Plantronics S72XXT, CB7221D User Manual

rebut ave c le reste des dé chets ménag ers, mais doiv ent être collec tés séparém ent. Pour de plus amples informations, consultez notre site Web à l’adresse :
hr Prekrižena kanta za smeće znači da se otpadna električna i elektronička oprema i baterij e ne smiju odlagat i kao komunalni o tpad, nego se tr ebaju odložit i zasebno. Det aljnije informacije potražite na stranici
hu Az áthú zott szemete s jelzi, hogy az e lektromo s és elektron ikus berende zések és az akkumulátorok nem kezelhetők válogatás nélküli, normál lakossági hulladékként, hanem külön gyűjtendők. További információkért keresse fel weboldalunkat:
it L’etichetta c on il simbolo di div ieto su un bidone d ell’immondizi a, indica che le apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche e le batterie non devono essere smaltite con i normali rifiuti, ma raccolti separatamente. Per ulteriori informazioni, visitare il sito all’indirizzo
lt Perbraukto atliekų konteinerio su ratukais simbolis reiškia, kad elektros ar elektroninės įrangos bei maitinimo elementų negalima išmesti su nerūšiuotomis buitinėmis atliekomis, jas reikia surinkti atskirai. Išsamesnės informacijos ieškokite interneto svetainėje
lv Pārsvītrotas atkritumu tvertnes simbols nozīmē, ka lietotas elektriskās un elektroniskās iekār tas, kā arī to ak umulatorus ne drīkst ut ilizēt kopā ar nešķir otiem sadzīves atk ritumiem; iekār tas un akumula tori ir jāsavā c atsevišķi. P apildinformā ciju skatiet t īmekļa vietn ē:
pl Przek reślony poje mnik na odpady oz nacza, że zuż ytego sprz ętu elektr ycznego i elektronicznego oraz baterii nie należy wyrzucać wraz z normalnymi, nieposegregowanymi odpadami gospodarstwa domowego, ale oddzielnie. Więcej informacji można znaleźć na stronie internetowej
Savi 721 0/7220 Offic e has a CB7221 D bas e, (may be followed by /A or / S) and a S7210T/S7220T heads et (may be followed by /A or / S) .
©2019 Plantronics, Inc. All rights reserved. Poly, the propeller design, and the Poly logo are trademarks of Plantronics, Inc. DECT is a trademark of ETSI. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
209524-14 07.19 Manufacture d by Plantronic s
pt O símbol o do caixote do lixo c om uma cruz sobr eposta indic a que o equipame nto eléctrico e electrónico e baterias não deverão ser eliminados como resíduos municipais indiferenciados mas sim em separado. Para obter mais informações, visite
ro Simbolul p ubelă dublu ba rată denotă f aptul că echi pamentele el ectrice şi e lectroni ce şi bateriile nu trebuie aruncate ca gunoi menajer nesortat, ci trebuie colectate separat. Pentru informaţ ii mai detali ate, vizitaţi p lantronic
ru Значок зачеркнутого мусорного бака указывает на то, что использованное электрическое и электронное оборудование, а также элементы питания не должны утилизироваться вместе с неотсортированными бытовыми отходами; утилизация данного вида отходов должна производиться отдельно от других отходов. Для получения дополнительной информации посетите веб-сайт
sk Symbol pre čiarknuté ho odpadového k ontajnera na k olieskach oz načuje, že odpado vé elekt rické a elek tronické zar iadenia a batér ie sa nesmú lik vidovať spo lu s iným netrie deným komunálnym odpadom, ale musia sa zhromažďovať samostatne. Podrobnejšie informácie nájdete na webovej stránke
sl Simbol prečrtanega smetnjaka pomeni, da odpadne električne in elektronske opreme ter baterij n i dovoljeno odl agati kot nera zvrščene ko munalne odpad ke, ampak jih je treb a zbirati ločeno. Za podrobnejše informacije obiščite spletno stran
sv Den överkorsade soptunnan innebär att elektriskt och elektroniskt avfall och batterier inte får ka sseras med o sorterat h ushållsavf all, utan ska sa mlas in separat e nligt lokala l agar och förordningar. Mer detaljerad information finns på
tr Üzerine ç arpı işareti ç izilmiş bir çöp kon teyneri simg esi, elektr ikli ve elek tronik ekipm an atıklar ının ve pillerin e v çöpleriyle b irlikte atıl maması ve ayrı o larak toplan- ması gerekt iğini belir tir. Daha ayrıntılı b ilgi için plantr adr esini ziyaret e din.
