PMC-980616Issue 35 Gbit/s ATM Switch Fabric Element
WAC- 488-B
PM73488 QSE
Product Overview
The PM73488 (QSE) is an advanced communications device that enables the implementation of high performance
switching syst ems. The QSE is a 32 × 32 cell based switch element, with a total sustainable bandwidth of 5 Gb/s .
(The peak, or raw, bandwidth is much more than that: about 8 Gb/s). The QSE is designed to be used with other
QSE’s as part of a larger switch fabric. Various QSE combinations allow fabrics with theoretical peak capacities
ranging from 5 Gb/s (one QSE) to 160 Gb/s. The QSE is not ATM specific; however, should the QSE be used for
switching ATM cells, the QSE cell size is large enough to allow efficient direct mapping between QSE Cells and
ATM cells.
Multistage QSE Fabrics (Delta-Reverse Delt a c onfiguration) have rich connectivity with multi ple paths betwee n each
source/dest ination pair. A QSE fabric performs cut-through unicast swi tching and uses Randomization and Evil-Twin
algorithms to fully utilize these multiple paths and avoid the build up of internal hot spots. Randomiza tion, in combination with multiple routing paths allows graceful degradation of QSE Fabric performance if internal links fail. To
detect failed links, the QSE maintains and checks liveness patterns on input and output ports in hardware, and
automatically routes around ports if they die.
QSE data ports are 6 bits wide including a 4-bit wide 66 MHz data path, a one-bit wide start-of-cell indication, and a
one-bit wide acknowledgment signal. Each port contains "Phase Aligners" to recover the clock for that port, thus
removing the need to synchronize all data to a singl e global clock.
When switching unicast traffic in a multistage fabric (one to three stages), the first nibble of the cell will come out of
the last QSE st age before the last nibble o f that cell enters the first stage. The cell thereby traverses the en tire fabric in
one cell time. If the cell sucessfully makes it to its destination, the ("egress") device accepting the cell from the last
stage QSE has the opportunity to send a four bit "Ack Information Packet" back to source indicating what it did with
this cell ; at its simplest, the egress device can send back one pattern to indicate that the cell was accepted and another
to indicate that the cell was dropped due to, say, buffer overflow.
It is also possible that the cell was dropped inside the QSE fabric due to say a collision with another cell. The QSE
classifies lost cells as due to one of three causes (collision, all possible outputs dead, or parity errors) and will
generate an "Ack Information Packet" back to the source to communicate this event. In each QSE, the 4 bit pattern in
the information packet can be independently software configured for each of the three cases. Note that since each
QSE can be separately programmed, the patterns can even be setup so that the source knows where the cell was
The information provided by the "Ack Information Packets" can be used by the device injecting cells into the first
QSE stage to decide how to handle the cells; at its simplest, the device can resend cells that did not get through (a
more sophisticated algorithm might also take into account where the cell was lost and the behavior of the evil twin
algorithm to decide when to resend the cell; for example if the cell was dropped due to output congestion it might
make sense to back off on cells to that output).
For unicast traffic, part of switch bandwidth will be used to resend cells that did not make it through the first time
around. This implies that sustained throughput is less than peak switching capacity. The amount of bandwidth
required for resending cells and the effect of resending on latency and "Cell Delay Variation (CDV)" has been extensively studied with analytical models of the fabric. These results have then been cross checked with results from
simulating software models of the fabric. This data is crucial for designing fabrics that can efficiently support
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PMC-Sierra, Inc.
PMC-980616Issue 35 Gbit/s ATM Switch Fabric Element
guaranteed "Quality of Service (QOS)" requirements. The recommended QSE fabric configurations for high quality
switching takes these results into account; for example the 3 stage 160 Gb/s sustained throughput fabric has a peak
capacity of 256 Gb/s (60% mar gin).
The QSE fabric is store-and-forward for multicast traffic. Cell replication is performed in an optimal tree based
manner where replication is done as far downstream as possible and each QSE contains cell buffers to buffer
multicast cells. A multipriority backpres sure feedback is us ed to control the flow of multicast cells through the fabric.
PM73488 QSE
Switching A l go rithm
•Supports blocking resolution in the swi tch fabric.
•Guarantees a lower bound on switch performance using a patented randomization algorithm called Evil
Twin Switching.
