Point Grey Research Grasshopper Technical Reference
Table of Contents
FCC Compliance Information
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the l imits for a Class A digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful inte rference when the equipment is operated in a commercial
environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used in accor dance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to
radio communications. Operation of this equipment i n a residential area is likely to cause harmful
interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own
You are cautioned that any changes or modifications not expr ess ly appro ved in this manual could
void your authority to operate this equipment.
Hardware Warranty
Poin t Grey Rese ar ch® In c. (Point Grey) warra nts to the Origin al Purchaser that the Camera
Module provided with this package is guaranteed to be free from m aterial and manufacturing
defects for a period of two (2) years. Should a unit fail d uring this period, Point Grey will, at its
op ti on, repair or repl ace th e damaged unit. Repai r ed or replaced unit s will be cover ed for th e
remainder of the original equipment warranty period. This warranty does not apply to units that,
aft er bei ng exami ned by Po int Grey, ha ve been fou nd to have fai led due t o cus t om er ab us e,
mis h andl ing, alteration , impro per in s tal la tio n or ne glig enc e . If th e or i g ina l camer a mod ule is
housed within a case, rem oving the case for any purpose voids this wa rrant y.
Point Grey Research, Inc. expressly disclaim s and excludes all other warranties, express, im plied
and statutory, including, but without limitation, warranty of merchantability and fitness for a
particu lar app lication or purpose. In no event shall Point Grey Research, Inc. be liable to t he
Original Purchaser or any third party f or direct, indirect, incidental , consequ entia l, s pecial or
accidental damages, including without limitation damages for business interruption, loss of profits,
revenue, data or bodily injury or death.
The symbol indicates that this product may not be treated as household
waste. Please ensure this product is properly disposed as inappropriate
waste handling of this product may cause potential hazards to the
environment and human health. For more detailed information about
recycling of this product, please contact Po int Grey Research.
Point Grey Research, PGR, the Point Grey Research, Inc. logo, Chameleon, Digiclops,
Dragonfly, Dragonfly Express, Firefly, Flea, FlyCapture, Gazelle, Grasshopper, Ladybug, and
Triclop s are trademarks or registered trademarks of Point Grey Research, Inc. in Canada and
other countries.
Revised 26-Nov-10
Copyright (c) 2010 Point Grey Rese arch Inc.
Point Grey Research Grasshopper Technical Reference
Table of Contents
Table of Contents.....................................................................................3
List of Figures ..........................................................................................5
List of Tables............................................................................................5
Table 11: Extended shutter m inimum and maximum times............................................37
Revised 26-Nov-10
Copyright (c) 2010 Point Grey Rese arch Inc.
Point Grey Research Grasshopper Technical Reference
1 Introduction
1.1. Grasshopper Overview
The Grasshopper digital camera line offers high megapixel resolution and an ultra fast IEEE1394b 800Mb/s digit al interf ace. Attr activ e pricing makes the se powerf ul cameras ideal for OEMs
and system int egrators who need compact systems that deliv er 1.4M, 2.0M or 5.0M im ages at
high frame rates. The Grasshopper cameras are particularly effective in demanding imaging
applications such as those used in electronics manufacturing, life sciences and microscopy,
surveillance and security, and ITS.
Users are encouraged to download
detailed information on how to transition applications from the Scorpion to the Grasshopper.
Refer to
IEEE-1394b standard.
Knowledge Base Arti cle 206 for a c omplete overv iew of the features and benefi ts of the
TAN2007004 from www.ptgrey.com/products/grasshopper for
All model-specific information presented in this manual reflects
functionality av ailable in firmware vers ion
To check the cam era firmware version, c onsult our knowledge base:
1.1.1. Image Acquisition
IEEE-1394b Bandwidth 800Mb/s interface allows full color RGB output at high data rates
Automatic Synchronization Multiple Grasshoppers on the same 1394b bus automatically sync
Programmable Exposure User-programmable shutter, gain, and bl ack clamp settings via sof t ware
Fast Frame Rates Fas ter standa rd frame rates plus pixel binning and ROI support
Multiple Trigger Modes Bulb-trigger mode, multiple triggered exposures before readout
Trigger at Full Frame Rate Overlapped trigger input, image acquisition and transfer
1.1.2. Image Processing
Color Conversion On-camera conversion to YUV411, YUV422 and RGB formats
Image Processing On-camera control of sharpness, hue, saturation, gamma, LUT
Image Flip / Mirror Horizontal image flip (mirr or ima ge)
Embedded Image Info Pixels contain frame-specific info (e.g. shutter, 1394 cycle time)
Test Pattern Continuous static image for testing and deve lop ment
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Copyright (c) 2010 Point Grey Rese arch Inc.