STATEMEN T FOR: Energy effi ciency – EuP frame work Directive 2 005/32/EC an d implementing measure 1275/2008 incorporating commission regulation 801/2013:
Once the h eadset bat tery is fully c harged the pr oduct enter s a network ed standby mo de. The period of t ime taken to en ter this mode de pends on how lo ng the batte ry takes to f ully charge. In netwo rked standb y mode the prod uct consume s X.X Watts. Th e wireless ne twork por t(s) of this produc t are designed t o be always ac tive.
Requisitos del IFT Su uso está sujeto a las dos condiciones siguientes:
1. Este disp ositivo no pue de causar inter ferencias n ocivas.
2. Este dispositivo debe aceptar todas las interferencias recibidas, incluidas
aquella s que puedan caus ar un funcionam iento no desea do.
Russia Singapore
Complies with
IMDA Standards
EEE Yönetmeliğine Uygundur
Regulatory Compliance Information
en Caution – Important DECT information. DECT products should never be used outside the region in
which they were originally purchased and intended to be used. da Advarsel – Vigtige DECT-oplysninger. DECT-produkter bør aldrig bruges uden for det område, hvor de oprindeligt blev købt og beregnet til at blive brugt. de Achtung: wichtige DECT-Informationen. DECT-Produkte sollten niemals außerhalb der Region verwendet werden, in der sie ursprünglich gekauft wurden und deren Verwendung beabsichtigt ist. es Precaución: información importante sobre DECT. Los productos DECT nunca deben usarse fuera de la región en la que se compraron originalmente y están destinados a ser utilizados. es-xl Precaución: Información importante de DECT. Los productos DECT nunca deben usarse fuera de la región en la que se compraron originalmente y están destinados a ser utilizados. fi Varoitus – tärkeitä DECT-tietoja. DECT-tuotteita ei saa koskaan käyttää sen alueen ulkopuolella, jossa ne on alun perin ostettu ja tarkoitettu käytettäväksi. fr AVERTISSEMENT – Informations importantes sur la DECT. Les produits DECT ne doivent jamais être utilisés en dehors de la région dans laquelle ils ont été achetés et destinés à être utilisés. fr-ca Avertissement : Information importante sur la technologie DECT. Les produits DECT ne doivent jamais être utilisés en dehors de la région dans laquelle ils ont été achetés et destinés à être utilisés. it Attenzione: sono disponibili importanti informazioni su DECT. I prodotti DECT non dovrebbero mai essere utilizzati al di fuori della regione in cui sono stati originariamente acquistati e destinati ad essere utilizzati. nl Let op – Belangrijke DECT-informatie. DECT-producten mogen nooit worden gebruikt buiten de regio waar ze oorspronkelijk zijn gekocht en bedoeld zijn om te worden gebruikt. no Varsel – viktig DECT-informasjon. DECT-produkter skal aldri brukes utenfor regionen der de ble opprinnelig kjøpt og ment å bli brukt. pt Atenção: informações importantes sobre a norma DECT. Os produtos DECT nunca devem ser usados fora da região em que foram originalmente comprados e destinados a serem usados.
pt-br Atenção: informações importantes sobre a norma DECT. Os produtos DECT nunca devem ser usados fora da região em que foram originalmente comprados e destinados a serem usados. sv Varning – Viktig DECT-information. DECT-produkter ska aldrig användas utanför det område där de ursprungligen köptes och avsedda att användas.
