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RM5261 is a trademark of PMC-Sierra, Inc.
Contacting PMC-Sierra
PMC-Sierra, Inc.
105-8555 Baxter Place Burnaby, BC
Canada V5A 4V7
•32KB instruction and 32KB data — 2 way set associative
•Virtually indexed, physically tagged
•Write-back and write-through on a per page basis
•Pipeline restart on first doubleword for data cache misses
•Integrated memory management unit
•Fully associative joint TLB (shared by I and D translations)
•48 dual entries map 96 pages
•Variable page size (4 KB to 16 MB in 4x increments)
RM5261™ Microprocessor with 64-Bit System Bus Data Sheet
•High-performance floating-point unit: up to 530 MFLOPS
•Single cycle repeat rate for common single -pr ecision ope ra tions and some double-p recision operations
•Two cycle repeat rate for double-precision multiply and double precision combined
multiply-add operations
•Single cycle repeat rate for single-precision combined multiply-add operation
•MIPS IV instruction set
•Floating point multiply-add instruction increases performance in signal processing
and graphics applications
•Conditional moves to reduce branch frequency
•Index addr ess modes (register + register)
•Embedded application enhancements
•Specialized DSP integer Multiply-Accumulate instructions and 3-operand multiply
•I and D cache locking by set
•Optional dedicated exception vector for interrupts
•Fully static 0.25 micron CMOS design with power down logic
•Standby reduced power mode with WAIT instruction
•2.5 V core with 3.3 V IOs
•208-pin PQFP package
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc and for its Customer’s Internal Use 9
Document ID: PMC-2002241, Issue 1
2Block Diagram
Figure 1 Block Diagram
Primary Data Cache
2-way Set Associative
RM5261™ Microprocessor with 64-Bit System Bus Data Sheet
Primary Instruction Cache
2-way Set Associative
A/D Bus
Pad Bus
Store Buffer
Write Buffer
D Bus
Register File
MultAdd, Add, Sub,
Cvt, Div, Sqrt
Read Buffer
Coprocessor 0
PC Incrementer
Floating-Point Control
Branch PC Adder
ITLB Virtual
Program CounterInt Mult, Div, Madd
Pad Buffer
Joint TLB
Address Buffer
FP Bus
FA Bus
Instruction Dispatch Unit
Load Aligner
Integer Register File
Integer Address/Adder
Shifter/Store Aligner
Logic Unit
DTLB Virtual
Integer Bus
Integer Control
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc and for its Customer’s Internal Use 10
Document ID: PMC-2002241, Issue 1
3Hardware Overview
The RM5261 offers a high-level of integration targeted at high-performance embedded
applications. The key elements of the RM5261 are briefly described below.
3.1Superscalar Dispatch
The RM5261 has an asymmetric superscalar dispatch unit which allows it to issue an integer
instruction and a floating-point computation instruction simultaneously. Integer instructions
include alu, branch, load/store, and floating-point load/store, while floating-point computation
instructions include floating-point add, subtract, combined multiply-add, converts, etc. In
combination with its high- throug hput fully pipel ined fl oatin g-p oint exe cutio n unit, the supersc alar
capability of the RM5261 provides unparalleled price/performance in computationally intensive
embedded applications.
3.2CPU Registers
The RM5261 CPU has a simple user-visible state consisting of 32 general purpose registers, two
special purpose registers for integer multiplication and division, a program counter, and no
condition code bits. Figure 2 shows the user visible state.
RM5261™ Microprocessor with 64-Bit System Bus Data Sheet
Figure 2 CPU Registers
General Purpose Registers
63 0
063 0
r263 0
•63 0
3.3Integer Unit
Like the RM5260, the RM5261 implements the MIPS IV Instruction Set Architecture, and is
therefore fully upward compatible with applications that run on processors implementing the
earlier generation MIPS I-III instruction sets. Additionally, the RM5261 includes three
implementation specific instructions not found in the baseline MIPS IV ISA but that are useful in
the embedded market place. Described in detail in a later section, these instructions are integer
multiply-accumulate and 3-operand integer multiply.
Multiply/Divide Registers
Program Counter
The RM5261 integer unit includes thirty-two general purpose 64-bit registers, a load/store
architecture with single cycle ALU operations (add, sub, logical, shift) and an autonomous
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc and for its Customer’s Internal Use 11
Document ID: PMC-2002241, Issue 1
multiply/divide unit. Additional register resources include: the HI/LO resul t registers for the twooperand integer multiply/divide operations, and the program counter (PC).
For integer operations, loads, stores, and other non-floating-point operations, the RM5261
implements a 5-stage int eger pi peli ne. In addi tion to t he in teger pipeli ne, the RM5261 impl emen ts
an extended 7-stage pipeline for floating-point operations.
The RM5261 multiplies the input SysClock by 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9 to produce the
pipeline clock.
Figure 3 shows the RM5261 integer pipeline. As illustrated in the figure, up to five integer
instructions can be executing simultaneously.
Figure 3 Pipeline
RM5261™ Microprocessor with 64-Bit System Bus Data Sheet
Instruction cache access
Instruction virtual to physical address translation
Register file read, Bypass calculation, Instruction decode, Branch address calculation
Issue or slip decision, Branch decision
Data virtual address calculation
Integer add, logical, shift
Store Align
Data cache access and load align
Data virtual to physical address translation
Register file write
3.5Register File
The RM5261 has thirty-two general purpose registers with register location 0 (r0) hard-wired to a
zero value. These registers are used for scalar integer operations and address calculation. The
register file has two read ports and one write port and is fully bypassed to minimize operation
latency in the pipeline.
one cycle
The RM5261 ALU consists of an integer adder/subtractor, a logic unit, and a shifter. The adder
performs address calculations in addition to arithmetic operations. The logic unit performs all
logical and zero s hift d ata moves . The shift er per forms s hifts and store align ment o perat ions. Eac h
of these units is optimized to perfor m all operations in a sing l e processor cycle.
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc and for its Customer’s Internal Use 12
Document ID: PMC-2002241, Issue 1
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