•Determines routes using specified bits in the header (self-routing switch fabric) for unicast traffic.
•Determines out put groupings using a lookup tabl e for m ulticast traffic.
•Allows output ports to be combined in groups of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 for unicast traffic.
•Allows output ports to be combined in groups of 1, 2, or 4 for multicast traffic.
Multicast Support
•Supports opt imal tree-based multicast replication in the switch fabric.
•Supports 512 internal multicast groups, expandable to 256K with external SRAM.
•Provides 64 internal cell buffers for multicast cells.
Diagnostic/Robustness Features
•Checks the header p arity.
•Counts tagge d cells.
•Checks for connectivity and stuck-at faults on all switch fabric interconnects.
I/O Features
•Provides 32 switch fabric interfaces with integrated phase aligner clock recovery ci rcuitry.
•Provides a Start-Of-Cell (SOC) output per four switch element interfaces.
•Provides an external 8-bit Synchronous SRAM (SSRAM) interface for multicast grou p expansion.
•Provides a demultiplexed address/data CPU interface.
•Provides an IEEE 1149.1 (JTAG) boundary scan test bus.
Physical Characteristics
•3.3 V supply volta ge.
•5 V tolerant inpu ts.
•596-p i n En h an c ed P la s ti c B al l G r id Arr a y (EP B G A ) pa ck age.
•Operates from a single 66 MHz clock.
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PMC-Sierra, Inc.
PM73488 QSE
PMC-980616Issue 35 Gbit/s ATM Switch Fabric Element
Figure 1 shows a QSE system block diagram.
Multicast SSRAM
Data from QRTs or QSEs
Input Ports 0
NACK to QRTs or QSEs
Data from QRTs or QSEs
Input Ports 31
NACK to QRTs or QSEs
Host Interface
Figure 1. QSE Interface Block Di a gram
Data to QRTs or QSEs
Output Ports 0:3
NACK from QRTs or QSEs
Data to QRTs or QSEs
Output Ports 28:31
NACK from QRTs or QSEs
Control or Data Signals
Acknowledgment Signal
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PMC-Sierra, Inc.
PM73488 QSE
PMC-980616Issue 35 Gbit/s ATM Switch Fabric Element
The QSE, together with the QRT, supports a wide range of high-performance ATM switching systems. These systems range in size from 5 Gbps to 160 Gbps. The systems can be developed to provide scalability with linear cost.
Another key feature of the QSE/QRT architecture is that it is exceptionally fault-tolerant, both in the switch fabric
and the UTOPIA interface.
This section contains a quick overvi ew of the QSE and several example applications:
•a 5 Gbps switch using PM73487s and a PM73488,
•a 10 Gbps switch using PM73487s and PM73488s,
•a switch architecture using PM73487s and PM73488s that scales from 5 Gbps to 20 Gbps,
•a switch architecture using PM73487s and PM73488s that scales from 5 Gpbs to 160 Gbps
1.1QSE System Overview
The QSE is switch element, combinations of which allows switch fabric implementations that span from 5 Gbps to
160 Gbps. The bandwidth of a singl e QSE is 5Gbps of sustainable bandwidth; the raw, or peak, bandwidth is 8Gbps.
(Thus the QSE has an in-buil t sp ee d-up factor of 8/5 = 1.6.)
The QSE has 32 input ports and 32 output ports. Each port is a 66 MHz 6-bit interface, out of which 4 are data and 2
are control. Each port can be connected to another QSE or QRT. Figure 2 shows a QSE connected to a QRT.
Physical and/or
Adaptation Layers
Receive UTOPI A Level 2
Transmit UTOPIA Level 2
Figure 2. QSE System Overview
Input Cell
Output Cell
Receive Feedback
Receive Nibble Data
Transmit Nibble Data
Transmit Feedback
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PMC-Sierra, Inc.
PM73488 QSE
PMC-980616Issue 35 Gbit/s ATM Switch Fabric Element
1.232 x 32 Switch Application (5 Gbps)
Figure 3 shows a basic 32 × 32 switch application (5 Gbps) using one QSE and eight QRTs.
