Internal generation of microstepping signals
2-phase as well as 3-phase st epper motors
64 microsteps per ful l step
S-curve, trapezoidal, and veloc ity profile
trajectory modes
Incremental encoder feedback
On-the-fly motor stall detection
Software & feature compatible with other
versions of PMD's chipset family
Available in 1 or 2 axis configurations
32-bit position, v elocity, acceleration and jerk
Advanced Microsteppin g
Motion Control Chipset
trajectory profile registers
Electronic Gearing
Two travel-limit switches per axis
Choice of PWM or DAC motor out put signals
Chipset Developer's Kit Available
Microstepping Waveforms
2-Phase Step per
90 Deg
3-Phase Step per
Phase APhase BPhase C
General Description
The MC1241A is a dedicated motion processor which functions as a
complete chip-based stepper motor controller. Packaged in a 2-IC
chipset, this device performs trajectory profile generation and
microstepping signal generation. The chipset outputs PWM or
DAC-compatible motor command signals which directly drive the
windings of the stepping motor, eliminating the need for external
microstepping circuitry. The MC1241A also provides the ability to
input incremental encoder signals. It is available in a one, or a two-axis
The MC1241A is functionally similar to other members of PMD's 1st
Generation Motion Processor Family however it adds the ability to
perform micrstepping signal generation. All of these devices provide
sophisticated trajectory generation allowing the creation of complex
motion sequences.
Both two and three-phase stepping motors are supported by the
MC1241A. An internal ROM-based lookup table is used to generate
the microstepping waveforms. The motor power level can be controlled
with a resolution of 16 bits. Changes to the motor power level can be
coordinated with other profile changes to optimize motor heat
dissipation under different load and acceleration conditions.
The chipset is controlled by a host processor which interfaces with the
chipset via an 8-bit, bi-directional port. Communications to/from the
chipset consist of packet-oriented messages.
The chipset is packaged in 2 68-pin PLCC packages. Both chips utilize
120 Deg
Performance Motion Dev ices, In c. 12 Waltham St. Le xington, M A 02421 te l: 781. 674.98 60 fax: 781.674.9 861
CMOS technology and are powered by 5 volts.
Doc. Rev. 11.03, Nov 1997
Table of Contents
Product Family Overview.......................................Page 3
Interfacing MC1241A to ISA bus...........................Page 52
PWM Motor Interface............................................Page 54
16-Bit Serial DAC Motor interface.........................Page 56
Performance Motion Devices, Inc. does not assume any responsibility for use of any circuitry described in this manual, nor does it make
any guarantee as to the accuracy of this manual. Performance Motion Devices, Inc. reserves the right to change the circuitry described in
this manual, or the manual itself, at any time.
The components described in this manual are not authorized for use in life-support systems without the express written permission of
Performance Motion Devices, Inc..
Product Family Overview
MC1401 seriesMC1231 seriesMC1241 seriesMC1451 series
This manual describes the operational characteristics of the MC1241A
and MC1141A Motion Processors. These devices are members of
PMD's 1st generation motion processor family, which consists of 16
separate products organized into four groups.
Each of these devices are complete chip-based motion controllers.
They provide trajectory generation and related motion control functions.
Depending on the type of motor controlled they provide servo loop
closure, on-board commutation for brushless motors, and high speed
pulse and direction outputs. Together these products provide a
software-compatible family of dedicated motion processor chips which
can handle a large variety of system configurations.
Each of these chips utilize a similar architecture, consisting of a highspeed DSP (Digital Signal Processor) computation unit , along with an
ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit). The computation unit
contains special on-board hardware such as a multiply instruction that
makes it well suited for the task of motion control.
Along with a similar hardware architecture these chips also share most
software commands, so that software written for one chipset may be reused with another, even though the type of motor may be different.
This manual describes the operation of the MC1241A and
MC1141A chipsets. For technical details on other members of
PMD's 1st generation motion processors see the corresponding
product manual.
