PMC RM7000-200S, RM7000-200T, RM7000-225S, RM7000-250S, RM7000-250T Datasheet

RM7000 Microprocessor with On-Chip Secondary Cache Datasheet
RM7000 Microprocessor with On-Chip
Secondary Cache
Issue 1, January 2001
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc and for its Customers Internal Use Document ID: PMC-2002175, Issue 1
RM7000 Microprocessor with On-Chip Secondary Cache Datasheet

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Revision History

RM7000 Microprocessor with On-Chip Secondary Cache Datasheet
Issue No. Issue Date

1 January 2001 3618 T. Chapman Applied PMC-Sierra template to exi sting

ECN Number Originator Details of Change
MPD (QED) FrameMaker document. Changed IP register bits to INT. Updated Notes 1 and 5 of the System
Interface Parameters table.
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RM7000 Microprocessor with On-Chip Secondary Cache Datasheet

Document Conventions

The following conventions are used in this datasheet:
All signal, pin, and b us names descri bed i n the t ext, s uch as ExtRqst*, are in boldf ace
All bit and field names described in the text, such as Interrupt Mask, are in an italic -
bold typeface.

All instruct ion names, such as MFHI, are in san serif typeface.

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RM7000 Microprocessor with On-Chip Secondary Cache Datasheet

Table of Contents

Legal Information ...........................................................................................................................2
Revision History .............................................................................................................................3
Document Conventions .................................................................................................................4
Table of Contents ..........................................................................................................................5
List of Figures ....................................... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ..................................................7
List of Tables ............................................................................................ .....................................8
1 Features ......................................... ....................................................................... ..................9
2 Block Diagram ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... .......................................................................................10
3 Description ............................................................................................................................11
4 Hardware Overview ...............................................................................................................12
4.1 CPU Registers .............................................................................................................12
4.2 Superscalar Dispatch ...................................................................................................12
4.3 Pipeline ........................................................................................................................13
4.4 Integer Unit ..................................................................................................................14
4.5 ALU ..............................................................................................................................15
4.6 Integer Multiply/Divide ..................................................................................................15
4.7 Floating-Point Coprocessor ..........................................................................................16
4.8 Floating-Point Unit .......................................................................................................16
4.9 Floating-Point General Register File ............................................................................16
4.10 System Control Coprocessor (CP0) .............................................................................17
4.11 System Control Coprocessor Registers .......................................................................18
4.12 Virtual to Physical Address Mapping ............................................................................19
4.13 Joint TLB ......................................................................................................................20
4.14 Instruction TLB .............................................................................................................20
4.15 Data TLB ......................................................................................................................20
4.16 Cache Memory .............................................................................................................21
4.17 Instruction Cache .........................................................................................................21
4.18 Data Cache ..................................................................................................................21
4.19 Secondary Cache ........................................................................................................23
4.20 Secondary Caching Protocols ......................................................................................24
4.21 Tertiary Cache .............................................................................................................24
4.22 Cache Locking .............................................................................................................26
4.23 Cache Management .....................................................................................................26
4.24 Primary Write Buffer .....................................................................................................27
4.25 System Interface ................... ....... ...... ....... ...................................................................27
4.26 System Address/Data Bus ........... ...... ....... ...... ....................................... ...... ....... ...... ...28
4.27 System Command Bus ................................................ ...... ....... ...... .............................28
4.28 Handshake Signals ......................................................................................................28
4.29 System Interface Operation ......................................................................... ....... ...... ...29
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RM7000 Microprocessor with On-Chip Secondary Cache Datasheet
4.30 Data Prefetch ...............................................................................................................31
4.31 Enhanced Write Modes ................................................................................................32
4.32 External Requests ........................................................................................................32
4.33 Test/Breakpoint Registers ............................................................................................32
4.34 Performance Counters .................................................................................................33
4.35 Interrupt Handling ........................................................................................................35
4.36 Standby Mode .... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....................................... ...... ....... ...... ...37
4.37 JTAG Interface .............................................................................................................37
4.38 Boot-Time Options .......................................................................................................37
4.39 Boot-Time Modes .........................................................................................................37
5 Pin Descriptions ....................................................................................................................39
6 Absolute Maximum Ratings1 ................................................................................................43
7 Recommended Operating Conditions ...................................................................................44
8 DC Electrical Characteristics .................................................................................................45
9 Power Consumption ..............................................................................................................46
10 AC Electrical Characteristic s .......... ....................................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... . ..47
10.1 Capacitive Load Deration .............................................................................................47
10.2 Clock Parameters ........................................................................................................47
10.3 System Interface Parameters ................... ...... .............................................................48
10.4 Boot-Time Interface Parameters ..................................................................................48
11 Timing Diagrams ...................................................................................................................49
11.1 Clock Timing ................................................................................................................49
12 Packaging Information ..........................................................................................................50
13 RM7000 Pinout .....................................................................................................................51
14 Ordering Information .............................................................................................................53
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RM7000A Microprocessor with On-Chip Secondary Cache Datasheet

