Integrated Amplifier
Experience the high-fidelity amplification created by the A-50DA-K/-S Class D integrated amplifier featuring ESS
Ultra DAC, Separated Construction, and aluminium front panel. The USB-DAC featuring asynchronous
transfer supports up to 384 kHz LPCM and 11.2 MHz DSD files, letting you enjoy extremely precise reproduction of
Hi-Res Audio sources.
Pure Audio Grade High Effic iency Power MOSFET Ampl ifier ›
(Class D Amplifier)
Separated Construction for Preamp and Power Amp
Isolated Power Supply ›
Source Direct Mode ›
Highly Acclaimed ESS SABRE ›
384 kHz/32-bit USB-DAC for Asynchronous Transfer
Trans -Stabilizer ›
Speaker A, B, A+B Selector ›
Aluminium Front Panel and Rotary Knob ›
Auto Power Down ›
Hair Line Finish Remote Controller ›
Ultra DAC
90 W + 90 W (20 Hz-20 kHz, THD › 0.5 %, 4 ohms)
65 W + 65 W (20 Hz-20 kHz, THD 0.5 %, 8 ohms)
THD: 0.02 % (Rated Output -3 dB, 8 ohms, 1 kHz) ›
Guaranteed Speaker Impedance: ›
4-16 ohms (A or B), 8-32 ohms (A+B), 4-16 ohms (Bi-Wiring)
Frequency Response (Measured with DIRECT button switched on):
SACD/CD, NETWORK, LINE1, LINE2 5 Hz-50 kHz, ±3 dB
RIAA Deviation: PHONO MM 20 Hz-20 kHz, ±0.5 dB
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (IHF, A Network, Short Circuited) ›
SACD/CD: 101 dB, Phono: 89 dB (MM: 5 mV input),
Power Amp Direct: 110 dB
Exclusive › Gold-Plated Speaker Terminals (Large Type)
Gold-Plated Analogue Audio Input (Phono MM, CD, LINE 1, LINE 2,
USB Input for Asynchronous Transmission
Digital Coaxial Input ›
Digital Optical Input ›
Audio Output (LINE 2, PHONES) ›
SR In/Out ›
AC Inlet (Large Type) ›
Channel Separation
SACD/CD: 90 dB (100 Hz), 84 dB (1 kHz), 75 dB (10 kHz)
Power Amp Direct: 95 dB (100 Hz), 95 dB (1 kHz), 80 dB (10 kHz)
Power Requirements: AC 220-230 V, 50 Hz
Power Consumption: › 72 W
Power Consumption During Standby: 0.3 W
Dimensions (W x H x D): 435 x › 138.5 x 357 mm
Weight: 11.2 kg

High-Fidelity Class D Amplifier
Pio neer has cons idera ble adva ntage over ot her m anufa cturers wit h
unr ivalled exper ience in digi tal a mplifier s. Th e Cla ss D amp lifie r all ows
fle xible ci rcu it la yout and patt er ning to rea lise optim al desig n wit hin
the constra ints of am pli fier const ruction. With mult iple ori ginal part s
sup porting eff ectiv e operat ion, the c omponent full y bri ngs out the b est
from t he Class D am plifier, reprodu cing refreshin g, pu re sound wi th
sub tle deta ils w hich cou ld no t be thoroughly expresse d by ana logue
Direct Energy Amplifier
Pio neer’s “Direct Ene rgy ” c oncep t is pursued to th e utm ost, wit h
optimised power supply/output circuit blocks, as well as parts layout
to rep rod uce clea rer soun d with redu ced d istor tio n. Th e result ing
exc ellent s ignal tran sfe r and high S/N rat io br ing o ut the b est m usica l
reproduction from the integrated amplifier.
Isolated Power Supply
The winding s for the pow er am plifi er, p re- ampli fier, and con tro ls
are ea ch separ ated inside t he po wer t ransform er to cut out nois e
int erference. This a llows even mo re rea listi c amplif icati on of the aud io
High-performance 8ch ESS SABRE32 Ultra DAC is adopted on the
A-50DA-K/-S. It features low noise and high S/N ratio that enable 4ch
parallel drive for each channel at maximum 384 kHz. The result is
clear and open, yet solid sound with superior audio quality.
384 kHz/32-bit USB-DAC for Asynchronous Transfer
The integra ted a mplif ier allo ws di rec t USB co nnect ion w ith a PC .
What’s more, the signal transfer is done with USB asynchronous transfer mode, which controls the transfer process by using its high-accuracy clock, ensuring high-quality sound reproduction. This eliminates
jitter, reproducing master quality sound with extremely precise audio
sig nals. In addi tion to 11.2 MHz D SD, the unit suppo rts LPCM with
sam pling frequ ency of 44.1, 48, 88.2, 96, 176 .4, 1 92, 3 52.8, an d 384
kHz, and quantization bit rate of 16, 24, and 32 bits.
Gold-Plated Inputs, Large Machine-Cut Speaker
Terminals, and Large AC Inlet with Polarity Indication
High-grade parts are used for the integrated amplifier’s terminals to
provide a stable connection for pure sound delivery. The A-50DAK/- S features machi ne-cut g old-p lated brass s peake r ter minals,
exc lusive g old-p lated in put t ermin als, and a la rge AC inle t wit h polari ty
ind ication. The durab le brass spea ker term inals are set apart t o eas ily
acc ommodate thic k hig h-g rade cable s. The s peake r ter minal ha s a
large resin base for additional safety.
Aluminium Front Panels and Knobs
Ext ra-thick 3.5 mm al umi nium is us ed for t he front pane l, pro vidin g
rig idity fo r a s table pe rform ance. The alu miniu m vol ume knob offers
a s olid, hi gh-gr ade f eel and style . The In put S elect or, B alanc e, and
Bass/Treble knobs are also made of aluminium.
PIONEER and the Pioneer logo are registered trademarks of Pioneer Corporation, and are used under license. •SABRE™ is a trademark of ESS Technology, Inc. •The product with the Hi-Res Audio logo is conformed to Hi-Res
Audio standard dened by Japan Audio Society. The logo is used under license from Japan Audio Society.
© 2015 Onkyo & Pioneer Corporation. All rights reserved.
Note: Specifications and design subject to change without notice.