The Art of Enterteinment
Technical Bulletin
Hli40A -5/94
CD-Barcode and the CLD-V2600 / CLD-V2400
Pioneer’s CLD*V2600 & the CLD-V2400 play both LaserDlscs and audio compact discs.
For the past 3 years LaserBarcode^" technology has been used to control laserdiscs.
And now. with the introduction of the CLD-V2400 and the CLD-V2600, CD Barcode™
technology can be used to control audio compact discs.
This bulletin explains CD Barcode and the CD Barcode commands which are supported
by the CLD-V2600 & CLD-V2400 players. For more information on audio compact discs»
refer to ТесНп1С€й Bulletin #I3S - The CLD-V2G00 / CLD-V2400 and CD Audio Basics.
CD Barcode^
The CD Barcode format» like the LaserBarcode format» follows the interleaved 2 of 5
barcode speciflcation for encoding player instructions into the barcode. This format uses
two different widths of lines as well as two different widths of spaces between the lines.
Using this scheme» more information can be encoded in the same space when compared
to other encoding formats.
Because the same Interleaved 2 or 5 encoding format Is used for CD Barcode and
LaserBarcode* Pioneer's barcode reader, model UC-V104BC, will scan and transmit both
types of barcodes to the CLD-V2600 & the CLD-V2400. Pioneer’s Bar’n’Coder supports
the creation and printing of LaserBarcodes and CD Barcodes for Macintosh’^”. The
LaserDisc Controller and BarKoder for Windows» support the development and printing
of LaserBarcodes and CD Barcodes for iBM-PC’s & compatibles.
The CD Barcode format is owned and licensed by Sony Corporation, It specifies four (4)
CD Barcode commands which are supported by Pioneer’s CLD-V2600 & the CLD-V2400.
CD Barcode Commands and Structure
I* Play Track.
Function: This CD-Barcode instructs the CLD-V2600 or the CLD-V2400 to search
to the beginning of the specified track and play to the end of the
specified track.
Explanation: Audio CD’s can contain 1-99 tracks. When creating and printing a Play
Track barcode the user must specify which track to play back. The
barcode development software should prompt the user to enter a two
digit number from 01 through 99.
CD Barcode^^” Is a Trademark of SONY Corp,
LaserBarcode™ Is a Trademark of Pioneer Electronic Corp*
Macintosh™ Is a Trademark of Apple. Inc.
Pioneer New Media Technologies, inc., Engineering Support West: 310/952-2111

Technical Bulletin - 2
CD Baxeoile Commaiids and Straetnre (cont,)
1 * Flay Track (coot,)
Exceutiont Once the baceode ia printed, scanning it will Instruct the player to
search to the begiiming of the specihed track, perform a stereo play
back of that track, and panse at the beginitog of the neKttrack,
Note: The CD Barcode spectficatloii allows for only stereo playback of
digital audio channels 1 and 2,
Example: The barcode below instructs the player to search to and play back
Track 2 on the compact disc. It stops playback at the begiiintng
of Track 3,
Scan this barcode to play back audio Track 2.
Audio setting Is stereo.
m4QA - sm
2, May From Track
Function: This CD-Barcode Instructs the CLD-V2600 or the CLD-V2400 to
search to beginning of a specified track and play to the end of the disc.
Explanation: Audio CDs can contain up to 99 tracks. When creating and printing a
Flay From Track barcode the user must specify at which track to
begin playback. The barcode software should prompt the user to enter
a two digit number from 01 through 99.
Execution; Once the barcode is printed, scanning it will instruct the player to
search to the beginning of the speclllcd track and play to the end of
the compact disc.
Note: The CD Barcode specification allows for only stereo playback of
digital audio channel 1 and 2.
Example: The barcode below instructs the player to search to Track 4 and play to
the end of the compact disc.
Scan this barcode to search to audio Track 4 and
play to the end of the compact disc.
Audio setting is stereo.
Pioneer New Media Technologies, Inc,, Engineering Support West: $10/952-2111