The RCMP-200 device is combined with up to 32 PHY devices to implement the
ingress direction an ATM switch port. Two ATM switch port applications are
shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2.
The RCMP-200 device accepts standard 53 byte cells through a SCI-PHY
interface and outputs cells with variable length pre-pends or post-pends through
an extended cell format SCI-PHY interface. The appendages added by the
RCMP-200 are used by the switch for routing. The HEC can optionally be
omitted. The combined pre-pend and post-pend length can vary from 0 to 10
bytes, with the cells correspondingly being 52 to 63 octets or 26 to 32 words.
Backward generated OAM cells and Resource Management cells are specially
labelled by overwriting an appended byte to allow these cells to be processed
and routed in the reverse direction.
The RCMP-200 utilizes external synchronous RAMs to store VPI/VCI translation
tables and per VPI/VCI switch-specific routing appendages, as well as per
VPI/VCI policing and performance monitoring information. All of this information
is stored in a single structure called the
VC table
Figure 1- OC-3 Switch Port Application
19.44 MHz
Level 1/2
Interfa ce
Figure 2- DS-1 PHY Addressing Application
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc.6
and for its Customer’s Internal Use.
Figure 2 illustrates how up to 32 PHY Utopia Level 1 entities may be interfaced to
an RCMP-200. With a minimum amount of support circuitry (eg. a single PAL),
the PHY addressing mode of operation polls the PHY devices to determine the
next cell for transfer. In this example, a quad DS-1 ATM device, the S/UNI-MPH
(PM7344), provides the PHY transmission convergence function. Eight S/UNIMPH devices would be required to provide 32 DS-1 ports.
The S/UNI-MPH supports PHY address polling by sampling the two least
significant address bits (RRA[1:0] and TWA[1:0]) and generating the cell
available status for the selected PHY entity. It also holds the last state of
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc.7
and for its Customer’s Internal Use.
RRA[1:0] and TWA[1:0] before the assertion of RRDMPHB and TWRMPHB,
respectively, thus latching the PHY address resolved by the polling process. The
only support logic is that required to select between the S/UNI-MPH devices.
The IAVALID output is not required for this application.
In this application, the aggregate throughput is less than 6.144 Mbyte/s with 32
DS-1 ports; therefore, the clock oscillator frequency can be as low as 6.5 MHz.
To lower system cost further, asynchronous SRAM’s may also be used in this
application with the addition of external circuitry. Refer to the application note
PMC-960308 “Asynchronous SRAM for RCMP-200” for a detailed description.
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc.8
and for its Customer’s Internal Use.
The PM7322 Routing Control, Monitoring and Policing 200 Mbps (RCMP-200)
device is a monolithic integrated circuit that implements ATM layer functions that
include fault and performance monitoring, header translation and cell rate
policing. The RCMP-200 is intended to be situated between a switch core and
the physical layer devices in the ingress direction. The RCMP-200 supports a
sustained aggregate throughput of 0.355x106 cells/s. The RCMP-200 uses
external SRAM to store per-VPI/VCI data structures. The device is capable of
supporting up to 65536 connections.
The Input Cell Interface can be connected to up to 32 physical layer devices
through a SCI-PHY compatible bus. The 53 byte ATM cell is encapsulated in a
data structure which can contain pre-pended or post-pended routing information.
Received cells are buffered in a four cell deep FIFO. All Physical Layer and
unassigned cells are discarded. For the remaining cells, a subset of ATM header
and appended bits is used as a search key to find the VC Table Record for the
virtual connection. If a connection is not provisioned and the search terminates
unsuccessfully as a result, the cell is discarded and a count of invalid cells is
incremented. If the search is successful, subsequent processing of the cell is
dependent on contents of the cell and configuration fields in the VC Table
The RCMP-200 performs header translation if so configured. The ATM header is
replaced by contents of fields in the VC Table Record for the connection. The VCI
contents are passed through transparently for VPCs. Appended bytes can be
replaced, added or removed.
If the RCMP-200 is the end point for a F4 or F5 OAM stream, the OAM cells are
dropped and processed. If the RCMP-200 is not the end point, the OAM cells
are passed to the Output Cell Interface with an optional copy passed to the
Microprocessor Cell Buffer. The reception of an AIS or RDI cell results in the
appropriate alarm. Upon the arrival of a Forward Monitoring or
Monitoring/Reporting cell, error counts are updated and a Backward Reporting
cell is optionally generated. Activate/Deactivate cells are passed to the
Microprocessor Cell Buffer for external processing. Continuity Check cells can
be generated if no user cells have been received in the latest 1.5 +/- 0.5 or 2.5
+/- 0.5 (default) seconds.
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc.10
and for its Customer’s Internal Use.
Cell rate policing is supported through two instances of the Generic Cell Rate
Algorithm (GCRA) for each connection. Each cell that violates the traffic contract
can be tagged (CLP bit set high) or discarded. To allow full flexibility, each GCRA
instance can be programmed to police any combination of user cells, OAM cells,
Resource Management, high priority cells or low priority cells.