List of Figures

Figure 1 Block Diagram ..........................................................................................................10
Figure 2 CP0 Registers ...........................................................................................................12
Figure 3 Instruction Issue Paradigm .......................................................................................13
Figure 4 Pipeline 1...................................................................................................................4
Figure 5 CP0 Registers ...........................................................................................................18
Figure 6 Kernel Mode Virtual Addressing (32-bit mode) .........................................................19
Figure 7 Tertiary Cache Hit and Miss .....................................................................................25
Figure 8 Typical Embedded System Block Diagram ...............................................................28
Figure 9 Processor Block Read ..............................................................................................30
Figure 10 Processor Block Write ..............................................................................................31
Figure 11 Multiple Outstanding Reads ......................................................................................31
Figure 12 Clock Timing .............................................................................................................49
Figure 13 Input Timing ..............................................................................................................49
Figure 14 Output Timing ...........................................................................................................49
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RM7000A Microprocessor with On-Chip Secondary Cache Datasheet

List of Tables

Table 1 Instruction Issue Rules ...............................................................................................12
Table 2 Dual Issue Instruction Classes ...................................................................................13
Table 3 ALU Operations .........................................................................................................15
Table 4 Integer Multiply/Divide Operations ..............................................................................15
Table 5 Floating Point Latencies and Repeat Rates ...............................................................17
Table 6 Cache Attributes .........................................................................................................26
Table 7 Cache Locking Control ...............................................................................................26
Table 8 Penalty Cycles ............................................................................................................27
Table 9 Watch Control Register ...............................................................................................33
Table 10 Performance Counter Control .....................................................................................34
Table 11 Cause Register ...........................................................................................................36
Table 12 Interrupt Control Register ...........................................................................................36
Table 13 IPLLO Register ...........................................................................................................36
Table 14 IPLHI Register ............................................................................................................36
Table 15 Interrupt Vector Spacing .............................................................................................37
Table 16 Boot Time Mode Stream .............................................................................................38
Table 17 System interface Pins .................................................................................................39
Table 18 Clock/control interface Pins ........................................................................................40
Table 19 Tertiary cache interfacePins .......................................................................................41
Table 20 Interrupt Interface Pins ...............................................................................................42
Table 21 JTAG Interface Pins ....................................................................................................42
Table 22 Initialization Interface Pins ..........................................................................................42
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1 Features