Family Summary
MC1401 series (MC1401A, MC1201A, MC1101A, MC1401A-P,
MC1201A-P, MC1101A-P)
encoder signals (standard version) or parallel word encoder signals
(-P version) and output a motor command in either PWM or DACcompatible format. These chipsets come in 1, 2 or 4 axis versions
and can be used with DC brushed motors, or brushless motors using
external commutation.
MC1231 series (MC1231A, MC1131A) -
incremental quadrature encoder signals and output sinusoidally
commutated motor signals appropriate for driving brushless motors.
They are available in one or two axis versions. Depending on the
motor type they output two or three phased signals per axis in either
PWM or DAC-compatible format.
MC1241 series (MC1241A, MC1141A)
internal microstepping generation for stepping motors. They are
available in a one or a two-axis version. Two phased signals are
output per axis in either PWM or DAC-compatible format. An
incremental encoder signal can be input to confirm motor position.
MC1451 series (MC1451A, MC1251A, MC1151A, MC1451A-E,
MC1251A-E, MC1151A-E) -
pulse and direction signal output appropriate for driving step motorbased systems. They are available in a one, two, or four-axis version
and are also available with quadrature encoder input.
Each of these chipsets has an associated Chipset Developer's
Kit available for it. For more information contact your PMD
- These chipsets take in incremental
These chipsets take in
- These chipsets provide
These chipsets provide very high speed
Electrical Characteristics
Interconnections between the two chips consist of a data bus and
various control and synchronization signals. The following table
summarizes the signals that must be interconnected for the chipset to
function properly. For each listed signal the I/O chip pin on the left side
of the table is directly connected to the pin to the right.
The MC1241A consists of two 68 pin PLCC's both fabricated in CMOS.
The Peripheral Input/Output IC (I/O chip) is responsible for interfacing
to the host processor and to the position input encoders. The Command
Processor IC (CP chip) is responsible for all host command, trajectory,
and microstep computations, as well as for outputting the PWM and
DAC signals.
The following figure shows a typical system block diagram, along with
the pin connections between the I/O chip and the CP chip.
For a complete description of all pins see the 'Pin Descriptions'
section of this manual.
The CP and I/O chips function together as one integrated motion
processor. The major components connected to the chip set are the
optional encoder (2, or 1 axes), the motor amplifier (2, or 1 axes), and
the host processor.
The encoder signals are input to the I/O chip in quadrature format. Two
signals encode the position, and an optional index signal contains a
once-per-rotation locating signal.
The chipset's motor output signals are connected to the motor amplifier.
Two types of output are provided; PWM (pulse width modulation), and
DAC-compatible signals used with an external DAC (digital to analog
converter). In addition 2-phase as well as 3-phase stepping motors are
supported. Because the output signals are in microstepping format, two
phased signals are provided per axis, with the relative phasing of the
two signals depending on the motor type (2-phase or 3-phase).
The host processor is interfaced via an 8-bit bi-directional bus and
various control signals. Host communication is coordinated by a
ready/busy signal, which indicates when communication is allowed.
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Unless otherwise stated, all electrical specifications are for both
the I/O and CP chips.
