PMD MC73110 Datasheet

Advanced 3-Phase Motor Control IC
Developer’s Kit Manual
Performance Motion Devices, Inc.
55 Old Bedford Road
Lincoln, MA 01773
Revision 1.1, October 2003
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Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 by Performance Motion Devices, Inc. Navigator®, Pro-Motion® and C-Motion® are registered trademarks of Performance Motion Devices, Inc.
MC73110 Developer’s Kit
Performance Motion Devices, Inc. (PMD) warrants performance of its products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with Performance Motion Devices, Inc.’s standard warranty. Testing and other quality control techniques are utilized to the extent Performance Motion Devices, Inc. deems necessary to support this warranty. Specific testing of all parameters of each device is not necessarily performed, except those mandated by government requirements. Performance Motion Devices, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to its products or to discontinue any product or service without notice, and advises customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify, before placing orders, that information being relied on is current and complete. All products are sold subject to the terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgement, including those pertaining to warranty, patent infringement, and limitation of liability.
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Certain applications using semiconductor products may involve potential risks of death, personal injury, or severe property or environmental damage. Products are not designed, authorized, or warranted to be suitable for use in life support devices or systems or other critical applications. Inclusion of Performance Motion Devices, Inc. products in such applications is understood to be fully at the customer’s risk. In order to minimize risks associated with the customer’s applications, adequate design and operating safeguards must be provided by the customer to minimize inherent procedural hazards.
Performance Motion Devices, Inc. assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design. Performance Motion Devices, Inc. does not warrant or represent that any license, either express or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right of Performance Motion Devices, Inc. covering or relating to any combination, machine, or process in which such products or services might be or are used. Performance Motion Devices, Inc.’s publica­tion of information regarding any third party’s products or services does not constitute Performance Motion Devices, Inc.’s approval, warranty or endorsement thereof.
MC73110 Developer’s Kit
Related Documents
MC73110 Advanced 3-Phase Motor Control IC Product Manual (MC73110PM)
Electrical Specifications, Theory of Operations, and Command Reference for MC73110 IC.
MC73110 Developer’s Kit
Table of Contents
1.0 Product Overview .............................................................................. 7
2.0 Installation ......................................................................................... 9
2.1 Software ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
2.2 Documentation .......................................................................................................................................... 11
2.3 Connection Configurations ....................................................................................................................... 12
2.4 Installation Sequence .................................................................................................................................. 13
2.5 Required Hardware ..................................................................................................................................... 13
2.6 Preparing the Card for Installation............................................................................................................ 14
2.7 Connecting to the Card .............................................................................................................................. 15
2.7.1 Initial Setup .............................................................................................................................. 15
2.7.2 Power Connector (J1) .............................................................................................................. 16
2.7.3 Motor Feedback Connector (J2) ............................................................................................. 16
2.7.4 Motor Connector (J4) ............................................................................................................. 17
2.7.5 Host Connector (J6) ................................................................................................................ 17
2.7.6 Serial Port Connector (J7) ....................................................................................................... 18
2.8 Applying Power.......................................................................................................................................... 18
2.8.1 Card Reset ................................................................................................................................. 18
2.8.2 LED Status Indicators ............................................................................................................ 18
2.9 Software Installation ................................................................................................................................... 19
2.10 First Time System Verification................................................................................................................. 19
3.0 Using Pro-Motion ............................................................................ 21
3.1 Communication .......................................................................................................................................... 22
3.1.1 Axis Setup Wizard ................................................................................................................... 23