Dual Issue symmetric superscalar microprocessor with instruction prefetch opti mized for
system level price/performance
200, 250, 266, 300 MHz operating frequency
>500 Dhrystone 2.1 MIPS @ 300 MHz
High-performance system interface
1000 MB per second peak throughput
125 MHz max. freq., multiplexed address/data
Supports two outstanding reads with out-of-order return
Processor clock multipliers 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Integrated pri mary and secondary cac hes — all are 4-way set associative with 32 byte line size
16 KB instruction, 16 KB data, 256 KB on-chip secondary
Per line cache locking in primaries and secondary
Fast Packet Cache increases system efficiency in
networking applications
Integrated external cache controller (up to 8 MB)
High-performance floating-point unit — 600 MFLOPS maximum
Single cycle repeat rate for common single -pr ecision ope ra tions and some double-p re­cision operations
Single cycle repeat rate for single-precision combined multiply-add operations
Two cycle repeat rate for double-precision multiply and double-precision combined
multiply-add operations
RM7000 Microprocessor with On-Chip Secondary Cache Datasheet
MIPS IV Superset Instruction Set Architecture
PREFETCH instruction allows the proce ssor to overlap cache miss latency and
instruction execution
Single-cycle floating-point multiply-add
Integrated memory management unit
Fully associative joint TLB (shared by I and D translations)
64/48 dual entries map 128/96 pages
Variable page size
Embedded application enhancements
Specialized DSP integer Multiply-Accumulate instructions, ( operand multiply instruction (
I&D Test/Break-point (Watch) registers for emulation & debug
Performance counter for system and software tuning & debug
Fourteen fully prioritiz ed vectored i nterrupts - 10 external, 2 internal, 2 software
Fully static CMOS design with dynamic power down logic
RM5271 pin compatible, 304 pin TBGA package, 31x31 mm
MAD/MADU) and three-
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2 Block Diagram

Figure 1 Block Diagram

Secondary Tags
Set A
Primary Data Cache
4-way Set Associative
RM7000 Microprocessor with On-Chip Secondary Cache Datasheet
Extenal Cache Controller
On-chip 256K Byte Secondary Cache, 4-way Set Associative
Secondary Tags
Set B
Secondary Tags
Set C
Secondary Tags
Set D
Primary Instruction Cache
4-way Set Associative
A/D Bus
Pad Bus
Store Buffer
Write Buffer
D Bus
Register File
MultAdd, Add, Sub,
Cvt, Div, Sqrt
Multiplier Array
Read Buffer
Coprocessor 0
PC Incrementer
Floating-Point Control
Branch PC Adder
ITLB Virtual
Program Counter Int Mult, Div, Madd
Pad Buffer
Joint TLB
Address Buffer
F-Pipe Bus
Integer Register File
FA Bus
DTLB Virtual
Prefetch Buffer
Instruction Dispatch Unit
F Pipe Register
M Pipe Register
M-Pipe Bus
Load Aligner
F PipeM Pipe
Integer Control
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3 Description

PMC-Sierra’s RM7000 is a highly integrated symmetric superscalar microprocessor capable of issuing two instructions each processor cycle. It has two high-performance 64-bit integer units as well as a high-throughput, f ully pi peline d 64-bit float ing point unit. To keep its mul tiple executi on units running efficiently, the RM7000 integrates not only 16 KB 4-way set associative instruction and data caches but backs them up with an integrated 256 KB 4-way set associative secondary as well. For maximum effici ency, the data an d secondary cache s are write-back an d non-blocking. An optional external tertiary cache provides high-performance capability even in applications having very large data sets.
A RM5200 Family compatible, operating system friendlymemory management unit with a 64/48­entry fully associative TLB and a high-performance 64-bit system interface supporting multiple outstanding reads with out-of-order return and hardware prioritized and vectored interrupts round out the main features of the processor.
The RM7000 is ideally suited for high-end embedded control applications such as internetworking, high-performance image manipulation, high-speed printing, and 3-D visualization. The RM7000 is also applicable to the low end workstation market where its balanced integer and fl oati ng-poi nt per formanc e and di rect suppor t for a large tertiar y cache (up t o 8 MB) provide outstanding price/performance.
RM7000 Microprocessor with On-Chip Secondary Cache Datasheet
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RM7000 Microprocessor with On-Chip Secondary Cache Datasheet

4 Hardware Overview

The RM7000 offers a high-level of integration targeted at high-performance embedded applications. The key elements of the RM7000 are briefly described below.

