e CPN-5800 is a dynamic product,
with features added on a regular basis. e
latest version of this manual will be posted
for download at pointmaker.com, on it’s
product page.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval
system or translated into any language in any form by any means without the expressed
written permission of Pointmaker LLC
Pointmaker® is a registered trademark of Pointmaker LLC, of Tucson, Arizona. All other
trademarks are the property of their respective companies.
Section One:
Getting Started .................................................................................................................... 1
Live Streaming Annotation System with iPad Control, Capture, Print and Network Capabilities ...................3
Features ..........................................................................................................................................................5
Power Up .....................................................................................................................................................22
Section Three:
CPN-5800 Menu System .................................................................................................. 25
Using the CPN-5800 Menu System ................................................................................................29
Default User Settings ...................................................................................................................................29
Menu Basics .................................................................................................................................................29
Preparing the CPN-5800 for Use .....................................................................................................33
Customizing the Color Palette .....................................................................................................................33
Selecting a Brightness Level ..........................................................................................................................35
Selecting Video Sources ................................................................................................................................37
Setting Video Output ...................................................................................................................................40
Touch Screen Command Areas ....................................................................................................................45
System Info ..................................................................................................................................................46
Setting the Destination for Saved Files .........................................................................................................49
Setting the Verify Option .............................................................................................................................49
Serial Port Settings .......................................................................................................................................53
Setting the Tablet Template ..........................................................................................................................60
Network Features .........................................................................................................................................61
Assigning Line Styles ....................................................................................................................................74
Typing Text Labels .......................................................................................................................................81
Sizing and Anchoring Frames .......................................................................................................................82
Stamping the Date/Time ..............................................................................................................................83
Clearing All Markers ....................................................................................................................................85
Undoing a Marker ........................................................................................................................................85
Using e Chalkboard .....................................................................................................................89
Activating the Chalkboard ............................................................................................................................89
Freezing Video .............................................................................................................................................97
(CE) Color Enable .....................................................................................................................................109
(CPI) Read Specic Image From USB ........................................................................................................110
(CPN) Read Specic Image From TFTP ....................................................................................................111
(CPP) Print Current Image ........................................................................................................................111
(CPRD) Read Current Image from USB ....................................................................................................111
(CPRS) Read Current Image from SMB ....................................................................................................111
(CPRT) Read Current Image from TFTP ..................................................................................................112
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(CPSD) Store Current Image to USB .........................................................................................................112
(CPSS) Store Current Image to SMB .........................................................................................................112
(CPST) Store Current Image to TFTP .......................................................................................................112
(CPW) Read Specic Image From SMB .....................................................................................................113
(CS) Color Selection ..................................................................................................................................113
(DCT/DCA) Device Type COMM ...........................................................................................................114
(DL) Draw Line .........................................................................................................................................115
(DP) Drop Marker .....................................................................................................................................116
(DUI/DUP) Device Type USB ..................................................................................................................116
(FT) Frame Type ........................................................................................................................................120
(HI) HDCP Input setting for each HDMI input port ...............................................................................120
(I) Marker Intensity or Brightness ..............................................................................................................120
(IFD) Set Image File Directory ...................................................................................................................121
(IFI) Set Image File Index ..........................................................................................................................121
(IFP) Set Image File Prex ..........................................................................................................................121
(IM) Identify Mode for Multiple Users ......................................................................................................121
(L) Line Style .............................................................................................................................................122
(M) Video Input Type ................................................................................................................................123
(PT) Pointer Type ......................................................................................................................................124
(S) Date/Time Marker ...............................................................................................................................125
(SCO) Scaler Output Format .....................................................................................................................126
(SUM) Menu System .................................................................................................................................127
(T) Text Label ............................................................................................................................................127
(V) Select an Overlay .................................................................................................................................131
(VCD) Display Change of Video Input ......................................................................................................131
(VI) Video Input ........................................................................................................................................131
(VIH) Enable or Disable HDCP Input ......................................................................................................132
Outside copyright information for software included with the CPN-5800. ...................................155
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seCtion one:
GettinG started
Section One:Getting Started Introduction
e Pointmaker® CPN-5800 is a professional, hardware-based video processor,
designed so that users can display and share content from an iPad, as well as from
multiple video and computer sources. is model also has the ability to change
settings, switch video sources and annotate from the convenience of an iPad.