United States
FCC Regulatory Information
This devi ce complies wit h part 15 of the FCC Rul es. Operati on is subject to t he following two conditions:
(1) This dev ice may not cause h armful inter ference, and (2) this dev ice must accept a ny interferen ce received, in cluding inter ference that ma y cause
undesired operation. Change s or modificati ons not expres sly approved by t he party re sponsible for co mpliance
could voi d the user’s aut hority to ope rate the equipm ent. This equip ment complies w ith FCC radiati on exposure lim its set for th for an uncontr olled
Exposure to RF Radiation
The internal wireless radio operates within the guidelines found in radio frequency safety standards and recommendations, which reflect the consensus of the scientific community. Independent studies have shown that the internal wireless radio is safe for use by consumers. Visit for more information. In order to comply with FCC and IC RF Exposure requirements, the base must be installed and operated such that a minimum separation distance of 20 cm is maintained between the base and all persons during normal operation. The headset complies with FCC radiation limits
set forth for an uncontrolled environment.
NOTE: Modifications not expressly approved by Plantronics, Inc. could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Part 68
This equip ment complies w ith Part 68 of th e FCC rules and th e requirement s adopted by the ACTA. On t his equipment is a l abel that conta ins, among othe r information, a p roduct identifi er in the format US: AAAEQ##TX XXX. If reques ted, this number mu st be provided to the telephone company. A plug and ja ck used to connec t this equipme nt to the premise s wiring and tele phone netwo rk must comply w ith the applica ble FCC Part 68 r ules and require ments adopte d by the ACTA. A co mpliant teleph one cord and modu lar plug is provid ed with this prod uct. It is desig ned to be connec ted to a compatib le modular jack t hat is also complia nt. See instal lation instr uctions for de tails.The REN is used to d etermine the n umber of devices that may b e connected to a te lephone line. E xcessive RENs on a te lephone line ma y result in the dev ices not ringin g in response to an i ncoming call. In mo st but not all area s, the sum of RENs sho uld not exceed fiv e (5.0). To be cert ain of the number of d evices that ma y be conne cted to a line, as det ermined byt th e total RENs, cont act the loca l telephone company. For p roducts app roved after Jul y 23, 2001, the REN for this p roduct is par t of the prod uct identifier t hat has the form at US: AAAEQ##T XXXX. The digi ts represen ted by ## are the REN w ithout the de cimal point (e.g., 03 is an REN of 0.3). Fo r earlier produ cts, the REN is se parately sho wn on the label. If t his equipment ca uses harm to the t elephone netwo rk, the teleph one company wil l notify you in ad vance that temp orary disco ntinuance of serv ice may be require d. But if advance n otice isn’t prac tical, the tel ephone company will noti fy the custom er as soon as pos sible. Also, you wi ll be advised of yo ur right to file a complain t with the FCC if you b elieve it is nece ssary. The telephone company may make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations or procedu res that could af fect the oper ation of the equi pment. If this hap pens the telep hone company w ill provide adv ance notice in ord er for you to make the n ecessar y modification s to mainta in uninterrupt ed service.If t rouble is expe rienced with t his equipment, f or repair or warr anty informat ion, please con tact Plantro nics, Inc in the U.S .A. at 800) 544- 4660 x5538. If th e equipment is ca using harm to the t elephone net work, the tel ephone company m ay request tha t you disconnec t the equipment u ntil the proble m is resolved. Connec tion to part y line servi ce is subject to st ate tariff s. Contact th e state public ut ility commissions, public service commission or corporations commission for information. If your home h as specially w ired alarm equipm ent connecte d to the telepho ne line, ensure the inst allation of thi s equipment doe s not disable you r alarm equipmen t. If you have quest ions about what w ill disable alar m equipment, con sult your teleph one company or a qualified installer.
This equipment is hearing aid compatible. This equipment does not contain any user serviceable components.