Storage Temperature, Ts.....................-55 deg. C to +150 deg. C
Supply Voltage, Vcc.............................-0.3 V to +7.0 V
Power Dissipation, Pd..........................650 mW (I/O and CP
Operating Ratings
Operating Temperature, Ta .................0 deg. C to +70 deg. C*
Nominal Clock Frequency, Fclk...........25.0 Mhz
Supply Voltage, Vcc.............................4.75 V to 5.25 V
* Industrial and Military operating ranges also available. Contact your
PMD representative for more information
DC Electrical Characteristics
(Vcc and Ta per operating ratings, Fclk = 25.0 Mhz)
~HostSlct Hold TimeT6152000 (note 3)nS
~HostSlct Setup TimeT710nS
HostCmd Setup TimeT810nS
Host Cmd Hold TimeT925nS
HostRdy Delay TimeT1370nS
~HostWrite Pulse WidthT1450nS
Write Data Setup TimeT1535nS
Write Data Hold TimeT1630nS
Data Word Read Timing
~HostSlct Hold TimeT6152000 (note 3)nS
~HostSlct Setup TimeT7 (read only)- 20nS
HostCmd Setup TimeT8 (read only)- 20nS
HostCmd Hold TimeT925nS
Read Data Access TimeT1050nS
Read Data Hold TimeT1110nS
~HostRead high to HI-Z TimeT1250nS
HostRdy Delay TimeT1370nS
Read Recovery TimeT1760nS
Data Word Write Timing
~HostSlct Hold TimeT6152000 (note 3)nS
~HostSlct Setup TimeT710nS
HostCmd Setup TimeT810nS
HostCmd Hold TimeT925nS
HostRdy Delay TimeT1370nS
~HostWrite Pulse WidthT1450nS
Write Data Setup TimeT1535nS
Write Data Hold TimeT1630nS
Write Recovery TimeT1860nS
DAC Interface Timing
I/OAddr Stable to ~I/OWrite setup timeT1935nS
~I/OWrite Pulse WidthT205695nS
Data Hold Time After ~I/OWriteT2117nS
ClkOut Low to I/OAddr stableT221040nS
ClkOut Low to ~I/OWrite LowT237592nS
ClkOut Low to Data ValidT2492nS
ClkOut Cycle TimeT25160 typical (note 4)nS
I/OAddr Stable to DACSlct HighT2666nS
~I/OWrite Low to DACSlct HighT2744.5nS
PWM Output Timing
PWM Output Frequency97.6Khz
note 1~HostSlct and HostCmd may optionally be de-asserted if setup and hold times are met.
note 2Chip-set performance figures and timing information valid at Fclk = 25.0 only. For timing information & performance parameters at Fclk <
25.0 Mhz, call PMD.
note 3Two micro seconds maximum to release interface before chip set responds to command
note 4ClkOut from CP is 1/4 frequency of ClkIn (CP chip).
I/O Timing Diagrams
The following diagrams show the MC1241A electrical interface timing. T#' values are listed in the above timing chart.
Quadrature A, B channels for axis 1 - 2 (input). Each of these 2 pairs of quadrature (A, B)
signals provide the position feedback for an incremental encoder. When the encoder is
moving in the positive, or forward direction, the A signal leads the B signal by 90 degs.
NOTE: Many encoders require a pull-up resistor on each of these signals to establish a
proper high signal (check the encoder electrical specifications)
NOTE: For MC1241A all 4 pins are valid. For MC1141A pins for axes 1 only are valid. Invalid
axis pins can be left unconnected
NOTE: These signals are not required for normal operation, but may be used if desired to
confirm motor position.
Index encoder signals for axis 1-2 (input). Each of these 2 signals indicate the index flag
state from the encoder. A valid index pulse is recognized by the chip set when the index flag
transitions low, followed by the corresponding A and B channels of the encoder transitioning
low. The index pulse is recognized at the later of the A or B transitions. If not used this signal
must be tied high.
NOTE: For MC1241A both pins are valid. For MC1141A pins for axes 1 only are valid.
Invalid axis pins can be left unconnected.
NOTE: These signals are not required for normal operation, but may be used if desired to
confirm motor position.
I/ODACSlct33DAC Select (output). This signal is asserted high to select any of the available DAC output
I/OCPClk46I/O chip clock (input). This signal is connected directly to the ClkOut pin (CP chip) and
I/OI/OClkIn52Phase shifted clock (input). This signal must be connected to I/OClkOut (I/O chip), and inputs
I/OI/OClkOut45Phase shifted clock (output). This signal must be connected to I/OClkIn (I/O chip), and
Home signals for axis 1-2 (input). Each of these signals provide a general purpose input to
the hardware position capture mechanism. A valid home signal is recognized by the chipset
when the home flag transitions low. These signals have a similar function as the ~Index
signals, but are not gated by the A and B encoder channels. For valid axis pins, If not used,
this signal must be tied high. See below for valid pin definitions for the MC1241A and
NOTE: For MC1241A both pins are valid. For MC1141A pins for axes 1 only are valid.
Invalid axis pins can be left unconnected.