3.1.1 Step #1: Signal Output Settings ............................................................................................ 24
3.1.2 Step #2: Initialize Signal Sensing ........................................................................................... 24
3.1.3 Step #3: Safety Settings ........................................................................................................... 25
3.1.4 Step #4: Commutation .......................................................................................................... 25 Step #4a: Check Commutation .......................................................................................... 26
3.1.5 Step #5: Velocity Integrator Loop Parameters ..................................................................... 26
3.1.6 Step #6: Velocity Loop Parameters ........................................................................................ 26
3.2.6 Step #7: Current Loop Parameters ........................................................................................ 27
3.2.7 Step #8: Miscellaneous Settings ............................................................................................. 27
3.2 Main Window ............................................................................................................................................. 28
3.2.1 Project Window ....................................................................................................................... 28
3.2.2 Command Window ................................................................................................................ 29
4.0 Developing Your Own Applications with C-Motion ......................... 31
4.1 Theory of Use ............................................................................................................................................. 32
5.0 MC73110 Electrical Reference......................................................... 33
5.1 User-Settable Jumper Options .................................................................................................................. 33
5.2 Connecting to the Card .............................................................................................................................. 34
5.2.1 Power Connector (J1) .............................................................................................................. 35
5.2.2 Motor Feedback Connector (J2) ............................................................................................. 36
5.2.3 RS485 Connector (J3) .............................................................................................................. 37
5.2.4 Motor Connector (J4) ............................................................................................................. 37
5.2.5 Remote Switcher Connector (J5) ............................................................................................38
5.2.6 Host Connector (J6) ................................................................................................................ 39
5.2.7 Serial Port Connector (J7) ....................................................................................................... 39
MC73110 Developer’s Kit
MC73110 Developer’s Kit
1.0 Product Overview
MC73110 Navigator/Pilot Magellan Motion Cards Motor Control IC
Number of axes 1 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4
Package 64-pin TQFP 132-pin PQFP 144-pin TQFP PCI
100-pin PQFP 100-pin TQFP PC/104
Voltage 3.3 V 5 V 3.3 V 3 V
Function Velocity control Position control Position control Position control
Torque control Encoder input Encoder input Encoder input Commutation Profile generation Profile generation Profile generation Encoder input Commutation Commutation Commutation
Network Signal conditioning communications Analog output Multi-motor Trace buffer
Motor types Brushless DC DC servo DC servo DC servo
Brushless DC Brushless DC Brushless DC Microstepping Microstepping Microstepping Pulse & direction Pulse & direction Pulse & direction
Communication Standalone Parallel Parallel PCI, PC104
Serial Serial point-to-point Serial point-to-point
Serial multi-drop Serial multi-drop
Loop rate 20 kHz 100 -150 Sec/axis 50 -75 Sec/axis 50 -75 Sec/axis
The MC73110 Motor Control IC is a single-chip, single-axis device ideal for use in intelligent 3-phase brushless motor amplifiers. It provides sophisticated programmable digital current control with direct analog input of feedback signals. It can be operated in voltage, torque, or velocity modes and supports standalone operation for use with PMD’s motion processors, other off-the-shelf servo controllers, or via a serial port.
Navigator/Pilot-family Motion Processors provide programmable chip-based positioning control for brushed servo, brushless servo, microstepping, and pulse and direction step motors. They are available in 1, 2 and 4-axis, and in both single-chip and two-IC chipset configurations. These parts operate at 5V.
Magellan-family Motion Processors are state-of-the-art programmable chip-based positioning controllers for brushed servo, brushless servo, microstepping, and pulse and direction step motors. They are similar to the Navigator Motion Processors but provide increased capabilities including faster loop rate, CANBus communica­tions, software-selectable motor type, and direct SPI bus output for serial DACs. They are available in 1, 2, 3, and 4-axis, and in both single-chip and two-IC chipset configurations. These parts operate at 3.3V.
PMD’s PCI and PC/104-bus motion cards are high performance general purpose motion cards for controlling DC-brush, brushless DC, microstepping, and pulse & direction motors. Utilizing PMD’s Magellan Motion Processors, these products are available in 1, 2, 3, and 4 axis configurations and have advanced features such as 16­bit D/A analog output, and on-board high speed performance tracing.
MC73110 Developer’s Kit Manual
PMD Product Overview
MC73110 Developer’s Kit Manual

