- "sps": samples per second, or how fast the bio-signal is samples. EMG needs a fast sampling rate,
whereas the blood oxygenation modalities can use a much slower sampling rate and thus use less of the
PC's processing resources
- “EIM”: electrode impedance measurement.
There are seven products currently defined in the Wiz product suite:
• Q-wiz: 2/4ch EEG/HEG, usb/wireless, with 21-ch eeg cap interface
• Q for mini-Quantitative Assessment
• E-wiz: 2ch EEG, usb/wireless, 2xAA battery option
• E for EEG
• H-wiz: 2ch HEG, usb/wireless, 2xAA battery option
• H for HEG
• U-wiz: 2ch EEG usb/wireless, miniature button-less
• U for USB eeg
• X-wiz: 2ch HEG usb/wireless, miniature button-less
• X for xray
• W-wiz: 2ch EEG wireless, 1xAAA battery
• R for Radio
• N-wiz: 2ch HEG wireless, 1xAAA battery
• N for nIR HEG
Applications supporting the Wiz suite are:
- BioExplorer (www.cyberevolution.com)
- BioEra (www.bioera.net - future)
The Wiz suite flexibly supports 1 to 4 transport slots to the application. The modalities in those slots fall into
two categories:
(i)AC (alternatibg current) signals:
• EEG, elecroencephalography, 1 to 4 chanels
• SCP, slow cortical potentials, 1 to 4 channels
• ECG, electrocardiography, 1 to 4 chanels, and
• EMG, elecromyography. 1 to 4 channels.
(ii) DC (slowly varying Direct Current) signals:
• nIR HEG, near infrared hemoencephalography , one or two channels
• pIR HEG, passive infrared hemoencephalography, one channel
• pulse oximeter sensing the pulse rate
EEG, SCP, ECG, and EMG all use the same silver or silver/silver-chloride electrode interface, whereas nIR
and pIR HEG blood oxygenation sensors use special headbands. The nIR HEG sensor input can also accept
a pulse oximeter input.
The Q-Wiz supports all modalities and up to 4 bio-signal channels, whereas the E/U/R-wiz support two AC
bio-signal channels, and the H/X/N-wiz support two DC bio-signal modalities.
Wiz devices automatically detect when a headband or finger sensor is connected and reconfigure
accordingly. When only one bio-signal is used, it will appear on slot 1. For devices that support both AC and
DC modalities, namely the Q-wiz, when no headbands or finger sensors are connected, slots will default to
AC - ie 2 or 4 channels of EEG etc.
The PC Application will automatically detect which modality is assigned to which slot and adjust accordingly.
The mapping of Modality into transport slot changes according to which headband or finger sensor is
connected, and which Mode is selected. The Mode switch on the Wiz supports 4 Modes. Additonal Modes
(that is, Modes 4a and 4b below) are accessible only by a command sent from the PC/Tablet Application.
Mode Slot: Slot1 Slot2 Slot3 Slot4
<Mode 1> 32sps - used for HEG (and EEG protocol processing - future)
<Mode 2> 128sps - Hi resolution EEG and HEG
<Mode 3> 512sps - EMG, ECG and SCP (and EEG if mixed modalities)