The PM5945-UTP5 (SAPI-UTP5) daughter board contains the PMC PM5345 S/UNI155 (SATURN User Network Interface) device, the Cypress CY7B951 SONET/SDH
Serial Transceiver (a clock and data recovery and clock synthesis device), and the
CAT-5 UTP PMD in a complete CAT-5 UTP ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)
physical interface. The S/UNI is an ATM physical layer processor for a SONET
STS-3C transmission system. This daughter board has been designed to mate with
National Semiconductor Corporation's DP83300VK Vicksburg EISA adapter
motherboard to form a complete evaluation system. It is configured, monitored, and
powered through a 100 pin edge connector that mates with the Vicksburg
motherboard. The motherboard provides all of the software and decoding logic
necessary to directly access all of the registers on the SAPI-UTP5 board.
The SAPI-UTP5 line side interface deploys the National Semiconductor's DP83223
Twisted Pair FDDI Transceiver (TWISTER) device plus some magnetics to couple
signals to and from Category 5 Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP5) cables. The
TWISTER is capable of transmitting and receiving two-level (NRZ) datastreams at
155.52 MHz. The output of the clock and data recovery unit, Cypress SONET/SDH
Serial Transceiver (CY7B951), is ac-coupled to the SUNI's bit serial input. On the
transmit side, the SUNI's PECL data outputs connect directly to the CY7B951's
serial input which buffers the data and outputs the data directly to the TWISTER. On
the receive side, the TWISTER's receive section connects to the clock and data
recovery section of the CY7B951 and uses the SUNI's bit serial input. The
CY7B951 can mux the output data to the input of the PLL and transfer back the
recovered clock and data to the input of the S/UNI for diagnostic purposes. The
cables connect to the SAPI-UTP5 board via a RJ45 jack.
The SAPI-UTP5 drop side interface uses a 100 pin edge connector. The 22V10
PLDs transform the S/UNI drop side signals to comply with the UTOPIA like signals
of the Vicksburg motherboard. The receive drop side also incorporates an
additional FIFO as the internal 4 cell FIFO of the S/UNI device is insufficient to
handle the latency time between burst cell reads by the R-FRED device on the
Vicksburg motherboard.
The S/UNI is a monolithic integrated circuit that implements the SONET/SDH
processing and ATM mapping functions of a 155 Mbit/s SONET STS-3c User
Network Interface. It is the heart of the SAPI-UTP5 board; all traffic goes through the
S/UNI. On the line side, the S/UNI transmits SONET frames through the line
interface and receives frames from the line interface. On the drop side, the S/UNI
sinks cells provided by the buffer interface and sources cells to the buffer interface.
Below, the S/UNI is briefly described.
The S/UNI receives SONET/SDH frames via a bit serial interface, and processes
section, line, and path overhead. It performs framing (A1, A2), descrambling, detects
alarm conditions, and monitors section, line, and path bit interleaved parity (B1, B2,
B3), accumulating error counts at each level for performance monitoring purposes.
Line and path far end block error indications (FEBE) are also accumulated. The
S/UNI interprets the received payload pointers (H1, H2) and extracts the
synchronous payload envelope which carries the received ATM cell payload.
The S/UNI frames to the ATM payload using cell delineation. Header check
sequence (HCS) error correction is provided. Idle/unassigned cells may be
dropped according to a programmable filter. Cells are also dropped upon detection
of an uncorrectable HCS error. The ATM cell payloads are descrambled. The ATM
cells that are passed are written to a four cell FIFO buffer. The received cells are
read from the FIFO using a generic 8-bit wide datapath interface. Counts of received
ATM cell headers that are erred and uncorrectable, and also those that are erred
and correctable, are accumulated independently for performance monitoring
The S/UNI transmits SONET/SDH frames via a bit serial interface, and formats
section, line, and path overhead bytes appropriately. It performs framing pattern
insertion (A1, A2), scrambling, alarm signal insertion, and inserts section, line, and
path bit interleaved parity (B1, B2, B3) as required to allow performance monitoring
at the far end. Line and path far end block error indications (FEBE) are also
inserted. The S/UNI generates the payload pointer (H1, H2) and inserts the
synchronous payload envelope which carries the ATM cell payload. The S/UNI also
supports the insertion of a large variety of errors into the transmit stream, such as
framing pattern errors, bit interleaved parity errors, and illegal pointers, which are
useful for system diagnostics and tester applications.
Transmit ATM cells are written to an internal four cell FIFO using a generic 8-bit wide
datapath interface. Idle/unassigned cells are automatically inserted when the
internal FIFO contains less than one cell. The S/UNI provides generation of the
header check sequence and scrambles the payload of the ATM cells. Each of these
transmit ATM cell processing functions can be enabled or bypassed.