NOTE: These signals are not required for normal operation, but may be used if desired to
confirm motor position.
channels. For details on DAC decoding see description of DAC16Addr0-1 signals.
provides the clock signal for the I/O chip. The frequency of this signal is 1/4 the user-provided
ClkIn (CP chip) frequency.
a phase shifted clock signal.
outputs a phase shifted clock signal.
I/O chip to CP chip communication address (input). These 4 signals are connected to the
corresponding I/OAddr0-3 pins (CP chip), and together provide addressing signals to
facilitate CP to I/O chip communication.
ICPin NamePin #Description/Functionality
I/O~CPWrite2I/O chip to CP chip communication write (input). This signal is connected to the ~I/OWrite pin
(CP chip) and provides a write strobe to facilitate CP to I/O chip communication.
I/OHostCmd41Host Port Command (input). This signal is asserted high to write a host command to the chip
I/OHostRdy37Host Port Ready/Busy (output). This signal is used to synchronize communication between
I/O~HostRead51Host Port Read data (input). Used to indicate that a data word is being read from the chip set
I/O~HostWrite47Host Port Write data (input). Used to indicate that a data word or command is being written to
I/O~HostSlct48Host Port Select (input). Used to select the host port for reading or writing operations (low
I/O~HostIntrpt44Host Interrupt (output). A low assertion on this pin indicates that a host interrupt condition
I/OVcc4, 21, 25, 38, 55I/O chip supply voltage pin. All of these pins must be connected to the supply voltage. Supply
I/OGND14, 15, 32, 49, 54,66I/O chip ground pin. All of these pins must be connected to the power supply return.
I/O chip to CP chip communication control (mixed). These 4 signals are connected to the
corresponding I/OCntrl0-3 pins (CP chip), and provide control signals to facilitate CP to I/O
chip communication.
set. It is asserted low to read or write a host data word to the chipset
the DSP and the host. HostRdy will go low (indicating host port busy) at the end of a host
command write or after the second byte of a data write or read. HostRdy will go high
(indicating host port ready) when the command or data word has been processed and the
chip set is ready for more I/O operations. All host port communications must be made with
HostRdy high (indicating ready).
Typical busy to ready cycle is 67.5 uSec, although it can be longer when host port traffic is
(low asserts read).
the chip set (low asserts write).
assertion selects port). ~HostSlct must remain inactive (high) when the host port is not in use.
exists that may require special host action.
Host Port Data 0-7 (bi-directional, tri-stated). These signals form the 8 bit host data port used
during communication to/from the chip set. This port is controlled by ~HostSlct, ~HostWrite,
~HostRead and HostCmd.
I/O chip to CP chip data port (bi-directional). These 8 bits are connected to the corresponding
Data4-11 pins on the CP chip, and facilitate communication to/from the I/O and CP chips..
PWM motor output magnitude signals (output). When the chip set is in PWM output mode
these pins provide the Pulse Width Modulated magnitude signal to the motor amplifier. Two
phases of command signal are output per motor axis, indicated phase A and phase B, with
the axis number indicated 1 or 2.
NOTE: For MC1241A all four pins are valid. For MC1141A pins for axes 1 only are valid.
Invalid axis pins can be left unconnected.
The PWM resolution is 10 bits, frequency = 97.6 kHz.
PWM motor output direction signals (output). When the chip set is in PWM output mode
these pins provide the sign signal to the motor amplifier. Two phases of command signals are
output per motor axis, indicated phase A and phase B, with the axis number indicated 1 or 2.
NOTE: For MC1241A all four pins are valid. For MC1141A pins for axes 1 only are valid.
Invalid axis pins can be left unconnected.
Positive limit switch input for axis 1-2. These signals provide directional limit inputs for the
positive-side travel limit of the axis. Upon powerup these signals default to "active high"
interpretation, but the interpretation can be set explicitly using the SET_LMT_SENSE
command. (See Host Command Section for more info.) If not used these signals should be
tied low for the default interpretation, or tied high if the interpretation is reversed.