622 Mbps
Receive UTOPIA
Level 2
622 Mbps
QRT #1
Receive Input
QRT #8
Receive Input
QRT #1
Transmit Output
QRT #8
Transmit Output
622 Mbps
Transmit UTOPIA
Level 2
622 Mbps
Figure 3. 32 x 32 Switch Ap p lic ati on (5 G bps )
1.364 x 64 Switch Application (10 Gbps)
Figure 4 shows a 64 × 64 switch application (10 Gbps) using 6 QSEs and 16 QRTs. This application uses QSEs in a
3-stage fabric. This sized system can be implemented in a single 19 inch rack.
622 Mbps
Level 2
622 Mbps
QRT #1
Receive Input
QRT #8
Receive Input
× 16
× 16
QRT #1
Transmit Output
QRT #8
Transmit Output
622 Mbps
Level 2
622 Mbps
622 Mbps
Level 2
622 Mbps
QRT #9
Receive Input
QRT #16
Receive Input
Figure 4. 6 4 x 6 4 S witc h A pp lic at ion (1 0 G bp s)
Long Form Data Sheet
× 16
× 16
QRT #9
Transmit Output
QRT #16
Transmit Output
622 Mbps
Level 2
622 Mbps
PMC-Sierra, Inc.
PM73488 QSE
PMC-980616Issue 35 Gbit/s ATM Switch Fabric Element
1.45 Gbps to 20 Gbps Application Example - Seamless Growth
Figure 5 illustrates the modularity of the QSE and QRT architecture. A 5 Gbps system can immediately be created (as
shown in Figure 5), then be upgraded to 10 Gbps (as shown in Figure 6), or 20 Gbps (as shown in Figure 7 on page
19) with the QSE and the QRT. Since systems composed of the QSEs and QRTs are based on a single-stage switch
fabric, the per-port cost for each system will remain the same.
155 Mbps
155 Mbps
155 Mbps
155 Mbps
Port Card
• Two QRTs (PM73487s)
Port Card
• Two QRTs (PM73487s)
Switch Card
• One QSE (PM73488s)
Port Card
• Two QRTs (PM73487s)
Port Card
• Two QRTs (PM73487s)
Figure 5 . 5 Gbp s A TM Sw itc h Us in g 8 Q RTs, and 1 Q S E
155 Mbps
155 Mbps
Long Form Data Sheet
Figure 6. 10 Gb ps A TM Switch U sing 16 Q R Ts, a n d 2 Q S Es
• Two QRTs (PM73487s)
• Two QRTs (PM73487s)
Port Card 1
Port Card 8
Switch Card
• One QSE (PM73488)
Switch Card
• One QSE (PM73488)
PMC-Sierra, Inc.
PM73488 QSE
PMC-980616Issue 35 Gbit/s ATM Switch Fabric Element
155 Mbp s
Interface s
155 Mbp s
Interface s
Port Card 1
• Two QRTs (PM73487s)
Switch Card
• One QSE (PM73488)
Switch Card
• One QSE (PM73488)
Port Card 16
• Two QRTs (PM73487s)
Figure 7. 20 Gb ps A TM Switch U sing 32 Q R Ts, a n d 4 Q S Es
Switch Card
• One QSE (PM73488)
Switch Card
• One QSE (PM73488)
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PMC-Sierra, Inc.
PMC-980616Issue 35 Gbit/s ATM Switch Fabric Element
1.55 Gbps to 160 Gbps Application Example – LAN-to-WAN
A powerful application of the QRT and QSE devices is the creation of modules that can be used in a range of
switches with only the interconnection changing between different sizes. ATM switches from 5 Gbps to 160 Gbps
can be realized with only two unique cards. A port card has one QRT, and a switch card has two QSEs. The switch
fabri c consist s of thr ee stages, each wi th 32 QSEs (o r 1 6switch cards). To plan fo r future scalability, the middle stage
must be built-in upfront. This is a one- time cost. Then, in order to scale in 5 Gbps increments , one switch card and its
accompanying eight port cards should be added. Finer bandwidth scaling is possible by populating the additional
switch card with port cards as needed (in increments of 622 Mbps). With this switch fabric topology, scaling is possible up to 160 Gbps. Once the initial middle stage cost has been incurred, the per-port cost for 5 Gbps through
160 Gbps systems remains cons tant
PM73488 QSE
Port Card - One QRT
One UT O P I A
Level 2 Interfac e
Figure 8 . 5 Gbp s to 16 0 Gb p s Sw itc h es M odeled Using O n ly Two C ar ds
Switch Card - Two QSEs
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PMC-Sierra, Inc.