The S/UNI is configured, controlled and monitored via the microprocessor interface
on the UTOPIA connector.
For a complete description of the S/UNI, please refer to PMC-Sierra's PM5345
The Cypress SONET/SDH Serial Transceiver is an integrated SONET clock and
data recovery/clock synthesis device. The internal receive PLL recovers a 155.52
MHz clock from an incoming NRZ or NRZI data and re-times the data. The receive
PLL uses a 19.44 MHz reference clock to provide a 155.52 MHz clock in the
absence of input data. The reference clock is also used to improve the PLL lock
time. The differential input data is re-timed by the recovered clock and presented as
the PECL differential output data.
The transmit section of the SONET/SDH Serial Transceiver contains a PLL that
takes a reference clock and multiplies it by 8 to produce a 155.52 MHz PECL
differential output clock. The transmit PECL differential input pair are used to buffer
the transmit PECL output of the S/UNI. This input can also be muxed into the
receive side PLL for clock and data recovery (used for diagnostic purposes).
The DP83223 TWISTER device is capable of transmitting and receiving either twolevel (NRZ) or three-level (MLT-3) signals. It allows links of up to 100 meters of
Category 5 Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP5) cable and consists of a transmit and a
receive section.
The transmit section of the TWISTER contains a 100K ECL input buffer and a
Programmable Current Output Driver. The Programmable Current Output Driver in
this application is configured to output a current sourced NRZ datastream. The
transmit amplitude of the signal can be adjusted via an external resistor. The
nominal output voltage is 1.0 Volts peak to peak. An isolation transformer with 1:1
turns ratio plus a common mode choke is used to couple signals to UTP5 cable.
The receive section of the TWISTER consists of a differential input equalization
amplifier with signal detect circuitry, signal comparators with control logic, loopback
multiplexer logic and differential 100K ECL output drivers. The equalization
amplifier is set to the adaptive equalization mode. It incorporates a fixed nominal
receive input reference and compares it to the nominal transmit output amplitude to
approximate cable length and provide active compensation. The equalization
amplifier is optimized for a line voltage of 1.4 Volts peak to peak. Thus a step-up
transformer with 1:1.4 turns ratio plus a common mode choke is deployed to put the
line signal into the optimum operating range of the TWISTER's equalization
Line Interface
The line interface consists of the TWISTER connected to the CY7B951. To ensure
that there is a clock in the absence of incoming signal, the differential signal detect
(SD) outputs of the TWISTER are used to select between the serial and parallel
mode of operation on the receive side of the S/UNI device. In the normal mode of
operation (good incoming signal) the S/UNI device is in the serial mode and accepts
clock and data from the high speed interface (RSER is high). In loss of signal
condition, the S/UNI device is switched to the parallel mode and accepts data from
the PICLK and PIN[7:0] inputs. The POCLK is switched to generate the 19.44 MHz
PICLK. This technique also guarantees that the S/UNI will generate a LOS
indication when the TWISTER loses incoming signal. This is achieved due to the
CY7B951 not squelching the data in a loss of signal condition.
The transmit line interface consists of the S/UNI PECL transmit outputs that are
buffered by the CY7B951 and then connected to the TWISTER's transmit section.
Outgoing data on TXO+/- pins is coupled to the line via a 1:1 turns ratio transformer.
The receive line interface consists of a 1:1.4 step-up transformer coupling data from
the UTP5 cables to the RXI+/- pins of the TWISTER. The received datastream is
equalized and output by the TWISTER to the CY7B951 which recovers the data and
clock and relays the them to the S/UNI via its PECL differential outputs.
An 8 pin 8 position RJ45 modular jack is used to connect to the UTP5 cables. The
unused pairs of cables are terminated via a resistor network to a common mode
termination point. The center taps of the transformers are also terminated to the
same point.
The S/UNI is configured for bit serial operation. The 155.52 MHz transmit clock
source is synthesized by the CY7B951 from a 19.44 MHz oscillator. The receive
clock and data recovery is supplied by the Cypress CY7B951 device. If the loop
back select is enabled on the CY7B951 the transmit data is muxed into the receive
PLL and the recovered clock and data are fed back to the S/UNI device. The S/UNI
can also be configured for loop time operation. When configured for loop time
operation, only a receive clock and data recovery device is required.
UTOPIA Identification ROM
The upper 32 bytes of the address space is used by the UTOPIA identification ROM
to hold the interface configuration information.