4.1 CPU Registers

Like all MIPS ISA processors, the RM7000 CPU has a simple, clean user visible state consisting of 32 general pu rpo se registers (GPR), two special purpose r egi sters for integer mul ti pl ic ati on and division, and a program counter; there are no condition code bits. Figure 2 shows the user visible state.

Figure 2 CP0 Registers

General Purpose Registers
63 0 0630
r1 HI r2 63 0
63 0
r29 PC r30 r31
Multiply/Divide Registers
Program Counter

4.2 Superscalar Dispatch

The RM7000 has an efficient symmetric superscalar dispatch unit which allows it to issue up to two instructions per cycle. For purposes of instruction issue, the RM7000 defines four classes of instructions: integer, load/store, branches, and floating-point. There are two logical pipelines, the function, or F, p ipe li ne and the memory, or M, pipeline. Note however that the M pip e ca n execute integer as well as memory type instruc tions.

Table 1 Instruction Issue Rules

F Pipe M Pipe
one of: one of: integer, branch, floating-point,
integer mul, div
Figure 3 is a simplification of the pipeline section and illustrates the basics of the instruction issue mechanism.
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integer, load/store
RM7000 Microprocessor with On-Chip Secondary Cache Datasheet

Figure 3 Instruction Issue Paradigm

F Pipe IBus
M Pipe IBus
F Pipe
The figure illustrates that one F pipe instruction and one M pipe instruction can be issued concurrently but that two M pipe or two F pipe instructions cannot be issued. Table 2 specifies more completely the instructions within each class.
T able 2 Dual Issue Instruction Classes
integer load/store floating-point branch
add, sub, or , xor , shift, etc.
The symmetric superscalar capability of the RM7000, in combination with its low latency integer execution units and high-throughput fully pipelined floating-point execution unit, provides unparalleled price/performance in computational intensive embedded applications.

4.3 Pipeline

The logical length of both the F an d M pipel ines i s fiv e stages with st ate c ommitti ng in t he reg ister write, or W, pipe stage. The physical length of the floating-point execution pipeline is actually seven stag es but this is co mpletely transparent t o the user.
M Pipe
lw, sw, ld, sd, ldc1, sdc1, mov, movc, fmov, etc.
F Pipe
Integer M Pipe
fadd, fsub, fmult, fmadd, fdiv, fcmp, fsqrt, etc.
beq, bne, bCzT, bCzF, j, etc.
Figure 4 shows instruction execution within the RM7000 when instructions are issuing simultaneously down both pipelines. As illustrated in the figure, up to ten instructions can be executing simultaneou sly. This figure presents a somewhat simplistic view of the processors operation however since the out-of-order completion of loads, stores, and long latency floating­point operations can res ult in there be ing even more instructions in process than what is shown.
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Figure 4 Pipeline

RM7000 Microprocessor with On-Chip Secondary Cache Datasheet
I0 I1
I2 I3
I4 I5 2I1I 1R 2R 1A 2A 1D 2D 1W 2W
I6 I7 2I1I 1R 2R 1A 2A 1D 2D 1W 2W
I8 I9 2I1I 1R 2R 1A 2A 1D 2D 1W 2W
2I: 2R: 1A: 1A:
2I1I 1R 2R 1A 2A 1D 2D 1W 2W 2I1I 1R 2R 1A 2A 1D 2D 1W 2W
Instruction cache access Instruction virtual to physical address translation Register file read, Bypass calculation, Instruction decode, Branch address calculation Issue or slip decision, Branch decision Data virtual address calculation Integer add, logical, shift Store Align Data cache access and load align Data virtual to physical address translation Register file write
Note that instruction dependencies, resource conflicts, and branches result in some of the instruction slots being occupied by