PM73488 QSE
PMC-980616Issue 35 Gbit/s ATM Switch Fabric Element
622 Mbps
622 Mbps
Port Card #1
Rx Input
Port Card #8
Rx Input
Switch Card #17
Stage 1 Q SE
Switch Card #1
Switch Card #2
Switch Card #17
Stage 3 QSE
Port Card #1
Tx Output
Port Card #8
Tx Output
622 Mbps
622 Mbps
Switch Card #16
Figure 9 . 5 Gbp s A TM Sw itc h
Figure 9 shows a 5 Gbps ATM switch using 8 port cards (8 QRTs) and 17 switch cards (34 QSEs). The middle stage
is composed of 16 switch c ards. The 5 Gbps bandwith is achie ved by adding switch card #17 (whi ch is depicted using
two boxes: one stage 1 QSE and one stage 3 QSE), and eight port cards (each of which is depicted using two boxes:
one for the Rx input side, and one for the Tx output side). Lines between stage 1 and stage 2, and stage 2 and stage 3
switch cards represent two set s of w ires, one to each of the QSEs in the middle s t age switch ca rds.
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PMC-Sierra, Inc.
PM73488 QSE
PMC-980616Issue 35 Gbit/s ATM Switch Fabric Element
Figure 10 shows a 10 Gbps ATM s witch using 16 port cards (16 QRTs) and 18 switch cards (36 QSEs). Here, another
switch card and eig ht port cards have been added to the 5 Gbps switch depicted in Figure 9.
622 Mbps
622 Mbps
622 Mbps
622 Mbps
Port Card #1
Rx Input
Port Card #8
Rx Input
Port Card #9
Rx Input
Port Card #16
Rx Input
Switch Card #17
Stage 1 QSE
Switch Card #18
Stage 1 QSE
Switch Card #1
Switch Card #2
Switch Card #17
Stage 3 QSE
Switch Card #18
Stage 3 Q SE
Port Card #1
Tx Output
Port Card #8
Tx Output
Port Card #9
Tx Output
Port Card #16
Tx Output
622 Mbps
622 Mbps
622 Mbps
622 Mbps
Figure 10. 10 Gbps ATM Switch
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Switch Card #16
PMC-Sierra, Inc.
PM73488 QSE
PMC-980616Issue 35 Gbit/s ATM Switch Fabric Element
Figure 11 shows a 15 Gbps ATM switch using 24 port cards (24 QRTs) and 19 switch cards (38 QSEs).Here, once
again, another s witch card and eight port cards hav e bee n adde d
622 Mbp s
622 Mbp s
622 Mbp s
622 Mbp s
622 Mbps
622 Mbps
Port Card #1
Rx Input
Port Card #8
Rx Input
Port Card #9
Rx Input
Port Card #16
Rx Input
Port Card #17
Rx Input
Port Card #24
Rx Input
Switch Card #17
Stage 1 Q SE
Switch Card #18
Stage 1 Q SE
Switch Card #19
Stage 1 QSE
Switch Card #1
Switch Card #2
Switch Card #17
Stage 3 Q SE
Switch Card #18
Stage 3 QSE
Switch Card #19
Stage 3 Q SE
Port Card #1
Tx Output
Port Card #8
Tx Output
Port Card #9
Tx Output
Port Card #16
Tx Output
Port Card #17
Tx Output
Port Card #24
Tx Output
622 Mbps
622 Mbps
622 Mbps
622 Mbps
622 Mbps
622 Mbps
Figure 11. 15 Gbps ATM Switch
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Switch Card #16
PMC-Sierra, Inc.
PM73488 QSE
PMC-980616Issue 35 Gbit/s ATM Switch Fabric Element
Figure 12 shows a 20 Gbps ATM switch composed of 32 port cards (32 QRTs) and 20 switch cards (40 QSEs). By
adding additional sets of a switch card and eight port cards in the same manner, this system c an scale up to 160 Gbps.
