Pixel KNIGHT TR-331 Product Manual

Knight TR-331
Flashgun I-TTL Trigger
Product Manual
Http: // www.pixel hk.com
Mad e in Chin a
Thi s man ual is c urren t updat e of 1 Feb , 201 0. Ple ase con tact to P IXEL se rvic e cente r for fur ther inf ormat ion, if i ntere sting o f the com binin g usage wit h produ cts rel eased a fter th is day.
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Overv iew
About h igh -pe rform anc e of kn ight TR-33 1
Cauti ons b efo re use
Inclu ded i tem s Compa tib le de vice
The nam e of ea ch pa rt
Basic o per ati on
How t o use the t ransm itter o f Knigh t TR- 331TX
Ins tall th e batte ry
Con nect th e camer a with Kn ight TR -33 1TX
Rem ove Kni ght TR- 331 TX from t he ca mer a
Tur n on th e Kni ght T R-3 31T X and cam era ’s po wer
13 16 17 18 18 19 21 22 23 24 24 25 26 27
Fun ction m ode set ting
Set K night T R-3 31TX ch ann el
Tur n on th e LCD b ack light o f Kni ght T R-3 31T X
How t o use the r eceiv er of Kni ght TR- 331 RX
Ins tall th e batte ry
Ins tall th e recei ver Tur n on th e Kni ght T R-3 31R X power
Fun ction m ode set ting
Kni ght TR- 331 RX chan nel s ett ing
Tur n on th e LCD b ack light o f Kni ght T R-3 31R X
Con nect Kn ight TR -33 1RX wit h the f las h
Rem ove the f lash fr om Knig ht TR-3 31R X
The f lashg un operat ion
PIXEL TR -33 1 Spe cific ati ons
First of all ,Thank you for purchasing the high-performance PIXEL Knight TR-331 product, which enables Nikon cameras and flash execute high-speed synchronous photography, as well various creative flash functions, it includes the highest performance I-TTL , BL, FP and other functions, the maximum shutter synchronization speed up to 1/8000s.
Please completely read this product and camera manuals before use this product, make sure you can familiar to control and use it correctly. You can easily to understand “how to use” and “condition” from this instruction manual.
And t he devic e sup por t to s et gr oup s(5 g rou ps in t ota l), a lso s upp ort
to co ntr ol ea ch gr oup i ndi vid ual ly, inc lud e 32 fl ash mode s.
Knigh t TR -331 Fe ature s
1. Knig ht TR -33 1pr oduct w ill n ot su pport t he cr eat ive CLS s yst em of N ikon wirel ess f las hgun.
2. Make sure the camera and flash are powered off before install TR-331 device
3. This is electronic products accessories; some of the environment causes may affect
the working. However this is hardly ever to get this situation, don’t worry!
4. This component can’t be strong vibration, or may lead to product failure.
5. For a long time non-use, please turned off the transmitter and the receiver's power and remove the battery.
6. The batteries should not install anti-polarity; otherwise the batteries may leak corrosive liquids, heat or explosion.
7. When connected the remote cable with the device, Do not pull the wires.
8. Do not put it in high temperature, such as a closed car under direct sunlight, the control panel and other high-temperature areas.
9. keep dry, do not use wet hand contact with the product, the product must not be immersed in water or exposed to rain, and this may lead to not work properly. 1
0. Do not use flammable gases in violation of this warning may cause an explosion or
Cautions before use
About high-performance of Knight TR-331
Knigh t TR- 331 u se gl obal fr ee FS K 2.4 GHz wir ele ss ch annel ,1 5 sel ect ab le chann els .
Knigh t TR- 331 s upp ort to se t 5 gro ups a nd each g rou p con sist of m ult ipl e units . Sup por t to cont rol e ach g roup in div idu ally an d 32 di ffe ren t flash modes c an be s et at m ost. Knigh t TR- 331 TX is c onven ien t to us e, You just n eed t o set t he acti ve gr oup as OFF/ ON. Knigh t TR- 331 RX is a lso con ven ien t to use, You jus t ne ed to s et gr oup a s group A, g rou p B, gr oup C, gr oup D o r gro up E. When us ing t he de vice wi th ot her i ncomp ati ble I -TTL fla shg un , you w oul d not nee d to se t the u nits, K nig ht TR -33 1 will do t hat a uto matic all y. Knigh t TR- 331 w ill o nly sup por t SB- 900 and S B-8 00 to f lash in m anu al mo de. Other f las hgu n model w ill n ot al low to fl ash i n man ual mod e.
The max imu m con trol di sta nce s up to 80M .
Ultra -lo w pow er cons ump tio n for sta ndb y; th e stand by ti me of t ransm itt er
Knight TR-331T X Knigh tTR -33 1RX
1 2 3
1set 1set 2pcs
1pc 1pc 1pc
CR-2 Li thi um ba ttery
Produ ct ma nua l
PC+3. 5 cable
War ran ty ca rd
3.5 t o 6.3 swi tch plu g
Hot shoe prot ective cove r
Knigh t TR- 331 TX is m ore tha n 100 0 hou rs, the r ece ive r Knigh t TR- 331 RX stand by ti me is m ore tha n 500 h our s.
Knigh t TR-331 Functions
Simultaneously control multiple flash or studio lights. Support for flash’s auto-focus feature. Sup por t a var iety of shu tte r spe eds , its ma x up to 1 / 8000s . Thr oug h the P C socket co ntr ols t he studio ligh ts an d oth er brands f las h wit h PC in ter fac e.
About high-performance of Knight TR-331
Included items
Please check all the below items in Knight TR-331 packaging before use.
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