Playskool Wheels the Bus 05066, Wheels the Bus, 5066 Instruction Manual

OVER 12 months
Thank you for choosing this unique
PLAYSKOOL brand product.
the Bus
the Bus
Please note: The toy is shipped in “DEMO”
mode. Move switch to “PLAY” for play at home.
“The Wheels on the Bus” song comes vividly to life through hands-on play and fun vocals!
Place the bus driver and his friends in the bus to hear the song – a different verse for each character!
Beep the horn, turn on the windshield wipers or open the door…then hear
the verse from the song that matches the activity!
Note: To prevent accidental activation,
slide the switch on back of toy to “OFF.”
TThhee ggiirrll oonn tthhee bbuuss ggooeess ggiiggggllee,, ggiiggggllee,, ggiiggggllee
TThhee ddrriivveerr oonn
tthhee bbuuss ssaayyss
MMoovvee oonn bbaacckk
TThhee ddoogg oonn tthhee
bbuuss ssaayyss rruuffff,,
rruuffff,, rruuffff
CCaarrrryy hhaannddllee ffoorr ttaakkee--aalloonngg ppllaayy!!
CChhaarraacctteerrss mmoovvee uupp
aanndd ddoowwnn aass tthhee bbuuss rroollllss!!
OOppeenn aanndd
cclloossee tthhee ddoooorr!!
MMaattcchh tthhee cchhaarraacctteerrss
sshhaappee wwiitthh tthhee sshhaappee ooff
tthhee bbuuss sseeaatt!!
TTuurrnn oonn tthhee wwiinndd--
sshhiieelldd wwiippeerrss!! SSwwiisshh!!
SSwwiisshh!! SSwwiisshh!!
bboottttoomm ooff ttooyy
RRoollll bbuuss ttoo
hheeaarr 22 ffuunn vveerrsseess!!
PPrreessss hhoorrnnBBeeeepp!!
BBeeeepp!! BBeeeepp!!
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