Pointmakers are valuable assets in courtrooms, boardrooms, class rooms, city
council chambers, government training facilities, sports or weather broadcasts,
video conferences, and more.
Live Streaming Annotation System with iPad Control, Capture,
Print and Network Capabilities
e CPN-5800 gives the user the ability to capture, print and share annotated
images directly from the Pointmaker unit. An annotated image may be “cap tured”
by saving it to a USB storage device, like a ash drive. You can print annotated
images to a color PostScript printer. e printer must be connected either over a
TCP/IP network, or directly through the Pointmaker unit’s USB port to a
IEEE1284 port on the printer. Images are easily shared over a TCP/IP network or
through the mobility of the USB storage device, which is easily transported or
connected to a computer. With a separately purchased iPad, you can download
and use the Pointmaker PVI Control app to annotate and control the Pointmaker
from anywhere in the room.
Marking devices
Drawing lines and markers are controlled by the user during a presentation with
an optional USB digitizing tablet (DTU-CTL470). e included keyboard
provides a few more marking features as noted below. e CPN-5800 is also
compatible with most touch screens and mouse devices.
All Pointmaker video markers oer several simple-to-use graphics, called markers.
ere are two types of markers with which to annotate a video image: pointers and
freehand drawing. Among the 12 pointers available, there is a selection of 8
arrows, each oriented at a dierent angle; 2 dot pointers, small and large; and 2
cross hair pointers, small and large. Of course, there is an option to display no
pointer at all. e second marking capability is free hand drawing. You can select to
draw in 1 of 4 dierent line widths, with or without drop shadows.
When the keyboard is attached, it enables four additional marker types: frames,
text, a date/time stamp, and straight line drawing. Frames include boxes and
circles which can be sized in advance of a presentation, then used to frame or ll
certain areas of the video image. Using the keyboard, presenters may type alphanumeric text directly on the video image, or select an active date and time label that
Pointmaker LLC Pointmaker CPN-5800 Live Streaming Annotation System - Page 3
Introduction Section One:Getting Started
can time events displayed on the monitor or screen. Straight line drawing is also
available in three dierent line widths.
Pointers and drawings may be used in combination to annotate the image. As
easily as the markers are created, so are they easily erased, either one at a time until
the screen is clear, or all at once. Markers are actually drawn onto clear “overlays.”
e system supports up to 25 dierent marker overlays, which can be stored ahead
of time and then recalled during the presentation.
Markers can be created in 7 dierent colors, or 3 dierent highlight colors, useful
to help separate points being made, or to increase contrast with the background
image. And, if a video image is not desired, presenters may call up a white
background on the screen and use it like a whiteboard on which to “draw out”
your point.
e Pointmaker CPN-5800 is compatible with most VGA and HDMI sources,
and most DVI (with an HDMI to DVI adapter) and HDMI displays.
Figure 1-1: Front and Back Panels
iPad Server Options
e CPN-5800 contains an iPad server which supports remote control of certain
features within the unit, along with annotation, all through an iPad app. Operation of iPad app features is featured within the app’s Help area. For more information, please see our website at www.pointmaker.com/servers for further information, or contact a sales representative.
e CPN-5800 is also available without iPad server options.
Page 4 - Pointmaker CPN-5800 Live Streaming Annotation System Pointmaker LLC.
Section One:Getting Started Introduction
• Two marking tools
Freehand drawing mode in four dierent line thicknesses; ne, medium
and bold, with or without a drop shadow.
Pointers including arrows, dots and cross hairs, which may be moved or
anchored anywhere on the screen. Arrows may be preset to point in one of
8 dierent angles. Dots and cross hairs may be pre-selected in a small or
large size.
• Four additional marking tools with keyboard connected
Straight line drawing mode allows underscoring, mapping or other wise
drawing a straight line. ree dierent line thicknesses are available: ne,
medium and bold, with or without a drop shadow.
Text can be typed on the video image in one of 6 dierent fonts, each
available in one or more sizes. A text background may be added to further
highlight the text on the video image.
Frames in the shapes of circles or boxes may be sized and positioned to call
attention to an area within the frame. Filled frames or lls allow presenters
to block out portions of the video image, useful in classroom exams or in
blocking out extraneous visuals.