622 Mbps
622 Mbps
622 Mbps
622 Mbps
622 Mbps
622 Mbps
622 Mbps
622 Mbps
Port Card #1
Rx Input
Port Card #8
Rx Input
Port Card #9
Rx Input
Port Card #16
Rx Input
Port Card #17
Rx Input
Port Card #24
Rx Input
Port Card #25
Rx Input
Port Card #32
Rx Input
Switch Card #17
Stage 1 QSE
Switch Card #18
Stage 1 QSE
Switch Card #19
Stage 1 Q SE
Switch Card #20
Stage 1 Q SE
Switch Card #1
Switch Card #2
Switch Card #17
Stage 3 QSE
Switch Card #18
Stage 3 Q SE
Switch Card #19
Stage 3 QSE
Switch Ca rd #20
Stage 3 Q SE
Port Card #1
Tx Output
Port Card #8
Tx Output
Port Card #9
Tx Output
Port Card #16
Tx Output
Port Card #17
Tx Output
Port Card #24
Tx Output
Port Card #25
Tx Output
Port Card #32
Tx Output
622 Mbps
622 Mbps
622 Mbps
622 Mbps
622 Mbps
622 Mbp s
622 Mbps
622 Mbps
Figure 12. 20 Gbps ATM Switch
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Switch Card #16
PMC-Sierra, Inc.
PM73488 QSE
PMC-980616Issue 35 Gbit/s ATM Switch Fabric Element
Multiple PM73488 QSEs can be combined to build a scalable switch fabric. The QSE switches data in the form of
118 nibble cells. The QSE has 32-input ports and 32 output ports, each containing a nibble-wide data interface, an
SOC signal, and a backp r es s ure/data-acknowledge signal.
Groups of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 ports can be internally configured to act as a singl e a ggregate port (also called gang) for
unicast traffic. For multicast traffic, inputs and outputs can be grouped together in groups of 1, 2, or 4 ports. The input
multicast grouping mode, output multicast grouping mode, and the unicast grouping modes do not need to be the
same. Also, the QSE can be configured as a single 32 input × 32 output switch
The cell flow through the QSE has two separate data paths; one path for unicast cells and another path for multicast
cells. Unicast cells are routed from one end of the switch fabric to the other end in a single cell time. In other words,
no unicast cells are ever stored in the switch fabric. Unicast cells are stored only at the ingress and egress of the
switch fabric. Multicast cells are routed in a store-and-forward manner. Each QSE can store up to 64 multicast cells.
The QRT used as an interface to a switch fabric constructed with QSEs allows the construction of an ATM switc h up
to 160 Gbps.
A diagram of the QSE cell flow is shown in Figure 13. The unicast cell flow contains a routing stage that uses routing
information from the cell header to determine the output group. The multicast cell flow contains an interface to an
external SSRAM that contains the Multicast Port Vector (MPV) information for routing cells to multiple output
Forward Cell Flow
Backpressu r e / Ac k F lo w
Miscel laneous Signals
Phase Aligners
Receive SE_D_IN
External SSRAM
Driver s
Phase Aligners
and Rece iv e
Unicast Routing and
Distribution Path
Figure 13. Basic QSE Flow
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PMC-Sierra, Inc.
PMC-980616Issue 35 Gbit/s ATM Switch Fabric Element
2.1Phase Aligners
Phase aligners aid in constructing large systems. Clock information is recovered from the data sent to each QSE
switch fabric port. Phase aligners are used on the BP_ACK_IN(31:0), SE_SOC_IN(31:0), and SE_D_IN(31:0, 3:0)
signal lines. Since there is no setup or hold time requirements on these signals, the overall clock distribution scheme
within the system can be simplified. Howev er, overall system jitter and skew between signals on the s ame switch fabric data port must still be managed.
2.2Data Drivers
Another aid to constructing large systems is an elastic store at each QSE input data port. The data elastic store allows
data arriving from different ports to be offset by up to a maxi mu m of e ight clock cycles. The internally generated and
software programmable local CELL_START signal marks the end of an 8-clock-period window within which the
SOC marker on each of the SE_SOC_IN(31:0) lines must arrive.
