Single Fan (Low Profile)
NVIDIA® PureVideo® HD Technology
NVIDI A® PureVideo® HD Techn ology delivers s tunning
picture cl arity, smooth vide o, accurate colo r, and prec ise
image sca ling for movies and vid eo.
The easie st way to optimize your gam es and keep your drive rs up to date,
The GeFo rce Experien ce application auto matically notif ies you of new
GeForce Experience
driver releases from NVIDIA.
Make your entire PC experience faster with the new NVIDIA® GeForce®
GT 710 by PNY dedicated graphics card. Now, you can enjoy up to 10x
better performance than integrated graphics in all your PC multimedia
Take on modern games with advanced and reliable dedicated graphics.
80% faster performance than integrated graphics means a rich and
smooth gaming experience. Plus, get the power to drive up to three HD
displays with a single card.
GeForce GT means speed, stability, and industryleading NVIDIA
drivers. Tap into GeForce Experience™ to automatically get the latest
drivers and optimize game settings with a single click.
• Single Slot and Low Profile
Compact Design
• Microsoft DirectX 12 support
(feature level 11_0)
• NVIDIA PhysX® technology
• NVIDIA Adaptive Vertical Sync
• NVIDIA FXAA™ technology
• NVIDIA CUDA® technology with
OpenCL™ support
• OpenGL 4.6
• HDMI, Dual-link DVI-D, VGA
• PCI Express 2.0 Support
• PCI Express-compliant motherboard with one x16 graphics slot
• 300 W or greater system power
• 300MB available hard-disk space
• 2GB system memory (4GB or
higher recommended)
• Microsoft Windows 10, Windows
8, Windows 7, or Windows Vista
Operating System (32 or 64-bit)
• Internet connection
Low Profil e Bracket Include d. Compact low prof ile
design co mpatible with smal l and large form factor
deskto ps.
NVIDIA® CUDA Cores 192
Clock Speed 954 MHz
Boost Speed N/A
Memory Speed (Gbps) 5
Memory Size 2GB GDDR5
Memory Interface 64-bit
Memory Bandwidth (Gbps) 40
TDP 20.6 W
NVLink Not Supported
Outputs HDMI, Dual-link DVI-D, VGA
Multi-Screen Yes
Resolution 3840 x 2160 (Digital)
Power Input N /A
Bus Type PCI- Express 3.0 x16 (x8 Active)
PNY Part Number VCG7102D5SFPPB
UPC Code 751492634395
Card Dimensions 2.71" x 5.1"; Single-Slot
Box Dimensions 11" x 2.5" x 6.25"
1 Minim um system power req uirement based on a PC congur ed with an Intel Co re i7 3.2 GHz
2 Graph ics Card driver i s not included in the box, GeForc e Experien ce will download th e latest
GeForc e driver from the Inte rnet after instal l.
PNY Tech nologies, I nc. 100 Jeffer son Road, Par sippany, NJ 07 054 | Tel 973-515 -9700 | Fax 97 3-560- 5590 | www.P NY.com
Featur es and spec ications subject to c hange with out notice . The PNY lo go is a regist ered trade mark of PNY Tec hnologies , Inc.
All oth er tradema rks are the pr operty o f their resp ective owne rs. © 2019 PNY Technologie s, Inc. All r ights rese rved.
ver. 11-19-19