Pixel King Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual
Flash E -TTL Trigge r
For Cano n
Overvi ew
Thank yo u for pu rchasin g PIXE L prod uct
Thank you for pur chas ing the Pixe l prod uct --- King . K ing achi eves h igh- sync flash shooti ng w ith Cano n ca mera s an d ot her crea tive lig hti ng funct ion incl uding E- TTL II,
E-TTL, FPetc. Kin g s upports shu tter spe eds up to 1/8 000 s. King h as 3 differen t
groups ; each gr oup can u se m ulti ple unit s an d set eac h as indi vidu al p ower set ting s.
When using the EOS EXI I seri es flas h, you can se t the flas h powe r in the cam era
menu, di rect ly.
Please read thi s inst ruction manual com ple tely an d ensu re prop er oper atio ns with your fla shgu n before us ing th is produc t.
Cautio ns
Make sur e the ca mera and fl ash ar e powered o ff bef ore in stallin g the Ki ng.
As an elec tron ic acc esso ry this may be affe cted by rare enviro nmen tal causes. Normal w orki ng operat ions s hould not b e affe cted b y this.
Drops or s hock s will lead t o prod uct failu re.
When not i n us e fo r lo ng d uration s, p leas e tu rne d off the tr ansm itte r and the receiv er's p ower and re move t he batter y.
The ba tter ies should be in stalled co rrectly. Re vers e po larity may ca use batter ies to l eak corro sive l iquids, h eat or e xplosio n.
When con nect ing the cab le wit h the devic e, do no t pull dire ctly o n the wires .
Do no t store in a high temp era ture , suc h as an enc lose d car un der direct sunlig ht, th e dashboa rd and o ther high -tem peratur e area s.
Keep dr y, do not c ontact w et ha nds w ith t he pr oduct. D o not imme rse i n wat er
or expos ed to ra in as this ma y lead t o failure o f the de vice.
Do not use near fla mmab le gase s. Failure to foll ow this war ning may caus e
explos ion or f ire.
This pro duct i ncl udes b atterie s; ple ase stric tly fo llo w the in structi on for p rop er
operat ion. F ailure to f ollo w this may ca use ex plosion s, fir e or person al inj ury.
Includ ed it ems
Please chec k the listed items belo w in t he pa ckage, p leas e con tac t you r dea ler i f there ar e miss ing items .
King Tran smit ter
King Rec eive r
PC-1/4 C onne cting Cab le (6. 35mm)
PC-3.5 C onne cting Cab le
USB 2.0 Ca ble
Hot Shoe P rote ctor
Receiv er Hol der
Univer sal Fl ash Holde r SF-1 8
Instru ctio n Manual
Hot Sho e Prot ector
Receiver Holder
PC-3.5 C onne cting Cab le
PC-1/4 C onne cting Cab le (6. 35mm)
Universal Flash Holder SF-18
King Bas ic
Wireless System
System M ode
Distan ce Ran ge
Wirele ss Cha nnel
Flash Mo de
Sync Mod e
Group Co ntro l
Functi on
Sync Spe ed
Compat ible F lash
Focusi ng lig ht
Tri gge r Mod e
Tra nsmi tter
Receiv er
Tra nsmi tter
Receiv er
Suitab le Bat tery
Standb y
Digita l FSK 2. 4GHz
Up to 100M
1st Curt ain, 2 nd Curtai n, Hig h Speed Syn c
3 different gr oups ( 7 diff erent com bina tions)
King sup port s flash zoo ming , focal len gth, I SO, shutte r spee d, FV lock an d FP
1/8000 S
Flashg un, St udio ligh t and ou tdoor lig ht
Tra nsmi tter supp ort wi th focusi ng lig ht
Input su ppor t PC and Hot sh oe.
Output s uppo rt TTL , Hot shoe an d conn ecting ca ble so cket.
USB, PC, C able i nput sock et, Ho t shoe inpu t
USB, PC, C able o utput soc ket, H ot shoe out put
Tra nsmi tterAA x 2pc s(su pport 1.2 V rech argeabl e batt ery) or DC 5V pow er
Receiv erAA x 2p cs(supp ort 1. 2V rechar geab le batter y)or DC 5V powe r
Tra nsmi tter 300Hr s AA 1.2V 2 400mAH re char geable ba tter y( )
Receiv er 200 Hrs(AA 1. 2V 240 0mAH rech arge able batt ery)
Functi on
Suppor t flas h power in ca mera m enu
Suppor t EV
Suppor t FE loc k
Suppor t came ra group se ttin g
Suppor t 3 flas hes outpu t as dif fere nt power
Suppor t flas h group set ting o n transmi tter
Suppor t 1st Cu rtain, 2n d Curt ain and Hig h spee d sync
Suppor t High s peed sync f or stu dio and out door l ight
Support well known brand flashes for High speed sync and TTL. (Metz, Sigma, Sunpak, Nissin)
Support well known brand flashes for trigger. (Does not support high speed sync and TTL flash)
Suppor t firm ware upgr ade
Suppor t mult i receive r cont rol
Suppor t flas h focusin g ligh t
When Kin g is use d with EOS EX II fla sh, flash p ower c an be adjus ted in c amera men u.
Follow c amer a instruc tion s for above u sage .
Device d oes no t support
Do not sup port f lashes us ing mi xed modes , such a s E-TTL and M to gether
No suppo rt for s trobe mod e
No suppo rt for C anon wire less f lash syst em
No suppo rt for b racket ex posu re
No support for directly controlling flash mode and power for EX series flash as camera menu
Receiv er doe s not suppo rt cam era shutt er and f lash trig ger at t he same tim e.
Tra nsmi tter's ho t shoe i s NOT used fo r flas hgun
Compat ibl e Device
King tra nsmi tter comp atib le with
For the ca mera c o patibl e list , please ki ndly t o visit our w ebsi te http:/ /www .pi xel hk. com
King rec eive r compati ble wi th
Canon EO S flas h Canon EO S 580E XII580EX4 30EX II430EX32 0EX27 0EXII220 EX Fla sh Afterm arke t flash Metz, Si gma, S unpak, Ni ssin Studio a nd out door flas h
Suppor t exte rnal flas h cont rol in came ra men u
45 0D500 D550 D600D4 0D50 D60D7D 5D M ark II1 D Mar k III1D M ark I V1Ds Ma rk II I
This fun ctio n can be cont roll ed the flas h dire ctly from c amer a menu.
Sup port camera external flash cont rol fl ashg un
Ca non 58 0EX II 4 30EX I I
58 0EX 43 0EX
AF -48、AF -50、A F-58
* All brand name(s), lo go(s ) are tr adem arks o f thir d part y comp any re gist ered w orld wide
and were subject(s ) as pro vide d for in form atio n purp oses o nly.
Using no n comp atible wi th men u setting c amer a model as be low:
1、Canon 10 D、20D、30 D、5D、300D、350 D、1D、1D Ma rk II. 2、Above ca mera m odel do not h ave ex ternal fl ash fu nction se ttin g in camera m enu;
you can on ly set t he channe l and gr oup on tran smit ter.
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