2.3Unicast Routing and Distribution
Each of the 32 nibble-wide inputs is connected to an output by a crossbar. This crossbar is transparently controlled by
the cell’s routing tag, which specifies the input-to-output connection. In the event of a conflict for an output port,
higher priority cells are given preference over lower priority cells. There are three unicast cell priorities: high,
medium, and low.
PM73488 QSE
The gang of 32, also known as distribution mode, is a special unicast routing mode in which incoming unicast cells
are routed to outputs us ing PMC’s patented congestion-minimization (Evil Twi n Swi tching) algorithm. In this mode,
no routing information is used from the cell’s routing tag.
Depending on the gang mode, the QSE will need a number of routing bits to determine the output gang of a unicast
cell. For ex am ple, in gang mode of four, there are eigh t output gangs, thus three routing bits are required for selecting
the QSE. However, in distribution mode no routing bits are needed. The routing bits are taken from the head of the
routing tag and are then shifted back in at the tail (which preserves header parity). This allows the next set of routing
bits to be al ways accessible at the sam e spot in the tag, nam ely the head. The cell routing tag is broken int o eight nibbles, namely TAG_0 through TAG_7.
Figure 14 on page 27 shows the tag rotation for gang mode of four (three routing bits are used by the QSE from
TAG_0 and then shifted back in at the tail of TAG_7). TAG_0 is broken up and part of it ended up at the end of
TAG_7 (shown by the white area in Figure 14 on page 27). As a result, all the other tags (TAG_1 through TAG_7)
also get broken up and shifted (as shown by the light and dark gra y areas of Figure 14 on page 27).
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PMC-Sierra, Inc.
PMC-980616Issue 35 Gbit/s ATM Switch Fabric Element
PM73488 QSE
Figure 14. Routing Bits Rotation for Unicast Traffic, Gang Mode of Four
2.4Multicast Cell Flow
There are 64 internal cell buffers for multicast traffic. These buffers are shared among three multicast priorities: high,
medium, and low. These 64 buffers are grouped into two sets of 32-cell buffers each. One set is dedicated to ports 0
to 15, the other set to ports 16 to 32.
Bit Mapping
A multicast queue engine dynamically allocates the cell buffers to incoming multicast cells. Each cell is buffered
until it can be sent out on all output ports to which it should be routed. These output ports are designated by a Multicast Group Vect or (MGV) that is associated with a Multicast Group Index (MGI) carried by each multicast cell. Each
QSE holds multicast MGVs in an MGV RAM. The QSE has internal RAM to support up to 128 MGVs. This support
can be extended up to 256K MGVs by using an external MGV RAM.
Each multicast cell cont ains the RAM address of the MGV it is supposed to use. When a multicast cell is receive d , its
MGV is fetched from RAM and copied to the MULTICAST_QUEUE_COMPLETION register. The
MULTICAST_QUEUE_COMPLETION register tracks to which QSE ports the cell needs to be sent before its cell
buffer can be cleared. In a multistage QSE fabric, each multicast cell will look up MGVs at each QSE. The MGV’s
sequence determines which output ports will finally receive the cell . T he MGV str ucture allows software to create an
optimal distribution tree for each multicast cell.
Multicast operation can be bes t understood by considering the QSE multicast path as two separate engine s; the multicast queue engine and the multicast dequeue engine. The multicast queue engine queues cells into the multicast cell
buffers (of which there are 64), and issues backpressure on the BP_ACK_OUT(31:0) lines. The multicast dequeue
engine selects and dequeues cells from the buffers for output ports as guided by the backpressure received on the
BP_ACK_IN(31:0) lines.
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PMC-Sierra, Inc.
PMC-980616Issue 35 Gbit/s ATM Switch Fabric Element
2.4.1Multicast Queue Engine
The multicast queue engine associates input ports with cell buffers, computes backpressure for the input ports, and
stores incoming cells into the buffers. In doing so, it guarantees:
•No input port will have more than three cells pending in the QSE — this can be changed to allow four
pending cell s by setting the “Allow 4 Bits Per Port” bi t (bit 1) in the BP CONTROL register.
•No input port will have more than two high-priority cells pending.
•The sum of low- and medium-priority cells pending from any single input port will be less than 2.
In addition, the queue engine allows buffers to be reserved for high-priority cells or high/medium-priority cells. This
is controlled by bits 2 and 3 of the BP_CONTROL_REGISTER (refer to section 9.3.29
“BP_CONTROL_REGISTER” on page109). The four possible combinations for these two bits are listed in Table 1.