Point Grey Research Grasshopper Technical Reference
1.1.3. Camera and Device Control
Auto White Balance Auto and one-push white balance for easy color balancing
Frame Rate Control Fine-tune frame rates for video conv ersion (e.g. PAL @ 24 FPS)
Improved Strobe Output Increased drive strength, configurable strobe pattern output
RS-232 Serial Port Provides serial communication via GPIO TTL digital logic levels
Memory Channels Non-volatile storage of camera default power-up set ti ngs
Broadcast Properties Apply settings (e.g. shutter, gain) to all cameras on the same bus
Voltage Sensor Monitors sensor voltages to ensure optimal image quality
Camera Upgrades Firmware upgradeable in field via IEEE-1394 interface.
1.1.4. Mechanics and Form Factor
Compact Design 44mm x 29mm x 58mm, 104 grams
Industry Standard Mechanics ASA/ISO-compliant mounting br acket and C-mount lens holder
Jack Screw Connector 1394b cable jack scr ews provide secure connection
1.2. Using This Manual
This manual attempts to provi de the user with a detail ed specif ication of the Grasshopper camera
system. The r eader sho uld be aware that the c amera system is a complex and dynami c system –
if any errors or omissions are found during experiment ation, please contact us.
This document is subject to change without notice.
Many of t he operati onal descript ions incl uded in t his manual are int ended as general ov erv iews,
and may not pres ent the detailed i nf ormation required f or developi ng specific applications. F or
additional details and operational descriptions, refer to the following resources that can be
downloaded fr om our website at
•Point Grey Digital Camer a Regis ter Reference
FlyCapture User M anual
• TAN2004004: Synchr onizing to an external signal using DCAM 1.31 Trigger Mode_0
• TAN2004001: Configuring and testing the RS-232 ser ial port
• TAN2005002: Setting a GPIO pin to strobe using DCAM 1.31 Strobe Signal Out put
• TAN2005003: Setting a GPIO pin to output a strobe signal pulse patter n
• TAN2005004: Buffering a GPIO pin output signal to drive an exter nal dev ic e
• TAN2007004: A guide to trans itioning from Scorpion
• TAN2007004: Acces s i ng the On-Camera Frame Buffer
to Grasshopper®
Revised 26-Nov-10
Copyright (c) 2010 Point Grey Rese arch Inc.
Point Grey Research Grasshopper Technical Reference
1.3. Camera Specifications
Specification 03K2 03S3 14S3 14S5 20S4 50S5
ICX414 1/2”
scan CCD
scan CCD
Sensor Pixel
640(H) x 480
648(H) x
7.4 x 7.4µm 9.9 x 9.9µm 4.65 x 4.65µm 6.45 x
Maximum FPS See sections 4.2 and 4.4 for more information
Dual bilingual 9-pin IEEE-1394b for camera control, video data transmission and dai sy
100, 200, 400, 800 Mbit/s
A/D Converter Analog Devices 14-bit analog-to-digital converter
Max Pixel
40 MHz 26 MHz 40 MHz 28 MHz 67 MHz 32 MHz
Video Data
8, 16 and 24 -bit digital data (see Supported Data Formats)
Image Data
Partial Image
Y8, Y16 (all models), RGB, YUV411, YUV422, YUV444, 8-bit and 16-bit raw Bayer data
(color models)
Pixel binning and r egion of interest modes available via Format_7
Purpose I/O
8-pin Hirose HR25 general purpose input/output connect or
4 pins for external trigger, strobe or serial data / 1 pin +3.3V / 1 VEXT pin to externally
power th e camer a
Automatic / manual / one-push gain modes
0dB to 24dB
Automatic / manual / one-push shutter modes
Programmable through soft ware or through input trigger signal
0.01ms to 66.63ms @ 15 FPS
Extended shutter modes for exposure times longer than 5 seconds
On-board raw Bayer color interpolation, hue, saturation, sharpness, gamma, programmable
