Plantronics System v2.0 Installation Manual

© 2020 Activated Research Company, LLC | 1
Polyarc® System v2.0 Installation Manual
Agilent 7890, 7820, 6890 or equivalent
© 2020 Activated Research Company, LLC | 2
Quick Start Guide
1. Shut down GC completely: Turn off oven and detector temperatures and allow to cool; unplug power supply. (page 6)
2. Install CO2 trap on the air supply to your flow controller (do not purify FID air supply). (page 12)
3. Plumb 1/8” tubing lines from air and H2 supplies to Polyarc flow controller.
4. Place the Polyarc onto the GC with the capillary lines extending into the oven. (page 7)
5. Connect the heater assembly from the Polyarc system to the GC motherboard or external PID controller. (page 8)
6. Connect the Polyarc outlet to the FID. (page 9)
NOTE: Trim at least 0.5 inch of protruding tubing after putting on the 0.8mm graphite ferrule to remove any debris from the graphite ferrule (consult Agilent website tube cutting
guide for information on how to properly cut tubing).
7. Connect the Polyarc inlet to the capillary column using a zero-dead volume union.
NOTE: Consult Agilent website for proper swaging instructions and to ensure the right ferrule is being used. Improper swaging can lead to leaky connections and bad chromatography.
8. Connect Polyarc air and H2 inlets to their respective flow controller outlets. (page 11)
9. Power on GC; ensure carrier gas is flowing through column.
10. Turn on Polyarc air and H2 flows and measure the flows independently out of the FID to confirm
2.5 sccm and 35 sccm, respectively; adjust if necessary. (page 11)
11. Configure the Polyarc heater
12. Identify the heater type. This will be indicated on the packaging and packing list, but the following can be used as a reference.
a. PT-100 RTDs will have a blue heater cable and/or a black Molex connector. They will
display the actual temperature at room temperature.
b. ARC RTDs will have a tan heater cable and a white Molex connector. There will be an
offset in the temperature readout, and you will see a negative readout at room temperature.
13. Condition the Polyarc depending at 350°C setpoint for one hour with an ARC RTD and at a 450 °C for two hours with a PT-100 RTD
14. Set the Polyarc temperature to the operating temperature using the following settings depending on heater cable:
a. PT-100: 450 °C b. ARC RTD: 293 °C
1. Always turn the column carrier gas and air & hydrogen supplies on before heating the Polyarc.
2. Double check and leak test all connections.
3. Ensure the Polyarc is operating with gas flow rates of 2.5 sccm air and 35 sccm H2. (pg 14)
4. Configure GC methods with aux temperature (293 °C for ARC RTD, 450 °C for PT-100 RTD) and FID H2 flow rate to 1.5sccm. (page 14)
a. NOTE: if using hydrogen as a carrier gas, see important note in the Appendix. b. Limit the on column injection amount to 0.1uL (i.e., 1 uL volume 10:1 split or lower).
5. Run your method. Avoid injecting more than 1,000 ppm sulfur and large amounts of silicon containing compounds such as BSTFA or TMS.
Shut Down or GC Maintenance
1. Shut off the FID.
2. Cool the reactor to room temperature (turn off the auxiliary temperature).
3. Shut off the air and H2 flows to the reactor.
4. Perform maintenance or shut down GC.
© 2020 Activated Research Company, LLC | 3
Safety Notices
Throughout this manual, different signal words are used to indicate hazards in the installation process of a Polyarc® system in an Agilent 7890, 7820, and 6890 GC. Failure to follow the safety
messages accompanying the signal words can result in damage to the Polyarc system and GC systems, injury, or death.
DANGER indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in
death or serious injury.
WARNING indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in
death or serious injury.
CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in
minor or moderate injury.
NOTICE is used to address practices not related to physical injury.