The multicast queue engine will compute backpressur e fo r the preceding QSE/QRT to ensure the constraints listed in
Table 1 are sati sfied. The same reservation policy applies to both sets of 32 buffers.
T able 1. BP_CONTROL_REGISTER; Threshold Control Bits for Each Set of 32 Buffers
Bit 3 Bit 2Description
PM73488 QSE
00 • Four buffers are res erv ed for high-priority cells.
• Four buffers are reserved for high- or me diu m -priority c ell s.
• All other buffers can be used by any cell.
01• Four buffers are res erv ed for high-priority cells.
• All other buffers can be used by any cell.
10• Eight buffers are re served for high- or m edium-prior ity cells.
• All other buffers can be used by any cell.
11• All buffers can be used by any cell.
After t he MGV ad dress f or th e cell e n ters t he Q S E , th e MGV a s so ciate d w it h t hat ce ll i s f e tched a nd lo aded in to the
QUEUE_COMPLETION_REGISTER (an internal register) as soon as possible.
2.4.2Multicast Dequeue Engine
In each cell time, the multicast dequeue engine selects one multicast cell for each of the 32 output ports. In effect, all
multicast cells wanting to go to a particular output port arbitrate among themselves to select the most appropriate
port. Arbitration occurs independently for all 32 ports. The cells winning the internal multicast arbitration then compete w i th th e inc oming u nicast cells f o r a ccess to th e out p ut p or t s . Mu ltica s t ar b it r ation w inne rs ar e chos en to s a tisfy
the following cond itions in this sequence:
•Obey backpress ure from the down stream QSE or QRT. Only cells with the allowed priori ties will take part
in arbitration.
•Higher prio r ity cells win over lower priority cells.
•Cells th at came in ea r lier win ov e r ce lls that came in la te r (if th e y h av e th e sa me prior i ty ) .
•If multiple cells have the same priority and came in s imultaneously, cells from a random input gang group
will be selected.
•If multiple cells have the same priority, came in simultaneous ly, and belong to the same input gang group,
the cell with the lowest port number will be selected.
•Ties are broken randomly.
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PMC-Sierra, Inc.
PMC-980616Issue 35 Gbit/s ATM Switch Fabric Element
This arbitration occurs among all cells in the cell buffers and occurs for all 32 ports. In effect, arbitration occurs for
output ports in sequence, starting with cells arbitrating for port 0, then for port 1, and continuing on until port 31
(even though the actual implementation uses a parallel algorithm).
Multic ast cells t hat h ave w on t his a rbitra tion then comp ete w ith un icas t cell s fo r acces s to t he ou tput ports . In this
contention, the cell with the highest priority wins and ties are broken randomly according to the programmable ratio
set in the UC/MC_FAI RNESS_REGISTER (refer to section 9.3.6 “UC/MC_FAIRNESS_REGISTER” on page 97).
All these operations are optimized so that, in the absence of congestion, it is possible for a multicast cell to leave the
QSE in the cell time immediately after it arrived.
As mentioned before, the queue completion register (32-bit vector) indicates the outputs to which each multicast cell
needs to go. As a cell goes out on its desired outputs, the appropriate bi ts in the queue completion regis ter are cleared.
When all bits in the queue completion register have been cleared, the cell is deleted from the internal buffers and the
buffer is reused for new incoming traffic.
PM73488 QSE
Long Form Data Sheet
PMC-Sierra, Inc.
PM73488 QSE
PMC-980616Issue 35 Gbit/s ATM Switch Fabric Element
Figure 15 shows an example of a high-priority cell preempting a cell in the multicast queue, and the resulting bit settings in the MULTICAST_QUEUE_COMPLETION_REGISTER (an internal register). (For the sake of simplicity,
only 8 of the 32 outputs, and eight bits of the MGV_REGISTER (refer to section 9.3.4
MULTICAST_GROUP_COMPLETION_REGISTER (an internal register) are shown.)
Multicast Group Vector (MGV)
(Specifies where cells should be sent.)
(Recor ds if the c ells arrived at the destinations
indicated in the
This bi t is not set since a hig her priority
cell was output on Output(3 ), preempting
the cell in the multicast qu eue.
