HP sx330 Class 10 U3 SD Flash Memory Card
The HP sx330 Class 10, U3 SD Flash Memory Cards are the perfect solution for
photography and videography enthusiasts. The sx330 Class 10 U3 SD Flash Memory
Card provides ample storage for all digital content. With read speeds of 95MB/s, and
Class 10 U3 rating, these cards are ideal for continuous burst mode HD photography
and 4K Ultra video recording to capture high-quality content on point-and-shoot
cameras, DSLR cameras, and standard & advanced HD-enabled video cameras.
• Use in point-and-shoot cameras, DSLR cameras,
standard and advanced HD-enabled video cameras, etc.
• Class 10, U3 rating makes this card ideal for continuous
burst mode HD photography and 4K Ultra HD video
• Read speeds of up to 95MB/s
• Ideal for photography and videography enthusiasts
• Ideal for transferring content between devices and
• Compatible with SDHC and SDXC enabled host devices,
and laptop and desktop computers with an SD slot
• Class 10, U3
Storage Capacities*
• 64GB, 128GB, 256GB, 512GB
Read Performance**
• Up to 95MB/s
Compatible Host Devices
• Point-and-shoot cameras, DSLR cameras, standard & advanced
HD-enabled video cameras, and computers with an SD slot
• Magnet Proof, Shock Proof, Temperature Proof, Waterproof
• 2 year warranty
* For Fl ash Media De vices, 1 megaby te = 1 million b ytes; 1 giga byte = 1 bill ion bytes. A ctual usa ble
capa city may va ry. Some of th e listed cap acity is used formatting an d other func tions, an d is not
available for data storage.
** Ba sed on inter nal testin g; perfor mance may va ry depend ing upon host device.
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