NOTE: For MC1241A both pins are valid. For MC1141A pins for axes 1 only are valid. Invalid
axis pins can be left un connected.
Negative limit switch input for axis 1-2. These signals provide directional limit inputs for the
negative-side travel limit of the axis. Upon powerup these signals default to "active high"
interpretation, but the interpretation can be set explicitly using the SET_LMT_SENSE
command. (See Host Command Section for more info.) If not used these signals should be
tied low for the default interpretation, or tied high if the interpretation is reversed.
NOTE: For MC1241A both pins are valid. For 1141 pins for axis 1 only are valid. Invalid axis
pins can be left un connected.
CPClkIn24Clock In (input). This pin provides the chip set master clock (Fclk = 25.0 Mhz)
Axis Address used during 16-bit DAC motor command output. These signals encode the
motor output axis address as shown in the table below:
Dac16Addr1 Dac16Addr0 Addressed Encoder
LowLowAxis 1 phase A
LowHighAxis 1 phase B
HighLowAxis 2 phase A
HighHighAxis 2 phase B
To write a valid DAC motor command value DACSlct (I/O chip) and I/OAddr0-3 (CP chip)
must be high, and I/OWrite (CP chip) must be low. The 16 bit DAC data word is organized as
follows: High twelve bits are in Data0-11 (CP chip), and low 4 bits are in DACLow0-3 (CP
ICPin NamePin #Description/Functionality
CPClkOut19Clock Out (output). This pin provides a clock output which is 1/4 the ClkIn frequency. This pin
is connected to I/OClkin (I/O chip).
CP~Reset17Master chip set reset (input). When brought low, this pin resets the chip set to its initial
condition. Reset should occur no less than 250 mSec after stable power has been provided
to the chip set.
I/O chip to CP chip communication control (mixed). These signals are connected to the
corresponding CPCntrl0-3 pins on the I/O chip, and provide control signals to facilitate CP to
I/O communication.
Multi-purpose Data0-11. (Bi-directional). These pins have 2 functions:
1) Pins Data4-11 (8 bits total) are connected to the corresponding CPData4-11 pins on the
I/O chip, and are used to communicate between the CP and I/O chips
2) Pins Data0-11 hold the high 12 bits of the DAC output value when the output mode is set
to 16-bit DAC.
DACLow0-3 (output). These pins hold the lowest 4 bits of the 16 bit DAC output word when
the output mode is set to 16 bit DAC. These pins, in conjunction with Data0-11 (providing the
high 12 bits) make up the 16-bit DAC output word.
Multi-purpose Address0-3 (output). These pins are connected to the corresponding CPAddr03 pins on the I/O chip. They have 2 functions; They provide addressing signals to facilitate
communication between the I/O chip and CP chip, and they are used during DAC data
decoding. To read a valid DAC value from Data0-Data11 (CP chip), DACSlct (I/O chip) and
I/OAddr0-3 (CP chip) must all be high, and I/OWrite (CP chip) must be low.
1) It provides a control signal to the I/O chip to facilitate communication between the I/O chip
and CP chip.
2) It is used during DAC data decoding to read a valid DAC value from Data0-Data11 (CP
chip), DACSlct (I/O chip) and I/OAddr0-3 (CP chip) must all be high, and I/OWrite (CP chip)
must be low.
CPVcc4, 22, 33CP chip supply voltage pin. All of these pins must be connected to the supply voltage. Supply
voltage = 4.75 to 5,.25 V
CPGND3, 34CP chip ground pin. All of these pins must be connected to the power supply return.
Theory of Operations
Incremental E ncoder
Internal Block Diagram
PWM mag.
PWM dir .D A C add r es s
PWM, DAC signal generator (2-4 channels)
Motor Output
Micr os tepping
Generator (2)
DAC data
counter (2)
Index capt ur e
register (2)
Host I/O controller
host int erruptDataControl
The above figure shows an internal block diagram for the MC1241A
motion processor.
Each axis provides programmable trajectory generation including
electronic gearing, trapezoidal point-to-point, and s-curve point to point
moves. In addition the chipset contains an internal microstepping signal
generator. The microstep generator outputs 2 phased signals per axis
with 64 usteps per full step. These signals can be used to directly drive
each coil of the stepper motor for smooth, microstepped motion.