An active date/time label, sometimes called a date/time stamp, can be
placed on the video image to time an event. is label is very useful for
record keeping when saving or printing images because it is embedded in
the image.
• e ability to position and anchor a combination of several markers and
drawings on the screen at once.
• Easily capture or print annotated images.
• Options for clearing lines and pointers from an overlay all at once or one at
a time, beginning with the most recently anchored marker.
• Ability to assign a unique marker color (up to 7) to each marking device.
• On an optional digitizing tablet, an additional 3 highlight colors can be
used to create a see-through colored overlay, just like “Highlighters” on
• A drop shadow eect may be selected to further optimize the display of
drawn lines.
Pointmaker LLC Pointmaker CPN-5800 Live Streaming Annotation System - Page 5
Introduction Section One:Getting Started
• With keyboard connected or when used with AMX/Crestron control ler, or
other control system, you have the ability to store up to 25 dierent marker
overlays of Pointmaker markers so that presentations may be prepared in
advance. Without the keyboard attached, only one over lay is supported.
• Compatibility with VGA and HDMI equip ment.
• A solid white chalkboard can be selected for drawing when the video image
is no longer needed.
• Sync generation allows the Pointmaker to automatically select the sync if
no live video is desired. In the event that sync from a poor video source is
lost, the Pointmaker will automatically switch to chalkboard mode if
auto-chalkboard is enabled.
• Keyboard control provides a quick way to select many of the Menu System
options without having to go to the Menu System. Instead, function keys
provide choices for pointer type, background, marker colors, brightness
levels, video source selection and more.
• Pen Proximity feature allows tablet users to determine what happens to the
active pointer as the pen is moved away from the tablet. e pointer can be
made to disappear as the pen is pulled away, or to remain on the video
image, ready for positioning
• Brightness adjustment gives you the opportunity to set the brightness of
the Pointmaker markers to coincide with the brightness level of the video
signal, so that the markers are displayed optimally for standard video or for
professional broadcasting.
• A/V programmable so that A/V remote control systems can control the
Pointmaker using commands supplied in this manual.
• Two RS-232 ports allow the simultaneous use of two RS-232 tablets or
RS-232 touch screens (or other RS-232 communications devices).
• Four USB 3.0 ports allow the simultaneous use of up to four USB tablets,
USB touch screens, or other USB control devices. e use of USB hubs
increases the device limit to multiple USB control devices.
• Options available to multiple users to designate which RS-232 tablet or
touchscreen takes pri ority over the other when both are drawing.
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Section One:Getting Started Introduction
Figure 1-2: Marking example over an image of a spreadsheet
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Introduction Section One:Getting Started
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Section One:Getting Started Controllers/Markers Overview
Controllers/Markers overview
is section introduces you to the most common devices you might use with the
CPN-5800. e CPN-5800 supports up to two RS-232 devices and up to 10 USB
devices through the addition of powered USB hubs.
IMPORTANT: Be sure to power down the Pointmaker before connecting or
disconnecting any controllers. e Pointmaker auto matically detects installed
controllers upon power up.
DTU-30 Digitizing Tablet
e Pointmaker DTU-CTL470 Digitizing Tablet is optional for the CPN-
5800(tablet design may vary). In general, the tablet is used to draw, position
point ers or make menu selections. e position and movements of the stylus (also
called a pen) are represented by a video pointer on whatever display devices are
activated. Additionally, most setup commands can be activated using the tablet
rather than entering the on-screen menu system (see Using the CPN-5800 Menu System, on page 29.
Refer back to this section, if needed, for general instructions concerning the
tablet’s operation.
Figure 1-3: DTU-CTL470 Digitizing Tablet Overview
aCtive area
e maximum area on the Pointmaker digitizing tablet that responds to the stylus.
is area includes the Menu Strip, as well as the Track ing Area.
Pointmaker LLC Pointmaker CPN-5800 Live Streaming Annotation System - Page 9
Controllers/Markers Overview Section One:Getting Started
traCkinG area
e drawing/pointing region within the tablet’s Active Area. e Tracking Area
corresponds to the screen area on the monitor or dis play.
Menu strip
e icons (or buttons) at the top of the Active Area that you click to select pointer
or line style, erase or clear markers, change marker col ors, or change to another
marker overlay.
tip Button
e Tip Button of the stylus is a select button, like the left button of a mouse. Use
the Tip Button to draw or position markers. Clicking the Tip Button on a tablet
icon activates that icon’s function. You also use this button in combination with
the Barrel Button to access the menu system.