LUT, horizontal image flip, test pattern output
Gamma 0. 50 to 4.00
Trigger Modes DCAM v1.31 Tr i gger Modes 0, 1, 3, 14, and 15
* Signal To
Noise Ratio
* Peak QE
56 dB 64 dB 60 dB 65 dB 59 dB 57 dB
460 nm 500 nm 459 nm 470 nm 460 nm 520 nm
Point Grey Research Grasshopper Technical Reference
Dimensions 44mm x 29mm x 58mm (excluding lens holder, without optics)
Mass 104 grams (without optics)
Lens Mount C-mount
Warranty Two years
* Measurements ta ken under the fol lowing condi tions: Gain: 0 d B; Pixel For mat: Format_7 Mode 0; Resolution: Max; Fram e Rate: Max;
Shutter: 1 ms;
IIDC 1394-based Di git al Camera Specification v1. 31
8-30V, via IEEE-1394b interface or 8-pin GPIO connect or
3.9W 2.9W 3.0W 3.1W 3.4W 3.8W
Complies with CE rules an d Part 15 Class A of FCC Rules
0° to 40°C
-30° to 60°C
20 to 80% (no condensation)
20 to 95% (no condensation)
1.3.1. Spectral Response
All color models are equipped with an optical filter that prevents
For spectral response curves, see
infrared light from reaching the image sensor. This filter is discus s ed in
the section on Infrared Cut-Off Filters.
Appendix A: Spect r al Response Curves.
Revised 26-Nov-10
Copyright (c) 2010 Point Grey Rese arch Inc.
Point Grey Research Grasshopper Technical Reference
1.3.2. Common CCD Artifacts
The following sec tion describes issues typical of CCD senso r s and poss ible solution s.
•Dead / Hot Pixels
It is possible for one or more pixels in the CCD sensor array to stop responding. This will
result in a situation where the pixel will al ways appear black (dead), or white (hot/stuck).
This is generally not an issue except in very rare cases.
•Bright Pix els
Cosm ic rays have the ability to cause images to have artifacts which look like hot pixels
which are randomly distributed throughout the image. This is most apparent when th
camera is running at a high temperature or the gain is set to a high amount. It is
impossible to prevent cosmic rays from reaching the C CD.
•Vertical Smear
When a strong light source is shot on the camera, there may be a vertical smear above
and below the position of the actual light source. This is a byproduct of the interline
transfer s ystem used to extract data from the CCD.
1.3.3. Dual Tap Sensor Information
The Grasshopper 50S5M/C and 03K2M /C m odels feature dual tap CCDs. This means that the
CCD has two outputs runni ng sim ultaneousl y i n order to prov ide a l arger data rat e, thus resul t ing
in a higher frame r ate. However, the CCD i s generally unable to pr ovide the l eft and right halv es
of the image at an equal int ensit y. Theref ore i n order to m ai ntai n image qual ity, the Grasshopper
has been calibr ated to correct for imbalances bet ween the left and right halv es. However, there
may be situati ons wher e the boundary between the lef t and right halves of the im ages can be
seen, such as images with high gain values.
1.4. System Requirements
• Processor
R e c o m m ended – Intel Pe ntium
Mi nimum – Int el Pent ium III 800 MHz or compatible pr oces sor
• Memory
R e c o m m ended – 2GB
Minimu m - 256MB
• AGP vi deo card w ith 64 MB video me mory ( 128 MB r ecommended)
• Bus Configuration
Recommended – PCI Express (PCI-e card not included) or 64-bit PCI s lot
Mi nimum – 32- bit st andard PCI slot for the IEEE -1394 card
• Mi c r os oft Windows XP Se rvic e P ac k 1
• Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 (to compile and run example code)
4 2.0 GHz or compat ible proc ess or
Revised 26-Nov-10
Copyright (c) 2010 Point Grey Rese arch Inc.