Multicast Queue
Figure 15. E x amp le of M ultica s t C ell H an dl ing in th e Q SE
The arbiter selects between unicast cells and multicast ce lls contending for the same output port. Higher priority ce lls
are given preference over lower priority cells. If a multicast cell and unicast cell have the same priority, one cell is
randomly chosen. The random choice can be biased in favor of either unicast cells or multicast cells at different
points in the switch fabric by using the UC/MC_FAIRNESS_REGISTER (refer to section 9.3.6 “UC/
MC_FAIRNESS_REGISTER” on page 97). In general, unicast cells should be favored at later stages in the switch
fabric. Favoring unicast cells is necessary in multiple-stage switch fabrics since unicast cells are routed in a cutthrough fashion and multicast cells are routed in a store-and-forward fashion. As such, a unicast cell becomes more
“valuable” as it proceeds further in the switc h fabric, since it did so at the expense of other cells.
Long Form Data Sheet
PMC-Sierra, Inc.
PMC-980616Issue 35 Gbit/s ATM Switch Fabric Element
For example, co nsider a congested 3-stage switch fabric w h ere unic ast cells and multicast cells of equal priorities collide at each stage in the fabric, without any biasing. A unicast ce ll must make it from ingress to egress in one cell time
and the chances of doing so would be a little more than (1/2)
50% chance of advancing to the next stage in the switch fabric.
2.6BP_ACK Drivers
The BP_ACK_OUT(31:0) lines are used to send information from a QSE to upstream QSEs or QRTs. Thes e lines are
used to send two types of information:
•Backpressure information (for unicast cells).
•Transmit acknowledge information (for multicast cells).
Backpressure information is sent for multicast cells. This information indicates to an upstream QRT or QSE if the
QSE c an acc ep t a not her mu ltic ast ce ll i n t he nex t ce ll time . Ba ckpr ess ure in form atio n als o i ndica te s w hat mul tic ast
cell priorities the QSE can accept.
Cell transmit acknowledge information is sent for unicast cells. This information signals whether or not the unicast
cell transmitted in the current cell time made it to its destination QRT. If the cell makes it to the destination QRT, an
Acknowledgment (ACK) is se nt. If the cell has been dropped in the swi tch fabric, informati on is se nt back indicating
if the cell was dropped internally Mid Switch Negative Acknowledgment (MNACK) or at the output of the switch
fabric Output Negative Acknowledgment (ONACK). The MNACK and ONACK is used by the QRT to determine
when to retry sending the given cell.
= 12.5%. However, each multicast cell would have a
PM73488 QSE
2.7Interdevice Interconnectability
All input and output ports can be c onfigured in groups of four to directly connect to either QRT devices or other QSE
devices. This allows considerable flexibility in the switch fabric types and sizes that can be constructed using the
entire PMC chip set.
2.8Network Topologies and the Speed up Fa ctor (SF)
For many switch fabric architectures using the QSE, a single metric called the Speedup Factor (SF) allows comparison of different network topologies, which is independen t of tr affic load and type. The SF also al lows for predictions
about the network performance.
Before describing the SF metric, we will briefly discuss the network philosophy and the different network topolo gies.
Long Form Data Sheet
PMC-Sierra, Inc.
PM73488 QSE
PMC-980616Issue 35 Gbit/s ATM Switch Fabric Element
2.8.1Network Philosophy
Given current technology, to scale through 160 Gbps, a network must be distributed and use buffers at the network
inputs and outputs. In an id eal world, crossbar s of any arbitrary size could be built to provide connectivity for the net-
work inputs and outputs. Additionally, there would be a central “brain”, or global arbiter, to control the input buffers
and schedule cells optimally for routing in the network, as shown in Figure 16.
Figure 16 . Id ea l D is trib u te d Ne tw or k
Unfortunately, given real con st r aints, it is not possible to have a global arbiter wired to each input that has knowledge
of all cells in the system, and can quickly make optimal decisions about routing. Thus, each input must make decisions using knowledge local to its buffers. This results in the possibility of collisions at the network outputs, even
though it is a “perfect” crossbar, as shown in Figur e 17.
Crossb ar”
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Figure 17. More Realistic Distributed Network
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