Barrel Button
Marker and Cursor Movement
KB-30 Keyboard
Use the Barrel Button like the right button of a mouse. It is a rocker button and
works the same way on either end. You primarily use this button to anchor
markers. You also use this button in combination with the Tip Button to access the
menu system. e two buttons must be pressed for at least 5 seconds.
Unlike a mouse controller, a tablet allows you to make drawings and place pointers
with absolute positioning (mouse devices and keyboards use relative positioning).
Absolute positioning means that the position of the stylus on the tablet surface
corresponds directly to the position on the screen. For example, if you place the
stylus in the lower-left corner of the tablet Tracking Area, the active pointer will
move to the lower-left corner of the screen. Absolute posi tioning may take a few
moments to adjust to if you’ve never used a tablet.
With the keyboard, you can select, type, position, save, and erase the markers on
the overlay. You also use the keyboard to access the menu system and change the
appearance of markers. e following are general denitions for keyboard
More details on each key’s functions can be found in the Appendix (see Activating
the Menu, on page 29).
Page 10 - Pointmaker CPN-5800 Live Streaming Annotation System Pointmaker LLC.
Section One:Getting Started Controllers/Markers Overview
Figure 1-4: Pointmaker KB-30 Keyboard Controller
Keyboard Controller Functions
e keyboard functions can be divided into two categories: Marking Keys and
Action Keys.
Marking keys display markers or aect their appearance, such as Frames and
Frame Sizing
Action Keys control operations of the unit, such as changing to a di erent marker
overlay or switching to a dierent video source.
Marker and Cursor Movement
When operating the Pointmaker with the keyboard controller, you can position
active markers using the arrow keys (referred to as Positioning Keys). ese keys
are located to the right of the Enter key. For ne movement, press the Ctrl key
along with one of the Positioning keys.
You can also use Positioning keys to size frames before they are anchored. For ne
sizing, press the Ctrl key along with one of the positioning keys.
Within menus, you can move cursors among the options by using the Position ing
Pointmaker LLC Pointmaker CPN-5800 Live Streaming Annotation System - Page 11
Controllers/Markers Overview Section One:Getting Started
Touch Screens and Whiteboards
e Pointmaker CPN-5800 is engineered for use with many touch screens or
interactive whiteboards sold by other manufacturers. Contact Pointmaker LLC for
compatibility information.
In general, you use the touch screen to draw, position pointers, or make menu
selections. e broad denition of the areas (or zones) on the touch screen are
listed below.
Calibrating the touch screen enhances the intuitive feel of drawing on the dis play.
It’s essential to do a rough calibration the rst time you start the unit after connecting the touch screen. is gives you enough control to activate the menu and do a
complete calibration. (see Calibrating CPN-5800 Controllers, on page 50.
Figure 1-5: Pointmaker Touch Screen Function Area
traCkinG area
e area on the touch screen that responds to the movements of your nger. Draw
and point in this area.
FunCtion areas
e eight regions on the touch screen that, when tapped, activate a function. If
you are drawing and move across one of these areas, the function is not activated.
Page 12 - Pointmaker CPN-5800 Live Streaming Annotation System Pointmaker LLC.
Section One:Getting Started Controllers/Markers Overview
Details on touch screen functions can be found in the Appendix (see Quick
Reference for Touch Screens and Whiteboards, on page 136).
Marker and Cursor Movement
When operating the Pointmaker with a touch screen, you position pointers
anytime you tap the screen. You cannot reposition an anchored pointer; how ever,
you can clear or erase a pointer and begin again.
Mouse Devices
ere are numerous other compatible devices for use with the CPN-5800. ey
are mostly based on PC-compatible mouse controllers with two buttons. Since
Pointnaker LLC does not manufacture these devices, you will need to test the
compatibility of any particular unit. For details on mouse func tions, refer to the
Appendix (see Calibrating CPN-5800 Controllers, on page 50.
Figure 1-6: Mouse Device
traCk Ball
Moves the cursor or active pointer anywhere on the screen according to how the
ball is rolled.