4.4 Integer Unit

Like the RM5200 Fcamily, the RM7000 implements the MIPS IV Instruction Set Architecture, and is therefore fully upward compatible with applications that run on processors such as the R4650 and R4700 that implement the earlier generation MIPS III Instruction Set Architecture. Additionally, the RM7000 includes two implementation specific instructions not found in the baseline MIPS IV ISA, but that are useful in the embedded market place. Described in detail in a later sectio n, these instructions are integer multiply-accumulate and three-operand integer multiply.
2I1I 1R 2R 1A 2A 1D 2D 1W 2W 2I1I 1R 2R 1A 2A 1D 2D 1W 2W
2I1I 1R 2R 1A 2A 1D 2D 1W 2W
2I1I 1R 2R 1A 2A 1D 2D 1W 2W
2I1I 1R 2R 1A 2A 1D 2D 1W 2W
one cycle
The RM7000 integer unit includes thirty-two general purpose 64-bit registers, the HI/LO result registers for the two-operand integer multiply/divide operations, and the program counter, or PC. There are two separate execution units, one of which can execute function, or F, type instructions and one which can execute memory, or M, type instructions. See above for a description of the instruction types and the issue rules. As a special case, integer multiply/divide instructions as well as their corresponding
MFHI and MFLO instructions can only be executed in the F type
execution unit. Within each execution unit the operational characteristics are the same as on previous MIPS designs with single cycle ALU operations (add, sub, logical, shift), one cycle load delay, and an autonomous multiply/divide unit.
Register File
The RM7000 has thirty-two general purpose registers with register location 0 (r0) hard wired to a zero value. These registers are used for scalar integer operations and address calculation. In order to service the two integer execution units, the register file has four read ports and two write ports and is fully bypassed both within and between the two execution units to minimize operation latency in the pipeline.
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RM7000 Microprocessor with On-Chip Secondary Cache Datasheet

4.5 ALU

The RM7000 has two complete integer ALUs each consisting of an integer adder/subtractor, a logic unit, and a shifter. Table 3 shows the functions performed by the ALUs for each execution unit. Each of these units is optimized to perform all operations in a single processor cycle.

Table 3 ALU Operations

Unit F Pipe M Pipe
Adder add, sub add, sub, data address
Logic l ogic, moves, zero shifts
Shifter non zero shift non zero shift, store align

4.6 Integer Multiply/Divide

The RM7000 has a si ngle dedi cated i nteger mul tiply/d ivide un it opti mized for high-sp eed multi ply and multiply-accumulate operations. The multiply/divide unit resi des in the F type execution uni t. Table 4 shows the performance of the multiply/divide unit on each operation.
add logic, moves, zero shifts

Table 4 Integer Multiply/Divide Operations

MUL16 bit432
DIV, DIVD any 36 36 0 DDIV,
Size Latency
16 bit 4 3 0 32 bit 5 4 0
32 bit 5 4 3 any980
any 68 68 0
Repeat Rate
Stall Cycles
The baseline MIPS IV ISA specifies that the results of a multiply or divide operation be placed in the Hi and Lo registers. These values can then be transferred to the general purpose register file using the Move-from-Hi and Move-from-Lo (
MFHI/MFLO) instructions.
In addition to the baselin e MIPS IV integer multip ly instructi ons, the RM7000 also imple ments the 3-operand multipl y instr uction, MUL. This instruction sp ecifies that t he mult iply res ult go d irectly to the integer register file rather than the Lo register. The portion of the multiply that would have normally gone into the Hi register is discarded. For applications where it is known that the upper half of the multiply result is not required, using the executing an explicit
MFLO instruction.
MUL instruction eliminates t he necessity of
Also included in the RM7000 are the multiply-add instructions
MAD/MADU. This instruction
multiplies two operands and adds the resulting product to the current contents of the Hi and Lo registers. The multiply-accumulate operation is the core primitive of almost all signal processing
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RM7000 Microprocessor with On-Chip Secondary Cache Datasheet
algorithms allowing the RM7000 to eliminate the need for a separate DSP engine in many embedded applications.
By pipelining the multipl y- acc umulate function and dynamica ll y determining the size of the input operands, the RM7000 is able to maximize throughput while still using an area efficient implementation.