2.0 Installation

In This Section
Software Documentation Connection Configurations Installation Sequence Required Hardware Preparing the Card for Installation Connecting to the Card Applying Power Software Installation First Time System Verification
The PMD MC73110 Developer’s Kit is an integrated board/software package that serves as an electrical and software design tool for MC73110-based systems. The major components of the kit are:
Standalone MC73110-based card with 10 amp 3-phase brushless motor amplifier
Serial cable to communicate with PC
CD-ROM containing C-Motion and Pro-Motion software programs
MC73110 Product Manual
MC73110 Developer’s Kit Manual
The Developer’s Kit is a self-standing card supported by aluminum standoff 4.093" x 6.800" in size. The PCB board is FR-4 four-layer with 2 oz. copper. The thickness is 62 mil. It accepts a single power connection of 18V to 48V, from which the card itself derives all other needed voltages using an on-board DC to DC converter device.
During initial setup and operation, a serial cable connects the card to a PC, which runs PMD’s Pro-Motion exerciser program. The serial port can be operated in point-to-point mode, or multi-drop mode. The card can also be operated standalone, without serial port connection. In this mode the card receives a command from an external motion controller via analog or digital hardware signals. When operated in standalone mode, MC73110 param­eters are loaded into the MC73110 at power up via an on-board serial EEPROM which is installed in an 8-pin DIP socket located on the Developer’s Kit card.
The card drives a 3-phase brushless DC motor at up to 10 amps continuous current, 15 amps peak. A wide range of motor inductances are supported. An on-card temperature sensor can be used to alert the user of an over­temperature condition on the amplifier.
MC73110 Developer’s Kit Manual
The following diagram provides a summary of the functions of the MC73110 Developer Kit card.
The Developer’s Kit can be used for a number of purposes. It is useful as a:
‘Ready to go’ system that exercises the MC73110
Reference design for an MC73110-based amplifier/drive
Pre-production system with which the user’s application can be developed,
and motors can be tested
Test system from which various switching power block sections can be tested
MC73110 Developer’s Kit Manual

2.1 Software

Two major software packages are provided with the MC73110 Developer's Kit cards: Pro-Motion, an interactive Windows-based exerciser program and C-Motion, a C-language library which simplifies the development of motion applications for MC73110 Developer's Kit cards.
Pro-Motion is a sophisticated, easy to use exerciser program that allows you to set and view all card parameters, and exercise all card features. Pro-Motion features include:
Project window for accessing card parameters
Ability to save and load current settings
Motor-specific parameter setup
Command window for direct text command entry.
Communications monitor that echoes all commands sent by Pro-Motion to the card.
C-Motion provides a convenient set of callable routines that comprise all of the code required for controlling your MC73110 Developer's Kit card. C-Motion includes the following features:
Axis virtualization
The ability to communicate to multiple MC73110 Developer’s Kit cards
Can be easily linked to any “C/C++” application
Pro-Motion is described in section 3, Using Pro-Motion, page 21, C-Motion is described in detail in section 4, Developing Your Own Applications with C-Motion, page 31.

2.2 Documentation

There are two manuals specifically associated with the MC73110 card. A brief description of each is listed below.
Component Name Description part number
MC73110PM MC73110 This is the complete description of the MC73110 IC.
Product Manual It includes electrical specifications, theory of operations,
DK73110M MC73110 This document guides you through installation and operation
Developer’s Kit Manual of the MC73110 Developer’s Kit. It describes the Developer’s
To download these documents, or request that they be sent to you, visit the PMD website at or contact your PMD representative.
and a programmer’s command reference.
Kit card and software, and provides complete schematics for the card.
MC73110 Developer’s Kit Manual
Internal switcher configuration

2.3 Connection Configurations

There are two major connection configurations of the MC73110 Developer’s Kit. The first is ‘internal switcher’, and the second is ‘remote switcher’.
Internal switcher means that the Developer’s Kit uses its internal 10 Amp continuous (15 amp peak) on-board MOSFET switchers and current sense circuitry to form a complete standalone intelligent amplifier card. This is the normal operating state of the system, and the most convenient to use when initially working with the MC73110 Developer’s Kit.
Remote switcher means that an external switching triple half-bridge and associated current sense and conditioning circuitry is installed. Section 5, Electrical Reference, page 33, provides complete details on the signals that are required to connect to an external amplifier. This configuration is useful for prototyping with a custom-designed amplifier for the purpose of verifying your own amplifier design, or driving motors with a larger current capacity than 10 Amps continuous.
The diagrams below illustrate these two configurations.
Remote switcher configuration
MC73110 Developer’s Kit Manual
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