Point Grey Research Grasshopper Technical Reference
1.4.1. Laptop / Notebook Considerations
Some 1394 PCMCIA cards for laptop / notebook computers require a 4-pin cable. A 4-pin cable does not
provide powe r and will t herefore not work with Point Grey cameras, which require a 6-pin connector (the
additional two pins provide power). For suggestions on how to provide power in these circumstances,
con sult th e fo llowing knowledge base arti c le:
Users wishing to operate their Point Grey camera on the Macintosh OS/X or Linux operating
sys tems should cons ult the following kno wledge bas e art icles:
Macintosh support: www.ptgrey.com/support/kb/index.asp?a =4&q=173
Li nux s upport: www.ptgrey.com/support/kb/index.asp?a =4&q=17
1.5. Controlling the Camera
The Grasshopper c an be c ontrolled by the following types of applications:
1.5.1. FlyCap Demo Program
The FlyCap application is a generic streaming image viewer included with the FlyCapture®SDK
that can be u sed to test m any of the capabilities of your c omp atible PGR IE EE-1394 c amera. It
allows you to view a live video stream from the camera, save individual images or .avi movi
clips, adjust the various video formats, frame rates, properties and settings of the camera, and
access camera registers. It is an easy-to-use program that can be used to test many of the
capabilities of your PGR IEEE-1394 camera system. Consult the PGR FlyCapture User Manua
for more inf ormatio n.
1.5.2. Custom Applications Built with the FlyCapture API
PGR FlyCapture includes a full Application Programming Interface that allows customers to
create custom applications to control Point Grey Imaging Products. The SDK provides a numbe
of sample programs and source code that is meant to help the advanced programmer get started
using the FlyCapture API. Example s range f rom simple console programs that demonstrate the
basic f unctionality of th e API, such as PGRFl yCaptureTest, to more complex e xamples such as
the M FC applic ation FlyCap.
1.5.3. Third-Party Software Applications
The following knowledge base article provides information on Point Grey IEEE-1394 camera
compatibility with third-party software development kits, applications, camera drivers, and
integrated development environm ents ( IDEs) :
Point Grey Research Grasshopper Technical Reference
1.6. Camera Control Command Registers
For a complete description of the Camera Control Command Registers implemented on the
camera, please refer to the Point Grey Research Digital Camera Register Reference, included
with the FlyCapture SDK and downloadable from www.ptgrey.com/support/downloads/
1.7. Handling Precautions and Camera Care
Do not open the camera housing. Doing so voids the Hardware
Your Point Grey di gital camera m odule is a precisely manufactured device and should be handled
with care. Here are some tips on how to care for the device.
• Avoid electrostatic charging. Pl ease consult the following knowledge base article for more
details: www.ptgrey.com/support/kb/index.asp?a=4&q=42
• Users who have purchased a bare board camera should take the following additional
protective measures:
o Either handle bare handed or use non-chargeable gloves, clothes or material.
o Install a conduc tive mat on the floor or working table to prevent the generation of
•When handli ng the ca m era unit, avoid touching t he lenses. Fingerprints will affect the quality
of the image produced by the device.
•To clean the lenses, use a standard camera lens cleaning kit or a clean dry cotton cloth. Do
not apply excessi ve force.
• To clean the imaging surface of your CCD, follow the steps outlined in
• Our cameras are designed for an office environment or laboratory use. Extended exposure
to bright sunlight, rain, dusty environments, etc. may cause problems with the electronics and
the optics of the system.
•Avoid excessive shaking, dropping or any kind of mishandling of the device.
Warranty described at the beginning of this reference manual.
Also, use conductive shoes.
static e lec tricity.
1.7.1. Case Temperature and Heat Dissipation
The Grasshopper is an ultra-c ompact camera. As a result of packing t he Grasshopper electronics
into a small space, the outer case of the camera can become very warm to the touch when
running in some high dat a rate vi deo modes. The case can reach t emperat ures up to 45° Celsius
under normal operating condi tions. This is ex pected behavi our and will not damage the cam era
Revised 26-Nov-10
Copyright (c) 2010 Point Grey Rese arch Inc.
Point Grey Research Grasshopper Technical Reference
If reduci ng heat i s a concern, users ca n u se a cool i ng f an to set up a posi tiv e ai r fl ow around the
camera, taking into consideration the following precautions:
• Mount the c amera on a heat sink, such as a camera m ounting bracket, made out of a
heat-conductive material like aluminum.