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Quick Start Guide ....................................................................................................................... 2
Installation .............................................................................................................................. 2
Operation ............................................................................................................................... 2
Shut Down or GC Maintenance .............................................................................................. 2
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 5
Required Tools ....................................................................................................................... 5
Troubleshooting ......................................................................................................................... 6
Part I – Gas Chromatograph Preparation ................................................................................... 6
Part II – Location of the Polyarc® System ................................................................................... 7
Part III – Polyarc® System Gas Connections .............................................................................. 9
Part IV – Connecting Gas Flows to Polyarc® System ................................................................11
Part V – Final Configuration ......................................................................................................12
Heater Configuration .............................................................................................................12
Clean-up ................................................................................................................................14
Test Fittings ...........................................................................................................................14
Initial Catalyst and GC Treatment ..........................................................................................14
Method Configuration and Testing .........................................................................................15
Part VI – Polyarc Replacement .................................................................................................16
Thanks and Feedback ...............................................................................................................16
Appendix ...................................................................................................................................17
Using Hydrogen as a Carrier Gas ..........................................................................................17
Adjusting Gas Flow Rates .....................................................................................................17
1. Manual Flow Control Module ......................................................................................17
2. Electronic Flow Control Module...................................................................................18
3. Calibrating the Agilent Auxiliary Electronic Pressure Control (EPC) ............................20
© 2020 Activated Research Company, LLC | 5
This manual will guide you through the Polyarc® system installation process into an Agilent 7890, 7820, or 6890 GC. The installation is estimated to take two hours to complete (not including initial catalyst treatment).
This manual is intended for use by those familiar with GC operation and
installations, as well as those familiar with and competent using compressed gases including He, H2, and air. Do not attempt installation if you are uncomfortable. Comply with all local and national safety requirements and be aware of the safety systems and procedures for the facility in which you are installing the system. Wear gloves and appropriate personal protection equipment.
Required Tools
1. T-15 and T-20 Torx drivers
2. 2 x 5/16” wrench
3. 2 x 1/4” wrench
4. 2 x 7/16” wrench
5. 3/8” wrench
6. 1.8 mm slotted screwdriver
7. Volumetric flowmeter (bubble-type or digital)
8. Leak detector (do not use liquids such as soapy water on GC components)
9. Ceramic column cutting tool
10. OPTIONAL: Column pre-swaging tool (e.g., pre-swaging wrench or pre-swaging nut; metal ferrules can also be tightened on the fitting without pre-swaging; recommend Agilent part G3440-80227)
Figure 2. (A). Polyarc® system installed in back detector position of Agilent 7890.
(B). Polyarc® system installed, view from inside oven.
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Please view our troubleshooting guide at for instructions on how to troubleshoot a Polyarc system that is not functioning properly.
Part I – Gas Chromatograph Preparation
Hydrogen (H2) is a flammable, colorless, odorless, compressed gas. It poses an immediate fire and explosive hazard when concentrations exceed 4% in air. Higher concentrations can also cause suffocation. In any application using H2, turn off the supply at its source before working on the instrument and purge the lines to remove H2. Failure to follow these precautions could result in explosion, fire and/or suffocation.
Compressed air poses a pressure hazard. The high pressure gas coming out could rapidly pressurize an enclosed space or send particles rapidly out the tube. Turn off air at the source and depressurize the lines using an appropriate relief valve.
Column bleed from silicon containing columns (e.g., polydimethylsiloxane, or PDMS, and 5% Phenyl columns) can cause irreversible deposition of silica in the reactor leading to poor peak shapes and inaccurate peak quantification. High temperature, air/water leaks, old columns and large film thicknesses can all contribute to excessive column bleed rates. For the best performance operate all silicon-containing columns below 250C and maintain a leak free system or avoid silicon-containing columns altogether.
Prepare your Agilent 7890, 7820, or 6890 (if you are using an Agilent 5890 or any other manufacturer’s GC please contact ARC prior to installation) gas chromatograph (GC) using the steps below.
1. Shut-down the GC and unplug the power cable. Allow all detectors, inlets and the oven to cool completely.
2. Detach the side panel on the detector side of the GC.
3. Detach the top covers of the GC.
4. Turn off the air supply to the GC and vent/depressurize the line (gas supply must be free of CO2).
5. Turn off the H2 supply to the GC and vent/depressurize the line.
6. The Polyarc flow controllers should be placed in a relatively isothermal area that is safe and level. We recommend setting on the top right or side of the GC.
7. Attach air and H2 supply lines to Polyarc flow controller. For the manual or electronic flow controllers provided by ARC, attach copper lines to 1/8” Swagelok compression fittings by using supplied nuts and back/front ferrules, tightening as appropriate (3/4 turns past finger tight).
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