calibration“ in “Sec-
tion Four: Comm Port Devices Menu” on page 49)
A complete list of commands for this controller is found in “Quick Reference
for Devices“ i n the “Appendix” on page A-5. Markin g is des cribe d in “Secti on
Five: Using Markers” starting on page 59.
Numerous other drawing devices are compatible with the Pointmaker PVI-65
HD/SD-SDI Broadcast Video Marker. They fall into the general categories of
mouse controllers, trackballs, and wireless remote control devices. Boeckeler
Instruments does not supply or sell any of these products. These devices may
be used like a writing utensil to draw, position pointers, or move a cursor by
“dragging” the device across a mous e pad or (in the case of remote co ntrols) in
midair when aimed at the display.
The diagram and definitions listed below are generalizations for how the
device might function connected to the Pointmaker . R efer back to this section,
if needed, for general instructions concerning their use.
Left Button
Right Button
Figure 1-8: Mouse Device
There are so many of these types of de vices that comp atibility is probably best
determined by simply trying the device. If it can be used as a mouse-type
device on a personal computer, it is likely to work with the Pointmaker.
When clicked, the Left or First Button anchors pointers on the
screen at the point they were positioned. Freehand drawing is
accomplished when this button is pressed do wn while co ntinuing
to write or draw with the device across a smooth surface or in
midair (in the case of a remote control).
Page 18 - Pointmaker PVI-65 HD/SD-SDI Broadcast Video MarkerBoeckeler Instruments, Inc.
Section One: Getting StartedPeripheral Devices
When clicked, this button erases the most recently anchored
marker. When pressed, this button clears the screen entirely of
The two buttons can be used in combination to either change the
color of a marker or access the menu system. Menu access from
the mouse device is disabled if the keyboard is connected.
Marker and Cursor Movement
When operating the Pointmaker with the mouse device, the cursor or active
pointer may be moved anywhere on the screen by moving the device's track ball or by moving the remote control in midair. The active pointer or cursor
will move respectively. For example, "dragging" the mouse to the left on the
mouse pad, rotating a track ball to the left or aiming the remote control to the
left of the remote receiver will correspo ndin gly move the pointer to the left on
the screen. Directing the device to the right while drawing will draw a line to
the right.
A complete list of commands for this controller is found in “Quick Reference
for Devices“ i n the “Appendix” on page A-5. Markin g is des cribe d in “Secti on
Five: Using Markers” starting on page 59.