Pointmaker LLC Pointmaker CPN-5800 Live Streaming Annotation System - Page 13
Controllers/Markers Overview Section One:Getting Started
leFt Buttonor First Button
e Left Button on a mouse allows you to draw when pressed, or anchor a pointer
when clicked. e Left Button is used in combina tion with the Right Button to
access the menu system and change marker color.
riGht Buttonor seCond Button
e Right Button on a mouse allows you to undo or clear a marker. e Right
Button is used in combination with the Left Button to access the menu system and
change marker color.
Marker and Cursor Movement
When operating the Pointmaker with a mouse device, you can move the cursor or
active pointer anywhere on the screen by moving the mouse’s track ball. e active
pointer or cursor will move respectively.
Page 14 - Pointmaker CPN-5800 Live Streaming Annotation System Pointmaker LLC.
seCtion two:
Section Two:Installation
Page 16 - Pointmaker CPN-5800 Live Streaming Annotation System Pointmaker LLC
Section Two:Installation Connecting Audio/Video Sources and Outputs
General installation
Installation of the Pointmaker CPN-5800 can be divided into the following four
• Connect Audio/Video Sources and Outputs
• Connect Controllers
• Connect LAN
• Power Up (leaving the CPN-5800 to last)
Connecting Audio/Video Sources and Outputs
Analog audio input and output ports are supplied for stereo mini plugs (3.5mm).
For connecting video sources, the CPN-5800 supports VGA and HDMI.
For connecting video displays (screens or projectors), there is support for VGA and
HDMI (and DVI-D, if you use a HDMI to DVI-D adapter).
NOTE: Make all connections before applying power.
VGA Connectors
If connecting VGA-Video:
1. VGA Input: Using a VGA video cable, connect a Pointmaker VGA INPUT
connector to a video output connector on a VGA video source.
Figure 2-1: Analog Audio Connectors
Pointmaker LLC Pointmaker CPN-5800 Live Streaming Annotation System - Page 17
Connecting Audio/Video Sources and Outputs Section Two:Installation
Figure 2-2: VGA-Video Connectors
2. VGA Output: If desired, use a VGA video cable to connect the
Pointmaker VGA OUTPUT connector to a VGA display device.
HDMI Connectors
If connecting HDMI video:
1. HDMI Input: Using a HDMI video cable, connect the Pointmaker
HDMI INPUT connector to a HDMI output connector on a HDMI
video source.
Figure 2-3: HDMI Video Connectors
2. HDMI output: Using a HDMI video cable, connect the Pointmaker
HDMI OUTPUT connector to a HDMI output connector on a HDMI
video source.
HDMI IN and HDMI OUT are HDCP compliant.
Page 18 - Pointmaker CPN-5800 Live Streaming Annotation System Pointmaker LLC
Section Two:Installation Connecting Controllers
DVI-D Connectors (through HDMI)
1. If desired, use a HDMI to DVI-D video cable to connect the Pointmaker
HDMI INPUT or OUTPUT connector to a DVI display device.
Connecting Controllers
1. e following categories of controllers can be used with the CPN-5800:
• KB-30 Keyboard
• Touch Screens/Electronic
Here are some guidelines for setting up these devices.
IMPORTANT: Be sure to power down the Pointmaker before connecting or
disconnecting any controllers. e Pointmaker will automatically detect the
installed controllers upon power up. If you change controllers or add a new
controller, you need to power down, install the new controller(s), then power
Figure 2-2: Cntroller Ports - Rear
• DTU-CTL470 Digitizing Tablets
• Mouse devices
• iPads
Figure 2-4: Controller Ports - Front
Pointmaker LLC Pointmaker CPN-5800 Live Streaming Annotation System - Page 19
Connecting Controllers Section Two:Installation
Connecting a 3rd Party Controller - COMM Port Wiring Issues
Customers sometimes encounter issues with the wiring of controllers other than
those oered by Pointmaker LLC. e following information may be helpful in
solving them.
• Pointmaker COMM ports sometimes use pin 9 to supply power to the
DTX-DRV RS-232 line drivers. e DTX-DRV drivers support cable
extensions for digitizing tablets or touch screens. Pin 9 was selected
because it’s specication is seldom used. If you are connecting a device
other than a DTX-DRV driver to a COMM port, the voltage may cause
unexpected issues with the device.
