Pixel EXPERT Product Manual

26100 8 V10.0 1
Wireless Live View Remote Control
Overvie w 03
Ca ution s before us e 04
Feature s of Expert 05 Include d items 06 Name of eac h part Usage
Battery I nstalla tion 10 Tur n power ON an d OFF 11 Sync Code -Matchi ng Channel a djustme nt Holding E xpert Transm itter 14 Connect w ith the cam era 15 Switchi ng Signal S ource 16 Enlarge a nd review 1 7 Sleep/Wake -up mode 1 8
12 13
LCD Brigh tness adj ustment 18
Volume adj ustment 18 Menu 19
Remote Sh ooting 21
PIXEL Ex pert Sp eci ficat ion s 22
Thi s manual is current update of 1st May, 2011. Please contact to PIXEL distributor for f urther informa ti on , if interestin g of the combining usage with prod uc ts r eleased after this day.
Thank you v ery much fo r purchas ing PIX EL high -perfor mance pro duct
Firs t of al l, tha nk you for pu rchasin g PIXE L's Expe rt. This i s moni toring t he len s view or the CM OS v iew on tr ansmitt er. R eceiver si de s upports s ingle shoot ing, [BUL B] shootin g and dela y sho oting. The t ransm itter supports audi o and vide o inp uts, and CMOS came ra lens; th e receive r suppo rt s audio a nd video ou tputs to TV.
Please r ead th is man ua l and m ake su re ful ly under stand before u sing t he produ ct. Wi th this manu al, you wil l easily ha ndle th e op erati on method a nd the atte ntive thi ngs.
Cautions before use
Make su re th e camer a and E xpert a re po wered o ff befor e install de vic e. As th is is an el ectronic pr oduct ac cesso ry; some of th e env iro nment ca use s may af fec t the
worki ng. H oweve r thi s is hard ly ev er to get this s ituation .
When co nne cted th e rem ote cab le wi th the de vic e, do not pull t he wi res.
This pr odu ct can' t be st rong vi bra tion, or may l ead to produ ct fa ilure .
For a lo ng time non -use, ple ase turned off the vie w tr ans mitte r and the receiver 's power an d
remov e the b atter y.
Do no t put it in h igh t emp eratu re, such a s a clos ed ca r u nder direct s unlight, the contr ol panel
and oth er hi gh-te mpe ratur e are as.
Keep dry, do not use wet hand contac t wit h the prod uct, the p roduc t mus t not be imm ers ed in
water o r exp osed to r ain , and thi s may l ead to no t wor k properly .
Do not us e fla mmabl e gas es in vio lat ion of th is wa rning may ca use a n explo sio n or fire . Becau se t his pro duc t in clu de b atter y, reg ardin g how to u se a nd char ge b att ery, ple ase ope rate it stric tly a ccord ing t o relat ed ru les, other wise may cau se ex plosi on, f ire or ph ysi cal inj ury .
Features of Expert
ISM 2.4 GHz f reque ncy c hanne l whi ch qual ifi ed CE or FCC sta nda rd. Opera tin g range u p to 20 0M Real- tim e monit ori ng surr oun d envir onm ent vie w fro m CMOS or came ra le ns dire ctl y
Suppo rt si ngle, B ULB a nd dela y sho oting .
3.5in ch TFT scre en; resolut ion of 320 x 2 40; 10 leve ls LCD back li ght brig htn ess adju stm ents; sleep m ode s ettin g.
Wide ch oic es of pow er: r echar gea ble bat ter ies, alkal ine b atter ies , carbo n bat terie s, et c. Stron g com patib ili ty: sui tab le for di fferen t cameras wi th di ffe rent co nne ctor. Scree n sho ts func tio n: save d isp lay ima ges i n receiver f or re feren ce; a nd avai lab le for re -vi ew. Enlar ge mo vemen t: su pport e nla rges un der C OS live -vi ew mode a nd fo ur-di rec tion mo vin g. Vid eo outp ut: v ideo an d aud io outp ut to T V.
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