The chipset calculates all trajectory information on a cycle-by-cycle
basis. Each cycle results in a new desired sine-wave frequency output
based on the trajectory generator mode and the specified trajectory
Trajectory profile
generator (2)
System R eg i st er s ( 2)
Host command
Over-travel InputsHost I/O
The sine-wave microstepping signals are output in PWM format with a
separate magnitude and sign signal per phase, or as a digital word with
up to 16 bits of resolution that is constructed externally into an analog
signal using a DAC. In DAC mode two address bits indicate which of
the two axes and two phases are being loaded by the chipset.
Encoder feedback is available for each motor axis and can be used by
the host to check that the axis has achieved a desired position.
Additionally, the chipset can use the encoder information to
automatically detect a motor stall condition while a move is ongoing.
The following table summarizes the operational parameters of the
MC1241-series chipsets.
MC1241-Series Chipset Operational Parameters
Available configurations:2 axes with internal microstepping generation (MC1241A)
1 axes with internal microstepping generation (MC1141A)
Operating Modes:Open loop (motor is controlled directly by trajectory generator)
Position Range:-1,073,741,824 to 1,073,741,823 usteps
Velocity Range:-16,384 to 16,383 usteps/cycle with a resolution of 1/65,536 usteps/cycle
Acceleration Range:
Jerk Range:
Start velocity range-32,768 to +32,767 steps/cycle with a resolution of 1/65,536 steps/cycle
Trajectory Profile Generator Modes:S-curve (host commands final position, max velocity, max acceleration, and jerk)
Electronic Gear Ratio Range:32768:1 to 1:32768 (negative and positive direction)
Encoder Input Signals:A, B, Index
Microstepping Waveform:Sinusoidal
# Steps Per Full Step:64
Microstep Lookup Rate:15 kHz
Phasing:90 degrees (used with 2-phase stepper motors)
# of Output Phases:2 (all motor types)
PWM Frequency:97.6 kHz
PWM resolution:8 bits
Max Incremental. Encoder Rate:1.75 Mcounts/sec
Profile Cycle Rate :540 uSec*.
# of Limit Switch Inputs Per Axis2 (one for each direction of travel)
Miscellaneous control lines:Home switch input (one per axis)
# of Position Capture Sources:2 (Index, Home signals)
Capture Trigger Latency:160 nSec
# of Host Commands:80
S-curve profile: - 1/2 to + 1/2 usteps/cycle2 with a resolution of 1/65,536 usteps/cycle
All others: -16,384 to 16,383 usteps/cycle2 with a resolution of 1/65,536 usteps/cycle
-1/2 to +1/2 usteps/cycle3, with a resolution of 1/4,294,967,296 usteps/cycle
(used with trapezoidal and velocity profile modes only)
Trapezoidal (host commands final position, max velocity, starting velocity, and acceleration)
Velocity contouring (host commands max velocity, starting velocity, acceleration)
Electronic Gear (Encoder position is used as position command for corresponding axis).
120 degrees (used with 3-phase stepper motors or AC Induction motors)
*Exact cycle time is 542.72 uSec, 540 is an approximation
Trajectory Profile Generation
The trajectory profile generator performs calculations to determine the
target position, velocity and acceleration on a continuous basis. These
calculations are performed taking into account the current profile mode,
as well as the current profile parameters set by the host. Four trajectory
profile modes are supported:
- S-curve point to point
- Trapezoidal point to point
- Velocity contouring
- Electronic Gear
The commands to select these profile modes are
SET_PRFL_S_CRV (to select the s-curve mode), SET_PRFL_TRAP
(to select the trapezoidal mode) SET_PRFL_VEL (to select the
velocity contouring mode) and SET_PRFL_GEAR (to select the
electronic gear mod).
Throughout this manual various command mnemonics will be
shown to clarify chipset usage or provide specific examples. See
the Host Communications section for a description of host
command nomenclature.
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