Plum Mobile Gator Plus 2 Instruction Manual

Plum Z351
Gator Plus II
User Manual
1 Basic Knowledge..........................................................................
1.1 Brief Introduction......................................................................
1.2 General Considerations/ Warning.....................................
2 Introduction....................................................................................
2.1 Icons...............................................................................................
2.2 Phone Layout..............................................................................
2.3 Boot Using...................................................................................
2.3.1 Insert and Remove SIM Card...........................................
2.3.2 Power On/Off.........................................................................
2.3.3 Unlock Screen.........................................................................
3 Basic Functions...........................................................................
3.1 Dial................................................................................................
3.2 Contacts.....................................................................................
3.3 Messages...................................................................................
3.4 File Management...................................................................
3.5 Camera.......................................................................................
3.6 Images.........................................................................................
3.7 Video Player..............................................................................
3.8 Music Player..............................................................................
3.9 FM Radio....................................................................................
3.10 Recorder...................................................................................
3.11 Clock.........................................................................................
3.12 Calendar...................................................................................
3.13 Calculator.................................................................................
3.14 Flashlight.................................................................................
3.15 E-mail........................................................................................
3.16 Browser....................................................................................
3.17 Searching................................................................................
3.18 Download................................................................................
3.19 ToDo..........................................................................................
3.20 Play Store................................................................................
4 Settings..........................................................................................
4.1 SIM Card Management........................................................
4.2 WLAN..........................................................................................
4.3 BT...................................................................................................
4.4 Mobile Network.....................................................................
4.5 Airplane Mode........................................................................
4.6 Audio Profiles..........................................................................
4.7 Display........................................................................................
4.8 Storage........................................................................................
4.9 Battery.........................................................................................
4.10 Application..............................................................................
4.11 Security.....................................................................................
4.12 Backup and Reset................................................................
4.13 Date and Time......................................................................
4.14 Schedule Power On/Off.....................................................
5 Common Problems & Solutions.........................................
1 Basic Knowledge
1.1 Brief Introduction
Thank you for purchasing this digital mobile phone. This i n s t r u c t i o n m a n u a l s p e c i a l u s e d t o g u i d e y o u t o understand the functions and features.
In ad diti on to comm on ca ll fu ncti ons and records, thi s phone also p rovid es you a variety of useful featu res an d services. It will brin g you more co nvenience a nd pleasure for your work and life.
Som e of the ser vic es and fun cti ons des cri bed in t his manu al dep end o n the netwo rk an d rese rvat ion servic e. Th ere fo re, th e me nu i te ms i n t he p ho ne m ay n ot be available, various menus an d functio ns of the p hone may have different shortcut number.
Our com pany re serves the rig ht to mo dify th e conte nts of this manual without prior notice.
1.2 General Considerations/ Warning
Never at temp t to disa sse mble you r pho ne. You alon e ar e r es po ns ib le fo r h ow yo u u se yo ur ph on e a nd an y consequences of its use.
As a g e ner al rul e, a lw ay s sw it c h o ff yo ur p hon e whe rev er t he u se o f a pho ne i s pr ohi bit ed. Use of y our phone is subject to safety me asure s desi gned t o prot ect users and their environment.
Do not us e yo ur p ho ne i n da mp are as ( bat hr oom , sw imm in g po ol… ). P ro tec t it fro m l iqu ids and ot her moisture.
Do not expose your phone to extreme temperatures.
The phys ico che mica l pr oce sses cre ate d by c har ger s impose temperature limits when charging the battery . Your pho ne autom at ica ll y pr ot ect s t he b at terie s i n ex tr eme temperatures.
Do n ot l eav e yo ur pho ne w ith in t he r eac h of chi ldren (certain removable parts may be accidentally ingested).
Ele ct ric al saf ety : O nly us e th e char ger s l ist ed in t he manufactu rer’s cata logue. Usi ng any other char ger ma y be dangerous; it would als o invalidate your warranty. Line voltage must be exactly the one indicated on the charger ’s serial plate.
Aircraft safety: When traveling by plane, you will need to swi tc h yo ur pho ne off whe n so in str uc ted by the cabin crew or the warning signs.
Usi ng a m ob il e p ho ne ma y b e d an ge ro u s to th e op era ti on o f t he a i rc ra ft a nd m ay dis rup t t he p hon e network.
Its use is illegal and you could be prosecuted or banned fro m u sin g ce ll ula r ne tw ork s in th e fu tu re i f yo u d o no t abide by these regulations.
Explosive materials: P lease co mply wit h warnin g signs at petr ol stat ion ask ing you to switc h your p hone off . You w i l l n e e d t o compl y w it h r ad io e q u i p m e n t u s a g e restriction s in places suc h as chemical plants, fuel depots and at any l ocati on wh ere bl astin g ope ratio ns are unde r way.
E le ct r o n ic e q u ip m e n t: To a v o id t h e ri s k o f dem agn eti zat ion, do not l et e lec tro nic dev ice s cl ose to your phone for a long time.