Table 1: Standard ROM Address and Content
0x1E0Protocol Type0x1E4-0x1EB64 or 48-bit Address
0x1E1Media Type0x1EC-0x1EFReserved
0x1E2-0x1E3Capability0x1F0-0x1FFManufacturer ID, Version
Contains an identifier for the type of framing/protocol used on this PHY interface.
The SAPI-UTP5 board has 0x0C programmed into this location which specifies
155.52 Mbps (SONET/OC-3) ATM Forum standard. The following values are
Table 3: Protocol Type
Val ueFraming Type
0x0444.736 Mbps (DS-3) ATM Forum Standard
0x08100 Mbps (4B/5B block coded) ATM Forum Standard
0x0C155.52 Mbps (SONET/OC-3) ATM Forum Standard
0x0D155.52 Mbps (8B/10B block coded) ATM Forum
Contains an identifier for the type of media used on this PHY interface. The
SAPI-UTP5 board has 0x01 programmed into this location which specifies a
Category 5 Unshielded Twisted Pair (CAT5-UTP) cable. The following values
are defined:
Table 4: Media Type
Val ueMedia Type
0x00Category 3 Unshielded Twisted Pair (CAT3-UTP)
Contains two octets which define the capability of the PHY interface. The SAPIUTP5 board has 0x21 & 0x0C programmed into octets 1 & 2 respectively. The
capabilities include:
1. TxRef, =1 when this interface supports the TxRefB UTOPIA signal.
Contains eight octets which define the 64 or 48-bit address of the PHY interface.
If a 48-bit address is used, the 2 most significant octets are zero filled. The
address is stored in Big-Endian format (MSB is in the LS address). The SAPIUTP5 board has 0x00 programmed into this location.
Reserved for future expansion.
Manufacturer ID, etc.:
Contains sixteen octets which identify the manufacturer of the PHY interface.
Using the ASCII character set (7-bit code) is encouraged. Three octets of ASCII
representing the manufacture ID and 13 octets of part number.
The software reset bit is at binary address 1110xxxxx (the most significant bit is at
the far left and the least significant is at the far right). The least significant 5 bits of
the address are don't cares. Writing a binary xxxxxxx1 to this address will hold the
S/UNI, the FIFO, and the PALs reset. Writing a binary xxxxxxx0 to this address will
remove the reset. The most significant 7 bits of data are don't cares. This is a writeonly bit. A hardware reset removes the software reset.
Transmit Loopback Enable
The transmit loopback enable bit is at binary address 1111xxxxx (the most
significant bit is at the far left and the least significant is at the far right). The least
significant 5 bits of the address are don't cares. Writing a binary xxxxxxx1 to this
address will mux the transmit output data going to the optics, into the inputs of the
clock and data recovery PLL. This is all done inside the Cypress CY7B951 device.
This allows a diagnostic loopback to be done at the Cypress part to verify the
connections and functionality between the Cypress device and the S/UNI device.
Writing a binary xxxxxxx0 to this address will disable transmit diagnostic loopback.
The most significant 7 bits of data are don't cares. This is a write only bit. A
hardware reset removes the transmit loopback enable (if it was set).
UTOPIA Interface
The UTOPIA Interface makes the S/UNI drop side receive and transmit signals
compatible with the UTOPIA 1.04 interface specification. It consists of two high
speed 22V10 PALs, two high speed IDT74FCT377C buffers, and a receive
IDT72201 clocked FIFO. The 22V10 PALs can be replaced with faster versions if
you must run at a higher than 20 MHz TxClk and RxClk clock signals.
The Transmit drop side interface is controlled by the ATM layer through the edge
connector. All the transmit signals from the ATM layer change with respect to the
TxClk. All the input signals to the ATM layer are sampled on the rising edge of the
The S/UNI device asserts the TCA signal when it has a complete empty cell
available. This signal goes to the PAL (U17) and causes the TxFullB signal to the
ATM layer to be de-asserted (high). The ATM layer asserts the TxClavB signal (low)
when it has a complete Cell of data to transfer to the PHY device. The TxEnbB
signal from the ATM layer (Vicksburg card) is the output of the TxFullB signal from
the PHY layer gated with the TxClavB signal from the ATM layer. The way the
TxEnbB signal goes active (low) depends on whether the ATM layer is ready to send
a cell of data before the PHY layer becomes available to accept the data, or whether
the PHY layer is ready to accept a cell of data before the ATM layer is ready to send
The case where the ATM layer has a cell available for transmission before the PHY
layer is ready to accept the cell is handled as follows; The Vicksburg card drives the
TSOC signal active (high) and the TxData bus with valid octet byte zero coincident
with the assertion of the TxClavB signal, and waits for the TxFullB signal from the
PHY layer to go inactive (high). When the PHY device has a cell available, the
TxFullB signal goes inactive (high) and then the TxEnbB signal is immediately
asserted (low) (after a delay through a gate). On the next rising edge of the TxClk
signal, the second byte of data is driven onto the TxData bus and the TSOC signal is
de-asserted (low).