•Make sure the flow of heat from the camer a case to the bracket is not bl ocked by a non-
conductive m aterial like plastic.
•Make sure the camera has enough open space around it to facilitate the f r ee flow of air.
1.8. Camera Accessories
Accessories such as tripod mount s and lens ho lders are availa ble fr om PGR – contact our Sales
team at sales@ptgrey.com
camera accessorie s can be found in the following knowledge base article:
for additional information. Links to FireWire/IEEE-1394 and digital
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Point Grey Research Grasshopper Technical Reference
6 7
Camera Physical Properties
2 Camera Physical Properties
2.1. Physical Description
1. Lens holder (Cmount)
Attach any C-mount
lens or other optic al
equipment. Consult
the section Lens
Setup and
Compatibility for full
2. Glass / IR filter
Refer to the Dust
Protection and the
Infrared Cut-Off
Filters section for
more informati on.
3. M3x0.5 mounting
Refer to the
Mounting section for
full details.
4. General Pu rpo se I/ O connector
The 8-pin GPIO connect or is used f or exter nal triggering,
strobe output or digital I/O. Refer to the General Purpose
Input/Output s e c t io n for more information.
5. Status LED
This light indic ates the current state of the Grasshopper
operation. Refer to the section Status Indicator LED.
6. IEEE-1394b connector
7. IEEE-1394b connector
The camera uses standard 9-pin 1394b connectors. M3
screw holes are locat ed on either side of the connectors
for secure connections to the 9-pin locking 1394b cabl e.
See the IEEE-1394 Connector section for full connector
8. M3x0.5 mounting holes
Refer to the Mounting section for full details.
Revised 26-Nov-10
Copyright (c) 2010 Point Grey Rese arch Inc.
Point Grey Research Grasshopper Technical Reference
2.2. Camera Dimensions
Camera Physical Properties
Figure 1: Dimensional drawing
2.3. Lens Setup and Compatibility
The lens holder is compatible with C-mount lenses. Lenses are not included with individual
cameras. To differentiate between C- and CS-mount lenses, c onsul t the following arti cle:
KB Article 98:
Revised 26-Nov-10
Copyright (c) 2010 Point Grey Rese arch Inc.
Point Grey Research Grasshopper Technical Reference
Camera Physical Properties
2.4. Dust Protection
Cameras are se aled when they are shipped. To a void contamination,
The case is designed to prevent dust from f alling directly onto the CCD's protective glass su rface.
This is achieved by placing a pie ce of cl ear glass (monochr om e camera mo dels) o r IR cut -of f f ilt er
(color models) that sits above the surface of the CCD's glass. A removable p lastic retainer keeps
this glass/filter system in place. By increasing the distance betwe en the imaging surface and the
l o c atio n of t he potent i al dus t partic l e s , th e l i k eliho od o f i nter fer e n c e f r o m th e d us t (a s s u m i ng noncollimated light) and the poss ibility of damage to the sensor during cleaning is reduced.
seals should not be brok en until cameras are ready for assembly at
customer's site.
Do not remove the protective glass. Doing so can void the Hardware Warranty descri bed at the begi nn ing of this reference manual.
2.5. Mounting
2.5.1. Using the Case
The case is equipped with the following mounting holes:
• Two (2) M3x0.5mm mounting holes on the top of the case
• Four (4) M3x0.5mm mounting holes on the bot t om of the case that can be used to att ach
the camera directly to a custom mount or to the Grasshopper tripod mounting bracket
2.5.2. Using the Tripod Mounting Bracket
The Grasshopper tripod m ounti ng bracket comes with t he Dev elopment Kit, or can be pur chased
separately by cont acting
sales@ptgrey.com. The bracket i s equipped with four ( 4) M3 mounting
Revised 26-Nov-10
Copyright (c) 2010 Point Grey Rese arch Inc.
Point Grey Research Grasshopper Technical Reference
Camera Physical Properties
2.6. Infrared Cut-Off Filters
Point Grey Resear ch color camera m odels are equipped with an additional infrared (IR) cut-of f
filter. This filter can reduce sensitivity in the visible spectrum. The properties of this filter are
illustrated in the results below, which were obtained by Point Grey Research independent of
camera model.
In monochrome models, the IR filter is replaced wit h a transparent piec e of glass.