The RCMP-200 supports multicasting. A single received cell can result in an
arbitrary number of cells presented on the Output Cell Interface, each with its
own unique VPI/VCI value and appended bytes. The ATM cell payload is
duplicated without modification.
The Output Cell Interface can be connected to the switch core through an
extended cell format SCI-PHY compatible bus. Cells are stored in a four cell
deep FIFO until the downstream devices are ready to accept them. The details
of how cells are handled in this FIFO depends on the particular application of the
RCMP-200 and are presented in "Operational Modes" section.
The Microprocessor Interface is provided for device configuration, control and
monitoring by an external microprocessor. This interface provides access to the
external SRAM to allow creation of the data structure, configuration of individual
connections and monitoring of the connections. The Microprocessor Cell Buffer
gives access to the cell stream, either directly or through intervention by a DMA
controller. Programmed cell types can be routed to a microprocessor readable
sixteen cell FIFO. The microprocessor can send cells over the Output Cell
The RCMP-200 is implemented in low power, 0.6 micron, +5 Volt CMOS
technology. It has TTL compatible inputs and outputs and is packaged in a 240
pin copper slugged plastic QFP package.
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc.11
and for its Customer’s Internal Use.
OFCLKInput126The output FIFO clock (OFCLK) is used to read
words from the Output Cell Interface. OFCLK
must cycle at a 25 MHz or lower instantaneous
rate, but at a high enough rate to avoid FIFO
overflow. OSOC, OCA, OPRTY and ODAT[7:0]
are updated on the rising edge of OFCLK.
ORDENB is sampled using the rising edge of
ORDENBInput119The active low read enable (ORDENB) signal is
used to indicate transfers from the Output Cell
Interface. When ORDENB is sampled low using
the rising edge of OFCLK, a word is read from
the internal synchronous FIFO and output on bus
ODAT[7:0]. When ORDENB is sampled high
using the rising edge of OFCLK, no read is
performed and outputs ODAT[7:0], OPRTY and
OSOC are tristated if the OTSEN input is high.
ORDENB must operate in conjunction with
OFCLK to access the FIFO at a high enough
instantaneous rate as to avoid FIFO overflows.
The output cell data (ODAT[7:0]) bus carries the
ATM cell octets that are read from the output
FIFO. If the IBUS8 input is high, only ODAT[7:0]
carries cell octets. The ODAT[7:0] bus is updated
on the rising edge of OFCLK.
When the Output Cell Interface is configured for
tristate operation using the OTSEN input,
tristating of the ODAT[7:0] output bus is
controlled by the ORDENB input.
When OTSEN is low, the ODAT[7:0] bus is low
when no cell is being transferred.
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc.13
and for its Customer’s Internal Use.
OPRTYTristate116The output parity (OPRTY) signals indicate the
parity of the ODAT[7:0] bus. Odd or even parity
selection can be made using a register bit.
OPRTY is updated on the rising edge of OFCLK.
When the Output Cell Interface is configured for
tristate operation using the OTSEN input,
tristating of the OPRTY output bus is controlled
by the ORDENB input.
OSOCTristate117The output start of cell (OSOC) signal marks the
start of cell on the ODAT[7:0] bus. When OSOC
is high, the first word of the cell structure is
present on the ODAT[7:0] stream. OSOC is
updated on the rising edge of OFCLK.
When the Output Cell Interface is configured for
tristate operation using the OTSEN input,
tristating of the OSOC output is controlled by the
ORDENB input.
OCAOutput118The active polarity of this signal is programmable
and defaults to active high.
OCA indicates when a cell is available in the
output FIFO. When asserted, the OCA signal
indicates that the output FIFO has at least one
cell available to be read. The OCA signal is
deasserted when the output FIFO contains four
or zero words available for the current cell.
Selection is made using the OCALEVEL0 bit in
the Output FIFO Configuration register. OCA is
updated on the rising edge of OFCLK.
OTSENInput122The tristate enable (OTSEN) signal allows tristate
control over the ODAT[7:0], OPRTY and OSOC
outputs. When OTSEN is high, the active low
read enable input, ORDENB, controls when the
ODAT[7:0], OPRTY and OSOC outputs are
driven. When OTSEN is low, the ODAT[7:0],
OPRTY and OSOC outputs are always driven.
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc.14
and for its Customer’s Internal Use.
IFCLKInput41The input FIFO clock (IFCLK) is used to write
words to the synchronous FIFO interface.
IFCLK must cycle at a 25 MHz or lower
instantaneous rate. ISOC, ICA[4:1], IPRTY and
IDAT[7:0] are sampled on the rising edge of
are updated on the rising edge of IFCLK.
the method used to poll PHY devices.
If IPOLL is low, the IWRENB[4:1] and ICA[4:1]
signals are connected directly to up to four
single-PHY entities.