The case where the PHY layer is ready to accept a cell of data before the ATM layer
is ready to transmit the cell is handled as follows; The PHY layer de-asserts the
TxFullB signal (high) and waits for the TxEnbB signal to go active (low). When the
ATM layer has a cell available for transmission, the TxClavB is set active (low) on
the rising edge of the TxClk signal, and drives the TSOC signal active (high) and the
TxData bus with valid octet byte zero . The TxClavB signal sets the TxEnbB signal
active (low) through a gate delay.
In either case, the TxData bus is continually clocked into the first buffer (U18) by the
rising edges of the TxClk signal. The assertion of the TxEnbB signal enables the
TWRB signal to the S/UNI device. On the falling edge of the TWRB signal (rising
edge of TxClk) the data from U18 is clocked into the second buffer (U19). The clock
signal to U19 is generated by the PAL (inverted TxClk). The ATM layer updates the
TxData with new data on the rising edge of each TxClk signal while TxEnbB is
asserted and the TxFullB signal is de-asserted (high). If at the end of the current cell
transfer, another cell is available (TCA remains active), the TxFullB will still be
asserted (low) on the 51'st byte transferred. This is to accomodate the propagation
delay of TCA going inactive (low) at the end of a cell transfer and then being
sampled by the PAL (TCA must be sampled as it can go active at any time). This will
incur an extra clock delay per cell transfer. The TxClavB signal goes inactive (high)
for a minimum of two cycles per cell trasfer. There will be a 3 clock cycle delay per
cell transfer as the TxFullB and the TxClavB overlap.
The Receive drop side interface is controlled by the ATM layer through the edge
connector. All the receive signals from the ATM layer change with respect to the
RxClk. All the input signals to the ATM layer are sampled on the rising edge of the
RxClk. The receive side incorporates a external FIFO so that the S/UNI device does
not overrun due to the latency times between burst cell reads of the ATM layer
(Vicksburg mother board).
The S/UNI device asserts the RCA signal when it has a complete cell to transfer to
the FIFO. The RCA signal goes to the Receive PAL (U16) and the PAL asserts the
write enables to the receive FIFO. If the receive FIFO is not full (/FF high), the
receive PAL will start clocking the data from the S/UNI into the FIFO by generating
the RRDB clock signal. The RSOC signal from the S/UNI is inserted into bit 9 of the
FIFO data inputs. The FIFO enables the /FF (active low FIFO Full) signal when it is
full which disables further transfer of data from the S/UNI to the FIFO. If the FIFO
gets full, the S/UNI will have transferred an indeterminate portion of a cell. The rest
of the cell will get transferred as soon as the FIFO de-activates the /FF signal. The
Receive PAL uses the RxCLK signal from the ATM layer to generate the WClk signal
going to the FIFO and the RRDB clock signal to the S/UNI. The WEN going to the
FIFO is disabled while the /FF is active (low). While the FIFO write enable is
disabled, the clock going to the FIFO is the same as the RxCLK. This is done
because the FIFO /FF signal will not be disabled (high) untill it gets a rising edge on
the WCLK input.
The RxEmptyB signal comes from the Receive FIFO /EF (active low Empty FIFO)
signal. The Receive FIFO de-asserts the the RxEmptyB signal (high) upon reception
of a single byte of data. On the next rising edge of the RxClk clock signal, the ATM
layer samples the RxEmptyB signal and on the following RxClk clock signal, the
ATM layer activates the RxEnbB signal (low) if it has an empty cell available. The
RxEnbB signal from the ATM layer goes to the Receive PAL (U16) and to the read
enable (/RDEN1) input of the receive FIFO. On the next rising edge of the RxCLK
signal after the RxEnbB signal goes active (low) the first byte of data is clocked out of
the FIFO along with the RSOC signal. The receive ATM layer ignores the data until it
sees a valid RSOC signal. Once cell transfer has commenced, the ATM layer
expects a complete cell transfer. If the FIFO is empty (RxEmptyB is active) and then
the S/UNI starts to transfer data to the FIFO, there might only be one byte in the FIFO
before the RxEmptyB signal could go inactive (high). For the FIFO to become empty,
the S/UNI must not have had any cells to transfer and therefore the first byte in the
FIFO would be the first byte of the Cell along with the valid RSOC signal. Since the
RxClk clock signal is generating the write and read clock signals to the FIFO as well
as the read clock signal to the S/UNI, the ATM layer cannot read the data out of the
FIFO faster than the S/UNI can write the data into the FIFO.