The following are the properties of the IR filter/protective glass
Physical Filter Size
Glass Thickness
Dime ns ional Tolerance
Coating Filters
These properties apply to all imaging cameras except GRAS 14S5.
Related Knowledge Base Articles
ID Title URL
98 Understanding flange back
distance on C-mount and CSmount cameras
Revised 26-Nov-10
Copyright (c) 2010 Point Grey Rese arch Inc.
Schott D 263 T or BK7 equivalent for coating filters
14 mm x 14 mm
1.0 mm
+/-0.1 mm`
Scott D 263 T
Point Grey Research Grasshopper Technical Reference
Camera Interface
3 Camera Interface
3.1. IEEE-1394b Connector
The camera has 2 standard 9-pin IEEE-1394b connectors (pin configuration shown below) that is
used for data transmission, camera control and powering the camera. For more detailed
informati on, c onsul t the IEEE-1394b Standard document available from
For a full descri ption of the features and benefits of 1394b, refer to
3.1.1. Daisy Chaining
As the camera has 2 IEEE-1394b connectors, it is possible to connect multiple cameras (and/or
hubs) in a daisy- c hained manner. T his allows multiple cameras to be easily connect ed to a single
host controll er. However , the maximum bandwidth avail able for all cameras is still restric ted to
800Mbps (for IEEE-1394b) or 400Mbps (for IEEE-1394a).
Knowledge Base Article 206.
While the Grasshopper is an IEEE-1394b device, it is backward
compatible with the IEEE-1394a 400Mb/s standard, a nd can therefore
be connected to any 1394a OHCI host adapter using a 9- to 6-pin
cable (included with Grasshopper Development Kits ) .
Figure 2: IEEE-1394b connector pi n configuration
Pin Signal Name Comment
1 TPB- Twisted Pair B (Minus)
2 TPB+ Twisted Pair B (Plus)
3 TPA- Twisted Pair A (Minus)
4 TPA+ Twisted Pair A (Plus)
5 TPA (R) Twisted Pai r A (Reference Ground)
6 V
7 SC Status Contact (Reserved for Futur e Use)
8 V
9 TPB (R) Twisted Pai r B (Reference Ground)
Power (Ground)
Power (Voltage)
Revised 26-Nov-10
Copyright (c) 2010 Point Grey Rese arch Inc.
Point Grey Research Grasshopper Technical Reference
Camera Interface
Table 1: IEEE-1394b connector pin configuration
3.2. Cables
The maximum 1394 cable length between any 1394 node (e.g. camera to PCI card, PCI card to
hub, etc.) is 4.5m, as specified by the IEEE-1394 standard. Standard, shielded twisted pai
cop per cabl es must be used . Co ns ult the fol low ing knowledge base articl e for in forma ti on on how
to extend the phys ical dis t ance bet ween th e camer a and the con trol ling host sys te m:
All camera KITs (e.g. part numbers ending with “KIT”) com e with a 3-port IEEE-1394 PCI host
adapter card. For more information regarding the differences between various 1394 hos
adapters, consult the following knowledge base article:
The 9-pin 1394b interface connects t o a standard IEEE-1394 ( FireW ire) 9-pin cable and pro vides
a power connection betwe en the camera and the host computer. The ideal input volt age is 12
DC; however, the camera is designed to handle voltages between 8V and 30V DC. The powe
consumption is outlined in the Camera Specif icati ons section.
Some systems - such as laptop comput ers or those with several FireWire devices connected require an external power suppl y to power the camera. For suggestions on ho w to provide powe
in these circumstances, consult the follo wing k nowledge base artic le:
KB Article 93: www.ptgrey.com/support/kb/index.asp?a=4&q=93
Some PGR cam eras allow the user to power-up or power-down components of the camera using
the DCAM CAMERA_POWER register 0x610. The exact components, e.g. image sensor, A/D
converter, other board electronics, will vary between camera models. Consult the PGR IEEE-1394 Digital Camera Register Reference for more information.
When a camera is power cycled (po wer disengaged then re-engaged), the camera will r evert to
its default factory settings, or if applicable, the last saved memory channel.
Revised 26-Nov-10
Copyright (c) 2010 Point Grey Rese arch Inc.
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