Ele ctr oni c m edi cal equ ipm ent: Your phone is a rad io tra nsmitte r wh ich may inte rfe re w ith electro nic med ical equipment or implants, such as hearing aids, pacemakers, ins uli n p ump s, e tc. It is r eco mmend ed t hat a mini mum sep ara tio n of 15 c m be mai nta ine d be twe en t he p hon e and an im plant. Your doct or or the manufact urers of s uch equ ipm ent wil l be abl e to giv e yo u an y ad vic e yo u ma y need in this area.
Ho sp i ta ls : Al w ay s m ake su re th a t y ou r ph on e is switche d off in ho spi tals when so i nstr uct ed by war ning signs or by medical staff.
Roa d sa fet y: Do not use you r ph one whe n dr iving. I n orde r to g ive y our f ull a tten tion to dr ivin g, st op an d par k saf ely be for e ma kin g a cal l. You mus t co mp ly w ith any current legislation.
Di st an ce of op er at io n: Th is ph on e m od el ha s b ee n tes ted an d me et s ra dio fr equ enc y e xpo sur e g uid eli ne s when used as follows:
• Against the ear: Place or receive a phone call and hold
the phone as you would a wire line telephone.
• Bod y wo rn: W hen t ransmit ting , place t he ph one i n a carry access ory tha t conta ins no metal a nd posi tions t he phone a m inimum o f 2.5 cm f orm your body. Use of ot her a cc e s s or i e s m a y no t e ns u r e c o m pl i a n ce w i th
3 4
radi ofreq uenc y expo sure guideline s. If you do not u se a body worn accessory and are not holding the phone at the ear, posi tio n th e ph one a minimu m of 2.5 cm f rom you r body,
• Dat a ope ration: When usin g a da ta fe ature, p osit ion the pho ne a mi nim um o f 2. 5 cm fro m y our bod y fo r th e whole duration of the data transmission.
Other Warning:
Any Ch anges or modi ficat ions n ot expressly appro ved by t he p art y resp ons ibl e fo r co mpl ia nce cou ld v oid the user's authority to operate the equipment.
Thi s devi ce c om pli es w it h pa rt 1 5 o f th e FC C R ule s. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) This device must accept an y inter ferenc e recei ved, inc lu d i ng in te rfe re n c e t ha t m ay ca us e u nd es ir ed operation.
Note: This e qu ipmen t h as bee n t es ted an d f oun d t o co mp ly wit h t he lim it s f or a C las s B di git al de vic e, pur sua nt t o part 15 o f th e FC C Ru les. Th ese limit s ar e designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful inte rference i n a re sidential inst allation. This e quip ment gener ates, uses an d can r adiat e radio frequ ency e nergy an d, if no t i ns tall ed an d use d in a ccor danc e wit h the in str uc ti on s, m ay ca use ha rm fu l inte rf er ence t o r ad io communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not
occ ur i n a parti cul ar i nst all atio n. I f th is e qui pment do es cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off an d on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
—Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. —Incr ease t he sep aration between th e equi pment and
—C on ne ct th e e qu ip me nt in to an ou tl et on a c ir cu it
different from that to which the receiver is connected.
—C ons ult t he d eal er o r an expe rie nce d ra dio/ TV
technician for help.
SA R t es ts ar e c on duct ed usin g sta ndar d ope ra ting positions accepted by the FCC with the phone transmitting at its highest ce rtifi ed pow er level in all te sted f reque ncy bands , a lthou gh the SAR is de te rmine d a t the h ig hest cer tified p owe r le vel, the act ual SAR leve l of the phone while o perati ng can be well be low the maximum value, in ge ne ral, t he cl os er yo u are t o a wi re le ss ba se sta tion antenna, the lower the power output.
Bef ore a new model ph one is avail abl e for sal e to the pub lic , it mus t be tes ted and cer tif ied to t he F CC t hat it doe s n ot e xc eed th e ex po sur e l imi t e sta bl ish ed by t he FCC, Tests for each phone are p erformed in pos itions and locations (e.g. at the ear and worn on the body)as required by the FCC.
For bod y wo rn o per ation, t his mod el p hon e ha s be en
tested and meets the FCC RF expos ure guid elines w hen use d w ith an acc es sor y d esi gn ate d f or t hi s pr od uct or when used with an acc essory tha t Contains no metal an d that p ositio ns the handse t a mini mum of 1.0 cm f rom the body.
Non-complia nce wit h the ab ove res tricti ons may resul t
in violation of RF exposure guidelines.
1.3 Charge Mobile Phone
When the phone is connected with the charger, charging icon will show on the top right on the screen; if the phone is turned off, charging icon will appear in the middle on the screen. If the phone battery is low, the low pow er icon will appear.
When the b attery ic on show full and no lo nger flashing, that m ean th e charg ing is compl eted. Please disco nnect th e AC p owe r ou tle t w hic h co nne ct s th e ph one an d charger after the charging is complete.
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