Planet Waves Humidifier Instructions

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Planet Waves Humidifier Instructions

Humidifier Instructions

1.Fill syringe with distilled water.

2.Holding humidifier over the sink, inject 1-3 syringes of water into the hole on top of the humidifier until the internal foam is fully moistened.

3.Wipe off any excess water from outer surface of humidifier.

Maintaining the humidifier is as easy as squeezing one syringe of distilled water into the humidifier every one to two weeks (you may need to refill more or less often, depending on the atmospheric conditions in your area). Check the humidifier for dryness.

Note: If the humidity reaches 60%, remove the humidifier from the instrument case. For best results, use a Planet Waves Humidity/Temperature Sensor to monitor the humidity in your instrument case.
