Up to 25% Faster Per formance
Experience 25% more performance of previous-generation
GeForc e RTX graphics ca rds combined with m aximum power
Real-Time Ray Tracing in Games
GeForc e® RTX 2080 SU PER™ is light years ah ead of other cards,
deliver ing truly unique rea l-time ray-tr acing technolog ies for cutting-
edge, hyper-realistic graphics.
The GeForce® RTX 2080 SUPER™ is powered by the award-winning
NVIDIA Turing™ architecture with more cores, higher clocks, and faster
memory for ultimate performance and incredible new levels of realism.
It’s time to gear up and get super powers.
Every gaming superhero needs super powers. The new GeForce RTX
SUPER Series cards deliver ever ything you need to rule your game.
They’re powered by the Turing architecture and feature more cores and
higher clocks. This gives you up to 25% faster performance than the
original RTX 20 Series and 6X the performance of previous-generation
10 Series GPUs.
The new GeForce RTX SUPER Series has even more cores and higher
clocks for superfast performance compared to previous-generation
GPUs. Gear up and get super powers.
• Ray TracingCores
• Tensor Cores
• NVIDIA Adaptive Shading
• NVIDIA® GeForce Experience™
• NVIDIA Ansel
• NVIDIA Highlights
• NVIDIA G-SYNC® Compatible
• NVIDIA NVLink™ (SLI-Ready)
• Game Ready Drivers
• Microsoft DirectX® 12 Raytrac-
• Vulkan RT API, OpenGL 4.5
• HDCP 2.2
• PCI Express-compliant mother-
board with one dual-width x16
graphics slot
• One 6-pin and one 8-pin supple -
mentary power connectors
• 650 W or greater system power
• 1.5GB available hard-disk space
• 8GB system memory (16GB or
higher recommended)
• Microsoft Windows 10 (November 2018 or later), Windows 7
64-bit, Linux 64-bit
• Internet connection
Latest AI Enhanced Graphics
Powered by N VIDIA Turing, GeFo rce® RTX 2080
SUPER ™ brings the power of AI to g ames.
NVIDIA® CUDA Cores 3072
Clock Speed 1650 MHz
Boost Speed 1815 MHz
Memory Speed (Gbps) 15.5
Memory Size 8GB GDDR6
Memory Interface 256-bit
Memory Bandwidth (Gbps) 496
TDP 250 W
NVLink Supported
Outputs DisplayPort 1.4 (x3), HDMI 2.0b
Multi-Screen Yes
Resolution 7680 x 4320 @60Hz (Digital)
Power Input One 6-Pin, One 8-Pin
Bus Type PCI- Express 3.0 x16
PNY Part Number VCG20808SBLMPB
UPC Code 751492630410
Card Dimensions 1.38˝ x 10.50˝ x 4.50˝; Dual-Slot
Box Dimensions 6.76" x 12.21" x 3.53"
1 7680 x 4 320 @60Hz RGB8-bit w ith dual Display Port connec tors or7680x43 20 @60Hz
YUV420 8 -bit with Dis playPort 1.3 co nnector.
2 Reco mmendation is ma de based on PC co ngured with an Intel Core i7 3.2 GHz processor.
Pre- built system may re quire less power depending on sy stem conguration.
3 Graph ics Card driver i s not included in the box; GeForc e Experien ce will download th e latest
GeForc e driver from the Inte rnet after instal l.
PNY Tech nologies, I nc. 100 Jeffer son Road, Par sippany, NJ 07 054 | Tel 973-515 -9700 | Fax 97 3-560- 5590 | www.P NY.com
Featur es and spec ications subject to c hange with out notice . The PNY lo go is a regist ered trade mark of PNY Tec hnologies , Inc.
All oth er tradema rks are the pr operty o f their resp ective owne rs. © 2019 PNY Technologie s, Inc. All r ights rese rved.
ver. 07-02-19