GOLD 1-3 SK-GB -708
Right to make modifications without prior notice
3.1 General
Cables from external functions are connected to
connection boxes on the control card.
Knockout openings for screw caps are located in the
control enclosure.
External stop of unit (external disconnection)
External Fire/Smoke (external disconnection)
External alteration High/Low speed
(external connection/disconnection)
Set value shifting (external 0 – 10 VDC)
Flow indication FL/alt. stepless controlling of
cooling unit (output 0 – 10 VDC)
Flow indication TL (output 0 – 10 VDC)
Summary alarm A (free making contact)
Summary alarm B (free making contact)
Controlling of cooling unit on/off (free
making contact
Unit in operation (free making contact)
3.2 External stop
If the connection between connections 1–2 is broken the
unit is unconditionally stopped. "Stop" is shown in the
display. The unit is started when the connection closes.
Clamp is factory mounted.
3.3 External Fire/Smoke
If the connection between connections 3–4 is cut the unit
is unconditionally stopped and the alarm text "External
Fire alarm released" is shown in the display. Alarm light
and summary alarm relay A-alarm are activated. The error
must be repaired and the alarm reset on the display
before starting. Clamp is factory mounted.
3.4 External alteration Low/high speed
On connection 5–6 device for alteration between low and
high speed can be connected. It might be presence
sensor, overtime timer, overtime pushbutton, air quality
sensor, hygrostat or other potential free contact function.
Use the display to choose if high speed is required with
closed or broken contact. Delay of resetting to low speed
after contact alteration is programmed with the display,
0.00–3.59 in hours and minutes.
The internal high speed of the time switch is placed
above external contact function. If for instance presence
sensor is used the internal time switch shall be programmed to low speed all the time.
3.5 External set value displacement
Connections 7(-) and 8(+) is input for 0–10 VDC for
displacement of set value. Upon regulation of supply/
exhaust air, the set value for supply/exhaust air
temperature is displaced. Upon regulation of ERS, the
difference between EA/SA is displaced.
The function is activated in the display. The influence is
+/- 5°C according to 8.4.
3.6 Flow indication Supply–Exhaust air
On connections 9(+) and 10(-) there is a output voltage of
0 –10 VDC which is proportional to measured supply air
flow. Connections 11(+) and 12(-) contains 0 – 10 VDC for
exhaust air flow.
3.7 Summary alarm outputs
Connections 13–14 summary alarm B free making
contact (10 A), closed at alarm.
Connections 15–16 summary alarm A free making
contact (10 A), closed at alarm.
3.8 Cooling unit
3.8.1 On/off control
Connections 17–18 free making contact (10 A) for ON/
OFF controlling of possible cooling. The function is
activated in the display.
When need for cooling the contact closes. A neutral zone
of 2°C is programmed. When the need for cooling stops
a restart time of 10 minutes starts, which must end
before the contact can close again. This time delay is to
prevent the unit from starting and stopping too often.
3.8.2 Stepless control
Controlling can also be carried out stepless, depending of
the need of cooling via 10 VDC. Connections 11(+) and
12(-), which normally are for indication of exhaust air
flow, is then used. Due to this, indication of exhaust air
flow can not be obtained.
When using the valve adjuster, 24V supply must be
taken from an external source.
3.9 Operation indication
Connection 19–20 free making contact(10 A). The
contact is closed when the unit is in operation (low/high
speed). The contact is broken when unit is stopped,
regardless to if it has been stopped manually, via clock or
3.10 UTG 230 V
Connections L, , N marked with UTG 230 V is a
connection with 230 VAC supply, which is cut off with the
main switch.
The socket lays on the supply fuse and therefore the
maximum load is depending on how hard the unit is
The outlet is recommended for use for control voltage or
for damper motors.
Size 0–10 VDC
1 0–320 l/s
2 0–500 l/s
3 0–900 l/s