SAPI Board Edge Connector Interface
The SAPI UTOPIA Edge Connector Interface includes all the signals required to
connect the SAPI board to a high layer protocol entity (i.e. a AAL processor). Cells
can be written to the S/UNI transmit FIFO and read from the S/UNI receive FIFO
using this interface. The edge connector is made up of a 100 pin dual line female
connector is shown in table below. It consists of signals appropriate to read and
write to the registers of the devices on the daughter board, and it provides the
necessary power and ground. TTL signal levels are used on this interface.
RxEnbBI47Active low signal asserted by the ATM layer to
indicate that the RxDat[7:0] will be sampled at the
start of the next cycle. Sampling occurs on cycles
following those with RxENB asserted and
RxEmptyB Deasserted.
RxClkI5 0Transfer/synchronization clock provide by the ATM
layer for synchronizing transfers on RxDat
(nominally 20 MHz).
RxRefBO5 1Receive Reference. Output for the purposes of
synchronization (e.g. 8 KHz frame marker or
SONET frame indicator). Not Used.
RxClavO54Receive Cell Available Signal. Active high signal
from the PHY layer to the ATM layer, asserted to
indicate that there is a complete cell available for
transfer to the ATM layer.
RxFlush55Not Used
A[4]I5 8Address bus bit 7.
A[0]I5 9Address bus bit 6.
A[5]I6 0Address bus bit 5.
A[1]I6 1Address bus bit 4.
Undefined6 2
VCCPower63+5 Volts
VCCPower64+5 Volts
A[2]I6 5Address bus bit 3.
A[6]I6 6Address bus bit 2.
A[3]I6 7Address bus bit 1.
A[7]I6 8Address bus bit 0.
D[0]I/O71Data bus bit 0.
A[8]I7 2Address bit used to read the Standard PHY
D[1]I/O73Data bus bit 1.
D[4]I/O74Data bus bit 4.
D[2]I/O77Data bus bit 2.
D[5]I/O78Data bus bit 5.
D[3]I/O79Data bus bit 3.
D[6]I/O80Data bus bit 6.
PrtyI/O83Data bus D[7:0] odd parity. Not Used.
D[7]I/O84Data bus bit 7.
VCCPower85+5 Volts
VCCPower86+5 Volts
Undefined8 7
INTBO88Active low, open-drain interrupt signal.
CSBI8 9The S/UNI active low chip select signal.
RSTBI92Active low H/W reset.
RDBI9 3Active low read signal asserted to enable data from
the addressed location onto the D[7:0] bus.
RDY96Not Used
The microprocessor interface provides access to the S/UNI device registers via the
100 pin UTOPIA connector. The S/UNI address space extends from 00H to FFH.
Below is a list of the S/UNI device registers. For further details, please refer to the
"Saturn User Network Interface Device Datasheet".
Table 8: S/UNI Register Address Map
0x00S/UNI Master Reset and Identity
0x01S/UNI Master Configuration
0x02S/UNI Master Interrupt Status
0x04S/UNI Master Clock Monitor
0x05S/UNI Master Control
0x10RSOP Control/Interrupt Enable
0x11RSOP Status/Interrupt Status
0x12RSOP Section BIP-8 LSB
0x13RSOP Section BIP-8 MSB
0x14TSOP Control
0x15TSOP Diagnostic
0x16-0x17TSOP Reserved
0x18RLOP Control/Status
0x19RLOP Interrupt Enable/Status
0x1ARLOP Line BIP-24 LSB
0x1BRLOP Line BIP-24
0x1CRLOP Line BIP-24 MSB
0x20TLOP Control
0x21TLOP Diagnostic
0x22-0x23TLOP Reserved
0x30RPOP Status/Control
0x31RPOP Interrupt Status
0x32RPOP Reserved
0x33RPOP Interrupt Enable
RxClk Frequency (nominaly 20 MHz)20MHz
RxClk Duty Cycle4060 %
RxData[7:0] Set-up Time to RxClk10ns
RxData[7:0] Hold Time to RxClk1ns
RxSOC Set-up Time to RxClk10ns
RxSOC Hold Time to RxClk1ns
RxClavB Set-up Time to RxClk10ns
RxClavB Hold Time to RxClk1ns
RxClk high to RxEnbB Valid12 0ns
RxData[7:0] Set-up Time to RxClk10ns
RxData[7:0] Hold Time to RxClk1ns