If IPOLL is high, polling using address lines is
used. The RCMP-200 uses the IADDR[4:0] and
IAVALID outputs to perform sequential polling of
the PHY devices to determine the next cell to
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc.15
and for its Customer’s Internal Use.
The active low write enable (IWRENB[4:1])
inputs are used to initiate writes to the input
If the IPOLL input is low, the RCMP-200 asserts
one of the IWRENB[4:1] outputs to transfer a
cell from one of up to four PHY devices. A valid
word is expected on the IDAT[7:0] bus at the
second rising edge of IFCLK after one of the
enables is asserted low. When all of the enables
are high, no valid data is expected. The
IWRENB[4:1] outputs are updated on the rising
edge of IFCLK. See Figure 7.
If the IPOLL input is high, the IWRENB[4:2] pins
are redefined as IADDR[2:0]. The IWRENB[1]
pin is used to transfer all cells. The source PHY
is selected by the IADDR[4:0] signals.
If the IPOLL input is high, the IADDR[4:0] pins
are used for PHY addressing. If the IPOLL input
is low, the IADDR[4:0] pins are redefined as
ICA[3:2] and IWRENB[4:2].
If the IPOLL input is high, the IADDR[4:0]
signals are outputs and are used to address up
to 32 PHY devices for the purposes of polling
and selection for cell transfer. When conducting
polling, in order to avoid bus contention, the
RCMP-200 inserts gap cycles during which
IADDR[4:0] is set to 1F hex and IAVALID to logic
0. When this occurs, no PHY device should
drive ICA[1] during the following clock cycle.
Polling is performed in a incrementing sequential
order. The PHY device selected for transfer is
based on the IADDR[4:0] value present when
IWRENB[1] falls. The IADDR[4:0] bus is
updated on the rising edge of IFCLK.
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc.16
and for its Customer’s Internal Use.
IAVALIDI/O23If the IPOLL input is high, the PHY Address
Valid (IAVALID) pin is active. If the IPOLL input
is low, the IAVALID pin is redefined as ICA[4].
If the IPOLL input is high, the IAVALID pin
indicates that the IADDR[4:0] bus is outputting a
valid PHY address for polling purposes. When
this signal is deasserted, the IADDR[4:0] bus is
set to 1F hex.
IAVALID is not necessary when less than 32
PHY links are being polled.
The input cell data (IDAT[7:0]) bus carries the
ATM cell octets that are written to the input
FIFO. The IDAT[7:0] bus is sampled on the
rising edge of IFCLK and is considered valid
only when one of the IWRENB[4:1] signals so
IPRTYInput21The input parity (IPRTY) signals indicate the
parity of the IDAT[7:0] bus. Odd or even parity
selection can be made using a register. A
maskable interrupt status is generated upon a
parity error; no other actions are taken. IPRTY
is sampled on the rising edge of IFCLK and is
considered valid only when one of the
IWRENB[4:1] signals so indicates.
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc.17
and for its Customer’s Internal Use.
ISOCInput22The input start of cell (ISOC) signal marks the
start of cell on the IDAT[7:0] bus. When ISOC is
high, the first word of the cell structure is present
on the IDAT[7:0] stream. It is not necessary for
ISOC asserted for each cell. An interrupt may
be generated if ISOC is high during any word
other than the first word of the cell structure.
ISOC is sampled on the rising edge of IFCLK
and is considered valid only when one of the
IWRENB[4:1] signals so indicates.
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc.18
and for its Customer’s Internal Use.
The active polarity of these signals is
programmable and defaults to active high.
If the IPOLL input is low, the RCMP-200 asserts
the appropriate IWRENB[4:1] signal in response
to a round-robin polling of the ICA[4:1] signals.
Once committed, the RCMP-200 will transfer an
entire cell from a single physical link before
servicing the next. The RCMP-200 will complete
the read of an entire cell even if the associated
ICA[4:1] input is deasserted during the cell.
Sampling of ICA[4:1] resumes the cycle after the
last octet of a cell has been transferred.
Note that ICA[1] is an input only.
If the IPOLL input is high, the ICA[3:2] pins are
redefined as IADDR[4:3] and the ICA[4] pin is
redefined as IAVALID.
If the IPOLL input is high, the RCMP-200 polls
up to 32 PHY devices using the PHY address
signals IADDR[4:0]. A PHY device being
addressed by IADDR[4:0] is expected to indicate
whether or not it has a complete cell available
for transfer by driving ICA[1] during the clock
cycle following that in which it is addressed.
(When a cell transfer is in progress, the RCMP200 will not poll the PHY device which is
sending the cell and so PHY devices need not
support cell availability indication during cell
transfer.) The selection of a particular PHY
device from which to transfer a cell is indicated
by the state of IADDR[4:0] when IWRENB[1]
Note that ICA[1] is an input only.
Proprietary and Confidential to PMC-Sierra, Inc.19
and for its Customer’s Internal Use.
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