Declaration of Conformity
We Plantro nics, 345 Encin al Street Sant a Cruz, Califor nia, 95060 USA (800) 54 4-4660 dec lare under our s ole responsib ility that th e product MODEL CB72 21 D complies wit h Part 15 of the FCC Rules. O peration is su bject to the fol lowing two con ditions: (1) thi s device may not ca use harmful i nterferenc e, and (2) this devic e must accept any int erference re ceived, inclu ding interference that may cause undesired operation.
Australia/New Zealand
CA N ICES -3 (B)/NM B-3(B)
Industry Canada Regulatory Information This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is
subjec t to the followin g two conditi ons: (1) this devic e may not cause int erference, an d (2) this dev ice must accept an y interferen ce, including inte rference th at may cause unde sired operat ion of the devic e. Le présent app areil est confor me aux CNR d’Indus trie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditi ons suivante s : (1) l’appareil ne doit p as produire de br ouillage, et (2) l’uti lisateur de l’appare il doit accepter t out brouillage r adioélect rique subi, mêm e si le brouillage e st susceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.
This equip ment complies w ith IC radiati on exposure lim its set for th for an uncontro lled environment. Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d’exposition de radiation IC énoncés pour un environnement non contrôlé.é.
The Ringe r Equivalence Nu mber is an indica tion of the maxim um number of devi ces allowed t o be connected t o a telephone int erface. The te rmination on an i nterface ma y consist o f any combinatio n of devices subj ect only to the r equirement th at the sum of
the RENs of al l the devices do es not exceed fiv e/L’indice d’équivalenc e de la sonnerie (IES) ser t à indiquer le n ombre maximal de t erminaux qui pe uvent être rac cordés à une interface téléphonique.La terminaison d’une interface peut consister en une combinaison quelconque de dispositifs, à la seule condition que la somme d’indices d’équivalence
sonner ie de tous les disp ositifs n’excèd e pas 5.
bg Задрасканият контейнер на колела означава, че непотребното електрическо и
електронно оборудване и батерии не трябва да се изхвърля с останалата част от неразделените битови отпадъци, а трябва да се събира отделно. За повече информация посетете
cs Symbol přeškrtnutého kontejneru na odpadky připomíná, že odpad z elektrických a elekt ronickýc h zařízení a bat erie se nesmí v yhazovat s polu s netřídě ným odpadem z domácn osti, ale je nut né je likvid ovat samost atně. Podrob nější informa ce získáte na naš ich webových stránkách plantronic
de Das durchgestrichene Mülltonnen-Symbol bedeutet, dass elektrische und elektronische Geräte sowie Batterien nicht im Hausmüll entsorgt werden dürfen. Sie müssen speziellen Sammelstellen zugeführt werden. Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie auf
el Το σύμβολο του τροχήλατου κάδου απορριμμάτων με ένα μεγάλο Χ μπροστά υποδηλώνει ότι ο χρησιμοποιημένος ηλεκ-τρικός και ηλεκτρονικός εξοπλισμός και οι μπαταρίες δεν πρέπει να απορρίπτονται ως μικτά δημοτικά απόβλητα, αλλά αντίθετα θα πρέπει να συλλέγονται χωριστά. Για περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες, επισκεφθείτε τη διεύθυνση
es El contened or de basura ta chado indica qu e los residuos d e aparatos elé ctricos y elect rónicos no se de ben desecha r con los desech os municipal es sin clasifica r, sino que deben recogerse por separado. Para obtener más información, visite
Roska-a stian päällä o leva rasti ta rkoittaa, e ttä sähkö- j a elektronii kkaromua ta i akkuja ei saa hävittää kotitalousjätteen mukana, vaan ne on toimitettava erilliseen keräyspisteeseen. Lisätietoja on osoitteessa
fr Le symbo le représent ant une poubell e à roulettes b arrée signifie qu e les déchet s d’équipeme nts électr iques et élec troniques et le s batterie s ne peuvent pas ê tre mis au
en A crosse d-out wheeli e bin symbol den otes that waste electrical and elect ronic equipmen t and batteri es must not be disp osed of as unsor ted municip al waste, but coll ected separ ately. For more det ailed information, please go to
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