Pixel LV-122 Product Manual

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Thi s ma nu al is cur re nt u pd ate of 1s t Au gu st , 2010. Pleas e co nt ac t to PI XE L se rv ic e cen te r fo r fu rt her infor ma ti on , if in te re st in g of th e co mb in in g usa ge w it h produ ct s re le ase d af te r th is d ay.
LV-1 22
Made in China
50150 V 10 .0 2
Over view Caut ions be fore us e LV-12 2 fea tures Incl uded it ems LV-12 2 the n ame of ea ch part How to u se LV- 122
Inst all bat tery Conn ectin g Devic e
Use LV- 122
Live Vie w Shoo ting Devi ce char ge PIXE L LV-122 Spe cific ati on s
01 02 03 04 05 08 08 09 11 12 13 20 21
Firs t o f a ll, than k y ou for purc has in g the hig h- per forma nce PIXE L produ ct LV­122, which c an monit or the s cop e of cam era lens by wire d rea l-tim e c ontro l, Which supp ort sin gle ,1s t co ntinu ous , [ BU LB] and del ay shoo ting. I t wi ll be goo d as sis t on the c ondit ion that you ar e i nconv enien t to wait for shoo ting a nd get the phot o f rom came ra lens .
Pleas e com plete ly re ad th is p rod uct a nd c ame ra ma nuals b efore u se th is pr oduct ;
make sure you can famili ar to cont rol a nd us e it corre ctly. You can e asily to
unde rstan d “how to us e” and “c on dit ion” fro m this in struc tion ma nual.
Cautions before use
Make sure the camera and LV-122 are powered off before install device. As this is an electronic product accessory; some of the environment causes may affect the working. However this is hardly ever to get this situation. When connected the remote cable with the device, do not pull the wires. This product can't be strong vibration, or may lead to product failure. For a long time non-use, please turned off the product’s power and remove the battery. Do not put it in high temperature, such as a closed car under direct sunlight, the control panel and other high-temperature areas. Keep dry, do not use wet hand contact with the product, the product must not be immersed in water or exposed to rain, and this may lead to not work properly. Do not use flammable gases in violation of this warning may cause an explosion or fire. Because this product include battery, regarding how to use and charge battery, please operate it strictly according to related rules, otherwise may cause explosion, fire or physical injury.
LV-122 features Included items
LV-122 getti ng t he i mag e fr om l ens, we guara ntee the shoo tin g ra nge and resul t same a s the cam era. Real -time m onito r the s ce nes c aptur ed by cam era len s. Supp ort sin gle, 1s t con ti nuo us, BUL B and del ay shoo ting. With 3.0 -inch TFT disp lay and the reso lutio n is 960×2 40, which can adjus t the brig htnes s. Use 3.7 V 120 0mA h cha rgeab le lithi um batte ry wh ich is e ner gy-sa ving and envi ronme ntal pr ote ct ion . With great compati bilit y whi ch can change connect ing cab le to be suitabl e for differ ent cam eras.
Please check all included items a fte r o pen the pac kin g, and PIXEL LV-1 22 with the fol low ing i tem s:
LV-122 1PC
BL-6 F lith ium bat tery 1P C
AC-5 E
USB ch arging cable
Conn ectin g cable C L-1 7 1PC
Manual 1P C
Char ger
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