4.7 Floating-Point Coprocessor

The RM7000 incorporates a high-performance fully pipelined floating-point coprocessor which includes a floating-po int register file and autonomous execution units for multiply/a dd/convert and divide/square root . The f loati ng-poi nt cop roc essor is a tight ly coup le d co-e xecuti on unit , d ecodin g and executing instructions in parallel with, and in the case of floating-point loads and stores, in cooperation with the M pipe of the int eger unit. As described earlier, the superscalar capabilities of the RM7000 allow floating-point computation instructions to issue concurrently with integer instructions.

4.8 Floating-Point Unit

The RM7000 floating-point execution unit supports single and double precision arithmetic, as specified in the IEEE S tanda rd 754. The ex ecution uni t is broken i nto a separa te divide /square ro ot unit and a pipelined multiply/add unit. Overlap of divide/square root and multiply/add is supported.
The RM7000 maintains fully precise floating-point exceptions while allowing both overlapped and pipelined operations. Precise exceptions are extremely important in object-oriented programming environments and highly desirable for debugging in any environment.
The floating-point unit’s operation set includes floating-point add, subtract, multiply, multiply- add, divide, square roo t, recipr ocal, rec iprocal squa re root, c ondition al moves, conversio n between fixed-point and floating-point format, conversion between floating-point formats, and floating­point compare. Table 5 gives the latencies of the floating-point instructions in internal processor cycles.

4.9 Floating-Point General Register File

The floating-point general register file, FGR, is made up of thirty-two 64-bit registers. With the floating-point load and store double instructions, take advantage of the 64-bit wide data cache and issue a floating-point coprocessor load or store doubleword instruction in every cycle.
The floating-point control register file contains two registers; one for determining configuration and revision information for the coprocessor and one for control and status information. These registers are primar ily used f or diagnost ic software , exception handling, st ate savi ng and resto ring, and control of rounding modes.
LDC1 and SDC1, the floating-point unit can
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RM7000 Microprocessor with On-Chip Secondary Cache Datasheet

Table 5 Floating Point Latencies and Repeat Rates

fadd 4 1 fsub 4 1 fmult 4/5 1/2 fmadd 4/5 1/2 fmsub 4/5 1/2 fdiv 21/36 19/34 fsqrt 21/36 19/34 frecip 21/36 19/34 frsqrt 38/68 36/66 fcvt.s.d 4 1 fcvt.s.w 6 3 fcvt.s.l 6 3 fcvt.d.s 4 1 fcvt.d.w 4 1 fcvt.d.l 4 1 fcvt.w.s 4 1 fcvt.w.d 4 1 fcvt.l.s 4 1 fcvt.l.d 4 1 fcmp 1 1 fmov, fmovc 1 1 fabs, fneg 1 1
Repeat Rate Single/double
To support superscalar operations, the FGR has four read ports and two write ports, and is fully bypassed to minimize operation latency in the pipeline. Three of the read ports and one write port are used to support the combined multiply-add instruction while the fourth read and second write port allows a concurrent floating-point load or store and conditional moves.

4.10 System Control Coprocessor (CP0)

The system control copr ocessor (CP0) in the MIPS architecture is responsible for the virtual memory sub-system, th e exception control sys tem, and the diagnost i cs capability of the p roc ess or. In the MIPS architecture, the system control coprocessor (and thus the kernel s oftware) is implementation dependent. For memory management, the RM7000 CP0 is logically identical to that of the RM5200 Family and R5000. For interrupt ex ceptions and diagnosti cs, the RM7000 is a superset of the RM5200 Family and R5000 implementi ng addition al feature s described later in the sections on Interrupts, the Test/Breakpoint facility, and the Performance Counter facility.
The memory management unit co ntrol s the virtu al memory syste m page mapping . It co nsist s of a n instructio n address translation bu ffer (ITLB), a data address translation b uffer (DTLB), a Joint TLB (JTLB), and coprocessor registers used by the virtual memory mapping sub-system.
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