• COMM 1 and COMM 2 have jumpers for power on pin 9, and are set to
OFF when shipped from the factory. If you require power for a DTX-DRV
driver for either or both of these COMM ports, please contact technical
• Some touch screens may need hardware handshaking. In that case, try a
cable with pins 7 and 8 tied together.
Connecting the Keyboard, Tablet or other USB Devices
1. Connect the device(s) to any USB port on the Point maker.
e system supports up to 4 USB 3.0 devices and 1 USB B device.
Connecting Touch Screens and Electronic Whiteboards
e Pointmaker is compatible with many types of touch screens (call Pointmaker
LLC for compatibility). During these procedures, you may want to refer to the
illustrations of the CPN-5800 front and back panels.
Pre-Installation Recommendations:
If you desire to have the touch screen farther from the CPN-5800 than the
length of the touch screen’s RS-232 cable, you may need to install a line
driver. e touch screen and Pointmaker will not func tion properly if the
signal strength is too weak or encounters interfer ence. While the RS-232
specication indicates usage up to 50 feet, the actual distance at which the
Page 20 - Pointmaker CPN-5800 Live Streaming Annotation System Pointmaker LLC
Section Two:Installation Connecting Controllers
signal must be amplied will vary based upon environmental factors.
Pointmaker LLC recommends that you test any conguration to determine
whether the line drivers are needed.
FOR RS-232 Touch Screens:
You may install your own extension cable according to the following specications:
• ree conductor cable
• Male DB-9 to female DB-9 wired straight through on pins 2, 3, and 5.
If you determine that you need a line driver to maintain signal strength, you
may purchase the DTX-DRV line driver from Pointmaker LLC (see “If installing the optional DTX-DRV extension” on page 22). e DTX-DRV
specication allows for distances up to 450 feet.
For USB Touch Screens:
Pointmaker LLC oers a USB line driver and extension hardware. Many third
party line drivers are also available (call Pointmaker LLC for compatibility).
NOTE: Make all connections before applying power.
1. Make video connections as indicated earlier in this section, and install the
touch screen to the monitor as directed by your touch screen manufacturer. (see Connecting Audio/Video Sources and Outputs, on page
2. Connect a USB cable and extension to the USB port on the Pointmaker.
USB or RS-232 IN
USB or
Video IN
Video OUT
Touch Screen
and Monitor
Figure 2-3: Touch screen hook-up overview
Pointmaker LLC Pointmaker CPN-5800 Live Streaming Annotation System - Page 21
Power Up Section Two:Installation
NOTE: Be sure to calibrate the touch screen on start up (see Calibrating
CPN-5800 Controllers, on page 46).
If installing the optional DTX-DRV extensions:
1. Connect the female DB-9 connector to the male DB-9 connector on the
DTX-DRV extension transmitter from the touch screen cable(male
2. Using an Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) cable with RJ-11connectors,
connect the male microdriver to the female microdriver.
3. Connect the DTX-DRV extension receiver (female microdriver) to a
COMM port on the back of the CPN-5800.
Connecting a Mouse Device
1. Connect the mouse device to a COMM port on the back of the Point-
Power Up
ese are the procedures for powering up.
1. Plug the power cord into the back of the Pointmaker and then into any
If you add a controller at a later time, be sure to power down the Pointmaker,
install the new device, then power up.
e CPN-5800 supports videoconferencing (see Multipoint, on page 64).
grounded outlet.
2. Plug the power cords from any video source(s), controller(s), and
display(s) into any grounded outlet.
3. Turn on each of the connected units, and then press the power button on
the front panel of the Pointmaker.
Page 22 - Pointmaker CPN-5800 Live Streaming Annotation System Pointmaker LLC
Section Two:Installation Power Up
NOTE: In order for the Pointmaker to properly sync with the video signals,
the sources should be turned on rst.
After a moment, a Pointmaker splash screen will appear, followed by the
initializing of the ports, and ending with a copyright message.
After the startup process, a marker overlay will appear, displaying any
previously created markers.
If this process is dierent for you, recheck your installation and power up
again. Call Pointmaker LLC for support at (800) 552-2262 or (520) 7450001 if it is still unsuccessful.
NOTE: To bypass port initialization, press ESC during startup.
Pointmaker LLC Pointmaker CPN-5800 Live Streaming Annotation System - Page 23
Power Up Section Two:Installation
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