Knigh t TR -331 Fe ature s
1. Knig ht TR -33 1pr oduct w ill n ot su pport t he cr eat ive CLS s yst em of N ikon
wirel ess f las hgun.
2. Make sure the camera and flash are powered off before install TR-331 device
3. This is electronic products accessories; some of the environment causes may affect
the working. However this is hardly ever to get this situation, don’t worry!
4. This component can’t be strong vibration, or may lead to product failure.
5. For a long time non-use, please turned off the transmitter and the receiver's power
and remove the battery.
6. The batteries should not install anti-polarity; otherwise the batteries may leak
corrosive liquids, heat or explosion.
7. When connected the remote cable with the device, Do not pull the wires.
8. Do not put it in high temperature, such as a closed car under direct sunlight, the
control panel and other high-temperature areas.
9. keep dry, do not use wet hand contact with the product, the product must not be
immersed in water or exposed to rain, and this may lead to not work properly.
0. Do not use flammable gases in violation of this warning may cause an explosion or
Cautions before use
About high-performance of Knight TR-331
Knigh t TR- 331 u se gl obal fr ee FS K 2.4 GHz wir ele ss ch annel ,1 5 sel ect ab le
chann els .
Knigh t TR- 331 s upp ort to se t 5 gro ups a nd each g rou p con sist of m ult ipl e
units . Sup por t to cont rol e ach g roup in div idu ally an d 32 di ffe ren t flash
modes c an be s et at m ost.
Knigh t TR- 331 TX is c onven ien t to us e, You just n eed t o set t he acti ve gr oup
as OFF/ ON.
Knigh t TR- 331 RX is a lso con ven ien t to use, You jus t ne ed to s et gr oup a s
group A, g rou p B, gr oup C, gr oup D o r gro up E.
When us ing t he de vice wi th ot her i ncomp ati ble I -TTL fla shg un , you w oul d
not nee d to se t the u nits, K nig ht TR -33 1 will do t hat a uto matic all y.
Knigh t TR- 331 w ill o nly sup por t SB- 900 and S B-8 00 to f lash in m anu al mo de.
Other f las hgu n model w ill n ot al low to fl ash i n man ual mod e.
The max imu m con trol di sta nce s up to 80M .
Ultra -lo w pow er cons ump tio n for sta ndb y; th e stand by ti me of t ransm itt er